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Other Little Things That Bother You

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Guys who try to act like poorly played movie characters.

By the same token, people who don't act like anything at all and just think with a secondary pair of testicles.

The fact that meeting either of these kinds of people kicks my violent streak into overdrive and makes me want to do very... inhumane... things.

It's equally annoying when women do it, too, but I was raised to be more patient with the fairer sex.
Getting told by someone how awesome their significant other is and how amazing their kinky sex is.
When my ex won't get it through her head I don't trust her after she broke up with me. She tries to schedule when she wants to hang out with me between her ob which men i have to get up at six and be in bed by 9, or he gets pissy. Despite the fact me telling her multiple times "You broke up with me, when we were dating I might get sex for it, now that you've found god and crossed your legs, you've no l right to order me around."

Then, she gets pissy. and says i I keep that up she's going to quit talking to me. Like I give a fuck She broke up with ME that means she immediate dropped on my scale of "Give a fuck about" down to "possible booty call when one of us gets drunk.". she didn't pay or breakfast I'd totally drop getting up early all together.

Honestly it's almost funny in a sad way I used to be all romantic opening her door for he, complementing her. Now she asks me to get the door, I say "You can do it". She still expects me to act like I'm dating her, despite the fact she broke up with me, or stupid reasons I have more respect then that.
Yeah that's definitely a pisser Thomas!

"little' thing that annoys me: When my brother in law has a fight with his Ma, invites himself to sleepover here because he's always lived with someone to support him and never had a place of his own. Keeps us up till 3 am and then talks to his gf all night on the phone till 10 am!

It's morning but it's not a good one.
Having to wait for UPS on a day of non-stop snow. It's going to take forever.
My F5 button is pretty much stuck; any tiny bit of pressure sends my browser into a fit of refreshing mayhem.
What is NTR? And why are you so angry? This is a thread called 'Other Little Things That Bother You' so let it out! ;)

Little things that bother me: I'm looking at a couple of my posts and I'm not happy with the quality. My partners are writing well, but I didn't. I think I need to edit 2 of my 4 posts and then answer all 4. However-I'm feeling blocked and can't find good music for inspiration.
Playing games with a keyboard and mouse. I don't understand why PC types love it so much. Everything feels so much more difficult (with the sole exception of aiming).
When my ex gets pissy about my jokes about her religion. Thinking that I should treat her religion exempt from the mockery I give all religious people. I'm not cruel, and I'm not bigoted about it. However when you beak up with me and call me a hell spawn, don't expect me to take your religious stuff seriously. I'm glad some people genuinely believe, and that is your choice. However, trying to gang press me into your religious beliefs, and acting super religious around me, don't think I'll cut you any slack.

Especially when you show up, with a priest, to my door, with the plan of "Converting me from my heathen ways.".

Their is a line, that not only crosses it, but takes it out behind the wood shed and beats it to death...

I will give it up to the priest though he apparently thought I was looking for a religon. and was actually not a bad guy, I'm not going to go to his services, but if I was interested in his religon I would give it a shot.

It says something when your Ex girlfriend is more of a religious zealot, then the guy who is ordained an been studying the book his whole life....

What also annoys me, is I will probably apologize for being rude, because she has boobs. And I foresee me going to a service so she stops yelling. Just like I did when she went Buddhist, and Wiccan, and Christian.... God save me lmao.....
When I'm having a rough time, working my ass off, and when I ask for a little help everyone is like "Man up. Shut up. Stop complaining. Quit whining." and basically no one cares.

Then I see girls who don't do shit with their life, complain about stupid bullshit... and everyone's ready to bend over backwards to help her out.

Gender roles annoy me sometimes.
When people don't read things. FUCKING READ. IT'S NOT HARD.

When my shift managers [because I work between two stores now] don't actually hear a fucking thing I say and only what they want to hear, screwing me over in the process.

At least this shit won't happen again.
When the roads are icy and there's the few assholes that still zoom through traffic. It scares the hell out of me to see that. If I get hit because some asshole hits me because he slipped and lost control, I'm probably gonna be the one in trouble because I'm gonna kill that fucker.
People who post things that only makes sense to them, then never trying to correct what they posted or explain.

People who think that their problems are totally and singularly unique and that "no one can possibly understand what I am going through".
Arcanine Fan.. I so understand that. Here is one...

Feeling "hangry". Being mad because you are hungry and not realizing you are.. because you waited a bit too long to eat? Hate that.
I get like that at work sometimes if I work through lunch to try and finish whatever project that I am working on at the time. It sucks like a drunk prom date.
when you are trying to relax and read your manga, and your shitty internet lines and crappy computer combine to make it a huge pain. Seriously if I get the 'webpage could not be found" when I'm trying to check my email one more time..... Stupid Fire Fox.....
When you come home to an awful smell and find that the cat knocked over the compost bin.
The overuse of the statement "Well-behaved women seldom/never make history".. especially seeing how many of those "history-making women" are so not to be admired.
Being a soda-lover and not being allowed to drink any of the soda in the fridge because your fratboy housemates are reserving it all for alcohol mixtures. Even though I paid for it.

By the same token, fratboys. Being in a college fraternity is fine. Being in a semi-organized band of ever-partying drunkards is not, especially at one in the morning.
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