Shaken(HP) Lady/Moon

Harry chuckled at her lofty comment about her son being perfect and shook his head a little before grinning, beaming at the ever so perfect name. "Imriel! it's gorgeous love!" he purred happily, beaming at her before glowering at the paper. "it's nothing you did love, i promise." Harry muttered, kissing her forehead. "i will be dealing with this personally." Harry hissed as he glanced at Draco who nodded. Ron was quickly fetched, as was Harry's lawyers, and the next day the headlines read. "Harry Potter Sues Rita Skeeter and Daily Prophet for False Words!" Harry was most pleased, and there was a press conference for later that day where Harry would be speaking. Draco was worried as all hell, because Harry was quickly deteriorating. he and Ron weren't sure he'd live through the night,a nd was on all of the magical life support, and an oxygen machine from the muggle world to keep him going for just a little longer. Harry was, of course, simply overjoyed that he got to hold Imriel.
Gbriella was trying to be strong as she quietly helped harry get ready to talk to the press, the small babe snuggled into his mothers chest as if sensing she was upset,fistfuls of her hair wrapped around his hands. Studying her husband she shifted,leaning down to kiss his forehead."you don't have to do this harry. Me, you and draco know what really happened, you don't have to do this..."she said trailing off because she couldn't even think about having to say goodbye."am I allowed opening my present now?"she said hoping he'd let her, because he'd always loved buying her things,and she wanted him to see how much she enjoyed whatever he'd gotten
he smiled as she fussed over him and he nodded. "i do have to do this or you and Draco will never get a moments peace." he growled unhappily before chuckling as he nodded. "yes, you can open it now." he promised, indicating the wrapped parcel on the table. there where written instructions and everything on the inside cover, instructions on how to find specific people, how to enlarge or shrink, how to add information and how to take information out. (in case a prank involved the book) on the cover was the words 'The Potter Family Grimiore and History.' inside was a photo Album. it was filled with amazing pictures. Lily's side of the family, muggle though they where, where even included, Jame's side of the family as well. and further back there was Gabriella's side of the family. her mother, father, elder sister and even who she married to, the Weasley's where in there. on the very last page was a self updating Family Tree, showing how everyone was related.

there where a lot of words, journals, family spells and personal magical experiences from all parts of the Family as well. such as how to deal with being a Veela by Fluer's own words, in case their little boy turned out to carry the Delacluer bloodline. there where hand crafted spells in there by lily, the process of becoming an Animagus by James, and from Harry there was words of wisdom on how to properly treat a girlfriend and impress girls. all very well thought out and accurate. there where even Weasley spells, and Sirius's hand crafted pranking journal had been put in. Draco's family had been included as well as Sirius and Remus. and tucked into the book was the Maurader's map, and the words needed to activate it properly. Harry had even included his own words and 'Animagus nickname'. while Harry had never actually been able to change, he had learned that he was an Owl,a nd so his name had been added to the Marauders Map as 'Talon' forever joined to Moody, Padfoot, and Prongs. Wormtails signature had been eviscerated as a Traitor, and would never again grace the map.

"when he turns eleven, i'd like for Imriel to get the Invisibility Cloak as well. it's a Potter Tradition." Harry admitted with an impish grin. "there's a letter in there for when he turns eleven as well, and a Pensive Memory for him to watch... of course, you'll have one too." he promised, smiling at her. "everything is settled love." he admitted, coughing hard into his hand, wincing as blood spilled out of his mouth, coating his hand and his shirt. Ron quickly banished it before it stained. "They are ready, and the Aurors are holding them back. no one will be able to approach you Harry." Ron promised, looking worried. "you don't have to do this... you shouldn't have to do this..." "i want to, and i must." Harry growled, annoyed that people where trying to talk him out of this.
