Other Little Things That Bother You

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I don't like my job. Well, that's an understatement. There aren't enough words equating to 'hatred' that properly describe how I feel about my job. I don't like talking about it when I'm not there, and when I am there, I still don't like talking about it. So when my friends are like, "Ha ha you should give me free 'thing' from your job 'cause I want free 'thing' and you can do it because you work there" it makes me want to murder them. I want to tell them, "You can take free 'thing' and shove it up your ass". Don't demand I give you shit. Don't ask me for that type of nonsense. I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate my job. Leave me alone. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ

For anyone wondering, I work at a Wendys.
HeartOfTheDarkness said:
Today I was reminded about how much I despise the general public, more specifically, customers. I no longer have to interact with them on a daily basis, and yet they still manage to screw me over. Now employees are no longer allowed to take their breaks outside in the lobby of the airport, since customers have complained about it for whatever dumb ass reason. Now we can only take our breaks in a cramped little break room, imagine enjoying your lunch in your bedroom then shove fifty more people in there with you. Fuck the customers, fuck the general public, I'm going to enjoy my lunch wherever I fucking want. If they have a problem, they can come up to me about it, and I'll gladly tell them to fuck off because I'm eating.

(P.S. I don't mean any offense to anyone that may read this, this isn't directed to you specifically, it's directed to people in general, you know, those ignorant assholes that are pretty much represented as the general public.)

Yes. This. So much this. You get a few customers that make you smile, that leave memorable impressions in your mind. The kinds of people that understand that retail can be hard work and wait patiently for assistance, then do their best to understand and carry as much of their own weight as possible? I love those people.

But the majority? They are impatient, intolerant, often racist and/or sexist, bigoted, and never grew out of the "I'm spechul everyone should love me" phase that everyone goes through in high school. The customers that come in at the last minute, or late night shift customers? Oh fuck me. I've come to calling them "late night psychotics." Which is funny because I am psychotic, but they drive me nuts. "Can I have 400 pieces of lumber loaded in family car?" NO. "Can I have this fully decked out duel-door fridge loaded onto my Smart Car?" NOOO! "I'd like to plan out my entire kitchen renovation five minutes before the store closes." RAAAAAAAGHGHGH~ *Frothing at the mouth*

FYI: I work at Home Depot. Sometimes fun. Sometimes not.

Baba Yaga said:
For anyone wondering, I work at a Wendys.

...Oh dear God, you poor soul. I'm so sorry. :(
Most forms of elitism. Nothing worse than airs of superiority being flaunted about. Truly they make the one who thinks themself above everyone else look the true idiotic asshole. Ah well, perhaps one day when they can take that step back, check themselves and look in a mirror, they will actually get it..... yeah, that's right. No one gives a royal freakin' fuck! So grow up and, while you're at it... try a dose of humility. You truly are NOT that special. Sorry to break this to you. XD
I'm gonna second that.

I think I may have mentioned this before, but I'm not sure. But I really hate it when two people stop in their cars to talk to each other in the street, blocking both sides.
People who never get there is more than one side to every argument. The more you cling to the idea that you are completely right, the more often you are totally wrong. There are always people who can and will say: "Now wait a minute.. that's not all that happened..."
People who find (insert the -ism of your choice here) in everyday things to stir up trouble......

Such as...

....the principle in Portland, Oregon who claims peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are racist...

... Gloria Steinem wanting to blame sexism in the media for Miley Cyrus acting like a exhibitionist slut...

.... Retardicans claiming the ACA is socialism ....

... The Loonicrats claiming defense of personal freedoms is terrorism...

.. those are just the ones for the day.
When I try to very politely tell someone I no longer wish to roleplay with them, and they get all upset and whiny and start flipping out. Please just respect my decision and move on. It's not a big deal.
^ I could not agree more!

Then people wonder why roleplayers stop answering without a Goodbye/ any notice.
It's because majority of the time they will try to convince you to keep it going, try to "change their writing" to make it better, or just flat out get offended.

When you're having a conversation with someone and someone else buts in and talks about something completely off topic. It's rude. I have this problem specifically with a female coworker. I talk with someone at work or I'm on the phone, and she hears something and decides to enter the conversation to talk about nothing.
When people say "we're just friends" even when things get intense.. then get all bitter and angry because there was a lot more invested than they even want to let themselves realize. Had to deal with that at my office with one of our assistants and the guy just not getting it.. but in general .. but when you devolve from being adults into that purely teenage "Endless Love" stuff... get a look in the mirror. No matter how you dress it up, it is not healthy.
Supernatural school plotlines where they have one or two scenes in a classroom but then you never see them in class again for the rest of the movie/show. Girl witches running around ghost hunting and whatnot in the boarding school or raising satan and getting possessed and you're like, "wtf? Girls, where the hell is your teacher?! >8[ "
When people pester you to do something with you - but only at their own convenience.
So annoying.

