Shaken(HP) Lady/Moon

Harry groaned in the morning and staggered into the bathroom, wincing as he saw the floating dots of red in the bowl after he peed, sighing as he flushed before Gabriella could come in and see the red streaks. it was getting worse... soon he'd have to give up Quidditch... soon it would get harder and harder to hide these afflictions from his wife. he only had a year, at most, left to live... he showered and joined her, kissing the 'booboo' and offering her an impish grin. "so. can i tell everyone when we win that your pregnant?" he asked hopefully. Harry would want to make a huge announcement about it, but if she said no, he'd obey her... and leave it up to everyone else to do so instead.

Draco offered her a small smile. "twins..." he muttered before succumbing to the sleeping spell. he groaned in the morning, sitting up slowly before offering her a small glare. "your a horrible little bitch." he growled, grumpy and annoyed at being tricked. it wasn't the first time he's ever called her a bitch and it probobly wouldn't be last. he got ready for work and came out of the shower looking a little less grumpy as he drained the third cup of coffee that the elves had brought him and offered her another glare before he examined her with a critical eye. "your sure you weren't hurt last night?" he asked, wrapping her up in a small hug and kissing her temple. "i take it your coming to work with me today?"
Gabriella smiled a little as she got dressed, the quidditch t shirt and jeans she was wearing were snug enough to show a small baby bump. Tuggong her hair back into a pony tail she laughed at him before nodding."as if id ever tell you not to. Just be prepared to be mobbed by all the adoring fans."she said rolling her eyes a little looking amused.

"Oh,dray,you know how to make a woman feel loved."astoria said rolling her eyes but looked amused and pleased at the sight of her husband. He didn't look as depressed as he normally would. Leaning into him a little she nodded smirking."I can't leave you alone. Who knows what kind of trouble you'd get in."she said before sihing at his worry."I'm fine. Oddly enough it was her glass that exploded and she was drinking out of it. I didn't get hit.just frightened."she said stealing a kiss from him
Harry laughed a little and smiled as he stepped forward, rubbing her belly. "how did i miss this!? jeeze, with all the sex we have, you'd think i'd know what your belly looks like.... god you look sexy... maybe i can afford to be a little late, do you think?" he mused, looking as aroused as ever as he smiled at her, eyes narrowed as he licked his lips before sighing as his alarm went off, warning him that he was going to be late for the game. "i'm going to kill Octavio." he growled, annoyed that his Captain always managed to sneak into his house and set timed alarms. at least Harry had a good speech now. "we have to win so i can announce to the world that my wife is pregnant!'

Draco rolled his eyes at her. "oh shut up and help me with my hair. it's a potter day." sometimes, Draco's hair decided it wanted to be the home of Rats, and only Astoria could smooth the soft curls back into place. "i can't beleive someone tried to attack us in the middle of a reunion... honestly..." he grumbled, sighing as he gave her a small kiss. "it is better to have you somewhere safe at least..." he muttered with a small shake of his head. "lets go, before i'm late." he murmured with a grin at his wife.
Gabriella smiled a little snickering."well, you were to busy worshipping other parts of my body."she smirked leaning in to kiss him, aroused as she was before whining softly as the alarm went off, resting her head on his shoulder with a sigh."come on, lets go then. Sincenyou have to play."she smirked a little as she as she apparated them, looking amused as she looked around the locker room, since she only went out with harry, octavio said she could hang out in there until she headed up to the private box for the team."hey guys. You all better win!"she grinned as she kissed her husband."be careful love."she muttered heading for the door to go up to the box.

Astoria laughed as she moved to his side, gently starting to get his hair untangled."you my love, have been around potter to long. Its messing with your beautiful hair."she teased kissing him lightly before finishing."how can you be late?youre in charge. Just tell them, theyre sll late."she pointed out but rolling herneyes as she apparated them to the hospital,
he grinned and nodded. "that's true enough." he agreed with a laugh. "we should go to the hospital today, just to make sure the little darling is growing properly." he ordered, tickling her belly. "my mom had problems during her pregnancy... i don't want you to have any problems, ok?" he asked, smiling at her. "it'll give you a chance to corner Draco too." he admitted, kissing her deeply as he headed off to join his team, laughing as he told them the great news and warning them that if they lost, she was going to be very upset. they won the game 250-10.

