Other Little Things That Bother You

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Millenium Joker said:
CutePhoenix said:
The Big Bang Theory

Now, I'm talking about the TV show, not the whole creation of the universe thing. When I first stumbled upon this show through reruns on TBS, I really liked it. But man, has my opinion changed towards it. Mostly due to some of it's characters....

Leonard- He's fine........till he turns into an insufferable douche bag cry baby who throws a hissy fit anytime Penny so much as looks at another guy. Him doing this before he grew the balls to ask her out was especially annoying. Then when he got together with Penny.......he was just a plain douchebag. Break up.......goes back into hissy fit mode. Get back together......insufferable douchebag again.

Raj- His whole mutism when around hot chicks was fine at first, but good lord, did that ever grow old. Just the same damn joke over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.....

Howard- Eh.....never liked him from the beginning.

Penny- I don't hate her.......I just feel that she's still little more than a token hot chick.

Now I really like Bernadette and Amy. Sheldon........eh, it varies from time to time.


Yea, I just can't stand it anymore. If Amy ever finally does get Penny into bed, I may check it out. Till that day........no thanks.
CutePhoenix said:
Millenium Joker said:
CutePhoenix said:
The Big Bang Theory

Now, I'm talking about the TV show, not the whole creation of the universe thing. When I first stumbled upon this show through reruns on TBS, I really liked it. But man, has my opinion changed towards it. Mostly due to some of it's characters....

Leonard- He's fine........till he turns into an insufferable douche bag cry baby who throws a hissy fit anytime Penny so much as looks at another guy. Him doing this before he grew the balls to ask her out was especially annoying. Then when he got together with Penny.......he was just a plain douchebag. Break up.......goes back into hissy fit mode. Get back together......insufferable douchebag again.

Raj- His whole mutism when around hot chicks was fine at first, but good lord, did that ever grow old. Just the same damn joke over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.....

Howard- Eh.....never liked him from the beginning.

Penny- I don't hate her.......I just feel that she's still little more than a token hot chick.

Now I really like Bernadette and Amy. Sheldon........eh, it varies from time to time.


Yea, I just can't stand it anymore. If Amy ever finally does get Penny into bed, I may check it out. Till that day........no thanks.

Amy and Penny?

Whaaaaaa? I haven't watched the show a whole lot, but.... Whaaaaa?
Millenium Joker said:
CutePhoenix said:
Millenium Joker said:

Yea, I just can't stand it anymore. If Amy ever finally does get Penny into bed, I may check it out. Till that day........no thanks.

Amy and Penny?

Whaaaaaa? I haven't watched the show a whole lot, but.... Whaaaaa?

Yea, some time after Amy joins the show, she starts to consider Penny her BFF. On quite a few occasions, she flat out states that she thinks Penny is uber hot, and on a number of occasions, even implies she has a sexual interest in her. She hadn't just flat out said "Lets bang!" or anything, but it's certainly been implied.

Hell, there's one episode where the two of them and Bernadette have a slumber party. It's Amy's first so she looks up slumber party activities on the internet, one of which was sexual experimentation. This prompts Amy to go into the bathroom with Penny while Penny is in there hiding.......for a reason I can't remember and does something obviously sexual to her that gets Penny to shout her name in surprise.

Another example I can think of is the one where Penny cuts Sheldons hair which leads to Amy saying "There's not a hair on my body I wouldn't let her touch."

Yeah, I vaguely remember the sleepover episode, but those other examples... not so much. I try not to watch the Big bang Theory too much, usually because there's something else on, but mostly because I don't REALLY think it's as funny as people say, as much as it is.. KIND OF offensive to people who actually CAN be classified as Geeks.
I've seen the mentioned episodes cause those were before I started hating it. Now, there's only a couple episodes I'll watch when they pop up on TBS. Apparently, quite a large number of people hate it nowadays. But, it's still popular enough that it's still running, and gets Emmy nominations.

