Shaken(HP) Lady/Moon

Astoria rolled her eyes as she appeared with harry, looking amused at draco's excitement.Even if the man was refraining from squealing, she knew her husband. He was giddy with the idea of having so many children in the manor. "You're a brute, draco, to be calling your wife names."Astoria said smiling as she let harry sit on the bed next to gabriella, settling on the edge of the bed and watching them all. Gabriella shook her head, wincing as she looked at her husband. "N-no not yet."She said biting her lip a little because she'd tried so very hard to not pick a name, because it made her think about raising him without her husband, and she couldn't think on it. Even though she was aware they were just putting off the talk they needed to have, she couldn't bring herself to have it. But watching Draco examine her huge stomach, she knew she needed to. "I think me and harry are going to rest...if you need anything else..."She said looking up at draco, tears misting her eyes.
Draco smirked at Astoria. "your the one whose being mean." he complained affectionately as Harry settled next to Gabriella, touching her head and her arm to make sure she was actually alright. "we'll let you rest then." Draco agreed, glancing at Astoria as he took her hand and led her away, letting Gabriella and Harry have the privacy they needed. "i hope they'll be alright..."

Harry rested his head on her good shoulder ad closed his eyes, sighing softly. "we should talk." he muttered softly, blinking at her. "Draco said that he's found a way to make sure i see the birth of my son." he admitted softly as he took her hand, holding her hand tightly. "but it's getting close Gabby... every day, the pain gets worse. it gets harder to breath and move..." he closed his eyes. "i'm going to be gone soon, and i need you to be ok before i do." he admitted softly. "i'm going to be gone soon, but you won't be alone. Draco will be there for you. always, as will Astoria and Ron. you know that right? and even if i'm physically gone, i will always be with you, watching and protecting you." he promised softly, closing his eyes. "i will always love you, and i only want you to be happy..."
Astoria smiled softly walking out with draco,slipping a hand into his, studying her husband. "They'll be fine. Or as well as they can be."She muttered wincing slightly, breathing slowly. Having started having contractions when they'd first gotten back, but she didnt want to upset him just yet."We should go get some rest to."

Gabriella nodded, swallowing hard as she raised a hand to gently stroke his hair, swallowing hard. "I know...I know it is."She whispered, starting to cry softly before rubbing the tears away, having for the last months tried so very hard to not show him how upset she was, to be happy, for him. Swallowing hard she winced softly."I'm okay Harry, I promise."She muttered resting her head against his, nodding softly."I know. And they'll help."she muttered so in pain at the idea of having to raise his son, without him. "....are you giving me permission to move on?"She muttered raising a eyebrow at his words.
Draco smiled as he kissed Astoria's forehead, closing his eyes as he led her to bed, humming softly as he held her, wondering how badly Gabriella was going to react after their... talk. and even worse, after Harry died. Harry was struggling to keep up appearances. "Astoria?" Draco asked softly, his arms tightening around her. "i love you." he murmured softly, kissing her hair as he closed his eyes, struggling no to cry as he realized just how close to death Harry really was.

"your not ok." Harry whispered. "i know your not." he mumbled as he closed his eyes and then smiled at her. "if that's what it takes to make you happy." he assured her, smiling at her. "i know it's romantic to think you'll never love another man again, but i know better." he promised with a chuckle. "besides, you should have a man who can love you just as much as i do." he admitted simply, nibbling on her lips. "it's a shame Draco's already Married, i'd tell you to go after him, but Astoria might rip all your hair out if you tried that. she's so possessive." he teased, trying to lighten the mood a little.
Astoria smiled a little,leaning her head against his chest, "I love you to. So much."She muttered rubbing his back, wondering how all of them were going ot handle it when harry died. Tears misting her eyes as she sighed softly. "its okay to cry you know."She muttered wincing rubbing a hand over her stomach, "I need to lay down draco."She muttered pulling away from him, heading for their bedroom even as she took his hand.

