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Other Little Things That Bother You

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@youknow. That is so true. Ads nowadays are nearly three minutes long! In fact, they have even cut out spots from classic cartoons that 'offend' others. HEY! YOUR STUPID ADS ARE OFFENSIVE! CUT THEM LIKE YOU DO SCOOBY-DOO & TOM & JERRY! If you have seen some episodes and shorts, you know what I refer to. :p
Impatient people online.

I spend alot of my internet time on here or various other forums for stuff like Yugioh, Videogames, etc....... and few things bug me more than when someone posts a topic asking for help or suggestions or such, and get all pissy when noone has responded just 2 minutes after they made their topic. I would also lump in unneccesarily frequent bumpers who will bump their damn topic every two seconds to keep it at the top of the list.

And on here, it REALLY bugs me when I make a request thread and someone PM's me with a request and if I don't respond IMMEDIATELY, they just keep PMing me again and again and again......Sometimes, it's been every time they see that I get online, as I get PMed immediately following me coming on here. And a few times, it's been literally every five minutes.....
Its irritating when your muse doesn't want to cooperate with you.

I hate having to empty my pm box I think I send too many pms... lol
The fact that I drop everything for everyone else when it involves taking care of their pet for a few days but the ONE FUCKING TIME I ASK SO I CAN HAVE A FEW GODDAMN DAYS TO MYSELF, no one can do it.

Fuck. This. Goddamn. Selfish. Bullshit.

I'm so frustrated right now to the point of tears.
The idea that the ability to "properly" play a specific gender is exclusive to that gender, and the people that list this in their search threads. If these people are so concerned with the quality of their partner's characterization, shouldn't they search for skilled writers, and not a specific gender of writer? I've encountered plenty of women who can't play anything other than their self-insert, or mary-sue, and plenty of men who can't play anything than their generic, cool guy character. It makes no sense to me, and I think it just boils down to wanting what makes them happy in their pants. The thing is that they don't have the guts to be honest with themselves, and others, to flat out state that they're looking for a specific gender, because it's more arousing. I get if it's a comfort thing, but why not just say so? The bullshitty excuse drives me up a wall; I don't even have to be interested in role-playing with the person.
@ Mitsu. Good point, as I have met a few men who have well-rounded female characters. Not sure if I played with a female as a male yet, but that's the beauty of only wanting believable charas!
On topic: You plot with someone, they pick a chara, then they pull a poofer. I won't buddy you unless you start the roleplay or you're on staff and I've talked to you before. Thankfully, I have had great advice from my thread on "what I'm doing wrong". On the plus side, there are three in the works that I can't wait to begin with those partners. I feel confident we'll work well.
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
The fact that I drop everything for everyone else when it involves taking care of their pet for a few days but the ONE FUCKING TIME I ASK SO I CAN HAVE A FEW GODDAMN DAYS TO MYSELF, no one can do it.

Fuck. This. Goddamn. Selfish. Bullshit.

I'm so frustrated right now to the point of tears.

I'm gonna second this. Primarily the whole certain people expecting you to drop everything to help them at a moments notice, with them rarely, if ever, agreeing to help you with anything aspect.

An added thing that annoys be about this is when one of said people call me needing some type of help and if I happen to be busy at the time and tell them, they get all pissy about it. Even if it's something stupid and minor like them wanting me to go get fastfood for them simply because they don't want to themselves. Though, in my case, it usually ends up being said people trying to save their gas by trying to piss mine away.
I had a friend tell me she would if she could if she wasn't going to Canada. That's an extremely valid reason.

I'm just really frustrated about all of it. And that stuff is just crappy. I've had people do that and the only time I ask for people to do that for me is when I'm stuck at work.
rp_youknowyouloveme said:
Ashland De said:
Extreme levels of stupidity annoy me.


Tell me about it, dude ¬_¬

I could... But it would only piss me off. XD

Another thing that angers being nice. I know it's been mentioned but, yea. Everyone nowadays act like you're supposed to bend over backwards for them all the time... The moment you say no you're suddenly a bitch or selfish. Kills me every time. At this point in my life, I'm really gunna say screw people and help in moderation. There's no reason I should be continuously f'ed over because I'm being too awesome.
@ Ash. Same thing with me. Anymore people say they want money for this or that. Example: food or busfare. Well, fine, if I have extra...I'll put you on the city bus or have you order your lunch...THEN I'll pay your way. I don't give you the money. That's what you want? Tough. What you tell me you want it for, IF I have extra, I'll take you there first...and I'M Being miserly? Mom always said, "beggers can't be choosers," I don't support others bad habits, I have to deal with my own, thank you.
Having bad dreams regarding role-playing. They're always the dreams that seem the most real, and the only ones that cause me to wake up in a cold sweat.
@Mitsu. How about nightmares that reflect the stuff you are going through in real life? Only far worse, or worse case scenerios? That are JUST as vivid as real life? Ouch!
I don't have those dreams. My dreams are normally either zombies, or getting lost driving. Sometimes I'll dream I'm playing a video game, but those dreams are frustrating, because the game won't play exactly like it should. There are other topics I dream about, but they happen every two months or so; none of those dreams are ever of any concern.

Agonizing over whether I should even attempt to eat the leftover shrimp and steak teriyaki in the fridge. I really dislike leftover food.
When my ex tells me his mum has cheated on his step-dad and gone off with another man.

Said ex also cheated on me. Don't give a fuck.

Fucking selfish pricks, the lot of them. At least I get where his behavior comes from since he's cheated in almost every relationship he's been in.
@ Vita. I can't tell you how many times I have done that. I heard a song I liked in a store one time that I really liked, and typed what I could remember of the lyrics in Bing search. Found the right song, it was called 'Blessings' by Laura Story. Not saying it'll work EVERY time...but worth a shot :)
@ Hahvoc. Have so been there, too. I resort to the stereo-typical woman and growl MEN! quite a bit lately. They even rush pedestrians, so selfish is definately the right adjective.
The hypocrisy of extremists of every ilk. Any step too far in any direction on any subject at all is too damn far, and is not "caring, compassionate concern" but either control, contempt, or a mixture of the two.
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