Frankly, since Lost ended years ago, there's not been anything on broadcast TV that's ever got my interest and held it. Well, except for Supernatural, but it's quality has tanked big time for the last couple of seasons. Started to pick by up late last season, so only time will tell if it's upcoming season will continue the rise in quality......or if it will tank yet again.
CutePhoenix said:
I've seen the mentioned episodes cause those were before I started hating it. Now, there's only a couple episodes I'll watch when they pop up on TBS. Apparently, quite a large number of people hate it nowadays. But, it's still popular enough that it's still running, and gets Emmy nominations.

Frankly, since Lost ended years ago, there's not been anything on broadcast TV that's ever got my interest and held it. Well, except for Supernatural, but it's quality has tanked big time for the last couple of seasons. Started to pick by up late last season, so only time will tell if it's upcoming season will continue the rise in quality......or if it will tank yet again.

4 shows I will recommend to anybody in your situation:

Breaking Bad

The Walking Dead

Lone Winter Sun

Hell on Wheels

Millenium Joker said:
CutePhoenix said:
I've seen the mentioned episodes cause those were before I started hating it. Now, there's only a couple episodes I'll watch when they pop up on TBS. Apparently, quite a large number of people hate it nowadays. But, it's still popular enough that it's still running, and gets Emmy nominations.

Frankly, since Lost ended years ago, there's not been anything on broadcast TV that's ever got my interest and held it. Well, except for Supernatural, but it's quality has tanked big time for the last couple of seasons. Started to pick by up late last season, so only time will tell if it's upcoming season will continue the rise in quality......or if it will tank yet again.

4 shows I will recommend to anybody in your situation:

Breaking Bad

The Walking Dead

Lone Winter Sun

Hell on Wheels


Walking Dead and Hell on Wheels, I both watch every time they come on. Though, had to wait to see season 2 of Hell on Wheels as it was originally on during the time AMC was having their dispute with Dish, which left AMC off their service. Of course, this ended and they brought back AMC shortly before season three of TWD premiered, which I'm sure probably had something to do with ass tons of pissed off customers.

Breaking Bad, I haven't gotten around to watching. Don't think it looks bad or anything. Just haven't really felt like.

Lone Winter Sun.......meh, maybe. Not big on cop shows. Only one I really liked in the past was The Shield. I watch Law and Order SVU every now and again, but that's more for the hot cop and DA babes.^_^

Bones, I've seen some of.............almost the entire cast annoyed the ever living hell out of me.
I dunno, I feel like Bones can be a good idea when you don't necesarily WANT something as dramatic as L&O but don't want something like Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

As to Lone Winter Sun, I haven';t seen it but I hear great stuff. Breaking Bad, though... that's my fucking show. Almost every episode except the last half of Season 5 is up on Netflix right now, so there's that. It's fantastically written.

I THINK Hell on Wheels season 2 is on Netflix. i know Seasons 1-3 and MAYBE 4 of TWD are.
Yea, it's definitely more light hearted than the likes of Law and Order. But still, didn't really like what I saw of it. When it comes to that type of stuff, I really liked JAG ironically, which lots of people like to make fun of as being for old people.

I've seen all of Hell on Wheels. Caught the second season earlier this year when AMC showed a marathon of all first and second season episodes.

TWD is up to 3 at this point. 4 is starting next month.

Lone Winter Sun, I haven't really looked much into, cause as I said, cop shows aren't really my thing. But who knows?

Yea, I've heard lots of good about BB. I may get into it at some point since I'm sure AMC will start showing old reruns at some point.

But hey, cable isn't neccesarily better than broadcast. Look at MTV for one.....
What about MTV? It's a viacom company. Some of their channels (Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, SOME of SpikeTV) are good, most others (MTV< MOST of SpikeTV, everything else they own) are utter garbage.
Yea, I'm talking about the channel MTV. The one that had Jersey Shore. Which they seem desperate to recreate. Tried once already with a bunch of crazy hillbilly kids. Now, they're trying again with a show centering around scantily clad chicks in a Texas bar who are borderline strippers, who, in typical MTV fashion...........are bat fucking shit insane outside of work.

And don't even get me started on the teen mom based stuff......
So... basically EVERYTHING that isn't what MTV should be, AKA ITS NAME. Jersey shore pissed me right the fuck off because it perpetuated this fucking juicehead douchebag trend that's been growing at a painfully exponential rate these last few years, not to mention Rob Dyrdek's douche self having a show that is basically Tosh.0 without any humor and more pretense. Viacom and MTV have been making bad decisons for years now, but to hear that they're trying to keep up the garbage they created with JS, only in Texas is just...