Person: "Hey we should really hang out."
A day later when you ask them to hang out: "Sorry, I'm busy. Maybe another time."

And over, and over again this keeps happening then they wonder why you never hang out/ talk to them.

Pet peeveeee.
Also, when someone PMs you, you answer them not more than 3 minutes later, and then it suddenly takes them like 2 hours to reply to you.


I'm selfish! You need to reply to me right away!
People who end Role plays/make me post the opener the are never seen again/do two posts then vanish.

If I go through the effort sometimes weeks involved to get a plot set up and you flake out, I honestly wish somewhat bad thing would happen to you. It's annoying. If I spend my time, or think of things to happen and it all seems fun, then you vanish you make me not only waste the time thinking of shit but in contacting you over and over and OVER to find out what the hell is taking so long. And ending role plays annoys the fuck out of me, each plot I/we worked on is special, and a stories sole purpose to exist is to be told. If we both dislike it, the fine bad idea, bad luck whatever. BUT if one of us enjoys it, help me fix the issue. Also don't blame me. I hate when people give me one liners, and then get pissed when I start giving them back.

Also, if I say "I never drop a Role Play, if I don't reply message me.", and I message you don't say "I thought you wanted to end it, because you never replied. It's literally in the rules. Sometimes if your "meh" on my priorities list, or I'm distracted, or want to come up with a good reply it will take me a few hours to reply. But if I haven't replied within two days hit me up. Odds are it got buried somewhere.

Finally, if I say in my thread, "Open to other ideas, P.M. me if you have something interesting", don't P.M. me asking what other plots I have, that I'd be interested in doing. If I have a plot, odds are it's in my PLOT THREAD. I don't mind changing ideas, or shifting them around, or even getting new ones. But my prefabbed plots, those are in my thread, I don't have some secret golden ticket one I just give to people who message me asking for a super special plot. And then don't say "That's stupid, don't you have a better plot", when you didn't like any of the plot in my thread have messaged me asking for another one, and the plot I'm either making up or still refining to post in my thread isn't the end all be all of awesome plots.

Also, while I enjoy general plots, don't say "I wanna do a Doctor X Patient R.P., you start ok?", I need some idea. Is it a message therapist, a nuro surgeon a psyche ward doctor, an asylum doctor, a therapist, man, woman, Doogie Howser? Give me a bit more information.
It annoys me when people make up phonetic alphabets. I know that its unrealistic to expect everyone to know the phonetic alphabet, so I try to let it go as much as possible, but in the back of my mind it drives me crazy.

The phonetic alphabet is alpha, bravo, charlie, delta, echo, foxtrot, golf, hotel, India, Juliet, kilo, Lima, mike, November, Oscar, papa, quebec, romeo, sierra, tango, uniform, victor, whiskey, x-ray, yankee, and zulu for those of you that are curious.
People who PM you saying "Want to roleplay?"



Most irritating and stupid message you could possibly send someone.
Temptationist said:
People who PM you saying "Want to roleplay?"



Most irritating and stupid message you could possibly send someone.
Especially since, if you can't at least say a plot, or give the person your messaging some idea what you want, it means we have o idea what to say to them. Although I think some people just use the "Online thing" at the bottom of the screen to check for partners.

I mean it's one this if they ((And I've doe this)) like plot A plot B and plot C. So they ask ((If it isn't marked)) which one you'd prefer more. Or if your still interested in one of them.

It might be, because on messenger you typically ask a partner "Do you have time to Role Play" or "Do you want to continue". But asking someone that n a board is a bit dumb.
ThomasRHellsing said:
Temptationist said:
People who PM you saying "Want to roleplay?"



Most irritating and stupid message you could possibly send someone.
Especially since, if you can't at least say a plot, or give the person your messaging some idea what you want, it means we have o idea what to say to them. Although I think some people just use the "Online thing" at the bottom of the screen to check for partners.

I mean it's one this if they ((And I've doe this)) like plot A plot B and plot C. So they ask ((If it isn't marked)) which one you'd prefer more. Or if your still interested in one of them.

It might be, because on messenger you typically ask a partner "Do you have time to Role Play" or "Do you want to continue". But asking someone that n a board is a bit dumb.

Honestly, when I receive messages like that I usually don't answer because I make the assumption that
A) You have no creativity
B) You're not REALLY that interest considering you put no effort
and C) That you most likely didn't even read my request thread!

The fact that I can feel another cold or... something... trying to take over my body once again. *must fight it off*

The other day I was over at my friend's house and was telling a story about something and got cut off part way through it... I'm talking like interrupted very abruptly for no reason (I'd been talking for probably 2 minutes, if that, and didn't have much more to say)... and thus wasn't allowed to even remotely finish my story. I didn't get to the point of it or anything and could tell no one cared because very few do. It's stuff like this, that makes me feel the way I do about myself and people in general. It's rather... disheartening. And really makes me wonder so many things. Many, many things.........

People who think they can pull one over on others. Guess what... nope. You still suck just like you did before.
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