Other Little Things That Bother You

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Millenium Joker said:
CutePhoenix said:
Suits does too. I know that because they've been cramming that stuff down everyones throat every commercial break. Royal Pains, I believe finished up it's latest season. So, it's still going, just on break till whenever it comes back on.

Almost time for most of my stuff to come back on. Primarily Supernatural, Walking Dead and Homeland. Though, I don't get Showtime, so I can't watch it's new episodes, but I like to keep up with it. Season 2 is out on DVD, which I will certainly buy sometime soon.

Alright, so I know TWD is coming back in October (probably the 14th) and Mad Men is coming back next year, but WHEN is Supernatural supposed to come back?
October 8th, according to Wikipedia. I forgot Game of Thrones as well, but they take long ass breaks between seasons, so it won't be back till next year at some point. Not to mention, I've read all but the latest book, so unless they make a bunch of drastic changes, I know basically what's gonna go down.

Though, Battlestar Galactica was the worst when it came to taking breaks. Whether a midseason hiatus or between full seasons, they took their sweet ass time coming back. Not to mention, when it came to the DVDs, they loved cranking each season out in two sets at a time, instead of lumping the entire season together in one set, which they did......but not after pulling their "season____ and season ___.5" thing first.

Going back to Supernatural, I really hope they keep up with the rise in quality that happened towards the end of last season. After the Lucifer stuff ended, the show just nosedived straight into the ground. Started to get better at certain points, but it never lasted more than an episode or two. Towards the end of this previous season, it started steadily getting good again. But, didn't have nearly enough time to reach previous levels of quality before the season ended. With what happened at the end of the finale, I think the upcoming season has plenty of potential for being great.........but just as much potential as turning into god awful crap again.

Speaking of which, they're apparently coming out with a spinoff. Someone mentioned that it's suppose to center around hunter and non human relations in Chicago or some such.
Jean Auel's "Earth Children" series.

I hear at DragonCon every year discussions about why she never will be a guest there, even though enough people perceive her books as "speculative fiction", but the problem is that a disturbing number of people, herself included, see them as "historical fiction". Ummm no.
Alright. New annoyance.

People who manage to spend several paragraphs saying absolutely nothing. Then expecting me to do the same. I'm sorry I believe in actually good storytelling that involves proper pacing and at least basic language control, so uh... No. I will write two paragraphs for a short back and forth sequence in which I am writing but a small piece of that sequence. Deal with it. It's called "pacing". Try googling that word. It is very important for storytelling, especially for someone whom professes to be quite... Literate. Though, the irony in using that word is that literate merely means you can read and write... So technically, we are all literate.

Also, seriously? You contacted me to role play then after setting everything up demand that I write four paragraphs minimum? With each paragraph being defined as eleven lines? Even in sequences where I'm literally just writing a reply to a piece of dialogue?... Really? I mean... Really? Surely, you can see the absurdity in writing four paragraphs of describing just how a bead of sweat slowly rolls down my character's forehead, past their nose, over their lips, and down their chin, just to delay enough to write the only piece of useful information you're going to get... Right?

Please. No need to be demanding. Some replies will be short; this is the nature of storytelling. The more descriptive a scene, the slower the pacing, the more important the description of that scene must therefore become in order to justify slowing down the pace of the story. Otherwise, you're damaging the plot line by bogging it down with trivial, unused Chekhov's Guns. This is especially true of sex scenes--you want a good one? Write one with plenty of quick, changing actions, not prolonged, insanely delirious, unrealistic, high school dramedies that even a bucktoothed virgin could tell are completely laughable. (I'm allowed to say that as I was a bucktoothed virgin for the first half of my teen years. With long greasy hair. I was a metalhead rebel. Feel free to laugh at that image.)

There are some scenes where prolonged descriptions are not only necessary, but create beauty and art. There are, however, other scenes, which such writing behaviours are not only unwelcome, but quite damaging. It is important to learn this as an aspiring author.

Thank you for reading my rant for the day. I hope you were amused, or learned something, aside from the fact that I was a bucktoothed virgin.
This is one of the few non-RP related issues but I've just realized it recently whilst playing NeverWinter.

Making a character based off of one from a fandom on an MMO is fine. But when you do it ---- and then choose the incorrect class/race that would fit them and it is available to be selected, that is when it honestly bothers me. It very well just may be me .. but it seems a tad like an insult.

But for a better example on what I'm referring to exactly, I saw a person who made a character named 'Hidan', whom I'm fairly assuming was inspired by the same character from "Naruto". Rest assured, only the gender was correct. But they didn't make him a human or devoted cleric. And it just made my fists clench in pure annoyance, especially with him being one of my favorite characters to begin with.

