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Other Little Things That Bother You

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Being called two thirds through a work day, to be told your boss isn't coming in, and you've got to stay back half the night to cover for him.
People who complain about other people using their role-play ideas. This goes hand in hand with people complaining about others using the graphics that they've created, despite those graphics already containing content that another person created.
Awkward moments.
Waking with children screaming in your ears.
When people use chat-speak. Instant ignore; nope don't care what you're saying.
When i'm playing an online game like League and someone decides to bombard me with phone calls. If the phone is sitting right next to me i'll pick up, otherwise I call once the game is over.
When people without a thread of their own, or even an f-list, read my two threads - which detail my interests/cravings/kinks -, send me a message saying that they'd like to discuss a roleplay, then, when asked what their interests are, respond with very little information and/or, 'I'm open to suggestions'.

What? Wasn't it the 'suggestions' already contained in my thread/s which caused you to message me in the first place? Or was I just randomly selected to PM, for no particular reason?
The price of chicken breasts. Hell the price of meat in general.
Carlence, the stupid show on Cartoon Network.
As a native of Pennsylvania I can say this, with utmost authority. Yuengling beer sucks. Thats right the beer Pennsylvania is supposed to be famous for, fucking sucks. Like any other mass produced beer its glorified beer water, with a horrible taste and smell. The only people who liked Yuengling beer are college bros, only because its cheap.

I mean think about it the same people who like Yuengling beer think electronic music is music, let alone good music. Oh you're a DJ? So what do have garage band on your Mac? For the love of George Carlin if you want a good beer from Pennsylvania, try anything by Victory or Troegs. It just irritates me how state craft beer is under appreciated.
When rain cancels your moody plans you were really looking forward to.
When people use things like " ฯ‰hฮฌt is yรธฯ…ั ฦ’ ฮฑ ฮฎ ลง ฮฑ s ลท ? " for a request thread title in that mock Cyrillic text. It isn't cute, it just makes it harder to read.
Avid said:
When people use things like " ฯ‰hฮฌt is yรธฯ…ั ฦ’ ฮฑ ฮฎ ลง ฮฑ s ลท ? " for a request thread title in that mock Cyrillic text. It isn't cute, it just makes it harder to read.

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