Shaken(HP) Lady/Moon

Harry chuckled a little and smiled at her swollen belly. "yes you are." he agreed, exaughsted from being sick and trying to take care of Gabriella. "maybe we'll just live with Draco and Astoria?" he teased. "no one would dare try to break into their house to yell at me." Harry muttered, Draco lifting an eyebrow as he glanced at Astoria, already considering the idea. "you take them home, i'll heal the idiot." Draco decided with a sigh as he went to go help Ron, again. this was the third time that week. and now Draco was stepping in. he healed the nearly completely severed leg and told Ron he had to speak to a mid healer and that he was, from then on, on paid suspension due to the fact that Draco thought he might be passively suicidal. he knew the decision would please Hermione and piss off Ron, but it was necessary. Ron clearly wasn't defending himself properly anymore.

by the time he got home, after easily deflecting questions about the potters, same as always, the Potters and his wife where already eating dinner. "well. i've put Ron on a mind healing regimen and suspended him for a minimum of a month. the Mind Healer will decide when Ron can go back to work." Draco admitted as he banished his healing robes and grinned at Harry and Gabriella. "so, how was the last few weeks?" "...did you know that Seagulls crap on EVERYTHING!?" Harry demanded, shuddering. they'd spent the last week in Florida, visiting the massive gardens and something called Disney world... land? Harry couldn't remember. they even went to Cocoa beach and went skinny dipping!
"We could,when we're home. I'm not skipping out on that new zealand tour you promised."She said looking amused before sighing as draco left.

gabriella bit her lip s she thought about ron before grinning."Even people?And steal food out of pregnant women's hands?" "I don't think they care your pregnant, gabby."Astoria said snickering amused as she had been listening to the stories since they'd gotten home, smiling as she looked at her husband, kissing his cheek. "I've decided you need a vacation to,draco.We're going to go to the beach with them when they leave in a few days. They invited us."She smiled knowing gabriella had wanted them to come so draco could look after harry, and because she was probably missing her friends.

Gabriella was quiet as she listened to the others talk before glancing at harry,gently squeezing his hand as she leaned back in her seat."I think you need to talk to ron. least if its here we're almost guanteened to not be yelled at to much...but I think he needs to talk to least once..without hermione..."She shrugged tears misting her eyes as she looked away not able to finish the thought.
Harry smirked a little. "of course not." he agreed with a nod. "New Zealand is important." he agreed, grinning as verbally remembered the little town in Japan they had visited and gotten to try all kinds of weird foods that had Gabriella squealing in horror... like still squirming tentacles, which Harry had loved Draco struggling not to laugh at how green Gabby and Star where turning. "oh, i agree." Draco, well, agreed. "i'll let my workers know and put Thampson in charge. he won't burn down my hospital at least, and it will be good practice for him." Draco decided as Harry nodded, well aware that Draco needed to rest. the blond had already found a way to prolonged Harry's life once the magic inside Harry finally started to die, ensuring Harry would get to see the birth of his son. and the pain killer he'd designed was very helpful. Harry could go a whole three hours now without pain.

Harry winced a little and then nodded. "yes... i'll talk to Ron." he decided with a small sigh. "Draco will get him, he can make sure that Hermione won't follow." he decided with a nod as he took her hand tightly, kissing the knuckles. "Hermione is a bitch Gabby." he admitted simply. he hadn't forgiven the bushy haired bitch for finding them in Egypt and screaming at them for not being in a hospital. Harry had stunned her and left her in the sand for Bill to find.
Astoria looked t the other woman, wrinkling her nose a little."We'll let the men taste all the weird shit they want. We'll go eat good stuff." "I agree."Gabriella laughed a little as she finished her food, looking amused. "Ah, good practice?Thinking of retiring at the tender age of 28 draco?"Gabriella teased as she stood, running her fingers through harry's hair.

