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Experimenting (DonVoltonus & SN)

Red spurted clear ruby liquid into her mouth, pulling back to cover her face with what appeared to be a load of pre rather than cum.
"I'd say she's willing red!" Green chuckled, moving behind her to push into her ass as Red pulled away. Blue blushed, speaking quietly. "Get her nice and ready to handle this."
She hung out her tongue and licked what she could reach. The pre tasted nice. She licked her lips and smirked. She felt the Green one push into her ass. She moaned loudly and arched her back. "Yes.." She moaned.
Red moved behind them, helping lift her so he back was against Green's chest. Blue moved in front of them, rubbing the tip of her thick, pierced cock against her pussy.
She moved her hair to the side and moaned as the Green futa's cock moved in her ass. She looked at the youngest one of the group and smiled and moaned, rolling her hips against her cock.
Blue chuckled, cock spurting pre with enough force to splatter her face. "Well, she seems more willing than our usuals." She laughed, pulling back and thrusting her long shaft deeply into the woman, pressing against Green inside her.
She licked her lips seductively and grinned at the snake. She felt her push inside of her and arched her back. "Oh yes!" She cried out. She bucked her hips and moaned.
Blue thrust in time with green, her longer cock already rubbing on the girl's cervix. "Maybe act a little less enjoyment?" Red hissed in her ear.
She heard the Red one hiss in her ear. She shuddered, the feeling was weird. She nodded and slowed her bucking hips.
"Hah, little slut can't even hold back while she's being raped!" Green laughed. Red stood high with her long tail, pushing her cock into the girl's mouth. "Since you can't shut up, I'll help you!"
She felt her cheeks burn as Green commented on her. She looked at Red as she pushed her cock to her mouth. She exhaled deeply through her nose and shut her eyes,
The next few minutes were silent, with only the sounds of their groans, and the wet, lewd noises made by their spiky cocks.
She was unable to moan with Red's cock in her mouth. She felt the tension building in her lower abdomen.
Blue grinned. "Little slut's getting tight!" She panted, Green having a simmilar reaction. Red laughed, forcibly throatfucking the girl. "This lovely little cock whore just can't hold back, can she?"
Her tongue prodded the Red's cock. She moaned as she penetrated her throat. She panted through her nose, feeling her orgasm building. She rocked her hips and moaned quietly.
All three pulled out and they tossed her to the ground, Green moving up and thrusting into her pussy, the other two standing over her and jerking off, spurting pre across her body.
She gasped as she was shoved onto the ground. She felt her walls clench on Green's cock. She bit down on her lip and arched her back as she came.
Green bucked and groaned, claws scraping her hips as she pumped thick, forest green spunk into her, pulling out to shoot more across her belly.
She panted and slumped back on the ground as Green pumped her spunk into her and on her abdomen. She looked up at Red and Blue and smiled.
Red moved behind her to take over, thrusting into her ass as Green forced her to clean up her cock.
Her ass was still sore from the minotaur. She whimpered and looked up at Green. She licked her cock to clean her juices off her cock.
She dug her nails into the ground to hold her still. She breathed deeply through her nose as she was to force herself not to gag.
Green pulled out with smirk as Red began flooding her ass with thick crimson sperm. She soon pulled out as well, her shots strong enough to coat the girl's chest.
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