Guilty or Not Guilty

"Guilty, your honor," said Charles Barkley's faux daughter.

Have you ever used the men's bathroom as opposed to the women's for any reason?
Guilty as charged again, on a trip to disneyland with my entire choir class, a long line for the ladies restroom.

Have you ever been to a town or city where they practice nudity in all of their daily activities?
Guilty. I accidentally went to the nude beach in Florida, heads up. More old people than young. Yuck!

Have you ever kissed a friend on the lips and remained friends?
Guilty again, yes I have, we're still best friends, though, sometimes there are awkward moments, but we try to avoid that. And oh alright I'll beware >_<

Have you ever been involved in a orgy?
not guilty, though have been offered, but turned it down.

Have you ever sexual activity with another woman?
Guilty, although, the pleasure was 10 X the amount of pain from the wall, so I didn't mind

Have you ever had a gay guy friend?
Not guilty - but I had two that lasted eight months. Early on in my time here, I had exceptional good fortune with a couple of partners, who just by the way couldn't have been more different, one from the other.

Have you ever had a role-play that showed remarkable promise just go "poof"?
Guilty. I keep rereading what was done like a crack addict. Tried finding replacements but they were never up to par.

Have you ever roleplayed something out of your element and found you enjoyed it?
Guilty, I did enjoy, it just shows that I am open to several different elements and don't just stick to one.

Have you ever roleplayed with a person who typed only one or two sentences as a reply?
Yes (no guilt involved); an example which springs immediately to mind is a role-play in which I was involved last year involving elves, about whom I knew nothing. It really came out OK, all things considered.

Have you ever been in a role-play where the research was just eating you up - but you couldn't get out?
I would say not guilty, so no, technically no, I have been in research roleplays, yes, but thanks to my photographic memory, I can just skim the page, pick out the main points and important parts and incorporate that into the roleplay, but I couldn't get out because it was interesting enough to keep me tied in. So yes, but no if that makes sense.

Have you ever been so interested in a roleplay that you have replied multiple times a day, or several times a day?
I would say guilty, though, I make them my original characters, using different traits and personalities

Have you ever used characters involving your own name?
Guilty, but never as a primary character. An illustrative example would be: at a hotel in the Shannon Airport complex in Ireland, a courier arrives at the room of Jake Broussard (my primary character) with a package from a local jeweler; the courier's name is "P.J. Landry", which in addition to being a French name is also an Irish name, and my name.

Do your characters usually (or even always) very closely resemble yourself, such as in appearance, origin, experience and/or personality?
I would say guilty to some extent, like some of my characters have chestnut hair, same as I, or blue eyes, same as I, they don't much resemble me in origin or experience, or personality though. I tend to be closed up tight about my experience, my origin, and my personality, and I have my reasons to be, so in other words, I am shy, quiet, the kind of girl that feels really uncomfortable in a big crowd and around new people. As opposed, my characters are usually fiesty, fighters, stubborn, hardheaded, warriors, as well as spontaneous and outgoing. Though, in a way I can be stubborn and hardheaded sometimes as well, so I am guilty to some extent yes.

Have you ever based your roleplays off of dreams you have had or past experiences?
Since Angel did not give a guilty or not guilty I will use her last one <Have you ever based your roleplays off of dreams you have had or past experiences?>
Guilty to both
Have you ever double dated with a friend and fantasized about being with your friend's date?
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