"She is."She said glancing away from him not about to admit how painful it had been to hear hermione screaming at them."Come on.We'll go lay down in the sitting room while Draco gets Ron."She said smiling as she helped harry into the other room. Astoria was quiet until they were gone before her eyes iced over, looking angry as she looked at her husband. She couldn't understand gabriella's need to protect the people who hated her, didn't understand why she was trying to make them feel better."You will tell Weasley that if he upsets either of them, I will test out that book of dark arts I found in the library, Draco."She said before walking out of the room to make sure their guests were comfortable as they waited.
Draco smirked a little. "been thinking about it." he admitted with a small snort as Harry leaned into the touch with a happy grin as he let her push him into the Living room where he settled next to her on the couch. he could still stand and walk if he had to, but it was exhausting and better for him to use the magically powered wheelchairs. Draco glanced at Astoria and nodded simply, agreeing with her as he vanished. when he reappeared Harry was coughing hard into a bucket so that he could clear his lungs, blood spilling out of his mouth like drool, Ron blanching at the sight before he moved forward. "er... h..hey Mate... how are you feeling?" he asked softly as Harry finished and rinsed his mouth out. "better than i thought i would be." Harry admitted with a small smile. "you look good... better than i thought you would... Hermione showed me pictures..." he shuddered. "i think she was trying to scare me..." Harry nodded. "she probobly was. she showed me the same pictures. i laughed at her and she started screaming at me. clearly i have been doing the right thing." Ron nodded. "i agree... but don't tell Hermione i said that." Ron ordered with a sheepish smile as he handed Harry a glass of clear water for him to drink and rinse the taste of blood out of his mouth. "...things are getting pretty rough around here..." Ron admitted suddenly. "Hermione's out for blood this time." he admitted with a shaky breath. "Fred and George have been kicked out of hteir house, because the Patil's took Hermione's side and they took yours. Luna, Neville, and Blaise have been letting them stay with them... our freinds are at each others throats..." Harry nodded. "i know Ron. but frankly, i can't bring myself to care anymore." Harry admitted softly. "i only care about myself and Gabriella." Ron nodded. "that does make sense... you have stupid freinds." Ron admitted with a shake of his head, Harry snorting. "...i'm leaving Hermione." Harry and Draco both choked at that, looking utterly shocked.
Gabriella shuddered a little fear and anger showing on her face as she rubbed harry's back, looking unsure with ron in the room,even if she' been the one to suggest it. Swallowing as she smiled at the two, leaning against harry a little. "Those pictures were disturbing."She sighed softly, looking away because it had messed her up for days, despite laughing at them, it had scared her. No matter how much she tried to hide it from harry. Sighing as she looked at the floor, she shook her head."I don't care what hermione wants. I wont spend my pregnancy, and harry's life, trapped in a hospital."She said quietly before looking up surprised at ron. "R-really?"She said looking so very shocked at the man leaving hermione. She wasn't ready to let him travel with them,but it touched her heart that he'd walked away.
the pictures had been grotesque, and eventually Harry probobly would be reduced to that state. but he should have been at one of those stages a month ago. being out, being active, laughing and living was indeed extending his life. Ron smiled at her and nodded. "it's no business of ours how you spend your lives." Ron admitted. "but Hermione can never admit that. let alone that she was wrong. she's always been obsessive about being in control, and now... god with Draco putting me on suspension she's nearly insufferable! i'm supposed to be resting after all, and god knows i need it, and yet she expects me to help her track you two down!" he shook his head. "i'm in what the doc calls 'battle shock'... with the news of... you being sick, i stopped caring about my own health. which is what Draco means when he says 'passively suicidal.' i won't slit my own wrists, but i won't stop someone else from doing it..." he shook his head.