Gabriella frowned a little at harry,"hm,but watching draco deal with everyone would be amusing."She said smiling a little as she read everything,looking it over, her eyes misting over as she started to cry softly.So very overwhelmed with this.Rubbing her eyes she looked up at her husband,"He'll be in worlds of trouble then!I'll never sleep well if he has it."She pouted a little though there was never any doubt she'd give it to him, because harry had asked it from her."hmm,and when do I get to watch the memory?"she teased wincing as he coughed,standing as she brushed her lips over his forehead."Let's go get this over with, so we can come back in and just rest."she said trying not to think about watching him die. She knew it was going to be soon,and the new mother was so not ready to face it. Even having months to prepare, hadn't really gotten her ready to face this truth.
he chuckled a little and shook his head as he kissed her gently. "that's the point!" he teased her with a grin. "Hogwarts is too safe these days, someone needs to shake the school up a bit and our Imriel is just the man... boy, to do it!" he chirped, smirking playfully at her. "you'll see it when he turns eleven!" he chirped, leaning into her touch before allowing her to push him out into the area where hundreds, if not thousands of people had gathered. he was handed the equivalent of a Microphone and Harry turned to face the crowd. he immidiatly started the bitch fest of a century. 'how dare they this, how dare they that, his life, his wife's life, Draco's life and the life of their children was none of their business. they all aught to be ashamed of themselves for accusing without proof. then he went on to tell them all that he fully expected Draco and Gabriella to get together after he died... which caused Draco to sputter in horror and go bright red. Harry explained that he had discovered that Draco and Gabriella where soul mates, and that only the actions of Voldemort had kept them apart. Harry chastised each and every person watching him, called Hermione a know it all bitch who couldn't keep her nose out of someone elses business if it was to save the life of her firstborn, called Rita a 'gossip mongering whore who couldn't tell the truth if it bit her on the ass and gave her Gangrene.' then he had to explain what Gangrene was. all in all Harry had a very pleasant time ranting at the world. finally, once he had reduced several reporters to tears, reduced Rita to a sputtering mess, made Hermione, in the middle of the crowd run for her life, he gave Draco the microphone and went inside, the blond gaping after Harry, the microphone hanging in his hand because he was too shocked at everything Harry had said to do anything else.
Gabriella sputtered looking at him."But-but I want to sleep!"She whined though she looked amused because she knew she'd be giving the boy the cloak she just didn't have to enjoy the thought. Giggling a little as she listened to the speach, like draco she was sputtering and blushing as she realized what her husband had said. That despite everything, her and draco belonged together. Which made her feel guilty, as if because she had married harry, and he had married astoria, they had caused their spouses death as life sought to correct the mistake of soul mates not being together. Crying by the time she went inside she squeezed draco's hand a little as she turned and headed inside, following harry into the house she was quiet as she settled him into bed sitting on the bed with him. Slouching down over Harry's chest she started to cry, and it would take him a few moments to realize that she was apologizing.Feeling so guilty for getting him killed when he'd already suffered so much, had survived so much.
Harry chuckled as he stroked her hair. "hush now." he ordered firmly, kissing her gently. "this is not your fault and it never will be. if it's anyone's fault it's my fathers." he pointed out. "this is hereditary you know." he complained with a sniff. "my Grandfather got this later in his life as well." he admitted. "i just got it earlier because i'm three times more powerful than Grandfather was." he admitted simply. "now no more tears." he ordered, gently wiping her tears away and pulling her up for a kiss. he would be dead by morning, he knew. he'd hang on tight, and wait for morning, kiss her one last time, and then let go. he was ready for death and he had been for some time now. now that she and Draco knew the truth, he knew she wouldn't try to run away from her Draco Support. Starla, Imriel and Osirius would be raised as the siblings they where, maybe not by blood, but in love they would always be close. "Go to sleep love, i'll still be alive when you wake." he promised her, smiling at her. Harry always kept his promises, so he knew this would sooth her fears. and Harry would not die until she woke, he could cling to life that much longer.
Gabriella sniffled, laughing quietly as he kissed her, rubbing her hands over her face to get rid of the tears."Oh. well.Okay."She sniffledsiling as she kissed him back, closing her eyes. Relaxing against him as she shifted, resting her head on his chest as she wrapped a arm around his waist, snuggling close to him."Okay. I'll see you in the morning."She muttered sighing softly, because harry always kept his promises, so she knew he'd be there. Hugging him tightly as she fell to sleep for the last time
he smiled as he watched her sleep, breathing soft and slow, conserving his energy, making sure, without a doubt, that he was hanging on. when she woke he smiled at her, kissed her forehead and nuzzled her neck. "i love you, Gabriella." he whispered softly before he sagged into the bedding, closed his eyes, and died. just like that he was gone, still and dead. Ron came in soon after, responding to the alarms that had been placed on Harry, Draco rushing in soon after to check on Harry, closing his eyes as he swallowed thickly, made a note of the date and time, and carefully covered Harry with the sheet, his hands trembling as Ron bit back a sob, and simply focused on comforting Gabriella.
