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Guilty or Not Guilty

Super guilty. (Still mad.)

Have you ever been teased to physical arousal, but forced to finish the deed on your own?
Guilty, and she enjoyed some success - as did I!

Have you ever been friends with someone, and then all of a sudden, like flipping a switch, the passion thing got turned-on, and y'all HAD to become lovers?
Guilty, and the coolest memory ever. Two girls, one shower. Should have seen it coming.

Have you ever taken an absolute stranger to bed?

Have you ever been used to cheat on someone? Like find out the person you slept with was committed already.
Guilty; I suspect most of us have been in that pair of boots a time or three....

Have you ever been asked to "pull out" but instead pumped her full? Or if a woman, been the unwilling recipient of a big load, and felt very betrayed?
not guilty, although, I've told a lover I was pregnant, he didn't pass out.

Have you ever experimented (If you are a man) with another man, or if you are a woman with another woman?
mmhmmm well I don't know if I'd be guilty, would step-cousins be incestuous?

Have you ever engaged in sexual activity with someone whom you had to place a paper bag over their head?
In reality unfortunately not guilty

Have you ever lied about your identity to someone you probably would never see again?
I will admit guilty as charged

Anyway, Have you ever stolen an identity or have you ever used a fake identity?
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