"i need time to get better and i told hermione so. but she's so focused on Harry that she can't even see how sick I am!..." Ron shook his head again, scowling at his feet. "i hate how my own wife pays me less attention than she does my own best freind... something she's always done now that i think about it." he admitted with a deep sigh. "this should have happened years ago..." Harry looked shocked. "i'm telling her tonight and then i'm going to another country for a while... i was thinking of going to Florida. just soak up the sun for a while... look at pretty girls." Harry had to laugh at that and he nodded. "will you come back?" "eh, when you get stuck in a Hospital bed i might come back." "he won't be in a hospital bed." Draco admitted. "he'd go insane. he'll be staying with us when he gets to that point." both Harry and Ron looked surprised at that and Ron slowly nodded and handed Draco a slip of paper. "well, when Harry get's to that point, call me and i'll come back." Ron promised before sharing a hug with Harry, the redhead leaving, draco looking surprised. "well that was shocking..."
Gabriella smiled almost shyly back at the man who'd never approved of her marriage, but was willing to fight for her to let her have this. "Well,I'm glad you didn't get yourself killed ron, that would just be upsetting."She teased before growling serious again and getting up and hugged him tightly as she realized just how screwed up his marriage was. "We'll be passing through florida in a few days. WE're going to new zealand...if you want to come..."She offered smiling slightly as she watched him go before nodding at draco."It was surprising."She said looking at harry."Let's get some rest. I want to go shopping tomorrow....even if I know diagaon alley is going to be insufferable...I want...I want to go have lunch at Honeydukes."She said smiling at the memory of their first date after the war, he'd tried to give her something so sweet, she could forget everything else. "Then we'll head to new zealand after lunch."She said looking at the others."That should give draco enough time to get work straightened out and be ready to go."
Ron snorted a little. "it was a close call that last time." he admitted with a shake of his head. "and i... i do have to apologize to you Gabriella... i was very against you marrying Harry, because i'd always had this dream of Harry marrying Ginny and becoming my brother for real..." he shook his head. "it was a stupid thing to hang onto... your the best wife he could ever have had." Ron assured her, smiling at her before shaking his head. "and thanks but no... i need to be alone for a while, to think about things." he admitted. "i'll join you guys later.. in a few weeks maybe?" he offered before leaving to go to Florida, eager to just lay back, and relax.