Draco snorted and rolled his eyes a little. "clearly." he grumbled as he shook his head and smirked at her. "you have a point." he purred, pleased as he apparated them both to work, where most of the people there where listening to potter play on the Wizarding Wireless. he nearly had a heart attack at the winning speech made by potter. "MY WIFE IS PREGNANT!!!!" that was all he said before he squealed in delight before racing off to snog his beautiful wife, to the laughter of the rest of the team. he nearly had another heart attack when he saw Harry and Gabriella in the hospital, clearly there for a doctors appointment. so much for hiding.
Astoria smiled a little starting a little at the sound of harry's speech. "Bloody hell, he's loud."she ursed looking even more startled when she saw Harry and Gabriella."It looks like you don't get to hide,darling."She snickered a little at her husband, before smirking."You know, she's probably going to want to see you. Tell you in person, since she does still consider you a friend."She muttered studying the blond as Gabriella and Harry walked towards them.

"I told you I was fine."She said snickering a little as she looked at her husband, "Even the doctor said so.Now you can stop fussing."She said smiling before seeing the blond man coming out of his office, tilting her head a little."Morning,mr. malfoy."She said after a moment, to happy to be hurt by his cold feelings.
Draco rolled his eyes. "he's high on life, of course he's loud." he muttered, looking amused as he shook his head before grimacing at the sight of the couple, swallowing thickly as he glanced at Astoria, taking a deep breath. "i think it's... time to settle a few things..." he agreed softly, taking her hand and squeezing it as he moved over to Gabriella. "good morning Mrs. Potter... Gabriella..." he corrected. "would, you mind if we had a word alone? there are... things, that i must... explain." he admitted, looking shaken. Harry understood that look, and besides his lungs where burning, he needed to go cough up the blood and this was a good chance to 'ditch' Gabriella to do so. "you go talk to Malfoy, i have to pee... i've had to ever since Johnson got smacked in the gut by that Bludger." he admitted with a small snicker as he shook his head and headed off to find a bathroom. once Harry was gone, Draco gently led Gabriella to a private room, fidgeting unhappily. "i... need to apologize to you..."

meanwhile, Harry had ducked into the nearest bathroom, coughing hard as the force of the pain drove him to his knees, clean, crisp white handkerchief pressed to his mouth as he hacked and coughed, eyes streaming with tears as he poured the cloth away from his mouth, revealing heavy streaks of red. "damn... it's getting worse..." he muttered softly, shaking his head. "how the hell am i going to keep hiding this from Gabriella?"
Gabriella smiled a little looking up at draco, looking amazed as he took her hand, startled for his words. Biting her lip she shrugged,"No, I was actually coming to talk to you."She said smiling a little as she followed draco, looking up at draco as she sat down on the exam table, looking up at draco.Reaching out to take his hand she squeezed his fingers,"No. I owe you a apology. I let things go to far. I should have figured out you were feeling guilty without harry having to tell me."She said looking so very guilty for him suffering for so long.

Astoria stepped into the bathroom, looking startled as she stopped inside the door, "Potter?Harry?Why didn't you get help at the game?"She said looking shoked to see him in the girls' bathroom moving over to crouch down next to her, gently stroking his back."What can I do?"She said afraid someone had attacked him, or that he'd been injured in the game.
Draco shook his head a little as he let her hold his hand. "no, Gabriella... you don't understand... i.." he bit his lip hard. "i was, hurting you, hating you because i felt so damn guilty. i was pushing you away so that i wouldn't hurt so bad every time i looked at you..." he closed his eyes, refusing to be angry that Harry had known that Draco was feeling guilty. "i was pushing at you, so i wouldn't have to admit my own weaknesses..." he admitted closing his eyes. "and admit that i lost you to Potter of all people..."

