Other Little Things That Bother You

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Temptationist said:
darkangel76 said:
The fact that my cat has been missing for 4, nearly 5, days now.... just.... no words for it.....


Oh, noes!
I hope you find him/her!

When my pup went missing, I prepared to print out 300 flyers. I was going to put that shit on every single inch of this city, but luckily, she wandered back home on her own a few hours later.

I feel you! Is your kitty declawed?

No, he is not declawed. Thankfully. So, he at least has some defense. I've also put up fliers all over and have done other stuff too. I walk my neighborhood every night and I even stop the people I see and ask them if they've seen him. Me. Introverted me who gets social anxiety talking to people... even sales people... T_T
When someone has a grudge with me. Especially when they don't even bother to tell me what I did to upset them. I'm not a mind-reader, am I?
darkangel76 said:
The fact that my cat has been missing for 4, nearly 5, days now.... just.... no words for it.....


I hope your Cat finds its way home safe very soon. *big zen hugs* Just thinking about my dog vanishing is enough to make me break out in a cold sweat.
The fact that I've applied/asked around to at least a dozen jobs and haven't heard a fucking thing.

This online apply only bullshit makes it extremely difficult to even know if they'll call you.

I think I'm just gonna curl up in a ball and cry out my frustrations.
Ursus Peregrinus said:
darkangel76 said:
The fact that my cat has been missing for 4, nearly 5, days now.... just.... no words for it.....


I hope your Cat finds its way home safe very soon. *big zen hugs* Just thinking about my dog vanishing is enough to make me break out in a cold sweat.

Thank you.... so do I.... I really appreciate the positivity and hugs. Been really hard the past few days.... *hugs back*
DA is your cat an indoor one? It's not uncommon to hear of them wandering about but best of luck to you. =)
When you have friends that mooch off of you all the time, ugh.
The fact that my country has just voted a sexist, racist, homophobic prick into power.
He is really going to plunge this country into the dark ages and there is nothing we can do about it.
MyHappyWorld said:
The fact that my country has just voted a sexist, racist, homophobic prick into power.
He is really going to plunge this country into the dark ages and there is nothing we can do about it.

What country?


I have no clue. ._.
Millenium Joker said:
But I thought the Australian parliament was already racist, homophobic, and totally biased...?
Not as much as we used to be, we were getting better.
The other guy was all for equal rights and shit, but apparently Australia doesn't want equality so they went with the greedy biggot instead.
It makes me angry to be a citizen of this stupid country.
We could have it worse I suppose.
MyHappyWorld said:
Millenium Joker said:
But I thought the Australian parliament was already racist, homophobic, and totally biased...?
Not as much as we used to be, we were getting better.
The other guy was all for equal rights and shit, but apparently Australia doesn't want equality so they went with the greedy biggot instead.
It makes me angry to be a citizen of this stupid country.
We could have it worse I suppose.

Yeah, they could outlaw Rugby, make Fosters a controlled substance, slap you with a fine whenever someone says "Streya Cunt" and publicly execute TISM and the New Zealand All Blacks.

That's definitely worse, eh? :p
Millenium Joker said:
MyHappyWorld said:
Millenium Joker said:
But I thought the Australian parliament was already racist, homophobic, and totally biased...?
Not as much as we used to be, we were getting better.
The other guy was all for equal rights and shit, but apparently Australia doesn't want equality so they went with the greedy biggot instead.
It makes me angry to be a citizen of this stupid country.
We could have it worse I suppose.

Yeah, they could outlaw Rugby, make Fosters a controlled substance, slap you with a fine whenever someone says "Streya Cunt" and publicly execute TISM and the New Zealand All Blacks.

That's definitely worse, eh? :p
Considering I don't partake in any of that (besides the occasional use of the word 'cunt'), I don't think it would make a difference to me.
Now if they try to outlaw driving me Holden ute to the barbie at the test match next week then I'll be one sore dingo basher.
MyHappyWorld said:
Millenium Joker said:
MyHappyWorld said:
Not as much as we used to be, we were getting better.
The other guy was all for equal rights and shit, but apparently Australia doesn't want equality so they went with the greedy biggot instead.
It makes me angry to be a citizen of this stupid country.
We could have it worse I suppose.

Yeah, they could outlaw Rugby, make Fosters a controlled substance, slap you with a fine whenever someone says "Streya Cunt" and publicly execute TISM and the New Zealand All Blacks.

That's definitely worse, eh? :p
Considering I don't partake in any of that (besides the occasional use of the word 'cunt'), I don't think it would make a difference to me.
Now if they try to outlaw driving me Holden ute to the barbie at the test match next week then I'll be one sore dingo basher.

And you lost me, but you made me chuckle.
Going to Burger King after work to get something to eat, since I'm too lazy to make something myself. I see a woman giving the person at the register a hard time about how she ordered five sandwiches and she's missing two. The person at the register insists that he didn't rip them off and that they have their sandwiches, but the lady doesn't care. The manager finally comes in and yells at their employee, then gives the lady her two missing sandwiches. Before she leaves, she smiles at her kid, telling him that she got two extra sandwiches for free.

It reminds me of my time when I use to work at a Burger King and how despicable people can be over a fucking dollar sandwich.
Super illiterate roleplayers... I mean i know at one point I too did one liners, but i have always tried to interact with my partner, even if it was only a little bit...But when you give me a sentence and don't to anything to even acknowledge my characters existence, wtf do you expect me to do...?
When I really want to fuck someone in role play but they won't notice me.
//goes unnoticed by senpais//
The Big Bang Theory

Now, I'm talking about the TV show, not the whole creation of the universe thing. When I first stumbled upon this show through reruns on TBS, I really liked it. But man, has my opinion changed towards it. Mostly due to some of it's characters....

Leonard- He's fine........till he turns into an insufferable douche bag cry baby who throws a hissy fit anytime Penny so much as looks at another guy. Him doing this before he grew the balls to ask her out was especially annoying. Then when he got together with Penny.......he was just a plain douchebag. Break up.......goes back into hissy fit mode. Get back together......insufferable douchebag again.

Raj- His whole mutism when around hot chicks was fine at first, but good lord, did that ever grow old. Just the same damn joke over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.....

Howard- Eh.....never liked him from the beginning.

Penny- I don't hate her.......I just feel that she's still little more than a token hot chick.

Now I really like Bernadette and Amy. Sheldon........eh, it varies from time to time.
CutePhoenix said:
The Big Bang Theory

Now, I'm talking about the TV show, not the whole creation of the universe thing. When I first stumbled upon this show through reruns on TBS, I really liked it. But man, has my opinion changed towards it. Mostly due to some of it's characters....

Leonard- He's fine........till he turns into an insufferable douche bag cry baby who throws a hissy fit anytime Penny so much as looks at another guy. Him doing this before he grew the balls to ask her out was especially annoying. Then when he got together with Penny.......he was just a plain douchebag. Break up.......goes back into hissy fit mode. Get back together......insufferable douchebag again.

Raj- His whole mutism when around hot chicks was fine at first, but good lord, did that ever grow old. Just the same damn joke over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.....

Howard- Eh.....never liked him from the beginning.

Penny- I don't hate her.......I just feel that she's still little more than a token hot chick.

Now I really like Bernadette and Amy. Sheldon........eh, it varies from time to time.

Jokes that are fucking terrible, and not in the "So terrible they made me laugh" sort of way.

Example: "Two homeless guys are at a junction (a trash dump) and they look to the left. What do they see?"


"Dat ass......"
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