Other Little Things That Bother You

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People who stare at you >_<

People who get so damn close to you while you are patiently waiting in line -_-

People in general.. xD
Girlfriends who are hypocritical who beg you to join their role Playing site but then hit you with rules like an aluminum lbat to the knee caps every time you start to have fun. WTH you know the kinds of characters I play you even asked me to play a womanizing jerk then you get all morally outraged when my character lies to women a tries to get a harem?
People who just don't get it... ever.
When people can't notice simple things that are obvious.
Those moments when you lose some respect for a person.
People who are hell bent on ruining the happiness of others just because they don't want to be miserable alone.

People who never accept blame or "own their shit".

"Thirty-something" adolescents who wonder why they get banned/arrested/denied anything because they repeatedly broke the law.

People who think copying the lives of fictional characters like the "Sex and the City Girls" or Jack and Karen from "Will and Grace" is perfectly fine.

"People in stable relationships" who suddenly wake up and "out of the blue" it is over. Trust me.. it is never "out of the blue", that doesn't exist.

Individuals who take victimhood to new levels or who blame people who have nothing to do with something for that something happening just because it is Popular to do. (example.. people STILL blaming Dubblya for things he cannot possibly have anything to do with.)

Dismissing someone as "having an agenda" when they are just expressing an honest point of view without taking sides.

"Activist groups" who resort to terrorist tactics and bullying because they want change without going through the process, then try to avoid accepting the responsibility for the aftershocks that make the lives of other worse because "Hey, we got what we wanted, so we don't have to care about anyone else".

Uptight, anal people who want to blame certain groups for the "degradation of the moral fiber of our great Nation", yet never see their greed or apathy as part of the problem.
The loss of motivation....so basically the last two years of my life....

People who talk shit about others and act like it wasn't about that person.

Jealousy, I just don't get this emotion, I am so thankful for everything I have. I guess I am jealous of one thing, people who artistic because sometimes I just want to get the beautiful images in my head down on paper or canvas!

Especially having to work with them. Typical high school bullshit does NOT translate into a condusive work environment! FIRE THE BITCH, BOSS!
Millenium Joker said:

Especially having to work with them. Typical high school bullshit does NOT translate into a condusive work environment! FIRE THE BITCH, BOSS!

This. No one likes one of my coworkers. She's a snobby little cuntmuffin. She told meto be more professional...she's the one who said no to helping me when I clearly needed it and has nothing but spades in attitude. I told her to do her job and I'll do mine. She took offense and said to be more professional...I said I was by not yelling at her.

My supervisors are going to be talking to her about her behavior.
Ex-girlfriends.... To be more specific, ones who try to talk you into "Hooking up with them" for cash. Bitch please, if I'm going to pay for sex it won't be with somebody who looks like you.

Then she trash talks me, saying I'm on the bottom of her "Get back together" with lit. She's currently dating someone in Prison and I'm not good enough? Goddesses above and below she makes me want to bang my head against a wall.

Also, women who send mixed signals. If you want sex, say so. If not, say you don't. And don't say quote, "Normally when I say No, it just means I want you to work for it. I love it when a guy starts stripping my down and biting down my body as I say no." Then get pissy when you say no, and I keep nibbling down your neck. Do you want no to mean no, or no to mean yes, because it's very confusing. Especially when you sometimes yell at me, and get pissy when you say "no" and I stop.
When I'm obviously busy with something, don't try and start a conversation about nothing with me. When I'm busy with something, it's usually with something important, you're just wasting my time. I'm talking to you, Ms. Crazy-Cat-Lady I work with.
Annoying and constantly persistant people.
Untidy people that has everything just about everywhere.
Smelly people (Yuck!).
Not having a knife when eating (for some odd reason, I like having a knife in my right hand when eating...even if I don't have to cut the meal.
People who put up faux-profiles and comment on things, thinking you don't know that they are just hypocrites and fakes who are so "proud" of what they think they cannot be in any way themselves.

I get those people a lot, especially on Yahoo, where there are like 900 of the same generic names where everything on the profile is turned off... sorry... please... if they are so proud, they would at least allow other comments they have made to be seen.
When I don't have a chance to watch my shows
Insecure little bitches who have to jump to the defensive and attack about every little thing. Those exact people who end up attacking genuinely nice and kindhearted people because they can't let anyone have any sort of perceived "edge" over them.

Save you the trouble: no, this isn't about you, but prove me wrong and hold your fucking tongue.
People like this racist nitwit...

This is 2014, where if you yell loud enough, somebody's going to take your level of crazy and make it something big and 'relevant'. Trust me, by next month she'll be just one in a long list of stupid the new year brings, Ruph.
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