Harry jerked, shocked as he looked up at Astoria, panic in his eyes as he shook his head, using wandless magic to clean away all of the blood, leaving no hint at all that anything had happened. "there's nothing that can be done." Harry admitted simply as he wiped his mouth and then rinsed it with some water, shaking his head as he looked at her. "you can't tell Gabby... she'll worry needlessly, i want..." he swallowed thickly before he closed his eyes. "i want my last few months alive to be happy ones... not worry filled ones." he admitted simply as he turned to look at the woman, his eyes burning. "it would be helpful if you kept this to yourself."
Gabriella frowned slightly as she looked up at him, a small frown on her face as she looked up at him. Dammit draco,your father hurt us both. And you did try to protect me as much as you could."She growled looking frustrate with him, for being guilty over something she'd already forgiven him for. Not about to tell the man that him pushing her away had driven her towards the man who'd rescued her, had intrigued her since the tri-wizard tourement."You're a idiot draco.And soon to be a father right?You need to be smarter then this."She teased a little even if her eyes were misting her eyes, wrapping her arms aroun his waist in a hesitant hug waiting for him to shove her away.

Astoria looked startled as he cleaned up, standing slowly."Your wife's going to hate you, harry. Gabby's going to freak when she figures..whatever this is."Astoria said pain filling her eyes, and even if the idea of talking to draco came to her. Maybe she could convince her husband to talk some sense into harry. "She worries, even if she doesn't know harry."She said sadly before sighing quietly."But I wont tell her....are you sure there's nothing?"
Draco winced as she yelled at him and then looked shocked at her, wide eyed. "i was never known for being smart." he admitted simply, as he sighed, hiding his face in his hands before leaning into her when she hugged him. "i'm sorry Gabby...everything was just... everything hurt so bad. i lost everything i knew, all in one moment..." it was true. out of the survivors of the War, Draco had lost the most. he'd lost his family. he'd lost his freinds, he'd even lost his godfather. he lost his social standing, every penny the Malfoy's had ever owned. he lost his home, all of them, all over the world. he'd even lost all of his clothes to the power hungry ministry that had seized everything from Death eaters, innocent or not. thankfully, Minister Weasley had taken office soon after, and had managed to give back many things... but the minster, angry by being 'fooled' by Lucius, had destroyed anything and everything that the Malfoy's had ever owned.

Harry shook his head. "let her hate me." he muttered softly, closing his eyes. "by the time she finds out.... well, hopefully it won't hurt her too much." he muttered softly before sighing. "i've seen thirteen specialists, and several personal doctors... there's no cure, no way to slow it, and no way to ease it." he looked at her. "i'm dying Astoria." he admitted, licking his lips a little. "i'm dying, nothing will stop it, and... stress is bad for babies..." just another excuse.
"hmmm, that's true."She muttered leaning against him before nodding."I know. I thought you were angry with me because I'd known you before everything I didn't realize you were blaming yourself."She muttered pinching his side a little."But its past. Now we're going to be friends, and I wont let you shove me away again."She smiled leaning back to look up at him,smiling brightly. "Come on, I better go find harry before he gets lost in this hospital of yours."She said some worry in her words, even if she didn't know what was wrong, she still fussed over her husband.

Astoria scowled at him."You're being foolish harry. She'll be hurt no matter when she finds out."She muttered before sighing softly. "But I'll let you keep making excuses if it makes you feel and draco do that only to well. Shoving Gabriella away so it wont hurt."she muttered trying to annoy him, hoping that he'd give in and tell her, even if she knew that like draco, harry would resist every attempt to tell gabriella before he decided he couldn't hide it anymore.
he grimaced a little and nodded. "i was a little angry about that as well..." he admitted. "you where the only person who ever saw me in my weakness. who knew everything that was previously just rumor..." he admitted sighing a little. "i don't know if i could push you away. Astoria wouldn't let me. i've sobbed over you one too many times i think... she actually cast a sleeping spell on me last night!" he complained, sighing a little. "we should find Harry. who knows what kind of trouble he get into."

Harry shook his head a little as he stared at her. "you can't trick me Astoria. i know all the tricks now." he admitted with a small smile. "just trust me when i say nothing can be done." he admitted sighing a little. "i will tell Gabriella of course. i just want to wait a little longer." he admitted, shoulders sagging. "that was my last Quidditch game... i'll have dilapidated beyond my playing capabilities by the time the next game comes along... i've already resigned... using the baby as an excuse... the other players are excited for me." he admitted, swallowing thickly as he turned and looked at Astoria. " know, about Draco... don't you?" so Harry DID know how much Draco loved Gabriella.
Gabriella smiled a little looking up at him,gently brushing his hair out of his face,"You and harry are having a similar hair day.All messy."She muttered unwilling to think about what she'd seen in that house, distracting herself before smirking slightly. "Well, you do look like you need it."She said looking up at him, not realizing he'd cried because he was in love with her, thinking because of their torture.."He always finds trouble."She muttered looking amused as she stepped out of his office, looking around for her husband.

