Other Little Things That Bother You

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So I smoke shisha.

Usually, I let the coal burn out more than I did today.

It burned through my trashcan and then started burning my floor.

I live in an apartment.


I honestly just hope it looks like notches in the wood. <_< Fuuuck.
Ageism. It really sucks that people think you are too old to RP with them or think you are weird that you still gather around a table and play 'make believe' at your age. Fuck you. When I was starting out, I loved when people with more experience would work with me... well, except for the ass DM's who just liked to come up with creative ways of killing my characters every week... but especially online I embraced it.

I could sit for hours listening to World War 2 vets tell me stories about flying in bombers that were shot to hell. I didn't think them too old to be tough SOBs deserving of respect and gratitude. All this when I was in my teens and 20's. I went to the Renn Faire out of state a while back and I saw these older couple walking around dressed up, they had to be in their late 50's or 60's and I'm like, yep, that will be me some day. Fuck you and your damn expectations.

I am not old. I'm aged like fine alcohol or cigar.

There is no life I know
To compare with pure imagination
Living there, you'll be free
If you truly wish to be
- Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
I agree!
I honestly never pay attention to age.
When you read a book, whether erotic or not, does it matter how old the author is?
It's a character. Writing is a hobby, and to some, even a passion, talent, and sometimes a career.
Personals like age, sex, gender, etc... should have nothing to do with it. It should be the quality of the writing! :)

That's my 2 cents.

Oh, and, when people you thought were your friends just out become huge dickheads and are like "lolidontcare" and you're like "wow, really? Mature." Yep.

Or when you find out the person you've been seeing is a polynamorist and aspiring polygamist and you're definitely not.
Temptationist said:
Or when you find out the person you've been seeing is a polynamorist and aspiring polygamist and you're definitely not.

People should always be upfront about this, however, sometimes people don't find this out until after they've started dating someone during random points in time [or just didn't know who they could talk to about it].

Still, I'd try talking to them about it. I know several poly people who are wonderful and I've heard of several poly people who are really only into it to have multiple sex partners without actually being attached. [Which isn't real poly.]
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
Temptationist said:
Or when you find out the person you've been seeing is a polynamorist and aspiring polygamist and you're definitely not.

People should always be upfront about this, however, sometimes people don't find this out until after they've started dating someone during random points in time [or just didn't know who they could talk to about it].

Still, I'd try talking to them about it. I know several poly people who are wonderful and I've heard of several poly people who are really only into it to have multiple sex partners without actually being attached. [Which isn't real poly.]

I have absolutely nothing against people who are poly - but this is not something you shove under a rug when you are in the dating process. Like you said, it's something that needs to be placed on the table immediately. I'm just wondering when he was planning to tell me, and I quote (as he explained this to my cousin) "having one partner does not meet nor satisfy my personal desires".

He still hasn't told me. He doesn't know I know. LOL

I'm sorry, but it's kinda important for me to know that I will never satisfy your needs. That's a deal breaker, unfortunately.

Temptationist said:
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
Temptationist said:
Or when you find out the person you've been seeing is a polynamorist and aspiring polygamist and you're definitely not.

People should always be upfront about this, however, sometimes people don't find this out until after they've started dating someone during random points in time [or just didn't know who they could talk to about it].

Still, I'd try talking to them about it. I know several poly people who are wonderful and I've heard of several poly people who are really only into it to have multiple sex partners without actually being attached. [Which isn't real poly.]

I have absolutely nothing against people who are poly - but this is not something you shove under a rug when you are in the dating process. Like you said, it's something that needs to be placed on the table immediately. I'm just wondering when he was planning to tell me, and I quote (as he explained this to my cousin) "having one partner does not meet nor satisfy my personal desires".

He still hasn't told me. He doesn't know I know. LOL

I'm sorry, but it's kinda important for me to know that I will never satisfy your needs. That's a deal breaker, unfortunately.


Yeah, that's not what Poly is about at all. <_< It's about being able to love more than one person [from my experience and from the experience of others that I know]. Sounds to me that he just wants a lot of people to fuck around with.

And yeah, it is important. That also sounds like a wanna be Dom looking for multiple subs.
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
Temptationist said:
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
People should always be upfront about this, however, sometimes people don't find this out until after they've started dating someone during random points in time [or just didn't know who they could talk to about it].

