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Experimenting (DonVoltonus & SN)

"Good, you'll be getting to enjoy a trio of spiny cocked shemales tonight, but they prefer unwilling women."
She led her to an unlocked room, a huge closet awaiting her inside. "A personal collection of lovely costumes. Don't worry of course, they're easily replaceable. A good thing, since whatever I have you wear is going to be ripped off."
She looked into the closet and admired the costumes. She especially loved the dress with the frilly end. "Good." She smiled and pulled it off the shelf. "Is this one good?"
"Cute." She threw her a set of silken pink panties and a matching bra. "We can project a sort of set, what about a subway car, or perhaps an abandoned building."
She rubbed her hands down her sides and smiled. She slipped on the silk panties and a matching bra on then put the dress on. "A subway car sounds good."
She smiled, tapping something into a small console on the wall. "Alright then. So basically, you're very unwilling at first, but the rough fucking turns you into a willing slut for cock. Cheesy, yes, but it'll bring in viewers."
She listened to her instructions and smiled. "It sounds perfect to me." She smoothed out the dress. "I think I'm ready." She laughed lightly and smiled at her.
She led her out to a doorway. "I already have cameras set up inside. They might be a little rough, just shout 'filter' if things get a bit too much for you."
She nodded and yawned. "I doubt I'll need to say it." She smiled to herself as she made sure her dress was fine.
"I'm pretty good at faking tears." I smirk and walk inside. I see the room looks just like a subway. I pull my hair to the side and walk down the path.
Three women walked up behind her, or moreso slithered. The woman handn't really described what sort of lizard the girls would be, but it seemed there were snakes.

(I think this is within the rules, as furries are okay. Don't see any reason scalies wouldn't be.)
(I see the picture now. It's fine.)

She heard the sound of slithering. 'She didn't tell me the futas were like snakes.' She thought. She turned her head back slightly and began to walk faster.
Two were behind her, the other having vanished. She came out from a side hall, letting the girl run right into her, and grabbing her shoulders.
"Well, look at this sweet morsel." She hissed, tongue flicking over her face.
She looked over her shoulder and saw two figures. she whimpered then ran straight into one. She gasped and struggled. "P-please. I just want to get somewhere."
She shoved her into the grip of one of the others, and began tearing away her clothing. The three were easily discerned. One was red in hair and markings, obviously the leader, a wiry, tall woman with a long, slim cock. The next, holding her, had green of a different shade from her scales, short and stocky, with a fat cock to match. The last was blue, appearing the youngest, slim and not very muscular, but she held a hefty cock to dwarf the others.
Caitlin gasped as they tore away her clothing. She remembered her saying ithey were easily replaceable. She let a few fake tears fall down her cheeks. "Please don't do this. You don't need to." She pleaded.
They all laughed, the green pushing her to her knees. The red moved up, pressing her pierced, spiky cock to the girl's lips. "Like we care want you want my dear? Now suck."
She shuddered as they laughed at her. She found herself on her knees with the red snake's cock by her lips. She looked up at her and nodded. She ran her tongue over the head then took most of her cock in her mouth.
"Uhn, look at this girls, our little fighter is just a cock sucking slut!" The three laughed, the blue and green stroking themselves and watching.
She felt her cheeks burn. She ran her tongue on the underside of the futa's cock and took more of her length.
Red groaned, gripping her hair and fucking her throat. "Slut's pretty damn good, I'm already close." Green chuckled, stroking blue's cock and eliciting gentle moans from the younger futa.
She felt the futa's hands tangle in her hair. She moaned against the cock as she reasied her ass in the air. She sucked and teased her cock with her tongue.
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