Other Little Things That Bother You

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Not being able to sleep in on your day off because your brain is all, "Nope, it's time to get up for work!". Stupid brain... I hates it!
ThomasRHellsing said:
When it's your 24th birthday, and nobody gives a single fuck. Plus when you know no one cares on your one special holiday the one day to celebrate you being alive, it causes a downward spiral of depression, that at best is likely to end up with you in the E.R.. I mean it's the day to celebrate your birth right? Al your achievements.... So if no one celebrates, no one acknowledges is it even worth being around? Hell you might as well fade from existence if no one gives a damn...

Yup, my birthday was last month, and it was barely acknowledged, not even celebrated. I had to pay for someone else's lunch, and the only present I got was something I bought for myself a few weeks before that just happened to arrive on that day. It's a shitty feeling that made me really depressed in the week or two leading up to it, noticeably, mind you, and not a single person took the hint. Bleh, birthdays blow.
Getting lost in the "further reading" lists on Goodreads and Amazon for hours.

That "other customers who purchased this book also bought these books" list is a joke. Yeah, they bought those books because they're idiots.

It's like Netflix trying to tell me what to watch next. You don't know me, bitch! Why is something that you think I'll give 2 stars on that list?
Hah! Yeah, Netflix's suggestions are seriously just god-awful sometimes. Sometimes, I think that the suggestions are programmed as some kind of a joke feature.
Oh my goodness, Mellow, your avatar is gorgeous! Also, I agree completely with your sentiment. The last season of Dexter pissed me off something fierce.
People who play stupid but you know they're smarter than that. Go manipulate someone else. :heart:
People that play themselves down are fine by me. I hate those people that have convinced themselves that they are much smarter than they really are.
Practical Insanity said:
People that play themselves down are fine by me. I hate those people that have convinced themselves that they are much smarter than they really are.

They are the same people. Not all but one group overlaps the other.
FallenNinja said:
ThomasRHellsing said:
When it's your 24th birthday, and nobody gives a single fuck. Plus when you know no one cares on your one special holiday the one day to celebrate you being alive, it causes a downward spiral of depression, that at best is likely to end up with you in the E.R.. I mean it's the day to celebrate your birth right? Al your achievements.... So if no one celebrates, no one acknowledges is it even worth being around? Hell you might as well fade from existence if no one gives a damn...

Yup, my birthday was last month, and it was barely acknowledged, not even celebrated. I had to pay for someone else's lunch, and the only present I got was something I bought for myself a few weeks before that just happened to arrive on that day. It's a shitty feeling that made me really depressed in the week or two leading up to it, noticeably, mind you, and not a single person took the hint. Bleh, birthdays blow.
Wow. I know a man like that. He'll be 48 this year...and is the most bitter individual I know. Including practically no self esteem. It's a shame, cause he's a neat person to know. I hope you guys get some love before you end up like him. I can only be friends with this individual, that everyone forgot, and yeah, pity him. Hang in there...all of you like this. I think I'm the only GIRL that feels that way.
To point: Technology as a whole, but especially when I'm on the very site where I get the error messages "Network connection lost", "Data connectivity error" and worse of all..."Network timeout." What the GLITCH?!! I'm ON the site!!!
I've got one.

People's reactions when bad things happen to popular characters in the Game of Thrones TV series.

This is for a number of reasons;

  • 1. The books have been around for years. Don't be a plebeian, learn to enjoy good literature.

    2. Everyone knows that the more popular a character is, the more likely they are to die.

    3. When has any big occasion gone to plan? Seriously? You know something big is happening, you KNOW it's going to go to hell, and the 'good guys' (I use the term loosely), are going to die/get maimed/captured/etc.

    4. Seriously, the books have been around a long time, and they're amazing. Why haven't they been made mandatory reading yet?

    5. The internets will always get flooded by 'reaction videos/gifs/images/memes/etc', which gets old after a while.

FallenNinja said:
I've got one.

People's reactions when bad things happen to popular characters in the Game of Thrones TV series.

This is for a number of reasons;

  • 1. The books have been around for years. Don't be a plebeian, learn to enjoy good literature.

    2. Everyone knows that the more popular a character is, the more likely they are to die.

    3. When has any big occasion gone to plan? Seriously? You know something big is happening, you KNOW it's going to go to hell, and the 'good guys' (I use the term loosely), are going to die/get maimed/captured/etc.

    4. Seriously, the books have been around a long time, and they're amazing. Why haven't they been made mandatory reading yet?

    5. The internets will always get flooded by 'reaction videos/gifs/images/memes/etc', which gets old after a while.


Thank CHRIST, you sit managed to hit the nail on the head. Having read through to A Dance With Dragons, it really gets old having to listen to people whining about plot twists I knew about months in advance. I literally had to spend a solid month putting up with my friends bitching about the Red Wedding.
When movies/TV series are made that are 'based off of books' but do not follow the story line of the books AT ALL!

At least Game of Thrones is staying true to the books. Just be thankful for that. I shall FOREVER despise the Harry Potter movies for shitting all over the books. Yes, the story is sort of the same, but fuck sake they cut out so much good content. EX: There were entire chapters if the Goblet of Fire dedicated to Hagrid's blast-ended-skrewts. There was not one single fucking giant lobster with an exploding ass in the movie. Not ONE. And the Sorcer's Stone movie not containing the midnight duel between Harry and Draco? WTF! Just be happy that your Game of Thrones isn't cutting corners.
The last episode of Game of Thrones. Did not enjoy it.
Practical Insanity said:
When movies/TV series are made that are 'based off of books' but do not follow the story line of the books AT ALL!

At least Game of Thrones is staying true to the books. Just be thankful for that. I shall FOREVER despise the Harry Potter movies for shitting all over the books. Yes, the story is sort of the same, but fuck sake they cut out so much good content. EX: There were entire chapters if the Goblet of Fire dedicated to Hagrid's blast-ended-skrewts. There was not one single fucking giant lobster with an exploding ass in the movie. Not ONE. And the Sorcer's Stone movie not containing the midnight duel between Harry and Draco? WTF! Just be happy that your Game of Thrones isn't cutting corners.

I bequeath unto thee, all of mine Internets, good and noble Sir. Thou hast delivered unto me, the greatest gift one soul could bestow upon another; Vindication!

I couldn't, I had to stop watching the Harry Potter movies after the third. I got coerced into watching the fourth, but that just solidified my inability to watch them. Specially when Michael Gambon gave Dumbledore rabies. It was all just too much for my Hogwarts-Loving heart to handle.
This is probably unique to me, but on the subject of adaptations...

I really am getting sick of how Marvel are changing the comics to suit the movies. The sudden appearance of Coulson in canon, Nick Fury The White having a son who 'conveniently' is black, looks exactly like Samuel L.Jackson and also only has one eye. What are the chances! Oh, and Loki being given a new series and changed to look like Hiddleston.

It should be the reverse- the movies should be drawing more from the source material, rather than than being changed by them. So yeah, that really steams me.
My dog coughing early in the morning.
Getting involved with my parents messy/complicated divorce. The one raincloud on my horizon.
Men who think they could run my life better than me...and worse of all act like they know me better than I know myself. There's a classic song that says it best:
He can't run his own life, I'll be damned if he'll run mine!
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