Other Little Things That Bother You

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Hypocritical expressions of politeness, concern, compassion, or empathy. Get that a lot these days.

People who just cannot handle what is and think the rest of the human race has to respect their "reality choice" like it is something like a restaurant menu option.
People who just post in threads "can an admin/mod please delete this" rather than sending a message to one. What, do you think mods and admins just scour the forum all day looking for "delete this" posts in threads? Seriously?
Rudolph Quin said:
People who just post in threads "can an admin/mod please delete this" rather than sending a message to one. What, do you think mods and admins just scour the forum all day looking for "delete this" posts in threads? Seriously?

*snuggle-loves you* <33333
Today. Today is going to bother me. Bother is an understatement.
I have to work from 11:30 this morning to 9:00 this evening with my boss's boss screaming at everyone and freaking out and micro-managing every single little tiny thing and being rude and nasty and vicious to everyone. I don't like to use the term nazi, but my boss's boss is an complete fucking psychopath and today is going to be unbearable and I just want it to be over and I'm not even at work yet.
Happy Halloween.
My roommates. All my roommates do is smoke weed and drink alcohol every god damn night, while blasting shitty modern rap and electronic music. Whats the point of going to college when you're missing most of your classes, on a weekly basis?
Vic Rattlehead said:
My roommates. All my roommates do is smoke weed and drink alcohol every god damn night, while blasting shitty modern rap and electronic music. Whats the point of going to college when you're missing most of your classes, on a weekly basis?
So you can meet other people who smoke weed, and drink alot? While spending your parents money and meeting random cheap women impressed by your goatee to have sex with? Also a friend in collage did mention those get together tend to be good ways to make contacts, that may pay off in the corporate sector later on. No idea how true that is....
Groups who go from "victims" to being bulliest and outright terrorists and think there is nothing wrong with it.

Yeah.. I am talking about the "Die Cis Scum" crap I just commented on a few minutes ago, but this is EXACTLY why so much pisses me off about both the Left and Right.. or as I have right to call them.. Convenient Idiots and Anal Morons!!!
ThomasRHellsing said:
Vic Rattlehead said:
My roommates. All my roommates do is smoke weed and drink alcohol every god damn night, while blasting shitty modern rap and electronic music. Whats the point of going to college when you're missing most of your classes, on a weekly basis?
So you can meet other people who smoke weed, and drink alot? While spending your parents money and meeting random cheap women impressed by your goatee to have sex with? Also a friend in collage did mention those get together tend to be good ways to make contacts, that may pay off in the corporate sector later on. No idea how true that is....

How can they join a corporation if they flunk out or have a low GPA though?
Vic Rattlehead said:
ThomasRHellsing said:
Vic Rattlehead said:
My roommates. All my roommates do is smoke weed and drink alcohol every god damn night, while blasting shitty modern rap and electronic music. Whats the point of going to college when you're missing most of your classes, on a weekly basis?
So you can meet other people who smoke weed, and drink alot? While spending your parents money and meeting random cheap women impressed by your goatee to have sex with? Also a friend in collage did mention those get together tend to be good ways to make contacts, that may pay off in the corporate sector later on. No idea how true that is....

How can they join a corporation if they flunk out or have a low GPA though?
Most HR folks aren't going to care what your GPA is as it would be more trouble than it's worth to verify. They are just going to see a diploma. If you have honors, you can put that in your resume and it looks good, but a low GPA won't really count against you.
People who see themselves as better than others.

People who feel the need to only pipe up when.......
1) convo doesn't pertain to them
2) to say something to TRY and belittle others
3) to give themselves airs so that they can place themselves on what they think is an almighty pedastal

Fucking snobby people who resemble others who shall remain nameless. For now.
Bookmarking something to "look at later" and then when later rolls around, forgetting where I put it. D:

I want my Beetlejuice fanfics! >,<
"Don't tell me to lock my doors! Teach your kids not to steal!" type arguments.
when I get woken up, with four hours sleep. By siblings demanding I buy them alchol because they were stupid and got kicked out school. Then make me feel like Hitler when I tell them no.
Pretending that you don't bring your own personal biases into things when EVERYONE does: good, bad, pretty, ugly... everyone brings them in.

People who are so certain that they are right, but who in reality are wrong because they never see the other point of view.
When people think they are being snarky and funny, when in reality they're only being misleading and annoying.

Sorry couldn't resist xD
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