Like I said, it might just be me but still ...
CutePhoenix said:
Millenium Joker said:
CutePhoenix said:
Suits does too. I know that because they've been cramming that stuff down everyones throat every commercial break. Royal Pains, I believe finished up it's latest season. So, it's still going, just on break till whenever it comes back on.

Almost time for most of my stuff to come back on. Primarily Supernatural, Walking Dead and Homeland. Though, I don't get Showtime, so I can't watch it's new episodes, but I like to keep up with it. Season 2 is out on DVD, which I will certainly buy sometime soon.

Alright, so I know TWD is coming back in October (probably the 14th) and Mad Men is coming back next year, but WHEN is Supernatural supposed to come back?
October 8th, according to Wikipedia. I forgot Game of Thrones as well, but they take long ass breaks between seasons, so it won't be back till next year at some point. Not to mention, I've read all but the latest book, so unless they make a bunch of drastic changes, I know basically what's gonna go down.

Though, Battlestar Galactica was the worst when it came to taking breaks. Whether a midseason hiatus or between full seasons, they took their sweet ass time coming back. Not to mention, when it came to the DVDs, they loved cranking each season out in two sets at a time, instead of lumping the entire season together in one set, which they did......but not after pulling their "season____ and season ___.5" thing first.

Going back to Supernatural, I really hope they keep up with the rise in quality that happened towards the end of last season. After the Lucifer stuff ended, the show just nosedived straight into the ground. Started to get better at certain points, but it never lasted more than an episode or two. Towards the end of this previous season, it started steadily getting good again. But, didn't have nearly enough time to reach previous levels of quality before the season ended. With what happened at the end of the finale, I think the upcoming season has plenty of potential for being great.........but just as much potential as turning into god awful crap again.

Speaking of which, they're apparently coming out with a spinoff. Someone mentioned that it's suppose to center around hunter and non human relations in Chicago or some such.

I... really gotta catch up on Supernatural. Holy crap.....
I think... I was in th emiddle of like.... 6? It was a whjile ago that I watched it, but th eone that I remember best is the episode where it's an alternate timeline that Dean got transported to where Cass was human and the Croatoan virus took over the world, and he had to kill Sam (already taken by Lucifer at that point)
I probabyl saw an episode or two, maybe more after that, but thats the last one I really REMEMBER.

Also, the spin-off you spoke of... I want to see. The reason I got into Supernatural was because I LOVE hearing about monsters and ghosts and folk tales. The whole Demon and Angel thing got.... convoluted and kind of irritating. Those earlier episodes where they would hunt down ghosts, Wendigos, Rougarous, etc etc etc without dealing with demons and Archangels in suits were some of my favorites.
That was 5 I believe. Part of the whole Lucifer arc which is very commonly agreed to be the peak of the show in terms of quality. After that........it just all goes down hill. Which does make sense as the end to that arc/season was originally meant to be a series finale, but CW wanted more, so they BSed their way into the next season. The finale actually would have made a nice series finale.......but the last couple seconds of it was pulled out of their ass.

Keep in mind though, this wasn't concrete info straight from the show runners mouth or anything. Could be very different when or even if it happens. According to Wikipedia, episode 20 of the upcoming season is suppose to serve as a semi pilot for it, so I guess once that episode rolls around, what the spin off will center on will be settled.

Yea, a number of people do agree with you and prefer the monster of the week type stuff. They actually do start getting more into that stuff in the season following Lucifer with that seasons big bad.

Frankly, I really want them to state just what the hell is up with John and Mary. Dean and Sam end up in Heaven at one point during the Lucifer stuff and specifically ask if their parents are there, which they aren't. John's no longer in hell after the Hell Gate stuff and they haven't said shit about Mary other than the above mentioned not in heaven thing. So, they gotta be somewhere. Yet, the show hasn't bothered to touch on it at all.
CutePhoenix said:
That was 5 I believe. Part of the whole Lucifer arc which is very commonly agreed to be the peak of the show in terms of quality. After that........it just all goes down hill. Which does make sense as the end to that arc/season was originally meant to be a series finale, but CW wanted more, so they BSed their way into the next season. The finale actually would have made a nice series finale.......but the last couple seconds of it was pulled out of their ass.

Keep in mind though, this wasn't concrete info straight from the show runners mouth or anything. Could be very different when or even if it happens. According to Wikipedia, episode 20 of the upcoming season is suppose to serve as a semi pilot for it, so I guess once that episode rolls around, what the spin off will center on will be settled.

Yea, a number of people do agree with you and prefer the monster of the week type stuff. They actually do start getting more into that stuff in the season following Lucifer with that seasons big bad.