I've lost all my faith in humanity at this point. Between TLC, E!, and MTV (not to mention the MMA craze that's been rising lately) I think we've reached the tipping point where people are just about ready to say "Yeah, maybe getting our kids sterilized at birth will be a GOOD thing."
The one thing I'd give Ridiculousness over Tosh is they show more videos, while Tosh has gotten to where in some episodes, he'll only show like 4 or 5 videos at the start, then spend the rest of the episode doing skits. Some of which I like........others........not at all.

So many channels are just running themselves into the ground. Syfy is all kinds of crappy, FX has taken two of their best shows off their main network, and tossed them into the new and pointless FXX to try and drum up popularity for it and TNT has gotten to the point where they take a popular show, switch the concept around a bit, then pass it off as their own. Falling Skies is basically TWD if it had aliens and if Rick wouldn't shut the hell up about his moron kids.

I like The Soup on E!.......but that's it for that channel. and I remember when noone cared about MMA then all of a sudden, it exploded and ending up making Kevin James even more annoying.
CutePhoenix said:
The one thing I'd give Ridiculousness over Tosh is they show more videos, while Tosh has gotten to where in some episodes, he'll only show like 4 or 5 videos at the start, then spend the rest of the episode doing skits. Some of which I like........others........not at all.

So many channels are just running themselves into the ground. Syfy is all kinds of crappy, FX has taken two of their best shows off their main network, and tossed them into the new and pointless FXX to try and drum up popularity for it and TNT has gotten to the point where they take a popular show, switch the concept around a bit, then pass it off as their own. Falling Skies is basically TWD if it had aliens and if Rick wouldn't shut the hell up about his moron kids.

I like The Soup on E!.......but that's it for that channel.

I can UNDERSTAND why FXX was made (to reach and grab the 18-34 male demographic) but I still don't like the fact that I have to switch to channel 619 to watch Sunny and Archer and all my favorite shows. Ridiculousness is Dyrdek';s way of saying "I want to stay on TV because Big Black started a family and I have no personality" and I don't watch Falling Skies, but I can see where you draw comparisons. I still prefer TWD Comic over the show though for some reason. As to E!.... I hate celebrity gossip and anything that makes it seem like people who are 'famous' are actually more important than everybody else, so I refuse to watch TLC or E!. That, and because of Honey fucking Boo-Boo.
I don't understand it, as it seems like that's what they already had pretty well locked with the likes of Sunny, Archer, The League, Wilfred, Louie and so on. All of which are succesful and highly popular.

I stopped watching Falling Skies after the first season because of what I mentioned. It was basically just a crappier version of TWD but with aliens. Reading synopsis for the latest 2 seasons, I'm glad I stopped watching, as it's gotten all kinds of stupid and cheesy.

Same here when it comes to E!. That's why The Soup is the only thing I watch on there, as I find it damn funny almost all the time. Better than Tosh. Though, they show different kinds of videos. Tosh shows viral stuff, while The Soup the stupdity and crazyness on TV for humorous effect. Alot of the time, Mchale even makes fun of E! itself, despite being on the network.
CutePhoenix said:
I don't understand it, as it seems like that's what they already had pretty well locked with the likes of Sunny, Archer, The League, Wilfred, Louie and so on. All of which are succesful and highly popular.

I stopped watching Falling Skies after the first season because of what I mentioned. It was basically just a crappier version of TWD but with aliens. Reading synopsis for the latest 2 seasons, I'm glad I stopped watching, as it's gotten all kinds of stupid and cheesy.

Same here when it comes to E!. That's why The Soup is the only thing I watch on there, as I find it damn funny almost all the time. Better than Tosh. Though, they show different kinds of videos. Tosh shows viral stuff, while The Soup the stupdity and crazyness on TV for humorous effect. Alot of the time, Mchale even makes fun of E! itself, despite being on the network.

