Other Little Things That Bother You

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I refuse to watch E! for a number of reasons, the biggest being the lack of anything worthwhile or intellectual on it's programming schedule. It's all senseless celebrity drivel, which I have noted, rots my brain something fierce (especially anything involving the fucking Kardashians) so i've never had the displeasure of hearing bomb.com
People who deliberately twist your words, trying to play off they misunderstood you, when they are trying to conceal their own biases.

People who want to "make it fair for everyone" by taking away something that you are guaranteed.

People who are sanctimonious with full stomachs, healthy bodies, and money to burn.

"Christians" who know less about the Bible than you do.

"Scientific absolutists" who know less about what is proven than you do.

"Civil Rights Leaders" who know less about their people's "struggle" than you do.

People who use the "Race", "Abuse", "Privilege", and "Freedom" cards for criminal (particularly violent) behavior.
Ruphhausin said:
People who deliberately twist your words, trying to play off they misunderstood you, when they are trying to conceal their own biases.

People who want to "make it fair for everyone" by taking away something that you are guaranteed.

People who are sanctimonious with full stomachs, healthy bodies, and money to burn.

"Christians" who know less about the Bible than you do.

"Scientific absolutists" who know less about what is proven than you do.

"Civil Rights Leaders" who know less about their people's "struggle" than you do.

People who use the "Race", "Abuse", "Privilege", and "Freedom" cards for criminal (particularly violent) behavior.

So... Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton?
Millenium Joker said:
Ruphhausin said:
People who deliberately twist your words, trying to play off they misunderstood you, when they are trying to conceal their own biases.

People who want to "make it fair for everyone" by taking away something that you are guaranteed.

People who are sanctimonious with full stomachs, healthy bodies, and money to burn.

"Christians" who know less about the Bible than you do.

"Scientific absolutists" who know less about what is proven than you do.

"Civil Rights Leaders" who know less about their people's "struggle" than you do.

People who use the "Race", "Abuse", "Privilege", and "Freedom" cards for criminal (particularly violent) behavior.

So... Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton?

Those are two on that list.....
When I see pictures on fetlife that I didn't think would upset me but end up doing so. Way to be reminded of how alone and just sad I feel.
When people who are wrong get away with being wrong.

When people speed on the road. Always. How hard is it to simply drive the limit?

Planned obsolescence.

When CBC uses the term "top court" when they mean the Supreme Court of Canada. How frelling lazy is that?

When the ambient temperature is above 297 degrees Kelvin.

When technology does not work as it was intended.

Homeopathy, and people credulous enough not to actually research any form of pseudomedical treatment before spending money.

The terrible lack of education visible in almost every corner of western civilization.

Other people.

Ursus Peregrinus said:
When people speed on the road. Always. How hard is it to simply drive the limit?

-Pats head-
Oh, boy.

When people drive below the speed limit on the road.

Clearly, I'm from Quebec.
Where maximum = minimum.
I may have said this one before... but, as it is from The Mikado, one of the greatest operettas ever written.. I post it again...

"The idiot who praises with enthusiastic tone
All centuries but this and every country but his own."

Though, an Australian production gave one just as good...

"The idiots who criticize with enthusiastic tone
All sports teams but their and every suburb but their own."
Temptationist said:
-Pats head-
Oh, boy.

When people drive below the speed limit on the road.

Clearly, I'm from Quebec.
Where maximum = minimum.

Driving below the limit doesn't bug me, unless they're in the passing lane for no reason. Driving above the limit just points out that they're selfish, ignorant, lawless, impatient and should be forced to watch while their families are drawn, quartered and possibly eightthed. Or, you know, sewn into a leather bag with three wild animals and then tossed in a river.

I am a fan of the classics.

And don't get me started on Quebec... Every time I see a license plate from Quebec... "Je me souviens"...

What *I* remember is that they lost that war and the British were awfully civilized about winning it. No sacking of Quebec, no pogroms, rapine, widespread pillage or looting...
Awfully selective memory for a bunch of self-important, self-centered linguistic supremacists who speak french so poorly that the French can scarcely understand the dialect.

