Other Little Things That Bother You

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I'm really irked by those who think they're all so better than the rest of us, until they find they're not and ask the people they tormented for financial help. Hey, things are tough for all of us. You made it tougher than need be for us, now you want us to help? Tough.
Forgot. The government's sorcalled efficiency. Today, I had to go to SSA downtown. It took them five minutes to help me get a number from their computer. 45 to get me a piece of paper, where they were calling random numbers that might fall in order to them, but even a two year old stands a better chance of understanding 89 is NOT after 95...
The fact that discussions happen without me, yet I'm supposed to be apart of them?

Fuck you, then. Right now, I'm just tired of being told after the fact.
When people on the internet get butt-hurt over ridiculous things.

To yous, I say:
"Have some Anal-Eaze!"

Cherry flavored AND fast delivery!
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
The fact that discussions happen without me, yet I'm supposed to be apart of them? Fuck you, then. Right now, I'm just tired of being told after the fact.
ooo, so been there... With housing. I once got a memo of a resident meeting re: loud music... The day after! 0.0
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
Temptationist said:
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
I just laughed so hard, Tempt. XD



When I get mad I often get bitterly humorous.

Trust me, I get super snarky.


I always use that word!

I am exactly like that. Whenever I rant about something to my friends, they usually end up in tears of laughter. The shit that comes out of my mouth, man...
not knowing the exact definition of "snarky", it's a bit annoying not knowing a word you've even used... Funny when used though! You both get a roflmao. Clarify mine, I had made the complaint but didn't get the memo in time. Watchu gonna do?
simpleroleplayer said:
not knowing the exact definition of "snarky", it's a bit annoying not knowing a word you've even used... Funny when used though! You both get a roflmao. Clarify mine, I had made the complaint but didn't get the memo in time. Watchu gonna do?

I got the term snarky from Dane Cook.
I'm not sure if it's a legitimate word, but I recognize it and use it all the time.

I believe it defines someone who is short-tempered, a little feisty when angered, possibly sarcastic, and bitter.
Temptationist said:
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
Temptationist said:


When I get mad I often get bitterly humorous.

Trust me, I get super snarky.


I always use that word!

I am exactly like that. Whenever I rant about something to my friends, they usually end up in tears of laughter. The shit that comes out of my mouth, man...

Indeed! When I rant about things, I always had a little bit of snark. I even made a tumblr for my snarky rants. XD
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
Temptationist said:
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
Trust me, I get super snarky.


I always use that word!

I am exactly like that. Whenever I rant about something to my friends, they usually end up in tears of laughter. The shit that comes out of my mouth, man...

Indeed! When I rant about things, I always had a little bit of snark. I even made a tumblr for my snarky rants. XD

My friends beg me to make youtube rant videos.
One day... One day.
Temptationist said:
simpleroleplayer said:
not knowing the exact definition of "snarky", it's a bit annoying not knowing a word you've even used... Funny when used though! You both get a roflmao. Clarify mine, I had made the complaint but didn't get the memo in time. Watchu gonna do?

I got the term snarky from Dane Cook.
I'm not sure if it's a legitimate word, but I recognize it and use it all the time.

I believe it defines someone who is short-tempered, a little feisty when angered, possibly sarcastic, and bitter.

It's totally a word. It means sarcastic and bitchy in the best (and often most hilarious) of ways
simpleroleplayer said:
hmm. If the noun would be snark... Meaning a sarcastic bitch. Well, Joker you just described me as of late! LOL

Speaking of which, my friend (a total diva) had a paycheck at his job recently. He'd earned about $400, all of which he'd spent on a pair of Serengeti sunglasses on Amazon.com

When asked about his decision to purchase expensive facial decoration, given the fact that he loses things in the hellhole that is his room, he merely said "What am I supposed to do, go to WalMart abd buy five dollar shades there like some sort of savage!?"

It made me chuckle knowing that my best friend is slowly turning into Jessica Walter.
im the opposite. I go for cheap and thrifty. I don't know how many times I'd get generic, and a friend would say "oh such and such brand is better...(and usually twice as much)* to which I always reply, "Do I LOOK like I'm made of money?!" Actually cracked up a WalMart employee with that once. If you've seen the new CGI Animated Skecher ads for Twinkle Toes... ARRGH! THEY AGED HER DOWN! AND SKIRT?! She was cuter as a drawn tomboy teen girl riding her skateboard with her pet rabbit, and wearing jeans. Seriously.
Having to cut my hair to fit in better with Corporate America and further my chances at getting a better paying and more appropriate job for my skills. Damn corporations and their hatred of individuality.:p
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