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Other Little Things That Bother You

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Blew my remaining computer budget on a more expensive case (Phantom 410 mid-tower), because I assumed I could cut corners with that old RAM. I'll buy the RAM I actually wanted within the next few days.

When a single person makes me dislike an otherwise simple and easy job.
Squirrels. Waking up to squirrels atop my roof in the morning. As if I wasn't an anti-morning person enough.
When the dog gets in to the family's compost heap then sits next to me and farts these atomic gas clouds that could wipe out a small nation.

-Excuses herself to barf-
Poor Happy! I know the feeling! *offers a clothespin for her nose*

It really bugs me when I've spent years educating people that dogs can feel pain and temperature tolerance like we do, and choose not to bite us and are killed for being born a breed, only to run into comments of "It's just a dog. You're an extremist."
"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated." - Mahatma Gandhi
Dogged, I will put it simply like this. I have issues with anyone who mistreats domesticated and semi-domesticated animals especially. I hope that makes sense.

Mitsu, I understand, just didn't want you to be being hard on yourself undeserving is all.

Something that gives me the red ass are people who never pay attention to how much things cost or the rising and falling of how things cost, then wonder why so many (especially that special someone) never trusts them to just "take care of " an expense or saving for an expense. (a family friend is like that... )
*double nods to Ruph* yea I know exactly what you mean and I don't agree with those who try to keep wild animals as pets, treat wolves as domesticated, or breed wolves to dogs. They're not making better dogs-they're making inferior wolves. *gets off soapbox*

The little thing that bothered me today--someone mugged my coffee! :p I think I'll switch to Sprite now.

Turns to Monty Burns and Smithers.......

When I get bitched out over not wanting to drive 20 miles out of my way for groceries because Im broke and need to conserve gas until my next paycheck. I mean, really people? of all the things to bitch about, you choose to chew my ass because I want to save money? Fuck you royally.
The fact that I've been popping pain killers all day and I'm still in crippling pain.
-Clutches her stomach and collapses to the ground-
*hugs Lady* You can do it sweetie!
When you hold down a part time job and volunteer your time every single morning, holiday, and weekend, and a mooch in law says 'that's not really working' while their unemployed, stoned out ass uses a fucking food stamp card to buy junk food! :dodgy:
When I hurt people I care about, because the stress and drama gets to me. I hate repressing things letting them build and build, then when someone who genuinely cares asks if I'm ok it's like a pin hole in a dam. Which in turn makes me feel bad, and that gets repressed. It's a vicious cycle that I hate and annoys me. Plus I feel genuinely guilty for making my friend feel bad and cry... Then I feel even worse, because I want to say sorry and cheer them up, but they are asleep and or doing something else, and so the guilt just rots away in my guts...

I'm also bothered my 8 ounce cans. ((I think that's the standard size)) two small to fill any decent glasses, which means you need two. But then you go through a 24 pack in 12 glasses of soda, and it sucks.....
The average in aus is 12.5oz, 8oz are sold as mini cans here

On topic
??% extra free on food packaging and "low fat" or "salt reduced"
LadyLarunai said:
The average in aus is 12.5oz, 8oz are sold as mini cans here

On topic
??% extra free on food packaging and "low fat" or "salt reduced"
Could you clarify a bit? I don't have any idea what most of that means lol. I don't now if it's an Aus thing ((Which when I first read I read as Anus lol)) or if I'm a bit slow. The ??% thing threw me. You don't have too, I'm just trying to figure it out lol.

I will admit "Diet" sodas annoy me. Especially when people act superior because their drinking diet soda.... Also when Diet or special flavors packaging looks cooler then the soda that's actually good. For example Coke Zero or Diet Mountain dew.
Ah sorry, the latest fad here for food companies is 99% fat free or 30% less salt, 20% extra free, terrible marketing ploys

Since the percentage can be anything from 10% - 99% I opted for ??%
LadyLarunai said:
Ah sorry, the latest fad here for food companies is 99% fat free or 30% less salt, 20% extra free, terrible marketing ploys

Since the percentage can be anything from 10% - 99% I opted for ??%

That bothers me, that entire "nutritionists recommend" sort of thing. EVERYTHING.. and I mean EVERYTHING those bullshit artists said about food and health when I was a kid and a teen they have TOTALLY FLIPFLOPPED ON.. so I do not believe a single word that anyone who says they are a "nutritionist" says without extensively researching it myself.. because usually I find out that their "expertise" has been bought and paid for by a particular interest group.
I left and forgot these.. as these two in particular just completely pissed me off at work.

Women who think the word "moist" is pornographic, but have no problem with words that actually are.

People who argue the merits of things that are no longer relevant or are beyond dated.
When a mooch-in-law demands that you reserve a rented vehicle for them and then have the nerve to get offended when you won't pay for it. :dodgy:
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