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Experimenting (DonVoltonus & SN)

She felt the holes and smiled. "Three. Wow." She curled her finger inside of her and began to pump it in one.
The fingers were met with resistance, something pushing them out as three long, slick tendrils emerged, each with a knot, and a bumpy, pointed cockhead on the end.
She smirked and moved her hand over them. "I bet I would." She leaned down and ran her tongue on the side of one of the masses.
The tentacle twitched, dribbling out a sweet, musky precum.
"Mmmm I'm certainly you enjoy them even more inside you."
She quickly licked the precum up. She smirked at her and got on top of her. "How am I going to get these in?"
She grinned and took the larger one. She moved down, sliding it into her cunt before taking the lower two and moving them into her ass.
She shifted the girl slightly, only letting one enter her ass. "Calm down there, we still need something for you mouth don't we?"
She moaned softly as two entered her. She smiled at the woman and nodded. She began to move her hips on the woman.
The cocks pulsed, wriggling and caressing inside her. The last one slithered upwards, teasing it's slippery tip against the girl's lips.
She rested her hands on the woman's chest, her hands caressing the woman's breasts. She opened her mouth, allowing the third tendril to slip into her mouth.
It slid easily into her throat, the other tentacles extending to thrust more deeply into her. "I knew you'd enjoy this my dear."
She looked down at her as she spoke. "Really? Please--tell me how." She paused when she moaned as the tentacles moved in her.
"Your lab coat and his food, lacing with pheromones and arousal drugs, respectively. Nothing strong enough to cause rape, but enough that if you held an interest, it would offer opportunity."
She closed her eyes, and remembered the first time she had sex with a dragon. "Ahh. Nice." She opened her eyes and smirked.
"The impregnation was unexpected." She thrust her hips up. "Less than 1% of the population is compatible."
She giggled softly and pressed her lips against hers. She pulled away and smiled. "I can never be mad at you."
She smiled, the third tentacle caressing the girl's body. "I'm glad, I hope to make this a long, enjoyable partnership."
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