Harry chuckled as he nodded. "we'll go to Honeyduke's then." he agreed, nodding, loving at the small luncheon restaurant that the candy shop had added just after the war when the Three Broomsticks hadn't been able to keep up with the influx of homeless and hungry customers. "we'll have to set up some defenses." Harry admitted with a sigh. "someone could knock into me and break my arm if their not careful." he admitted with a shake of his head. "do we want 'personal space' wards, or disguises?"
Gabriella flushed at Ron's praise, resting her head on harry's shoulder before smiling at her husband before nodding. "We'll do both."She smirked glancing at the two blonds in the room."We could go as them. After all,who'd invade Draco Malfoy's personal space and risk getting snarked to death?"She said giggling a little. "Besides, I can't ihde being pregnant well, so it'd make sense." Astoria rolled her eyes a little as she settled back onto the couch, sighing at the comfortableness that took her off her sore feet. "And just set the wards before you get there. Set them on yourselves, and apparate in. Harry should walk the few feet from the table, no one would make the connection between a disguised harry and a real one if he doesn't act sick." Gabriella nodded a little though she still looked worried about the idea. "Maybe we should just ward ourselves."She said looking worried because the glamour would take to much magic, it'd probably leave harry sick for days, and she couldn't do that.
Harry chuckled a little and smiled a little as he nodded. "you have a point." he agreed, looking pleased before hesitating as he realized he'd have to cast a Glamor... "why bother with a simple glamor? i have something much better." Draco admitted as he turned and headed down to the Vaults before coming back up and handing Harry a necklace. "this will allow you both to take on a completely unknown appearance. it won't have my face, but you won't be noticed or recognized." Draco promised, Harry grinning as he slipped his necklace on, handing the other to Gabriella. as soon as it was around his neck, Harry appeared as a older, blonder, blue eyed man. "and this way Harry can take his wheelchair. plenty of Wizards use Wheelchairs after the war." Draco admitted with a nod. "or he can take a Cane to assist him." Harry pondered that and then nodded. "i'll use a Cane. it will be good for me to walk around for just a while." Harry decided. "put your necklace on Love and then we'll go."
Gabriella smiled as she slipped the necklace on looking amused at her husband."You look like Draco's older brother....just more handsome."She teased as her own appearance shifted to a black unlike her usual red locks, and deep green eyes. "Well be back in awhile."She said smiling at the two malfoys before resting a hand on Harry's arm and apparating them to honeydukes, looking around before she ordered them a small lunch before moving with harry to sit down. Going quiet as she watched the crowd, her chin resting on her hand. A look of profound sadness on her face. Despite having managed to keep upbeat for the last months they'd been traveling, not even breaking down when he'd gotten sicker, but she couldn't help it not here, where they'd had their first date. "I'm getting bigger. I'm huge."She whined quietly shaking off the mood as she looked at him.
Harry snickered a little and shook his head. "i think i've been insulted!" he admitted with an impish grin at her as he let her apparate them as he followed her inside, leaning on the cane so he didn't overly strain himself. he glanced at his wife, feeling his heart breaking as he noticed the sadness etched into her face. he had tried to keep everything fun and happy, so she wouldn't remember that he was dying... but there was little chance at hiding it now. there was nothing he could do to make it better either. not a thing. "your gorgeous." Harry purred, smiling a little. "every time i look at you, i get all the more eager to throw you onto bed and give you all the sex you deserve." he teased, smirking at her. he smiled as his food appeared, a soft pasta. his appatite was still receding, but he could still eat solid foods so long as they where easily digestible like pasta and sauce, or fruit. "now then let me think." Harry murmured as he winked at the Waiter, whom Harry had slipped a note. "how did that first date go?" just like the first time, the waiter reappeared with massive bouquet of beautiful flowers, all her favorites, and a charmed set of tiny instruments that played her favorite song, Harry smiling as he leaned forward and kissed her gently on the cheek. "i love you."
Gabriella laughed a little as she flushed looking at him,"If you did that, we'd never leave bed."She pointed out looking amused at his words as she nibbled on her food. Despite being hungry, and having wanted to eat here, she couldn't. Shew as sick to her stomach, sadness and pain eating her alive no matter how much she tried to hide it. Looking startled at the arrival of the flowers looking it over as she turned her head slightly to look at him,tears filling her eyes as she looked at teh bleeding heart flowers and baby breath, and the soft strands of Wagner's "Sleeping beauty" waltz. "I love you to."She muttered turning her head to kiss him, leaning back in her chair."You know we had dinner and then spent the night screwing on every surface in the house."She muttered flushing as she looked at him.
