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Other Little Things That Bother You

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Ruph that article is crazy nuts!

One of the little things that bother me is when I politely compliment someone and they not only don't say thank you, but see it as an excuse to fight to get in the last angry word.
Dogged said:
Ruph that article is crazy nuts!

One of the little things that bother me is when I politely compliment someone and they not only don't say thank you, but see it as an excuse to fight to get in the last angry word.

It is very odd you said that, Dogged. There is actually an article on Yahoo about "backhanded compliments".. obviously written by a woman who is very much like you are saying. That is most certainly something that is pathetic, no matter if it is someone of a different gender, race, culture, etc. The need to turn a genuine compliment or such into a reason for "baiting" (the most common being race and gender baiting) is beyond pathetic.
Ruphhausin said:
Dogged said:
Ruph that article is crazy nuts!

One of the little things that bother me is when I politely compliment someone and they not only don't say thank you, but see it as an excuse to fight to get in the last angry word.

It is very odd you said that, Dogged. There is actually an article on Yahoo about "backhanded compliments".. obviously written by a woman who is very much like you are saying. That is most certainly something that is pathetic, no matter if it is someone of a different gender, race, culture, etc. The need to turn a genuine compliment or such into a reason for "baiting" (the most common being race and gender baiting) is beyond pathetic.

You know, being the person who actually lives with Dogged, and hearing her comments in person about this entire situation, let me make this clear: No insult was backhanded compliment was passive-aggressive stuff was "baiting" was intended. It was actually a self-insult (feeling old and out of sync with the current generation). Dogged took an example of what she thought was an attractive, popular, younger person and contrasted herself to that person.

Again, let me make it perfectly clear: There was no malice, manipulation, underhandedness, baiting, passive-aggression, or anything else that interprets her post as anything other that what it is. Seriously, there is no symbolism or secret insults. No password to decode it. No cypher to decrypt it.

Please, stop assuming that you know what Dogged meant. Just back off...
Things that bother me?

1) My own insecurities

2) People that think they know everything

3) Sarcasm - I never can tell the difference
krimsonphoenix said:
Ruphhausin said:
Dogged said:
Ruph that article is crazy nuts!

One of the little things that bother me is when I politely compliment someone and they not only don't say thank you, but see it as an excuse to fight to get in the last angry word.

It is very odd you said that, Dogged. There is actually an article on Yahoo about "backhanded compliments".. obviously written by a woman who is very much like you are saying. That is most certainly something that is pathetic, no matter if it is someone of a different gender, race, culture, etc. The need to turn a genuine compliment or such into a reason for "baiting" (the most common being race and gender baiting) is beyond pathetic.

You know, being the person who actually lives with Dogged, and hearing her comments in person about this entire situation, let me make this clear: No insult was backhanded compliment was passive-aggressive stuff was "baiting" was intended. It was actually a self-insult (feeling old and out of sync with the current generation). Dogged took an example of what she thought was an attractive, popular, younger person and contrasted herself to that person.

Again, let me make it perfectly clear: There was no malice, manipulation, underhandedness, baiting, passive-aggression, or anything else that interprets her post as anything other that what it is. Seriously, there is no symbolism or secret insults. No password to decode it. No cypher to decrypt it.

Please, stop assuming that you know what Dogged meant. Just back off...

Actually.. what I was meaning was I knew that she was not being malicious, manipulative, etc. Rather, I was asserting that her pure and honest intentions were just as she wrote them. I owe an apology for what I said being misunderstood and my mishap of not explaining further. I know there was nothing at all insulting or symbolic or so forth in what she was saying aside from what she actually said. Again, I apologize for not being clearer than Mississippi River water, and am truly sorry I came off that way.
Ruphhausin said:
krimsonphoenix said:
Ruphhausin said:
It is very odd you said that, Dogged. There is actually an article on Yahoo about "backhanded compliments".. obviously written by a woman who is very much like you are saying. That is most certainly something that is pathetic, no matter if it is someone of a different gender, race, culture, etc. The need to turn a genuine compliment or such into a reason for "baiting" (the most common being race and gender baiting) is beyond pathetic.

You know, being the person who actually lives with Dogged, and hearing her comments in person about this entire situation, let me make this clear: No insult was backhanded compliment was passive-aggressive stuff was "baiting" was intended. It was actually a self-insult (feeling old and out of sync with the current generation). Dogged took an example of what she thought was an attractive, popular, younger person and contrasted herself to that person.