Well Tosh.0 is basically the Viacom answer to The Soup, but I prefer Tosh because I like Tosh as a comedian and as a TV host. As to Falling Skies, I can only imagine that's very much the reason I never got into Defiance or Revolution- because they all seem like the same thing.
Millenium Joker said:
CutePhoenix said:
I don't understand it, as it seems like that's what they already had pretty well locked with the likes of Sunny, Archer, The League, Wilfred, Louie and so on. All of which are succesful and highly popular.

I stopped watching Falling Skies after the first season because of what I mentioned. It was basically just a crappier version of TWD but with aliens. Reading synopsis for the latest 2 seasons, I'm glad I stopped watching, as it's gotten all kinds of stupid and cheesy.

Same here when it comes to E!. That's why The Soup is the only thing I watch on there, as I find it damn funny almost all the time. Better than Tosh. Though, they show different kinds of videos. Tosh shows viral stuff, while The Soup the stupdity and crazyness on TV for humorous effect. Alot of the time, Mchale even makes fun of E! itself, despite being on the network.

Well Tosh.0 is basically the Viacom answer to The Soup, but I prefer Tosh because I like Tosh as a comedian and as a TV host. As to Falling Skies, I can only imagine that's very much the reason I never got into Defiance or Revolution- because they all seem like the same thing.
Yea, I like most of the web redemptions and such, but I just wish he'd show at least a couple more videos before going into the skits and such for the rest of each episode.

I never watched Defiance. Other than the hot alien daughter of the main guy, the commercials for it made it look pretty crappy. The game seems alright, but it seems like they really dropped the damn ball on their whole epic TV series, videogame crossover thing.

Revolution........first commercial I saw for it was enough for me to never watch. Going out of their way to show that the male lead was yet another moody emo ex soldier who's an expert fighter with ANYTHING pretty well turned me off of it for good. Read up on it though, to see what it's about. Yea........glad I never watched it. The whole living in a modern world without electricity seems like an interesting survival concept........yet apparently, they dropped it entirely after only two seasons, as apparently, the power gets turned back on worldwide due to magic nano machines......
Nano machines? Yup, I now have no reason to watch it. Much like, oh, anything on TNT. I tried to watch Castle once because I thought "Hey! Nathan Filion!"

NOPE. Not worth it. Yet another cop drama with an 'original' hook yet there's always the 'sexual tension between partners, she loves him and he loves her but they dont admit it it berghablergh' mumbo jumbo
Yep, everything happened because of nano machines, the science version of "a wizard did it".

I've stayed away from that since day one. It was obvious that it'd be like you said. That and I'm tired of shows with a duo of weird and cooky paired with serious and smart.

USA is a channel I watch nothing on as their current shows seem as arrogant and pretentious as the douchebag characters in them.

TBS is probably the channel I watch the most, but even then, it's primarily just for old reruns of shows I like since noone else shows Seinfeld, and Mcfarland is too busy having wet dreams about Family Guy to do anything with American Dad.
CutePhoenix said:
Yep, everything happened because of nano machines, the science version of "a wizard did it".

I've stayed away from that since day one. It was obvious that it'd be like you said. That and I'm tired of shows with a duo of weird and cooky paired with serious and smart.

USA is a channel I watch nothing on as their current shows seem as arrogant and pretentious as the douchebag characters in them.

TBS is probably the channel I watch the most, but even then, it's primarily just for old reruns of shows I like since noone else shows Seinfeld, and Mcfarland is too busy having wet dreams about Family Guy to do anything with American Dad.
Well, that and The Cleveland Show. AKA Black Family Guy.

USA does seem a bit stuffy now that I think about it. I could never get into Burn Notice or Royal Pains. Really, after Monk ended, it kind of seems like TV as a whole went "That's it, we're never going to be THAT good again. Let's pack out shit and go home."
Millenium Joker said:
CutePhoenix said:
Yep, everything happened because of nano machines, the science version of "a wizard did it".

I've stayed away from that since day one. It was obvious that it'd be like you said. That and I'm tired of shows with a duo of weird and cooky paired with serious and smart.

USA is a channel I watch nothing on as their current shows seem as arrogant and pretentious as the douchebag characters in them.