"I am!"She growled annoyed with him before laughing quietly, studying her husband. "Hmm I'll never love anyone like I did you. You know that."She muttered gently stroking his hair before kissing him back, shivring a little. "hmm yes, I'm pretty sure Astoria would pull out my hair."She said giggling a little before growing serious again."On our date. You bought a box, and a pensive...for what?"She asked smiling t him, needing to get everything out now, that she admitted to herself just how close they were to the end
Draco smiled as he shook his head. "i can't cry. not yet. Gabriella needs me to be strong and so does Harry." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "i have to stay strong for them. i'll cry after everything is done." he decided, giving her a look as she winced. "Babies kicking again?" he asked, looking amused. "i guess they really want out. it should be soon, within the next couple of days i think." he admitted, excitement in his voice as he rubbed her belly and let her lead him into the bedroom.

Harry smiled a little and nodded. "i know." he promised her. "but just because you can't have a Big love, doesn't mean you should deny yourself a smaller love. and who knows, you might find someone who you love just as much, and i want you to have the chance to love again, without feeling guilty." he admitted, kissing her gently before biting his lip. "the Pensieve is for two things... my Will, no one can contest a spoken Will." he admitted glancing at her before biting his lip hard. "and i... was going to record some messages for our little man." he admitted, setting a hand on her belly. "something so that he can know his daddy loved him very much." he admitted, smiling. "advice about life, and just... so that i know i can have a touch on his life, even if i'm not there." he admitted. "as for the box, well... it's a secrete for now. sorry." he teased, smirking at her as he shook his head. "it's for both you and our son." he admitted with a nod. "and you can have it when our baby is born and not a moment sooner."
Astoria nodded a little,"And I can be strong for you."She smiled softly as she settled onto the bed, shaking her head a little as she rubbed her stomach."No. Contractions. Have been since we got home."She said smiling slightly at him as she rubbed her stomach, shifting, trying to get comfortable.

Gabrielle frowned a little at him before nodding."Maybe."She muttered resting her head on his shoulder allowing herself to think that maybe, she could be happy after this. "Ohhh well.That's a good idea."She smiled as she rested her hands over his, closing her eyes."You'll always have a part of his life. I'll make sure you do."She muttered yawning, pouting."That's not fair!"She whined sulking as she settled in to get some sleep.Knowing that it would be the next few days she went into labor, it was just a feeling, and she didn't want to consider what it meant.
Draco froze when he explained what was happening and he sighed a little. "your supposed to TELL me when those start." he complained, shaking his head. "i'll get everything ready. how far apart are the contractions? we won't really have to worry until your water breaks and the contractions are a few seconds apart." he admitted as he sat up and ran a few scans on her swollen belly, nodding. "yes, you'll be fine for a few hours." he decided happily. "do you want a pain killer or do you want to wait until the pain gets worse?"

Harry smiled as he kissed her forehead, closing his eyes. "i love you Gabby." he muttered softly, smirking a little. "do me a favor?" he asked hopefully. "for the love of Merlin, DON'T name our son Harry, or worse, Harrison!" he pleaded, teasing her with a small chuckle. "it's an awful name! name him something nice, like Gabriel or Zarthyr. something strong and noble like a Wizards name should be." he mumbled sleepily, looking up as Draco knocked on the door. "just wanted to let you two know that Astoria's gone into labor. nothing real big yet but the contractions are starting. i'll come and get you when the birthing starts?" he asked, his head tilted at them as Harry hesitated. "er... i'm not sure i can see something like that without puking..." "consider it practice potter, for when Gabby goes into labor." Harry winced. "i'll be too busy focusing on how she's breaking my hand to worry about how grossed out, and freaked out i am." Harry teased, smirking at Gabby as he winked at her. "she's got a tight grip this one."
"I know, but you were taking care of gabriella, and they haven't gotten to bad yet."She said sighing softly looking amused as he fussed."I'll wait.Go tell the others."she said closing her eyes, intending to get some ret until it got worse.

Gabrielle smiled softly,"Love you to."She muttered before snickering."I wont.Don't worry, I'll find something nice, and maybe a star, since it seems to be the wizarding families way of doing things."Se muttered smiling pleased at draco's news."Tell us,but we wont come watch."She said snickering as she watched the two men, amused at their teasing before flushing."I wont break your hand!"She whined looking amused s she snuggled down into her husband to sleep.