"Damn, you used to be easier to trick. You and draco both."She said rolling her eyes a little trying to get a smile before sighing softly. "You'll give her a few days more happiness, at the cost of having someone to talk to?"She said studying him, tensing a little. Because that was the kind of love she had for draco, not that she'd ever tell her husband just how much she loved him, since it'd make him feel guilty.But she stayed with him, because it made him happy, to not be alone. Looking pained at the idea of it being his last game she smiled a little."Well, at least you can stay home with gabby then."she muttered before growing serious, staring at the door. "only a idiot-or your wife- would be able to know him well, without knowing. I married him knowing. So he wouldn't be alone."She turned away, heading for the door."We better go before our spouses think we ran away together."
Draco huffed, annoyed. "it's all Potters fault! his hair is contagious!" Draco whined, sulking unhappily with a small scowl. "and i get plenty of sleep thank you very much!" he complained with a small scowl as he looked around for Potter, sighing a little as he shook his head. "and of course, Astoria has dragged him off somewhere..." he grumbled before pausing. "congratulations, by the way. Star's pregnant too... Twins according to Luna." he had to boast. he had BABIES! something he'd always wanted.

Harry smiled a little, his emerald eyes dull and dim now as he sighed. "i had to grow up... Draco wasn't the only one tortured after all." he admitted simply. "i don't need anyone to talk to." he admitted simply. "i'm dying, and nothing will change that." he admitted, biting his lip. "Astoria?... will you.. promise me something?..." he asked hopefully. "when i'm gone, will you help Gabby? Ron and Hermione are great but... well..." he shrugged a shoulder. "i'll no doubt be telling her in about a week anyway." he admitted softly. "as soon as my retirement hits the papers... i won't be able to hide it from her. she'll ask, and i simply can't lie to her... i can hide things from her, but i can't lie to her."
"Oh yes, its all harry's fault. i think you were just jealous of the boy who lived."She teased elbowing him a little before smiling a little."Hmm maybe they're off making out in a corner."She teased before laughing at his boasting, looking amused since he sounded so proud."I know. You had her drinking punch last night to."She smiled slightly before frowning. "I wonder where they are..."She grumbled feeling nausous and she wnted to lay down.

"I know harry."She said her eyes pained as she looked at him, because he wouldn't tell gabriella, even if she knew the woman would be upset., and even if she knew harry had to be scared. Looking at him she sighed quietly, sadly before nodding."i will..Don't worry about her Harry I'll make sure she's well looked after."She muttered because she knew that to do so, meant letting her ehusban look after the woman he loved. Swallowing hard as he walked with him,"Come on harry. Time to go pretend everything's fine."she looked slightly amused but sad as seh walked outside the bathroom with him, smirking slightly as she elbowed him."Look. They're getting along with each other."She muttered nodding towards where gabriella and draco where looking confused but happy to be together.
Draco snorted and rolled his eyes, shaking his head a little, but looking so much better than he ever had before. he felt like he could breath again, and he smiled as he shook his head. "and she was none too pleased about it either." he admitted with a small snicker, shaking his head as he headed for Astoria once he'd seen her, his eyes glittering in a way that they hadn't for a very long time.