TBS is probably the channel I watch the most, but even then, it's primarily just for old reruns of shows I like since noone else shows Seinfeld, and Mcfarland is too busy having wet dreams about Family Guy to do anything with American Dad.
Well, that and The Cleveland Show. AKA Black Family Guy.

USA does seem a bit stuffy now that I think about it. I could never get into Burn Notice or Royal Pains. Really, after Monk ended, it kind of seems like TV as a whole went "That's it, we're never going to be THAT good again. Let's pack out shit and go home."

Yea, now their big stuff seems to be Suits and White Collar, both of which have a "Only deep, intelligent people understand these shows." vibe. On the flip side, there's Cover Affairs. Haven't seen it, but from what I know of it, basically just seems like "mildly hot female secret agent bull shits her way through everything".

Plus, the above two have rather idiotic premises if you ask me. Suits expects you to believe a guy off the street that didn't go to college and has no legal trainging is an expert lawyer, and that noone has enough commen sense to be able to figure out "Hey.....this guy can't legally practice law!"

And White Collar seems to suggest "How do you catch con men? Oh, you just let out one from jail who's stolen tons of money from innocent people. He'll be a good guy if you pair him with a moody agent."
Elitists... they come in many forms too. You have your elitists who just plain think they are superior and act as much in just about everything they do. Most people just hate them outright much like I do. Then, you have your insecure, one-upper elitists who feel the need to spew random nonsense at you and focus on semantics whether relevant or not. So, what they say may or may not be true, but it doesn't overly matter because the point of the matter is understood. They just merely need to show off something to boost themselves and thus feed into their sad egos because they are just that insecure. I think I hate these sorts most of all because they just have nothing else better to do than waste my time and everyone else's. Then you have the too cool elitist who needs to constantly do things for shock and amazement--usually these things actually embarrass them, though they don't see it that way because they are too busy being cool and looking down their noses at you. Too bad everyone else is actually laughing at them and shaking their heads though. I despise this sort second most to the one-upper. Over all, elitists just need to go away and find something better to do. No one gives a shit. Honest and truly. So, take your sorry selves and anything you think you have to offer elsewhere.
CutePhoenix said:
Millenium Joker said:
CutePhoenix said:
Yep, everything happened because of nano machines, the science version of "a wizard did it".

I've stayed away from that since day one. It was obvious that it'd be like you said. That and I'm tired of shows with a duo of weird and cooky paired with serious and smart.

USA is a channel I watch nothing on as their current shows seem as arrogant and pretentious as the douchebag characters in them.

TBS is probably the channel I watch the most, but even then, it's primarily just for old reruns of shows I like since noone else shows Seinfeld, and Mcfarland is too busy having wet dreams about Family Guy to do anything with American Dad.
Well, that and The Cleveland Show. AKA Black Family Guy.

USA does seem a bit stuffy now that I think about it. I could never get into Burn Notice or Royal Pains. Really, after Monk ended, it kind of seems like TV as a whole went "That's it, we're never going to be THAT good again. Let's pack out shit and go home."

Yea, now their big stuff seems to be Suits and White Collar, both of which have a "Only deep, intelligent people understand these shows." vibe. On the flip side, there's Cover Affairs. Haven't seen it, but from what I know of it, basically just seems like "mildly hot female secret agent bull shits her way through everything".

Plus, the above two have rather idiotic premises if you ask me. Suits expects you to believe a guy off the street that didn't go to college and has no legal trainging is an expert lawyer, and that noone has enough commen sense to be able to figure out "Hey.....this guy can't legally practice law!"

And White Collar seems to suggest "How do you catch con men? Oh, you just let out one from jail who's stolen tons of money from innocent people. He'll be a good guy if you pair him with a moody agent."

Is THAT what White Collar is about?

The name suggests a show about 2 accountants.....
When professional body shop workers fuck up the mechanics of your car when they should know what they're doing (THAT'S WHY THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE PROFESSIONALS). Also, they shouldn't even be touching the mechanics when they are body shop workers.

Like, what the fuck. Even a moron knows you didn't install something right consider the item is NOT EVEN WORKING.

Uhg. I hate idiots.
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