Other Little Things That Bother You

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I seriously should just put a huge mother fuckin' disclaimer on my request thread stating "YES, I ROLEPLAY IN FIRST PERSON, FUCKIN' DEAL WITH IT."

It's like I'm in high school all over again. Dramatic reactions to nonsense.
Add to that.... I also lost my driver's license today. Or well, today is when I realized it has gone missing. Talk about sucky and stressful.
QuietSeductress said:
Going about my day knowing that my bed is unmade. Perhaps it's an OCD thing, but I just can't seem to let that one go.

I don't think I've ever made my own bed.
I've made other's beds, but never my own.
People who don't read. When Ii check a request thread, and it says "PM me if interested" and some knucklehead writes on their thread "I'm interested". Uh-huh...but, appearantly you can't read. Or, if thread link doesn't work, it doesn't dawn on them to go through the partner's ID to get to thread... I've had to do that with my one partner; go through her ID as link didn't work. We're still playing.
People on online multiplayer games and such who see someone using an item or some other such they really want, who then pester the fuck out of that person in a desperate attempt to get it.

God, I dealt with this alot back when I was heavy into Diablo 2. Before I quit......for like the 20th time, I had a super high level Barb, and some kick ass equipment to go with it. In the game, it's common for people to start up trades just to check out each others equipment for various reasons. Well, one day, I was playing with a few random people. Well, one person asks me what equipment I'm using after a dungeon run. I intiated a trade to show him, and the guy freaked the fuck out about the weapon I had at the time. He REALLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYY wanted it, for whatever reason. He offered me a bunch of stuff that was quite a bit less than the value of the weapon I had. Not to mention, I had nothing to replace it with if I did trade it.

Any who, I left soon after he started full on begging me to trade. Joined another game soon after and guess who appeared in the game a few minutes after I joined?......Ugh....... He ended up following me to 3 other games, begging for me to trade the weapon when I finally just logged off. Thankfully, didn't see him again after that.

Most recently, I have had to deal with people pestering me about wanting me to trade my legit Shiny EV trained Charizard in Pokemon Black 2. I don't go around bragging that I have it, but anytime I make mention of it on a Pokemon based forum, like on GFAQs, it doesn't take long for me to get at least a couple people PMing me wanting it. Thankfully, noone yet has been as annoyingly desperate about it like the D2 guy, but I have had people asking for the Charizard for free, which annoys me almost as much.
Think I lost a packet of gears. Fuck. Had to order a new one since I plan on making steampunk jewelry. Pissed because it had like 200+ pieces of watch parts.
When people are pushy and don't know how fricking trading works in a game/online/etc....

Typically, when you want to trade with someone, you show them what you have, then tell them what you want and then you both discuss working out a deal. Well, this hasn't prevented me from having various instances with people on games or trading cards online who will come into a topic of me listing what I have and want and just posting their own deal and more or less ordering me to take it.

Like back when I was still heavy into Yugioh, I would trade cards on Pojo's forums dedicated to that. There this one time where this guy comes in, posts the deal he wants and then just assumes I'm gonna accept it. I end saying no to him, cause the value of the trade wasn't equal in personal or actual value. He then proceeds to get super butt hurt and "yell" at me for not just automatically accepting his offer, which he seems to think is how trading works. You know, Person A makes offer and Person B must accept, regardless of how unequal the trade is.
When the car you're dead set to buy gets sold the morning you go to see it and no one called to tell you that it sold do you totally wasted your time and enemy.
-.- People with a lot of money, or a job, telling you how to spend your fixed income. EXCUSE me, but you are NOT qualified! OR... Get a job as a telemarketer if you want a job. NOBODY likes telemarketers, and I wouldn't last a week, because I can NOT hard sell you something you don't want. It's not my nature! -.-
When my neighbors are doing nothing all day and decide to do laundry.

I need to do laundry because I have shit to do today!

Ugh. Scavenging for clean clothes sucks.

Because it means that, in the end, we all lose. And everything will end in fire.

Ursus Peregrinus

~Remember: No Flan survives contact with the Anemone~
@darkangel. Yup, run into that all the time. Those are the ones that blare their radios, forcing you to listen to their shit. No class, no respect.
@zalvec. Yup. That's why it's on my phone. It's too expensive on home net. Granted, I can't get on the borrowed much, and can't get on here at the library...but I'll take it til I hit the lottery...lol
People who don't take care of their stuff, yet are just so shocked and upset when said item/s inevitably break.
Capcom announced Breath of fire 6...

'Breath of Fire 6 has been announced for PC/Tablet/Smartphones. Online touch RPG. Service starts in 2014.'

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