Gabriella smiled softly as she was nuzzled,"I love you to."She whispered quietly as she looked down at her husband, starting to cry as he died, raising her head to look at the others. No more tears sliding down her cheeks, after a few minutes gathering herself, locking down her emotions as she stood."I...I should see to imriel..."She muttered sounding disconnected, out of sorts.
Ron set his hand on her shoulder and gently led her out of the room as Draco handled the 'cleanup' of Harry Potter before he wrote the report of the saviors death. he would be holding a press conference later in the evening about the death of Lord Potter and the birth of his heir Imriel Potter. Ron would also be making several statements, Gabriella would be kept out of it as much as possible, and Fleur, Gabriella's much loved elder sister, was already on her way to help console her baby sister. Fleur arrived in minutes, and quickly swept Gabriella up into loving arms, helping her to grieve as Ron handed out calming potions. by noon the next day, the world knew that Harry Potter had been keeping his disease a secrete for over three years, he might have had it for as long as five. Draco hadn't been able to pinpoint the exact time that Harry had gotten sick, but it was suspected of anywhere between six and three years. well before Harry had even met Gabriella in a social setting, let alone dated her. Hermione looked utterly astonished about just how long Harry had really been sick, it was a shock to the whole world that Harry had been able to keep it a secrete for so long. hopefully, this would be a reassurance to Gabriella, that his death really wasn't her fault.
Gabriella was numb and quiet as she let the others take care of things. Letting fleur take care of imriel, determined to not feel, needing to stay in control, because she didn't want to lose all control. After the funeral and everything she stepped into Draco's office, tilting her head a little as she crossed the room to sit in front of his desk, staring out the window though."He was sick...long before I met him."She said quietly, tears misting her eyes. Because it had really reassured the woman it wasn't her fault, and... it reassured her, more then harry's words had, that it was okay to be in love with draco to.
Draco nodded. "even i didn't realize he was sick for so long..." Draco admitted, looking stunned. "he might even have been sick in his final years of school..." he took a small sip of his whiskey, gently rocking the bassinet that the twins where sleeping in. he never left them alone, ever, they where always with him unless he was at work, then they where only allowed to be handled by Ron or Gabriella. he just didn't trust anyone else, though he was warming up to Fleur. "a specialist stopped by and did some blood tests... he things Harry might even have been having the symptoms as early as sixth year. i doubt he knew he was dying until much later. it's a shockingly hard disease to diagnose. he probobly didn't really realize what he had until after he'd married you. he didn't go to a doctor until a month after you two married..." he took another sip and gently took her hand, offering her comfort. "i never imagined that we where soul mates..." he admitted, his voice rough with emotion now. "but... i think... it's just too early for now." he whispered, looking at her, begging her to understand. "i love you, i always have but... i don't want to rush into things, not with three babies and two dead lovers under our belts... will you wait for me? wait with me? grieve with me?"
"That's a disturbing thought....him being sick so lng."She muttered sounding sad at the idea before moving over, laughing softly as she crouched down to gently touch the twins heads,amused as they cooed at her. Straightening to look at draco, pain and love in that look, before looking relieved at his words."It...I can't consider...its..."She stopped rubbing her eyes trying not to cry as she settled into his lap, not because of sex or anything, but wanting held."You're not the only one who needs time...I need to would...ruin something to rush into us..."She said looking up at him, resting her head on his shoulder, crying ever so slightly. For the first time since truly breaking down and mourning her husband.
Draco nodded. "what's more disturbing is how Harry didn't even know..." Draco admitted softly. "he just didn't know..." he wrapped his arms tightly around her, holding her and comforting her, swallowing thickly. "we'll wait for each other then." he promised her, letting her sob. "we'll wait until we're both ready, and be close freinds until then. i won't let you face this alone, and i know you won't let me sink into depression." he kissed the top of her head. "your my best freind Gabriella." he murmured, holding her tightly. "and we'll always have each other, either as freinds or lovers it doesn't matter. so long as we have one another." he closed his eyes and rocked her, letting her cry herself to sleep, it was something she needed, something that was good for her. he would know. he'd done the same thing, only all over Harry.