A day and a half later Astoria whimpered quietly, exhausted and in pain as she pushed, her contractions finally having progressed enough to deliver, but the woman was exhausted. And despite everything that draco had done, it was killing her. Draining both strength and magic from the pregnant woman." need to prepare..."She muttered looking up at her anxious husband as she felt one of the twins coming out, needing him to know that this was killing her. She knew it was.And there was nothing to do.
Harry smiled a little and nodded. "yes a star. Sirius was a star. and Draco is a star, and even Astoria is a Star." he teased smirking a little as he kissed the back of her neck. "and you would so totally break my hand." he teased. "but it's a small price to pay." he promised her, smirking a little. "after all, you will be birthing our baby boy, i can handle a few shattered fingers." he murmured, happily going to sleep with her, refusing to admit how close to death he really was. Draco knew of course, but he wasn't saying anything, not yet.

Draco held Astoria's hand tightly, offering her comfort as he shook his head. "there will be no preparing Astoria! you will be fine, i promise." draco murmured encouragingly as he gently wiped her forehead. "Your almost there, it's almost done. soon our little Angels will be born and you and me will have a long, happy life." but he knew, that the chances of Astoria dying in Childbirth where growing the longer it took. "look! there's a head!" Draco purred. "push for me love, ok? a great big push. that's my girl, you can do it..." and soon he had a beautiful baby girl in his arms and was cleaning her up while Astoria rested, well aware that Gabriella and Harry where worried sick in the waiting room. but Draco couldn't bring himself to care just yet. he needed to keep Astoria alive and kicking, and he needed to get the little boy out yet as well. if he had to, he'd terminate the Labor, and cut the babe out of her belly the way the muggles did.
Astoria smiled a little as she looked up at her stubborn husband."So stubborn."She muttered watching him, looking up at hi,shivering as she pushed."Draco..."She muttered shivering a little as she pushed their boy out to, slumping back against the pillows, looking up at him."ARe they okay?Alive?"She whispered needing to know, before she could let go. While she wanted to stay with him, toraise their children she knew, as surely as she knew harry was dying, that this was her time. she had to give draco over to the woman who needed him, the soul mate that was meant for him. It hurt her to consider that draco and gabriella had never known before now,but hopefully, they could overcome their greif ,to find each other.
Draco smiled at her and nodded. "always stubborn." he agreed, kissing her forehead. "their just fine love. happy, healthy little babies." he assured her, resting them into her arms so she could see for herself while he struggled to fix the damage done, struggling to stop the bleeding. "stay with me, alright? please stay with me..." he pleaded softly, stroking her hair as he realized that he couldn't save her. he should have taken her to the Hospital. he knew there wouldn't have been any point though, Draco was the best the Hospital had to offer. literally, the best. if he couldn't save his wife, no one could. "please, Astoria... don't leave me..."
Astoria smiled leaning against him, looking relieved to see that her children were safe as she gently stroked their heads, closing her eyes as she looked up at her husband."You couldn't have done anything draco,sometimes, there's nothing you can do to stop fate...even if you want to save me, and I don't want to leave you....don't blame yourself draco...this wasnt your fault.."She whispered gently laying the twins on the bed, closing her eyes as she leaned back against him, clinging to her husband as her breathing slowed, and astoria malfoy died in her husband's arms.
Draco started to sob as he stroked her hair. "please, Star... don't leave me. please don't leave me! i need you!" he pleaded, gathering her into his arms, clinging to her tightly as he started to wail, the sound carrying into the sitting room where Harry and Gabriella where waiting. the sounds of heartbroken screams filling Harry with terror as he turned to his wife. "somethings wrong..." he muttered, heading for the door, which was locked, but when had that ever stopped Gabriella? a well placed spell and the door was open to them. Harry stared, horrified and he turned to Gabriella. "you take care of Draco, help him anyway you can." he ordered softly. "i'll take care of the babies until he is calm enough to do it himself..." he murmured, Draco sobbing over his wife as the still babies watched on, crystal clear eyes, and thumbs in their mouths, they didn't fuss at all under the force of their fathers greif, and they snuggled into Harry's warm blankets, which he always had draped around himself these days, and went to sleep, leaving Gabriella to sooth and comfort the inconsolable Draco.
Gabriella paled as she realized what had happened, shell shocked as she moved to stand next to draco, gently prying him away."come on sweetheart, we're going to govlay down.come on."she muttered coaxing him into her and harrys room holding him as he cried,muttering the senseless wordless comforting sounds. After a few hours she leaned back to look at him, gently stroking his hair."are you ready to go see your babies draco?"she said her fear for him overriding her grief for astoria
Draco tried to cling to Astoria, but he didn't have the strength. he wailed and sobbed as he clung to Gabriella, clinging to her instead, so lost in his grief that he wasn't even sure who was trying to comfort him. he finally stilled and stopped his wailing and he looked up at her with clouded gray eyes, swimming in grief to the point he wasn't even sure what she was asking. finally he shook his head, stood up and went back to Astoria, gently arranging her on the bed as he used a soft cloth to gently clean the sweat off of her, as well as the nastier birthing fluids. she had to be perfect before people came to help him get ready for the funeral. he would do it The Old Way. none of that muggle crap of putting a person in the ground. he would stand vigil for three days, no drink, no food, and then she would be settled onto a Pyre, and burned so that her spirit could let go of him, no matter his grief, and ascend into the heavens where she belonged. he didn't want to see the babies she had given her life for, not yet. it was wrong to rejoice in life when the woman he loved was dead, and cold...
Two days later gabriella sighed softly as she shifted rhe child in her arms, the boy who still had no name because his father couldn't bring himself to see to his children. Not when they were still planning astorias funeral,and having locked draco in the manor while her and harry dealt with both funetal arrangements and the newspapers, gabriella to was starting to show the strain of losing both her best friend and with the knowledge that she had weeks if not days, until she was doing this for harry.