Still, I'd try talking to them about it. I know several poly people who are wonderful and I've heard of several poly people who are really only into it to have multiple sex partners without actually being attached. [Which isn't real poly.]

I have absolutely nothing against people who are poly - but this is not something you shove under a rug when you are in the dating process. Like you said, it's something that needs to be placed on the table immediately. I'm just wondering when he was planning to tell me, and I quote (as he explained this to my cousin) "having one partner does not meet nor satisfy my personal desires".

He still hasn't told me. He doesn't know I know. LOL

I'm sorry, but it's kinda important for me to know that I will never satisfy your needs. That's a deal breaker, unfortunately.


Yeah, that's not what Poly is about at all. <_< It's about being able to love more than one person [from my experience and from the experience of others that I know]. Sounds to me that he just wants a lot of people to fuck around with.

And yeah, it is important. That also sounds like a wanna be Dom looking for multiple subs.

That's exactly what I said!!!
My reaction: "Sounds like a douchebag trying to put an innocent label on his player habits."

Not to mention, I've heard he doesn't have the best track record when it comes to faithfulness.
The fact that the middleman service I had for SDCC exclusives still hasn't fucking shipped my stuff yet. Its been like three fucking weeks.
Temptationist said:
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
Temptationist said:
I have absolutely nothing against people who are poly - but this is not something you shove under a rug when you are in the dating process. Like you said, it's something that needs to be placed on the table immediately. I'm just wondering when he was planning to tell me, and I quote (as he explained this to my cousin) "having one partner does not meet nor satisfy my personal desires".

He still hasn't told me. He doesn't know I know. LOL

I'm sorry, but it's kinda important for me to know that I will never satisfy your needs. That's a deal breaker, unfortunately.


Yeah, that's not what Poly is about at all. <_< It's about being able to love more than one person [from my experience and from the experience of others that I know]. Sounds to me that he just wants a lot of people to fuck around with.

And yeah, it is important. That also sounds like a wanna be Dom looking for multiple subs.

That's exactly what I said!!!
My reaction: "Sounds like a douchebag trying to put an innocent label on his player habits."

Not to mention, I've heard he doesn't have the best track record when it comes to faithfulness.

Ugh. The joy of unfaithful people.
When you get really excited about role playing with someone and they stop logging in...and your ideas just get bigger and better and your excitement just keeps growing but you aren't sure that the person will be on ever again. :(
When I realize I'm trying to hard because I feel like I'm doing everything wrong and then I over think and over worry and over try and that, my dears, is never a fucking good thing.
When my asshole of a boss tells other workers how I'm such a good hard worker but when she talks to me, she raves about how horrible I am.

Yeah. I need to quit.
I have to move across the country now. I can't afford to keep living here on my own because the shit just keeps piling on. I will be leaving in a month to go live with my mother.. and it makes me kind of sad. I have enjoyed my freedom, but I guess I just couldn't handle it. I'm trying not to cry.
CyanideDisaster said:
I have to move across the country now. I can't afford to keep living here on my own because the shit just keeps piling on. I will be leaving in a month to go live with my mother.. and it makes me kind of sad. I have enjoyed my freedom, but I guess I just couldn't handle it. I'm trying not to cry.

I'm sorry to hear that, Cy. Hope things pick up for you soon.

If it's any consolation, work has cut my hours so severely that they prettymuch told me "we no longer want you, but we want you to quit."

Example: I used to get 35 hours a week. They didn't schedule me at all last month, and when I finally came back to work, they gave me MAYBE 7 hours a week.
Millenium Joker said:
CyanideDisaster said:
I have to move across the country now. I can't afford to keep living here on my own because the shit just keeps piling on. I will be leaving in a month to go live with my mother.. and it makes me kind of sad. I have enjoyed my freedom, but I guess I just couldn't handle it. I'm trying not to cry.

I'm sorry to hear that, Cy. Hope things pick up for you soon.

If it's any consolation, work has cut my hours so severely that they prettymuch told me "we no longer want you, but we want you to quit."

Example: I used to get 35 hours a week. They didn't schedule me at all last month, and when I finally came back to work, they gave me MAYBE 7 hours a week.

Oh man! That sucks! It doesn't help me to see you suffering too, but at least we won't suffer alone! lol

Make them fire you so you get the Employment Insurance.
I can always get a job from.... well, like 3 different places in the immediate area, but still, I liked this job... sorta.

The people I worked with were awful though. Every one of them, just horrible and misanthropic.
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