Two years later Gabriella smiled at the toddler clinging to her dress, not even caring that the toddler was getting rasberry jam all over the white wedding dress. "Hey. I thought you were staying with papa."She said bending down and picking up imriel, giving the dark haired boy a smacking kiss as she smiled at her sister. "Oh he was, but he just had to tell his mama about how the twins stole his sandwich."Fleur said smiling as she reached for imriel."And I'll take him back to draco since you can't see him yet." "But I slept with him last night. Most traditions are going out the window. Why can't I see him?"She pouted sad and happy all at once, thinking about her first wedding. So much had changed since then. A world whod' lashed out at her despite harry trying to protect her, the isolated spendlor she lived in at malfoy manor, because it was the only way she didn't get hated. Mostly, they kept to themselves because it was more peaceful then dealing with the world, and most espcially hermione, who still couldn't accept things. "Ron?"She said looking startled asshe realized that fleur and imriel was gone, and that she'd been standing there staring out the window for awhile. Belatedly she realized the man was probably worried she was going to bolt without getting married. And wasn't that a embarassing thought
Ron stepped into the room with a small grin as he examined the jelly on her dress, rolling his eyes he charmed it away. "i'm right here." he promised her, offering her a small smile as he studied her. "you look beautiful." he assured her with a smile. "i don't think Draco's going to be able to say 'I Do'! he'll be too breathless from your beauty to talk!" Ron teased her with a small smile. "you deserve this Gabriella, never forget that. Harry always used to say 'Live life to be happy, not to please others', he'd want this for you." Ron assured her with a smile. "the few guests are here." the weasley family had been split after Harry's death. Fred and George had divorced their wives after they took Hermione's side and started verbally abusing their husbands. Percy and Penny where o Hermione's side as well. Bill and Charley where on Gabriella's side, much to Fluer's relief. Molly hated Gabriella, blaming her for killing Harry, and Arthur was too whipped to try and go against anything Molly said. but Neville, Blaise, and Luna where there, and so was Theodore Nott, who had a new boyfriend after all those years... if you could beleive it, Ron had never even suspected he was gay until he woke up, hungover, bare naked in Theo's arms...and tub. the twins relentlessly teased Ron about it.
"Hmm well, we might have to record that. A malfoy speachless?Something prosperity needs to see."She said smiling before growing serious, looking up at him. "I know."She said looking happy, because it pained her to think about her husband sometimes, but it no longer brought tears. She had loved harry, and like harry wanted, she wanted tot be happy. Slipping a arm in ron's she smiled up at the man walking her down the aisle."We better go, before Draco thinks I abandoned him."She looked amused as they headed out into the lawn, flushing hard when she saw her lover, well...would be lover. Even after two years, they hadn't crossed that line, instead ust planning a quiet and peaceful wedding, living life, and being together.

Moving away when they reached draco,she smiled slipping her hands into his, looking so happy to see him, so happy to actually marrying him
he snickered a little and kissed her knuckles, giving her the courage that she needed before walking her down the Isle, beaming as he watched Draco staring at her with wide, astonished eyes. "...gods... Gabriella you... you look... you look..." most of the guests where snickering as Draco stammered. Draco NEVER stammered, ever! it was testament to how beautiful Gabriella really was. he beamed at her, looking so overwhelmed and emotional that later, the Twins would joke that he'd actually looked human! the wedding went without a hitch, mostly because the only people who knew about it, where there and certainly hadn't told anyone. Luna beamed, clapping happily as Blaise and Neville watched her carefully. she looked about ready to burst she was so pregnant. triplets, and not due for another month, the poor girl was miserable but that's what happened when you got magic involved with fertilization. everyone enjoyed throwing rice and flowers at the bride and groom, Draco laughing as he tried to glare at everyone for messing up his hair.
Gabriella laughed quietly as she watched Draco stutter. looking amused as they did the wedding thing, leaning in to kiss draco, leaning against his chest as she relaxe. So very happy, so very glad to see everyone she loved there, and giggling as draco complained about his hair."Aww, its okay draco. You look good."She teased nuzzling him a little.

The end?
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