Frankly, I really want them to state just what the hell is up with John and Mary. Dean and Sam end up in Heaven at one point during the Lucifer stuff and specifically ask if their parents are there, which they aren't. John's no longer in hell after the Hell Gate stuff and they haven't said shit about Mary other than the above mentioned not in heaven thing. So, they gotta be somewhere. Yet, the show hasn't bothered to touch on it at all.

I'm finishing up Season 5 right now. As to John and Mary....


If Dante is anything to beleive, the afterlife has 3 stages: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso. So.... Kripke, Singer, tiome to pull more from thine asses.
Ugh, I hate when I'm so tired I just can't fall asleep and my body temp keeps fluctuating so its hard to stay comfortable. >:

Not having my Daddy to snuggle with me and help me sleep.
Millenium Joker said:
CutePhoenix said:
That was 5 I believe. Part of the whole Lucifer arc which is very commonly agreed to be the peak of the show in terms of quality. After that........it just all goes down hill. Which does make sense as the end to that arc/season was originally meant to be a series finale, but CW wanted more, so they BSed their way into the next season. The finale actually would have made a nice series finale.......but the last couple seconds of it was pulled out of their ass.

Keep in mind though, this wasn't concrete info straight from the show runners mouth or anything. Could be very different when or even if it happens. According to Wikipedia, episode 20 of the upcoming season is suppose to serve as a semi pilot for it, so I guess once that episode rolls around, what the spin off will center on will be settled.

Yea, a number of people do agree with you and prefer the monster of the week type stuff. They actually do start getting more into that stuff in the season following Lucifer with that seasons big bad.

Frankly, I really want them to state just what the hell is up with John and Mary. Dean and Sam end up in Heaven at one point during the Lucifer stuff and specifically ask if their parents are there, which they aren't. John's no longer in hell after the Hell Gate stuff and they haven't said shit about Mary other than the above mentioned not in heaven thing. So, they gotta be somewhere. Yet, the show hasn't bothered to touch on it at all.

I'm finishing up Season 5 right now. As to John and Mary....


If Dante is anything to beleive, the afterlife has 3 stages: Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso. So.... Kripke, Singer, tiome to pull more from thine asses.

Well, Purgatory is featured heavily in the last couple of seasons. But, for whatever reason, the possibility of John and Mary being there was not touched on in the least.

They don't handle it as in depth as Dante's Inferno. In the Supernatural universe Purgatory is like the third after life beside Heaven and Hell.

Heaven- Good people that die and angels reside here.
Hell- Bad People that die and demons reside here.
Purgatory- Non humans that die reside here.

That's how Supernatural handles it.
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
Ugh, I hate when I'm so tired I just can't fall asleep and my body temp keeps fluctuating so its hard to stay comfortable. >:

Not having my Daddy to snuggle with me and help me sleep.

I know your pain. 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。 Not having Daddy around makes sleeping almost impossible.
Baba Yaga said:
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
Ugh, I hate when I'm so tired I just can't fall asleep and my body temp keeps fluctuating so its hard to stay comfortable. >:

Not having my Daddy to snuggle with me and help me sleep.

I know your pain. 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。 Not having Daddy around makes sleeping almost impossible.

That sucks. My relationship with my Daddy is LD so we only get to talk over the phone. It's not bad since it's a new relationship thingy but sometimes I just really wanna snuggle.

Also - Feeling like crap because whatever I say to my friends is suddenly not good enough. Thanks for proving that I can't cheer you up but all your other friends can. Assholes.
Having things readily available and easy to find when I don't need them, yet when I do need them.......they suddenly dissapear.

Like my car key. When I'm just sitting around, not needing to go anywhere, it's right out in plain sight. Second I actually need to go somewhere.......it vanishes.
Today I was reminded about how much I despise the general public, more specifically, customers. I no longer have to interact with them on a daily basis, and yet they still manage to screw me over. Now employees are no longer allowed to take their breaks outside in the lobby of the airport, since customers have complained about it for whatever dumb ass reason. Now we can only take our breaks in a cramped little break room, imagine enjoying your lunch in your bedroom then shove fifty more people in there with you. Fuck the customers, fuck the general public, I'm going to enjoy my lunch wherever I fucking want. If they have a problem, they can come up to me about it, and I'll gladly tell them to fuck off because I'm eating.

(P.S. I don't mean any offense to anyone that may read this, this isn't directed to you specifically, it's directed to people in general, you know, those ignorant assholes that are pretty much represented as the general public.)
When my coworker is late and I want to go home after spending the night at work
When people are amazingly, disgustingly rude to me for being confused about something and asking a lot of questions.
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