"Think dracis ready to go down for the vigil?"she muttered kissing harrys cheek as he fussed over the baby, sighing quietly as she looked at her husband
Harry held the little girl, turning to blink at Gabriella, offering her a shallow smile. with every passing day Harry was getting worse and worse. it had gotten bad enough that Ron was there, helping. he was doing most of the Press things, snice he was an Auror, Head Auror at that, it was easy for him to keep the crowds under control. "i think so." Harry admitted softly, tickling the little girls toes. "i hope he recovers soon." he admitted softly, swallowing thickly. "i never thought that Astoria would..." he shook his head as he turned to the door where Ron had entered. "The site is ready. i'll take the twins." he promised, collecting the sleeping babies so that Harry and Gabriella could coax Draco into tending his duties as Astoria's husband. there where Aurors all over the place too, because Hermione was pitching a fit about the way Astoria's funeral was going to happen. she claimed it 'wasn't proper', mostly it was her sticking her nose in where it didn't belong again. unfortunately, many people agreed with her, if only because they'd wanted a big funeral so they could all get 'in' with Draco and other politicians who would not be attending, since there wasn't a real funeral. just a ceremonial burning, where only the closest of freinds and family would be allowed. which meant Draco, Harry, Gabriella, and Ron, since Blaise, Neville, and Luna where gone. Fred and George would have come, but they where in Africa, studying ingredients there. it was easy to coax Draco out of his room where he had been resting, and out tot he Pyre where the magically preserved Astoria was resting in her burning Pyre. three days, and Draco would not eat, sleep, drink, speak, or move. and hopefully, when it was done, he would be ready to face the babies.
Gabriella smiled softly looking at her husband, swallowing hard."He will.We'll make sure he will."She said her eyes msting as she shifted the baby into harry's arms before going to get draco.

