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Other Little Things That Bother You

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How people really believe that things like "Gallop polls" are accurate about anything. Sorry, but it is an instrument of politics, not about anything factual.
Me at 6 am: "I am a flood of snot and my whole face hurts!"
Her: "That means you're getting better!" *gives big cheerful smile*
Me: *Sneezes mightily* "Shup."
"You're great, and you have so many amazing qualities! Any girl would be lucky to have you!"

I guess lucky women are scarce.
Losing an unlimited metrcocard
Thinking you had a cold because you were nicely drugged up with nyquil and codeine and then finding out that it's become pneumonia, and now we're getting 16 inches of snow. *is bed ridden now*
Talking Angela....and her deep blue eyes.... 0.0
When I can hear someone chewing (even with their mouth closed). Or they smack their lips together while eating. Repeatedly. Also on that note, rustling of chips bags or opening a granola bar while it is super quiet during class. I was rather annoyed this morning in class over this >.<
People that think they deserve something someone else has that they don't and throw a hissy fit about it.

One family based example I have of it is a number of years ago, me, my mom and my sister all got laptops.

My mom didn't take care of hers, and it got broke.
My sister didn't take care of hers, and it got broke.
I took good care of mine and it lasted for years before eventually wearing out from age.

During the time I was the only one with one, I overheard my sister telling my mom how unfair it was that I was the only one with a computer and that she should get mine. Her only reasoning behind it was that she thought that for some reason, she deserved having a computer more than I did, even with her long track record of not taking care of anything she owns.

There's never been any sibling rivalry between us, and we were adult age at the time, so not just kid being a whiny kid thing. So, not really sure what prompted this switch to flip that started her towards becoming a self entitled whiny brat.
Huffington Post and Tumblr feminists. Huffington Post in general as well because of the feminists running/ruining it.
Having two dozen people update their threads a split second after you do...

Having every single lecturer thinking its a good idea to have the deadline for several major projects crashing down on the same week.
When my partners all seem to post at the same time, so I either have a heap of responses to attend to, or none. It makes me unsure whether to bump my thread or not!

When someone at work asks the same question three different ways, hoping to get the answer they want. Not going to happen.
Wanting to sleep all day, but not being able to sleep a wink at night.

AKA being a real life vampire, preferably without the sparkles.
I know how Dysy feels. Sleeping during the day always seems more relaxing and fulfilling.

Crushed blacks, and the people that like them bother me.
Trying to explain to people that "just going out with my friends" isn't an instant fix for depression.
I'm gonna kinda sorta second that one. It doesn't really bother me when my friends want me to go out when I'm a bad mood or something. I just don't like it when people think that's a fix-all for anything bad you're feeling.

Then if I do end up caving and going out with them, it then turns into you need a hook up to help you feel better.
When people ask me to RP but seem to forget they've dumped RP's with me in the past. It's like 100,000 fireflies "you won't be happy with me...but give me one more chance, you won't be happy anyway."
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