he smirked. "that' not such a bad idea." he teased, licking his lips lecherously, tossing her a playful wink as he snickered before smiling as she reacted to the flowers, pulling her into a tight hug, closing his eyes before smirking. "i am NOT going back home. Hermione will be there to blame us for Ron leaving her." he pointed out. "besides, Malfoy Manor has so many more surfaces." he teased with a snicker as he took her hand and kissed her knuckles. "shall we get dessert, or go find a bedroom?" he asked with mischievous eyes as he sighed. "at some point, we should probobly have that talk we've been putting off." he admitted, wrapping his arm around her wait, setting his head on her shoulder. "i'll go pay, there's something i want to pick up before we go home." he admitted, kissing her deeply before slowly standing up and heading off with his Cane. returning a moment later before leading the way into a 'curio' shop and accepting the wrapped package from the man, handing over the Galleons as he also picked up a Penseive, both where shrunk and hidden in his pockets before he took her hand and let her apparate them away.
"It really isn't a bad idea is it?"She muttered looking amused as she leaned into him, closing her eyes before laughing out loud."draco'd kill us for disgracing his house like that....I like it. Let's do it."She smiled at him, stealing a kiss."We'll have it. Sometime."She muttered her eyes sad as she watced hi pay before following him into the shop looking thoughtful before apparating them back to the manor. Right to their bedroom, not wanting to talk to anyone just right there. Settling them both in the bed she sighed, rubbing a hand over her stomach, wincing as the baby kicked at her hand. Before looking up at her husband, wondering if they were finally going to have the talk they'd been voiding.
he snickered and nodded. "it really isn't." he agreed. "we'll have to have sex on his table. and in his bathroom. and in his living room... we'll have to do it fast though, before he comes back from the hospital." he purred happily, letting her apparate them, grinning as he shucked off his shoes and the necklace, his eyes gleaning with delight as he rubbed her belly, feeling the baby kick. "aaw, how cute. he wants to come out." he teased, smiling at his wife. "do you think he's going to be scarred for life because i keep screwing you?" he asked curiously. "i mean... i really can't help it, wanting to bugger you all the time... but what if i'm doing irrevocable mental damage to our baby?" his eyes where glittering with amusement, trying to make Gabriella laugh.
"Hmmm if its one thing you excel at, its finishing sex fast."She said her eyes gleaming with delight and humor as she took off the necklace, swallowing hard at his words."Hmm I don't think so...well, though that might explain whawt mental damage is wrong with you, if your parents screwed all the time."She said laughing softly as she kissed him, nudging him to his feet."Come on, lets go see about having sex on draco's table. I like the idea."She said heading for the door willing, more then willing actually, to not think about anything else except being with her husband and screwing him and making their best friend yell.
Harry smirked a little. "are you calling me 'trigger happy'!?" he demanded, eyes glittering mischievously. "i'll have you know i have perfect control over my orgasms!" he teased before sulking at her. "you know, now that you mention it, i think i do remember something rather mortifying." he admitted, winking at her as he followed her carefully out to the kitchen where he focused on proving to her just how much control he really had. and, as expected, Draco started yelling at them as he came into the kitchen, calling them 'uncivilized heathens' and to 'get their own table!' Harry just laughed, finished up and let Gabriella clean them both up before putting his clothes back together. that had been so much more fun than he'd thought it would be. he was still snickering as Draco turned to Astoria, demanding that she punish them for ruining his pretty Astoria lavishing station.
"I am."She said smirking a little at his words laughing delighted as they headed downstairs. Ending up hiding behind Harry as she cleaned them up, glad draco hadn't been able to see her well,flushing as she leaned against harry."That was mean."She whined softly nuzzling her husband even though she giggled. Astoria smirked a little as she looked at her husband, though worry for him showed in her eyes. Afraid it had upset him moer then he was pretending to see his love screwing her husband. "Ah, well, we'll just have to give them the table, and you can buy me something better."She smirked leaning up to kiss him before sighing."Are you three ready to go?We all need a break."
Draco huffed, crossing his arms an sulking as he tried not to think about how pretty Gabriella's ass was. it didn't hurt as much as he thought it would though, not nearly as bad. it stung his pride a little, but that was the extent of the emotional damage. "i would like this table. it doesn't wobble like mine does." Harry admitted with a smirk as he nodded. "i'm ready to go. the Elves packed our stuff and sent it ahead." Harry admitted with an impish grin. "you know, there are nude beaches in New Zealand." Draco rolled his eyes. "Harry, i do not want to see your nude arse." "your just jealous that i'll make you look bad." "as if that would ever happen. i've always been prettier than you." "...pretty being the keyword there Draco. pretty is for GIRLS you great poncy git!" "if you weren't sick, i'd hex you." "and if you'd stop hiding in the closet, you wouldn't have the urge to hex me." "...hiding in the closet?" "sorry, Muggle thing. means your hiding being gay." Draco sputtered in outrage at that of course, and contemplated the thought of strangling Harry.
Both of their wives grinned, giggling like schoolgirls as they watched both men argue. It was adorable in fact, to see them acting like this. "Well,draco can be pretty, and harry can be handsome."Gabriella decided laughing as they got ready to go.

