Other Little Things That Bother You

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Sometimes I think my friends explain things to me because they want to appear smarter.

Sorry if my short and sweet explanations aren't good enough for you.
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
Sometimes I think my friends explain things to me because they want to appear smarter.

Sorry if my short and sweet explanations aren't good enough for you.

But wouldn't short and sweet and often bitter be the best way to handle a situation like that?
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
Sometimes I think my friends explain things to me because they want to appear smarter.

Sorry if my short and sweet explanations aren't good enough for you.

But wouldn't short and sweet and often bitter be the best way to handle a situation like that?
The feeling that you maybe made a mistake and wasted a bunch of money even though your trip is a month away.

I can't stand radio silence from people I'm supposed to be visiting.
When people are being so blatantly used and they are completely blinded and refuse to believe you.

When people don't realize their tattoos are really badly done/ they didn't go to a very good tattoo artist.
Temptationist said:
When people don't realize their tattoos are really badly done/ they didn't go to a very good tattoo artist.

I especially dislike it when they ask me my opinion, because I can only give them a negative one. I just don't understand how someone can get a poor tattoo, and just not realize it.

It bothers me when someone cuts off all contact with me, and I have absolutely no idea why.
Mitsu said:
Temptationist said:
When people don't realize their tattoos are really badly done/ they didn't go to a very good tattoo artist.

I especially dislike it when they ask me my opinion, because I can only give them a negative one. I just don't understand how someone can get a poor tattoo, and just not realize it.

It bothers me when someone cuts off all contact with me, and I have absolutely no idea why.

I can't physically tell someone their tattoo is horrible if they think it isn't. I would feel horrible. I mean, ignorance is bliss in their cases. I would hate to break it to someone that the tattoo they currently love is actually horrible and now that horribleness is forever stuck on their skin FOREVER. I would hate myself if this happened to me. Luckily, I'm not an idiot, and I do my research before trusting my skin in the hands of an artist (or in some people's case, a moron with little tattooing ability).
When I lose my fucking marbles for a moment, and get into the shower without checking the water first.
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
When someone you like really doesnt get how upset they made you. I don't know. Maybe its just not worth it

When someone says they're sorry you feel a certain way, rather than they're sorry for what they did to make you feel that way.
When people post requests then you pm them and they don't respond at all. If you don't want to rp with me just say so. But don't leave me wondering....
Dameon said:
Hahvoc The Decepticon said:
When someone you like really doesnt get how upset they made you. I don't know. Maybe its just not worth it

When someone says they're sorry you feel a certain way, rather than they're sorry for what they did to make you feel that way.

The fact that work fucked me on hours and is withholding payment for 12 hours I put in. Not only has this pissed me off as a matter of principle, but it has made it impossible for me to go to DragonCon this year. I could be drunk in a star wars costume RIGHT NOW, meeting people like Mark Meer, but NO! I'll keep hope that I can get tickets to AWA, but this, in additon to not having attended ComiCon this year are absolutely infuriating.
When people treat me like I just crawled out from under a rock and don't know how to function around technology. The people at the free-printing computer lab do this to me every time I go in there.

Being treated like I'm being a burden and an inconvenience for something I cannot help.
When banks charge you ridiculous monthly fees for being a student and making too many ONLINE transactions.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize doing something online COST YOU SO MUCH GOD DAMN MONEY.
Scams everywhere.
The saying "bomb.com" as a reference to something being cool.

First heard it on a reality show on E! called Total Divas, and while it's still the only place I hear it, any time the girl who says it, says it on the show..........my brain hurts.
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