Joe laughed when he saw Thomas and Rosie make for the animals. But he soon turned to the old man. "Thanks," Upon seeing the animals Joe hadn't expected to see so many in one place. He was sure there were going to be much less, nevertheless he moved to the rabbits. "We'll be needing some of these, though not yet. I'd like them nice and healthy...firstly we'll need to build good housing for them back at our town." He looked at the old man. "You keep a lot of animals here, never would have guessed to find all of this here." He admitted, it was rather astonishing.
Joe walked outside. "I want them healthy, we'll pay nicely for them. As for the wool, well, I'll get back to you on that." He said to the man and nodded at him. "Perhaps we'll take some kittens with us for these two." Joe said, looking down at the pups, "when they're older." He said and looked to Chris. "Anything you need?"