Not that I'm bitter, of course. Or painting with too broad a brush. :p

But let's go ahead and add "Les Kay-beck-wah" to the list. Along with Albertans and Torontonians.
Ursus Peregrinus said:
"Les Kay-beck-wah"

You sir, should be given a medal.
Superb pronunciation.

Oh don't worry, I know very well how Quebecers are, I AM one! And I've lived here my whole life. Luckily in an Anglophone community, but nevertheless, among them.

As for speeding, I don't agree.
But we'll leave it at that.
I always speed on the highway. I don't like the speed limit and I don't like going slow on the highway. Hence why I drive in the FAST LANE and not the SLOW/MERGE LANE.

People who don't know how to fucking merge.
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
I always speed on the highway. I don't like the speed limit and I don't like going slow on the highway. Hence why I drive in the FAST LANE and not the SLOW/MERGE LANE.

People who don't know how to fucking merge.

Tsk. It's not a matter of liking it or not, it's a matter of basic respect for law and order.

I don't much like the prohibition on duelling, but I don't feel that that dislike gives me license to call people out and then shoot them dead.

Well... not yet, anyways. But I'm always willing to be convinced.

And Temptationist? *big zen hugs* Playing Anglophone in Kay-Beck must be all sorts of fun. I have fond memories of dealing with La Surete (stupid accents) as an Ontarian visiting their lovely province. Such charming and delightful cryptofascist belligerents they were. Only slightly less friendly than the Gravel Road Cowboys.
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
I always speed on the highway. I don't like the speed limit and I don't like going slow on the highway. Hence why I drive in the FAST LANE and not the SLOW/MERGE LANE.

People who don't know how to fucking merge.

Marry me?

People don't know how to fucking drive, period.
How now that I've admitted to having a problem with it and sworn off it, everything around me relates back to booze and drinking. I swear to God, I'm going to become a hermit just to get away from it.

But that's not the worst part. Everything I've seen/heard today has only focused on the positives of drinking. How much fun people are having and how great alcohol can taste. I might take up murder as an alternative coping skill.
Rudolph Quin said:
How now that I've admitted to having a problem with it and sworn off it, everything around me relates back to booze and drinking. I swear to God, I'm going to become a hermit just to get away from it.

But that's not the worst part. Everything I've seen/heard today has only focused on the positives of drinking. How much fun people are having and how great alcohol can taste. I might take up murder as an alternative coping skill.

I honestly don't think alcohol defines fun and partying. If you can't have a good time without alcohol, you're not having a party with the right people and thus clearly, don't know how to party. ^^ And honestly, no alcohol straight tastes good. It's what you put in it. There are so many other beverages that taste good, even without alcohol.

I don't drink. Period. And it's not because I can't, but because it's not necessary. I go to plenty of parties, and I have a much greater time than half the smashed-assed morons there.

Don't allow alcohol to define you, nor your definition of a "good time".
Temptationist said:
I honestly don't think alcohol defines fun and partying. If you can't have a good time without alcohol, you're not having a party with the right people and thus clearly, don't know how to party. ^^ And honestly, no alcohol straight tastes good. It's what you put in it. There are so many other beverages that taste good, even without alcohol.

I don't drink. Period. And it's not because I can't, but because it's not necessary. I go to plenty of parties, and I have a much greater time than half the smashed-assed morons there.

Don't allow alcohol to define you, nor your definition of a "good time".
Right. I know. I just have to redefine what having a good time means. I'm just being a turd and complaining because it feels like the universe is dangling it in front of my face.
Ursus Peregrinus said:
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
I always speed on the highway. I don't like the speed limit and I don't like going slow on the highway. Hence why I drive in the FAST LANE and not the SLOW/MERGE LANE.

People who don't know how to fucking merge.

Tsk. It's not a matter of liking it or not, it's a matter of basic respect for law and order.

I don't much like the prohibition on duelling, but I don't feel that that dislike gives me license to call people out and then shoot them dead.