Harry smiled at her a little and nodded. "i know it must be hard for you..." he muttered softly, sighing a little. "i'll be telling Gabriella soon." he promised her, squeezing her shoulder. "and Draco loves you. he won't ever abandon you. you should know that. Loyal as a Huffelpuff he is." he admitted with a snicker at the bad joke before smiling. "thank all the Gods. Gabriella was getting very upset with him acting against her like that. now they can both live easier." Harry muttered with a happy little nod before skipping over to Gabriella and kissing her deeply, beaming as he apparated away with her to make long, sweet love to her again.

a week later, he was sitting at the edge of the bed, clutching two thins. one was a letter from his normal doctor, who was now dead. and the other was the newspaper, informing the world of Harry's desire to retire. he knew that Gabby would be in there soon, she'd noticed by now his lack of apatite. he closed his eyes and let a tear trail down the side of his face as he realized he couldn't hide it anymore. Draco would know by now... he doubted that Astoria would have kept it a secrete from him. he only had to tell Ron and Gabriel. stupid Hermione had found out all too early on her own, so there was no need to tell her at least. maybe he should Floo her? it would be nice to have some moral support.
"Harry?Sweetheart?"GAbriella yelled as she stepped out of the floo, having emt up with the headmistress of hogwarts for lunch, she was so not going to apperiate being kept in the dark by her husband, or the friend she'd had lunch with."I just saw the paper.What's wrong?"she said as she stepped into the room, tilting her head a little looking anxious and scared, because she hadn't worked up the nerve to ask him why he wasn't hungry anymore, but she was so very afraid for him."Harry?"She said rushing across the room when she realized he was crying,crouching down in front of him, resting her hands on his thighs.

Astoria stepped into the dining room, a sad look on her face as she handed draco the newspaper, dipping her head to kiss his cheek."Harry's officially retired today."She muttered gently brushing his blond hair,"you need to talk to him draco.Surely there's something, someone can do."She muttered anxious because she knew just how badly this was going to hurt the golden couple, the two who'd never been angry with each other for longer then a day. Gabriella was going to be devasted, a wreck, probably would revert to what she'd been like after her torture. And she was afraid how it'd affect draco to watch it happen.
Harry shook his head when she arrived at his knees and he turned, taking up a small manilla folder that he had kept hidden from her, closing her eyes. "i just wanted a few more happy memories." he explained softly, as reason for why he hadn't told her sooner. inside the folder was a compilation of his Doctors notes, and orders. explaining what he had, what was happening to him, and the worst news of all 'no cure'. there was nothing the doctors could do. Harry was dying, and there was nothing that anyone could do. "i'm dying." he admitted softly, another tear slipping down his cheek as he shuddered, running his fingers through her hair. "my own magic is killing me..."

Draco looked up from his research, blinking as he slid it out of the way so Astoria wouldn't see it before examining the paper. "i've been looking." he admitted with a sigh. "i got all of Harry's doctor records... i've been exploring every little hint of something to just prologue his life so i can find a cure but there isn't anything short of cutting out his magic... which will kill him just as much as the disease is!" his fist slammed into the table, distraught and upset as he closed his eyes. he wanted Harry to live, so Gabriella wouldn't hurt. as much as Draco loved her, he didn't want her to face that kind of hurt.
Gabriella's eyes filled with tears she she leaned againdt his knees, acting like a dog seeking comfort as she read what she was holding. Swallowing hard after she finished, she rested her forehead against his knees, shuddering hard as she started to cry. She couldn't be angry, even if she wanted to be,for him not telling her. Because that wouldn't be happy,and she wanted him to have a few more happy memories. Shuddering as she braced herslef she shifted,getting up and climbing into his lap, resting her head on his shoulder.we should go away...go on vacation or something...something happy..."she muttered pressing close to him.

Astoria sighed softly as she looked at her husband, getting up and moving to his side waiting until he moved his seat out so she could sit in his lap she looked at distraught grey eyes, tears mistinf her own eyes,because she couldn't imagine losing him."you'll be there for her?you know shes going to be here demanding help soon..."she muttered hoping he could stand to be faced with that much of gabriella's pain,so she would have someone.
he smiled a little and shook his head. "we can't do that." he teased, stroking her cheek. "what would Draco say?... Astoria found out on accident and i'm sure she told Draco by now... he's probobly hoping to pour all kinds of nasty potions down my throat." he admitted with a sigh. "but, i was hoping we could go 'hopping' here and there?" he asked, smiling as he remembered. just after the war he and Gabriella had 'hopped'. simply apparating to the nearest fun thing they could find. festivals, bars, concerts, beaches. anything and everything they wanted to do, they did. it had been a great time, and greater sex. "i'll have to tell Ron..." he muttered with a small sigh.