Almost a month later Gabriella smiled a little as she sat up on her elbows, they'd finally made it to that nude beach, and while it was odd at moments, the two pregnant woman had gotten comfortable with being naked, as being pregnant had made their bodies that much more sensitive to everything.And it helped it was a private beach,only for the campground guests. Frowning slightly as she squinted towards the ocean where the boys were building a sand castle for them she muttered a quiet word to astoria before heading up to the cafe to get something to eat.

"You know, little kids are going to be jealous of this hogwarts looking sand castle." Astoria snickered a little as she crossed the beach to look at the castle looking amused. Sitting down on the towel next to draco she smirked."So how much of it is magic, and how much is-"She started her head already turning towards the scream,recognizing that voice. Wondering what had frightened Gabriella that much.

Up at the snack bar gabriella whimpered as she sat on the sand, for once obliviosu to the sand she was getting in uncomfortable spots, having been attacked from behind, she hadn't seen who it was, but the broken arm and blood pouring from her temple where her attacker had slammed her head against the building left her disoriented.
Harry chuckled a little, laying naked on the beach, soaking up the sun. he was skinnier than ever, and he was finally starting to turn that sickly gray color of death coming too soon, but he still looked happy, and a long way from death. he jerked when Astoria screamed, and he rolled onto his belly and crawled into his chair and zoomed after her. he had lost the ability to walk just a week ago after another seizure, so he was reliant upon the chair for nearly everything. thankfully, this one floated and responded to touch and thought, so Harry never had to struggle with it. "Gabriella!" Draco and Harry both yelled it at the same time, Draco dropping down next to her and checking her eyes for hints of concussion and awareness. "did you see who did it?" Draco asked carefully shining a light into her eyes before using his wand to examine her arm. "was it a spell, or was it physical?" Harry bit his lip hard as he hovered, literally, waiting for his wife to react, to say something, anything at all, to react!
Gabriella was slow to react, her head pounding fom a concussion as she swallowed. "S-spell.I was just pulled back.Smacked against the building."She shuddered swallowing hard as she looked up at her husband, shifting, leaning her head against Draco's shoulder sighing quietly. Astoria winced a little as she knelt on gabriella's other arm, checking her over to make sure there wasn't anything besides her head and arm."We should get her home, draco.She could probably use a few days in a real bed."She muttered glancing up at harry, smiling slightly. "She's fine. Both of them are."She reassured smiling, glad that both mother and child where fine, even if she was sure that gabriella was feeling scared, espcially if it was a spell, she had a idea who it'd been, even if she didn't want to say it.
Harry winced a little as he pulled her into a tight hug, offering her the comfort that he could before looking up at Draco who nodded. "yes, just fine. Astoria you take Harry?" he asked as he examined Gabriella again, eyes narrowed in concentration before they both disparate. it took a great deal of energy and focus to move someone without actually moving them. Draco didn't want Gabriella shifting while in Apparation, so he used a technique that only the most powerful of healer mages could learn. it was in essence, a magical stretcher that locked Gabriella completely still so she wouldn't even wiggle while in the apparation, which would stop any broken bones or internal bleeding from shifting or getting worse. "there, your safe now." Draco promised as he carefully settled her onto the bed. "i think it's time we stayed home anyway." he admitted. "your too close to your ninth month." he admitted shaking his head. "and with Astoria having twins, she's due any day now." he admitted, sounding excited. "can you imagine? three little babies running around." he wanted to squeal with excitement, but refrained. mostly he was just comforting and distracting Gabriella until he was finished. "have you and Harry decided on names yet? Astoria has names in mind, but she won't tell me because she's cruel, sadistic, and mean." and he also knew she was listening and was teasing her.
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