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Other Little Things That Bother You

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When my mom bakes me a brownie and my dad eats the entire thing before I can even have one fucking bite.
What the hell.

Wanting very much to reply to 4 threads right now, but it's after midnight already! I hate this damn 'needing sleep' thing coz it really interferes with what I wanna do!
Disrespect I fucking hate disrespect I respect damn near everyone and when I or people I care about get disrespected or treated like shit it pisses me off to no end!
DA, I think every single person on the planet has felt or is currently feeling exactly that! I don't think anyone could have expressed it more clearly!

Current bother: I want to write to my posts but I'm so damn scatterbrained today and I just don't know why!
When someone asks me "are you busy?" I answer "yes" and they still go ahead and ask me to help them out. What the fuck was the point in fucking asking me that? If I was busy, you've just wasted more of my time. I'm less likely to help when someone asks me pointless questions like that.
Waking up at 5 am sans alarm clock because I could HEAR the nor'easter giving us a foot of snow. :mad: *stalks off growling*
Having money, but being paralyzed over which leisure things to spend it on.
Being broke with a job and having to make sure that everything is spent properly.

Having a job in which half the time your coworkers make you feel like an idiot and the other half feeling like your customers think you're an idiot because of what your coworkers are doing.
When someone calls me for something important, that I surely need to write down, I grab the pen that doesn't have any ink inside (or doesn't work at all) -_-
When you get a foot of snow and just keep shoveling all day and it just keeps snowing more. I'm done. My back's killing me from shoveling and I'm going to officially hibernate from anything to do with outside until the day after tomorrow. *crosses arms angrily*
A PM titled "Hi" and the same in the body text. And then another and another and another exactly the same if you don't respond. Until finally, you get the classic "Just checking to see if you got my message" message, where they claim the the site has been doing unspecified weird things to their PMs lately and then they start the cycle all over again.

When someone responds to your requests by bugging you to do something completely uninvolved with your requests, and then insists on something totally uninteresting, like spraying reptile girls. It was a thing, don't ask.

God Mode in rp. Why the hell does everyone feel the need to play some kind of invincible demigod?

Other people playing your character, telling you how your character reacts to things or what they do or don't know.
Oh amen! Don't forget the ones who don't bother to read! When I copy/paste the phrase in my sig and req thread and journal and organizer and they have the gall to say 'sorry i didn't see it.' *six times in one day*

Waking myself up by sneezing is my 'little bother.' Not because it was just a sneeze, but rather I was laying on my back and you know where droplets go when you're aiming upwards. *stalks off, disgusted with myself*
People who spend over an hour in the store and never buy anything, they just criticize the stock we have and leave the doors open to let all the cold air out.
The fact that after being alive for a quarter of a century, I still cannot get a full night's sleep if I go to bed at a decent hour. I work a standard 9-5 and usually like to get up at around 7:30, so I'll go to bed at around 10:30-11:00 pm on weeknights. It's virtually a guarantee that I will wake up for at least an hour or two at around 2:00 or 3:00 am. The thing that sucks, is that if I don't get 8 hours of sleep at the very least, I will need a small nap at some point to make up for the lost time of sleep. Even if I just lose an hour of sleep, my focus isn't as good and I find that my attention span is slightly lacking. Nothing critical, but not as good as it would be if I got a standard 8 hours of sleep in one setting.
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