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Other Little Things That Bother You

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When work places call people and ask them to come in --- on their day off.


Seriously, Vein was supposed to have today off. Now he has to go in (for only a few hours but still). God-fucking-damnit ... what's the point in giving people days off if they're just going to be messed up with?
I made a new request thread. Literally the exact same minute I posted it up, likely only scant seconds after, someone else fucking bumps their thread and then another two threads got dumped on top of that one.

Yeah, I sure did love doing all that typing and organising for absolutely nothing.
MellowYellow said:
I made a new request thread. Literally the exact same minute I posted it up, likely only scant seconds after, someone else fucking bumps their thread and then another two threads got dumped on top of that one.

Yeah, I sure did love doing all that typing and organising for absolutely nothing.

I feel that pain. Happens to me every time I bump and I rarely bump mine either (since I only do so when I have serious cravings and/or edits), which makes it even more obnoxiously annoying (especially when you see the over-bump is made by a name you see bumping daily when you bump like every few months).

Falling down due to having a horrendous migraine that fucks up both your vision and balance. Hoo-fucking-ray.
Dropped connections when both you and the person you're talking to are on LANDLINES. Yeah, has happened more than once when talking to my grandma long-distance and my case manager here in town. This is now my new favorite saying when it comes to technology..."What the glitch?!"
Technology was supposed to make thingss easier...easier for whom? Even cellphones lose connection in 'poor' areas. Someone define what really constitutes 'poor', receptions or people?
When customers compliment how good your service was yet tip you a dollar or two. -_-
Being exhausted, because of a restless night. Also, my inability to have a relationship with another human being.
*hugs Mitsu* I feel that on several levels. Got verrrry lucky with my patient man who can deal with my social idiosyncrasies because YES I have several. Funny how he can manage but my own family who has been with me forever cannot. It's rather mind boggling. And frustrating. And sometimes I wish I could just lobotomize my brain. =/ It's why typing and distance/isolation comes easier. But not many will understand that. meh.

Also, having to travel and be placed in a situation wayyy outside my comfort zone. That and away from my routines. Not a fan of that. It messes me up and adds to stresses. And ooofff... I gots me lots of those. In spades actually. Heh... don't we all though.
Getting a spot on the tip of my nose. Is there anywhere more uncomfortable to get one?

Also yard work. I'm aching all over right now since I spent the better part of the afternoon trapsing back and forth through the house, taking bucketfuls of gravel to fill the place.
Constant screaming of my nephew right in my ear. XD
People that have signatures that you have to scroll down to see all of.

a) it defeats the point of having it there on display

b) it keeps slowing me down when I try to scroll to the bottom of a thread because each time it reaches the signature it scrolls through that instead!
Got a Sapphire Radeon R9 280x Dual-X GPU. It's an improvement over my 270x, and has very nice cooling. I'm not as stoked about it as I should be.
DelightfulRevenge said:
When my time comes to its end. Dying.

The feel.

I have Thanatophobia.
When you get to excited over a role play only to have it be ended.
It ruins my entire experience in general. XD
FallenNinja said:
When you take a whole day to do nothing but be available to post... And there's nothing to reply to, for the whole day.

The feels!!!
All day today!!
Or the complete opposite of that! When you've got a billion posts to catch up on, nothing keeping you from it, but you just can't bring yourself to write anything. I don't know about others, but I feel super guilty when that happens to me.
When it's your 24th birthday, and nobody gives a single fuck. Plus when you know no one cares on your one special holiday the one day to celebrate you being alive, it causes a downward spiral of depression, that at best is likely to end up with you in the E.R.. I mean it's the day to celebrate your birth right? Al your achievements.... So if no one celebrates, no one acknowledges is it even worth being around? Hell you might as well fade from existence if no one gives a damn...
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