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Guilty or Not Guilty

Guilty.. No man, isn't guilty of such a thing. Although most, wouldn't admit it.. Just sayin'..

Did you ever lie, about your virginity, only to bathe in the glory of those who had their fun?
Not guilt, but tempted, however that lie would not have survived long.

Did your parents knew when you became sexually active?
Not guilty. Thank god.

Did you honestly and truthfully say you were a virgin when anyone asked?
Not guilty surprisingly. I lost my virginity pretty early so I didn't have to lie about it.

Did you ever make fun of someone for still being a virgin?
Not guilty.

Why so many virginity related questions in a row? Are we trying to have one page of just virgin related questions? Well, I'm not gonna be the combobreaker.

Do you regret the incident in which you lost your virginity?
Nope.. Not Guilty!

Quite sure the majority of other men, didn't either.. Might think they did, buut.. In all truth, probably didn't..

Ever talked, very seriously, about fetishes and overall just sex with your girl/boyfriend, and NOT had sex afterwards?

C-C-C-COMBOBREAKER!!! *Flex's..... Then hides behind a couch.*
Guilty! Should have seen my bf's face, he was all o.o noooooooo

Ever had nasty thoughts about an Ugly person who is NOT your type? As in if your friends found out, you would be made fun of for thinking them...

Did you ever date a person that you were hiding from your friends, knowing they would not approve?
Oh God... guilty... fuck...

Nothing makes you feel like a shittier person than having a secret girlfriend.

Have you ever initiated sexual interaction to avoid having a serious heart-to-heart with someone (likely your significant other)?
Guilty, but it didn't make the problem go away. ;)

Did you ever stay in a relationship for the sex, although the love was already gone?
Eh.. Guilty.. Bloody awkward moment, that was.

Couldn't keep my mouth shot, n' spewed it out... She didn't quite like, that I hadn't noticed her tattoo before. But g'damn it! You keep telling us to look you in the eyes, and not at your bosom! Actually tried to do that, that time. And look what I got? Never doing that again.. Heh heh.

Heh.. One of my friends did this.. I wanna know if that's a common mistake.

Have you ever moaned out a friends name, whilst having sex with your girl/boyfriend? Not one, of the opposite gender, but a really good male mate (If your a guy. Female one, if your a girl.) that you spend a lot of time with?
Not guilty. I work in the criminal justice system so I get to see the end result of this action. The punishment heavily outweighs the reward if you get caught (see: felony shoplifting).

Have you ever started making out with someone who has bad breath and tried to keep your discomfort secretive or did you just back out and tell them what's up?
I'm married (16 years) so heh :p Yeah, I've thought of somebody else while kissing my hubby. Usually it's Jon Bonjovi or Maksim Chmerkovskiy. :D

Have you ever changed your mind about purchasing an item in a store and set it back down on a shelf where it DOESN'T belong, just because you don't want to walk all the way back to where you originally picked it up?
LOL... Not guilty. (Got lucky, I guess...) :D

Have you ever had a dream that you were in a restroom about to relieve yourself but...pee'd a little on the bed before you woke up and realized you WERE dreaming?

(Not like I've ever done all....either....)
Ergh.. Guilty.. But don't remind her!

Hmmh.. Ever had a really.. Intimate. Dream. And woken up rather aroused, realizing you where sleeping over with friends/a friend of your own sex, feeling awkward about your. Aroused state, admits them?
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