When the pyre was burned and harry had gone inside with the babies and ron, gabriella sighed softly as she made her way to the bench draco was sitting on, watching the smoldering ashes still left, siting down next to him.Holding the plate of food she set it in her lap, tears sliding silently down her face as she considered that soon,she would be doing this. Soon,she'd be saying her own goodbyes."Draco..."She stopped, because their were no words."Eat for me. Please."She whispered setting the plate on his lap, shifting to wrap her arms around him, not aware of the photographer who'd managed to get unseen on the grounds. Not aware that the morning paper was going to feature the article of how the two mourning spouses, one a widower, one soon to be widow, were already moving on.A gossip ridden article, that would make the worst of her and draco's grief.
Draco stared into the dying embers without a word, his eyes still glossy ad blank as he watched his wife ascend to the heavens, swallowing thickly as he found the plate on his lap. it was time to let go, he had mourned Astoria, now he had his life to attend to. babies to name, Harry to help, and Gabriella to console as she watched her own lover and husband die. he ate slowly, hating every mouthful but eating it anyway as he sighed softly and shuddered, closing his eyes as he finished the plate, stood up, and headed into the house with Gabriella, accepting the Twins from Harry and Ron as he examined them closely, the first smile in days appearing on his lips. it was a very small one, but it was a smile. "Starla, Maria, Malfoy." he murmured, kissing the little girls head. "and Osiris Osmosis Malfoy." he murmured, naming the little ones, both babies smiling as they waved their tiny fists as if in approval.
"Very pretty. Astoria would like to know you had your own star again."She muttered.Gabriella smiled softly as she moved into te ouse with him, watching draco exaine his children as she sat down next to harry, rubbing a hand over her stomach.Biting her lip as pain spiked through her body.Gasping softly she bit her lip,shuddering a little."Draco..."She whispered tears filling her eyes as she looked at her husband, because she wasn't ready to say goodbye to harry yet,but this baby coming was the end.She couldn't do this.
Draco looked up as she whimpered and Harry tensed, shocked as he realized that it was time. he wouldn't die for a few more days yet, death wasn't knocking too hard on his door. he would get to hold his baby, and reassure Gabriela, and give her her gift before he passed on. hopefully that would be enough of a comfort to her. Draco immidiatly settled the twins into Ron's arms and led Harry and Gabriella into the back bedroom to prepare for the labor, leaving a rather panicked Ron alone with two babies. at least they where well behaved babies...
Gabriella giggled a little as she leaned back against her husband in the bed, smiling."Did you see his face?Ron looked ready to pass out."She laughed amused as she sighed. This was going to be so bad. And it was, after twelve hours of screaming at both harry and draco,and nearly breaking harry's hand-much to her shame- the soft cooing of a newborn were heard as draco cleaned him up. Gabriella smiled tiredly as she leaned back against her husband, looking up at him."He sounds healthy.Is he okay draco?"She said to tired to even sit up, content to just be held as she recovered.
Harry smiled as he rubbed his sore, but freshly healed hand. it wasn't the first time he'd broken his hand after all, and Draco had healed it before Gabriella noticed and that was all that mattered to him. "he's perfect." Draco assured her as he finished cleaning the little tyke up before heading over and settling the baby into her hands. Draco's babies where sleeping in their crib, the perfect combination of Draco and Astoria. White blond hair and silver eyes with skin as pale as ivory. they where like little ice Angels. "you'll have to name him sooner than i named mine." Draco teased, snickering a little as he shook his head, tired, but fine with the world ow that he'd had his chance to grieve. Harry hummed happily as Ron knocked and came in with the morning newspaper, looking shaken as he handed it to Harry without a word, dark thunderous clouds hovering over Harry in an instant. "Ron... get me my lawyer." ...that, was never good. on the paper was a picture of Draco Malfoy, leaning into Gabriella for the comfort she offered, the actual words, where less than flattering.
Gabriella smiled,"Hmm well, of course he is. He is my son, perfect."Gabriella said looking amused as she smiled down at the darkly haired blue eyed baby, pouting a little as she looked up at draco."It's not nice teasing a woman who's this tired."Se whined before looking at harry, smiling a little."Imriel...Imri kane Potter."Gabriella smiled happily leaning her head against harry's before looking startled at harry's anger shifting to look, paling slightly as she read the words."I didn't...I mean...what..."She said looking so tired and so very confused, poor girl still didn't know just how in love draco was with her, so she didn't see how the friendship could be mistaken for more.
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