Again, let me make it perfectly clear: There was no malice, manipulation, underhandedness, baiting, passive-aggression, or anything else that interprets her post as anything other that what it is. Seriously, there is no symbolism or secret insults. No password to decode it. No cypher to decrypt it.

Please, stop assuming that you know what Dogged meant. Just back off...

Actually.. what I was meaning was I knew that she was not being malicious, manipulative, etc. Rather, I was asserting that her pure and honest intentions were just as she wrote them. I owe an apology for what I said being misunderstood and my mishap of not explaining further. I know there was nothing at all insulting or symbolic or so forth in what she was saying aside from what she actually said. Again, I apologize for not being clearer than Mississippi River water, and am truly sorry I came off that way.


*turns off rabid reaction*

I apologize. I took what you wrote in the wrong way. :D

We're all good, then.

*offers bandages for any wounds inflicted* ;)
Ouch Burn

Lots of things can be interpreted wrong because you can't hear what people are saying so the way that they say it can be a bit misconstrued.

Things that bother me?

Asking for something when I should not need to. Not saying its owed to me but I did something for you... so... you have to repay the debt
Millenium Joker said:
Things that bother me: People getting touchy over the internet. It's a haven of anonymity for a reason. Don't like it? Ignore it. Simple.
Although there's something to be said about communication.
krimsonphoenix said:

*turns off rabid reaction*

I apologize. I took what you wrote in the wrong way. :D

We're all good, then.

*offers bandages for any wounds inflicted* ;)

As you say above, we are all good, because you had every reason to react that way, and I say that as one who has had to put up with that level of backhanded thing along and also the misinterpretation as well. All is very good and the rainbows are forming as normal through the rain as the sunshine of communication is achieved by both sides. No sarcasm at all in that, because that is very much how it is.

"Wounds are very much cleansed, dressed and bandaged up. Nodding and smiling in understanding of deep levels...*
I don't get bothered by many things but there is one thing I really can't stand:

1. PDA

Maybe its because I was brought up in an emotionally Victorian environment but it drives me nuts when people can't keep their hands off of each other in public, especially in close quarters. Get a god damn room. To me it shows a lack of awareness and common tact
I agree with you border. When I see it, all I can think is that the relationship won't last because they're busy caring how they look to others. If they need to display something that should be intimate, then they would have to validate their 'love' by having strangers watch.

Today's thing that bothers me: In Laws. Both mother and son are driving me crazy! I'm struggling to find enough peace of mind to respond to PM's.
Oh, in-laws. They're all just a joy.
Thankfully mine are across the Atlantic ocean so I don't have to talk to mine very often. Otherwise I'd probably want to strangle them with something rustic and dry, haha.
*sighs* It's the holiday mooch time for the in laws. I just need to make it 4 more days!!
New thing to bother me: so many plots in my inbox and I can hardly wait to start threading with ALL of them!!! :D
When I make incorrect assumptions. I assumed the RAM in my last PC would work in the PC I have 99% built; it doesn't.
When doctors, social workers and therapists ask the same God damned questions over and over and over again.
I hate having to repeat myself.
-Flips table in rage-
Dogged and Border : You are correct both about mooch in-laws (and other "houseguests") and PDA.. although doing the latter to deliberately make certain jerks uncomfortable is fun at times.. you are still right.

MJ: I agree that it is fun and cathartic, but sometimes there are still those hypocrites (on my list of things that bother me) who think they are not allowed to have it flipped on them...

Happy: That is one of the reasons I like my doctor. The only time he "repeats" is really to reword the question so that I have understood him.. in my condition I do need that at times.

Lady: Good flip... got some good distance there... LOL

Mitsu: I hope you are meaning just incorrect assumptions from only your access to the matter. When you make them based on information you have been given (or when it was deliberately left out by someone), that is someone else whose at fault.

(which brings me to mine for the day...)

People who tell you things, leave out details, and then pretend they didn't.
Ruphhausin said:
Mitsu: I hope you are meaning just incorrect assumptions from only your access to the matter. When you make them based on information you have been given (or when it was deliberately left out by someone), that is someone else whose at fault.

I am completely at fault for this assumption. I didn't fact check exactly what was in my old, shitty, stock PC, and just assumed the RAM would fit into the motherboard of the computer I'm building. It was complete stupidity on my part; in retrospect, I should have known that there was no way it would fit.
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