Well... not yet, anyways. But I'm always willing to be convinced.

And Temptationist? *big zen hugs* Playing Anglophone in Kay-Beck must be all sorts of fun. I have fond memories of dealing with La Surete (stupid accents) as an Ontarian visiting their lovely province. Such charming and delightful cryptofascist belligerents they were. Only slightly less friendly than the Gravel Road Cowboys.

I do have "basic respect for law and order."

Doesn't mean my driving on the highway at faster speeds means I'm giving a "FUCK YOU" to the cops.

The speed limits around here are like 55. Fuck that.

I also know how to drive safely at the speeds I'm at, unlike the assholes who honestly punch it to oh, I dunno, 120?

Temptationist said:
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
I always speed on the highway. I don't like the speed limit and I don't like going slow on the highway. Hence why I drive in the FAST LANE and not the SLOW/MERGE LANE.

People who don't know how to fucking merge.

Marry me?

People don't know how to fucking drive, period.

I accept your proposal. Dinner is at 8.
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
Ursus Peregrinus said:
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
I always speed on the highway. I don't like the speed limit and I don't like going slow on the highway. Hence why I drive in the FAST LANE and not the SLOW/MERGE LANE.

People who don't know how to fucking merge.

Tsk. It's not a matter of liking it or not, it's a matter of basic respect for law and order.

I don't much like the prohibition on duelling, but I don't feel that that dislike gives me license to call people out and then shoot them dead.

Well... not yet, anyways. But I'm always willing to be convinced.

And Temptationist? *big zen hugs* Playing Anglophone in Kay-Beck must be all sorts of fun. I have fond memories of dealing with La Surete (stupid accents) as an Ontarian visiting their lovely province. Such charming and delightful cryptofascist belligerents they were. Only slightly less friendly than the Gravel Road Cowboys.

I do have "basic respect for law and order."

Doesn't mean my driving on the highway at faster speeds means I'm giving a "FUCK YOU" to the cops.

The speed limits around here are like 55. Fuck that.

I also know how to drive safely at the speeds I'm at, unlike the assholes who honestly punch it to oh, I dunno, 120?

Temptationist said:
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
I always speed on the highway. I don't like the speed limit and I don't like going slow on the highway. Hence why I drive in the FAST LANE and not the SLOW/MERGE LANE.

People who don't know how to fucking merge.

Marry me?

People don't know how to fucking drive, period.

I accept your proposal. Dinner is at 8.

I bought you a ring.
I hope you like Carbonado/ back diamonds.

Also, I agree. There are some speed limits around here that are ridiculous considering it's an open fuckin' road with literally 3 cars driving on it.
Ouuuu, so dangerous.

ALSO, ALSO - Speed limits have increased over time. With advancing technology, cars becoming faster, etc... I wouldn't be surprised if in 10-20 years, speed limits will be higher.
My fucking alarms. I swear, I can't get used to them. I almost break my tablet every time they go off, and.. well... I can't remember (or be bothered to find out) how to alter or shut them off.
Watching Don Draper continually fuck up his life, because he's the king idiot of wandering dick syndrome. Mad Men is a great show, but I don't know if I can watch the same old song and dance for another season.
When a teacher is a condescending know-it-all ass who thinks there's only one way to see things and that's his way.

The joke's on him because only 7 people registered for the course because of his awful reputation.
The class will most likely be cancelled.


Ah, the uni life. I have not-so-missed you so.
Mitsu said:
Watching Don Draper continually fuck up his life, because he's the king idiot of wandering dick syndrome. Mad Men is a great show, but I don't know if I can watch the same old song and dance for another season.

I dunno WHY I instantly thought "Don KNotts" when I read that. :/
darkangel76 said:
The fact that my cat has been missing for 4, nearly 5, days now.... just.... no words for it.....


Oh, noes!
I hope you find him/her!

When my pup went missing, I prepared to print out 300 flyers. I was going to put that shit on every single inch of this city, but luckily, she wandered back home on her own a few hours later.

I feel you! Is your kitty declawed?
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