Other Little Things That Bother You

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FallenNinja said:
Practical Insanity said:
When movies/TV series are made that are 'based off of books' but do not follow the story line of the books AT ALL!

At least Game of Thrones is staying true to the books. Just be thankful for that. I shall FOREVER despise the Harry Potter movies for shitting all over the books. Yes, the story is sort of the same, but fuck sake they cut out so much good content. EX: There were entire chapters if the Goblet of Fire dedicated to Hagrid's blast-ended-skrewts. There was not one single fucking giant lobster with an exploding ass in the movie. Not ONE. And the Sorcer's Stone movie not containing the midnight duel between Harry and Draco? WTF! Just be happy that your Game of Thrones isn't cutting corners.

I bequeath unto thee, all of mine Internets, good and noble Sir. Thou hast delivered unto me, the greatest gift one soul could bestow upon another; Vindication!

I couldn't, I had to stop watching the Harry Potter movies after the third. I got coerced into watching the fourth, but that just solidified my inability to watch them. Specially when Michael Gambon gave Dumbledore rabies. It was all just too much for my Hogwarts-Loving heart to handle.
Oh, ohhhh, you think Harry Potter is bad? I read the books, and through the movies were "meh" but the I didn't like the fifth through 7th book that much. and my favorite was the first and third.

You want to see a movie that skull fucks the source material until it's bleeding and begging for mercy, read the first two percy jackson books, and watch the movies.... I know fans who say the movie never happened, they manage to destroy all the good parts of the books, especially the second one.

Also, the only movie I've ever walked out of is the third X-men movie....

When your reading an awesome book/comic/T.V. show and you get to the end, and your like "What, WHAT, I want more. Give me more damnit, that was awesome, you can't end it there... But it's over and your sad...
When people are now saying "Its lit...or nah" Like...Nah. =_=
When my I bump my thread because I have nothing to respond to, then all my current partners post at once, and suddenly I have a heap of posts to write, and my poor little brain gets stressed, XD.
Mr Quixotic said:
When my I bump my thread because I have nothing to respond to, then all my current partners post at once, and suddenly I have a heap of posts to write, and my poor little brain gets stressed, XD.

So true.
Also, when people approach you for a roleplay, then randomly stop talking, without having the courtesy to say that they're no longer interested. I know I can be difficult if it's apparent you haven't read my thread/s properly, but that's part of my charm :)
^ You and me both. -eyes roll- It's annoying.
I hate those days where you just feel kind of dead for the day (trying not to make this sound emo). Like you just feel so disinterested in everything for some reason. Wanting to reply to an rp, but can't think of anything interesting to say. Playing a game, but not really getting into it. Talking to a friend, but not really having anything to say. I just feel kinda "bleh" today. :/
That sick, guilty feeling you get, just before you hit send on a message telling someone you like, and whose writing you respect that you're going to drop a roleplay because, for some undefined reason, it's just not working for you anymore, and it seems like more effort to continue, than it is enjoyment.
I hear that, Quix... though sometimes you can ask them to just do another RP instead assuming you have room/time for it. :)

When it is overly hot outside.... ugh! It's supposed to be in the 90s today. I'm so going to melt. T_T
Mr Quixotic said:
That sick, guilty feeling you get, just before you hit send on a message telling someone you like, and whose writing you respect that you're going to drop a roleplay because, for some undefined reason, it's just not working for you anymore, and it seems like more effort to continue, than it is enjoyment.

Yep, been there.


Tumblr. Just, you know, in general. As far as websites go it kind of reinforces some of the worst aspects of modern society.
When you're listening to your favorite music and someone from your relative side calls you, it actually ruin your moments.
Fuckin', Big Smoke and Ryder, man. I died a fuckin' million billion times for those motherfuckers. They were my homies, GROVE STREET FAMILY FOR LIFE DUDE. And then they fuckin' betray me! FOR THE FUCKIN' BALLAS. What the hell, dude? You running' the "Crack Palace" now? Is that it, motherfucker? BITCH I FUCKIN' KILL YOU.

*sigh* I play too much GTA...

When you accidentally buy and then start reading the second book in a series thinking it's the first.
Under the hot sun for more than a hour.
darkangel76 said:
I hear that, Quix... though sometimes you can ask them to just do another RP instead assuming you have room/time for it. :)

When it is overly hot outside.... ugh! It's supposed to be in the 90s today. I'm so going to melt. T_T

Thanks DA. I guess it happens to us all. I'm working up another RP with one of them, and leaving room to continue the first if inspiration strikes me.:) The other one, unfortunately, is lost

Being super tired all day, because I didn't sleep well the night before, then as soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm wide awake again.
When you really want to write with someone, but you feel their writing is so much better than yours and you can't really do them any justice.
That fact that 8/10 request threads contain some sort of joke revolving around biting. E.g.

"Feel free to ask, I don't bite... hard". Or, "Feel free to ask, I don't bite...unless you're into it".

It was funny the first time we all read it, please understand that is it overused and just irritating now!
MellowYellow said:
When you really want to write with someone, but you feel their writing is so much better than yours and you can't really do them any justice.

Go for it anyway, I say! Best way to improve your writing if they are really that good! Not to mention, you might surprise yourself and realize you're better than you think you are. :)

When you realize you wrote down the wrong date for something and thus planned your schedule accordingly. Then, when you realized the error... everything has to be rescheduled and worked around. BLAH!
When you're raging at the Chocobo Race in FFX, and then half your family and their kids turn up, and then your internet decides it doesn't work, all at the same time.
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