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Other Little Things That Bother You

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People wasting your time when you know you can he doing other things then.
Mandy Grace said:
That fact that 8/10 request threads contain some sort of joke revolving around biting. E.g.

"Feel free to ask, I don't bite... hard". Or, "Feel free to ask, I don't bite...unless you're into it".

It was funny the first time we all read it, please understand that is it overused and just irritating now!

I know...and totally agree. Bitng jokes seem to be a bit...passe or cliche now. Take your pick.
When people you've never spoken to before respond to your thread, and jump straight into it, without a greeting. I don't know, for some reason I find it a little rude. it may only be me who always ensures I start any message off with 'Hi there', or such
When listening to next door neighbor complain about money next door.
Having an itch you can't scratch because that just makes it worse.

I swear it's like I have a colony of fire ants on my legs.
Having an itch that you just can't scratch. Not the literal kind of itch. The mental, the emotional, the carnal itches, that you just can't scratch. THAT, is infuriating to me.
When your RP partner gives an excuse on why they couldn't rp for the past week.
People who think they can treat you like complete shit and expect you to put up with it. Applicable to both here and RL.
When people don't understand when you're in a relationship... -_-"
When people say they can't find something, although every single other person has been able to find said thing.

^_^ I'm bitching about something to do with an X-Men RPG I run ...someone said they can't find the codes in the rules, but everyone else has.
People who stares at you continously while sitting quietly on the train, mind your own business.
Geting stuck in a dense crowd of ppl, and someone ahead is smoking, and the wind carying the smoke my way, and me not able 2 get out of it, being in the crowd. Grr...
SithLordOfSnark said:
DelightfulRevenge said:
People who stares at you continously while sitting quietly on the train, mind your own business.

I just replied to say I /love/ your signature. You can never go wrong with Harley.

People who disturb me during certain shows.

Oh, thanks. =3
Somebody comparing our military's function to a woman having an abortion. Just... wtf?
My piece of shit laptop not playing videos, so I have to restart it every so often.
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