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Experimenting (DonVoltonus & SN)

She felt Red's cock throb before she unloaded her load into her. She coughed, panting and mmoaning softly. She didn't know it would be this fun.
Red swiftly plugged her throat, green slithering off somewhere. Blue grinned, moving down and thrust into her hard, deep into her womb.
She whimpered and shut her eyes as Blue thrust into her. She was getting so sore now. She had to rest after this. She looked up at Red, moving her tongue over her cock.
Blue moaned and thrust against the back of her womb, thick cock swelling. Red chuckled at her willingness to suck cock.
She gasped, feeling Blue's cock hit her womb. She couldn't complain and tell her she was pregnant. She shut her eyes as she sucked Red's cock.
Blue moaned, unloading powerful jets of hot sperm into her. She came longer that the others, quickly filling her, her spurts forcing cum to splatter out around her cock. After filling her to looking pregnant, red pulled out as blue did, blue's powerful jets of cum soaking her chest and face.
She felt her walls clench and pull. As Blue came, she came too. She moaned loudly against Red's cock. She felt Blue filling her to the brim. She panted and slumped on the ground after they both pulled out of her. She felt so full.
She coughed and wiped her face. She groaned and got to her feet slowly. She stared at her bulging stomach as she limped out of the room.
She smiled and nodded. "That would be lovely." She looked behind her as she rubbed her swollen tummy.
She smiled, leading her to a nicely furnished room, with a very large bed. "What do you think of my little home?"
She followed her to her room. "It's nice." She said as she got onto the large bed. She laid down and sighed. "You're welcome to lay down with me."
She did so with a smile. "I watched you in there." She chuckled. "Not a great actor, but I think your looks can make up for that."
She laughed. "Yeah. I realized that." She sighed. She patted the spot next to her. "Come lie down with me. You deserve it."
She nodded, laying on her side. "If you're not too sleepy, I've got a surprise..." (How do you feel about futa, and tentacles)
(I'm fine with futa and tentacles.)
She shifted to face her. "I like surprises." She smiled, sitting up to face her better.
She smiled, unzipping her pants to reveal only a large pussy-like area of flesh between her legs. "I'm betting you thought I was human."
Her eyes slightly widened. "Yeah. I'm sure a lot of people thought you were only human." She got curious. She reached her hand out and smiled.
"Go ahead, explore my body as you like. Once I'm more aroused I have another surprise."
She chuckled.
She smiled. "You're full of surprises." She laughed lightly and ran her hand over the area. It felt nice. She felt herself blushing slightly.
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