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Experimenting (DonVoltonus & SN)

"You have an absolutely lovely body you know." He smiled, reaching forward to grope her breasts with his large, rough hands.
She smiled as he commented on her body. "Thank you." She said. She felt his hands starting to massage her breasts with his large calloused hands.
He chuckled. "Thank you, for coming here." He thrust faster, changing angles to rub against her insides.
He snorted, hot air buffeting against her back. He was panting hard, rutting her swiftly, pounding his long member into her depths.
She felt the hot air hit her back. She bucked her hips and hung out her tongue. She knew she was going to be filled to the brim with his hot cum.
(I was thinking the next ones could be a group of futas of some creature, and they could talk)
(I'll think something up.)
He thrust in with a loud groan, bottoming out and flooding her with an even larger load of spunk. "Urgh, I think you're going to have a stomach full of cum with me this deep."
She felt his member twitch inside of her. A grin spread her lips. She felt the hot cum in her and moaned loudly. She was so filled up. She panted and smiled. "I agree." She looked down at her stomach and could see she was a little bigger.
She dug her nails into the ground. He was filling her with so much cum. She smiled and nodded. "Well, that is nice to know.'
He finished, panting, leaving her flooded wit hot cum. "Just thought you should know." He chuckled.
When he was done, Caitlin looked down at her stomach and saw that it was stretched farther that it was before. She smirked and looked at hikm. "Thank you."
She smiled and breathed out. She wondered what else her friend had in store. She got to her feet and nodded her head at him.
She grinned and got down to her knees. "Of course." She whispered. She ran her tongue on the meat and took the head in her mouth.
She sucked on the head as his member leaked his cum into her mouth. She smirked and swallowed. Her tongue was working on his member.
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