he hesitated as he stared at Astoria, his lip trembling. "i don't know." he admitted softly. "i love her... but i love you too. i don't want to hurt you the way i know i'm going to hurt you... i know you think i don't see it... the way you look at me with those soft eyes." he admitted softly. "you love me, and i can't... i can't hurt you like that..." he admitted softly, pressing his face to her shoulder. "your all that i have in this god awful world that matters." he shuddered a little and shook his head. "besides... there's nothing i can do yet. there's no way to slow, let alone stop, the Destructive Magic..."
Gabriella let out a watery giggle rubbing her eyes even though she felt a stif of anger that the blond hadn't told her."well, that's true...we can't deprive draco of a chance to posion,...I mean help the great harry potter."she muttered trying to get him to laugh before laughing delighted deapite the reasons, she'd alwaulys enjoyed hopping with harry."we will. As soon as we tell ron."she stopped thinking about that before anger darkened her eyes, "hermione knew?"she growled angrier that everyone had known,except her. Who was supposed to know hings about her husband.

Astoria frowned at him a little as she wrapped her arms around him."I didn' say leave me for her,you dolt. But shes going to need someone, and potters friends are...well you know what they're like."she muttered trying to get a smile before sighing."draco,how could a woman not love you?you're beautiful."she sihed trying to distract him from his worry before sihing quietly."will he live to see his child?"she said knowing more then anything,harry potter had always wanted a housefull of kids
Harry snorted a little and shook his head a little. "i don't think Astoria would let him poison me." he admitted before wincing at Gabriella's anger. "she found out on accident..." he admitted softly. "so i... i put her under a privacy spell..." he admitted sheepishly. "she can't tell anyone..." he admitted, biting his lip. "you remember? that month she wouldn't even look at me without glaring?" he was blushing again, sheepish and upset. "she's been taking me to various specialists..." he admitted. "she's even kidnapped me to do it." he ran his hand through her hair. "Draco and Astoria have only known for a week... i wanted you to be happy about the baby before... before telling you." he admitted with a small shake of his head.

Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "i'm not so sure i'd be able to help myself..." he admitted with a small sigh. "and i do know. Ron never really liked Gabriella and Hermione will be angry that Gabriella won't make Harry sit in a hospital. then the rest of the world will turn on her... i don't know how the rest of the Weasley's will react..." he closed his eyes and shook his head. "i don't know how long he will live. he has at least two months... at most? a year, so there's a chance. and Harry's stubborn enough to hang on in time to see the birth so it's even more likely." he admitted with a small sigh. "when is Potter going to tell people he's sick? do you know?"
Gabriella frowned at him before her anger shifted again,"you don't have to go to the doctor..if you don't want to. I would like it if you'd go for checkups with least so he can see if there's any pain potions or anti nausea ones he could give you..but..."she swallowed calming,but like draco thought, she wasn't going to spend her husbands ladt months locked in a hospital lime hermione would want."its up to you...we should go tell ron. Before he has time to fret over the newspaper."

Pain flickered in astorias eyes at the thought of him leaving before sighing softly."well we'll figure something out. And I will hex granger if she makes gabby even more distraught."she growled, because draco was protective of her, astoria felt protective of the french witch. Shuddering as she realized gabriella was going to be alone in a world that hated her she sighed shrugging."after gabriella knew. And since he won't lie to her when she asks whats going on, the world will find out soon."
he smiled a little and nodded. "i love you, you know that?" he asked with a smile. "and i'm... going to tell everyone." he admitted. "Neville, Luna and Blaise are still here, the Twins and their wives are coming over, as is Bill, Charley and Percy. Ron and Hermione will be there too." he admitted with a deep inhale, trying to calm himself. "i think i might ask Draco and Gabriella to come over as well. the meeting is tomorrow. i knew you'd ask when the newspaper came out so... and i can't lie to you... so.." he grinned sheepishly and then swallowed thickly. "do you think they'll hate me?"

his arms tightened around her and he smiled a little. "maybe i'll build a Harem?" he teased her with a smile as he shook his head. "you can't just Hex Granger." he complained, rolling his eyes. "i'll have to fix her if you do that." he complained with a small sigh. "should we call the potters then and make sure that Gab's not killing Harry herself?"
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