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Guilty or Not Guilty

Can't say that I have... I simply tell the other person I don't want to then hang out at home with a bottle of Kahlua. XD

Ever used a fake I.d. to get onto places you weren't supposed to be?
Guilty, but didn't pay off.

Have you ever started looking for a new partner, while the old relationship wasn't officially over yet?
Guilty.. Had red cheeks as a consequence. Her sister seemed to like the idea, though.. Hm. Flushing cheeks, is a good sign, right?

Have you ever, pinched too hard?
Guilty, in several cases.

Did you ever tell your partner that he/she did not satisfy you?
Not guilty, I am still innocent... Shocking right?

Have you ever lied to your lover about where you were simply because you were with your ex and you wanted some time with them?
Not guilty.

Have you ever had naughty ideas about your lover's brother or other family members?
Not guilty, although this is a fun idea. ;)

Have you ever lied about your previous lovers?
Not Guilty.. Always pick e'm riight.. (Saying that not to admit to only ever have one, who's still shining on his life..)

Have you ever.. Walked through a room. And it was more like.. The room. Passed around you? Like there was a leash around your neck, that pulled you through?
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