Shaken(HP) Lady/Moon

"I know. And I love you to.I'm just not happy with you right now."She sighed softly as she looked at him before moving to sit down and settle in his lap, before swallowing hard."We should.Draco and Tori will keep anyone from hexing."she muttered before laughing at his look, kissing him hard, burying her hands in his hair before leaning back."You're harry potter, how could anyone hate you?"She teased sighing softly."They wont be happy. Espcially hermione. She wont want you traveling but...we'll see?"

"Hey!I am not sharing you with a harem.There's something disturbing about the idea of you with a harem."She teased before whining a little."Damn. Why not make her husband fix her?It'll be a small hex."She grumbled before grinning."let's. She might be strangling him."She smiled as she got up and picked up the phone and dialing, looking a little worried as the potter's phone rang.
Harry smiled at her a little. "i was going to tell you after the quidditch game." he admitted. "but then you had to tell me you where pregnant so..." he shrugged. "technically it's your fault i didn't tell you a week earlier." he teased, smiling at her as he snuggled her, sighing a little. "i love Hermione, she's a great sister, but just this once, she can fuck off." he decided with a nod. "i'll send the Malfoy's an Owl." he decided with a smile before nearly crawling out of his skin as the phone rang, clutching his chest. "Christ! i keep forgetting we got that damn thing! if it's hermione, tell her i'm at the hospital!" he ordered, hiding under the covers, as if that would make his statement true.... he was such a child sometimes.

Draco snickered. "it would only be one or two other women." he promised Astoria, eyes glittering with laughter. "it's not like i need a woman for every day of the week... though, that is an idea." he admitted with a smirk as he shook his head watching her ring the phone, well aware Potter kept forgetting he had one. he smirked as he watched Astoria talk to who was Gabriella, since Harry never answered the phone.
"Oh, so it's mine now?Hey that's not fair. I can't be blamed for that!"She whined looking so put out at his teasing, snuggling her before laughing t his words."Well, I'd love to hear you tell her that."He muttered laughing when he jumped,"Well, youre the one who wanted it.So we could have a muggle thing."She snorted a little as she answered, looking amused as her husband hide, talking quietly.When she was done she hung up looking amused."Tori wanted to make sure I hadn't strangled you myself.And she said they'd be here tomorrow."She smirked crawling nder the covers with him. "So does this mean we're staying in bed till tomorrow?"She smiled.

"No!you're not allowed.Thats disturbing, malfoy."She snorted looking amused as she watched him talking before turning to look at him again, moving to sit in his lap again. "Both of the potters are still alive, and invited us tomorrow to keep the peace.Well, she didn't say that, but she wants us there to make sure no one gets to rowdy when they tell him harry's dying.And we're going, because I want to hex granger."
he chuckled a little and smiled a little as he kissed her gently. "well, i'll have to say so then." he decided with a small sigh as she went to answer the phone. thank god because he was feeling very tired. he smiled at her as she came back and he wrapped his arms around her. "yes, i'd like to just lay here and rest for a few hours... trying to keep up with myself has been more than i could manage for the last few weeks." he admitted with a small sigh as he nuzzled her neck happily. "frankly, i'm surprised your not angrier." he admitted softly. "it's one of the reasons i was so scared to tell you."

Draco laughed brightly at her insulted tone and smirked a little. "good. someone's going to need to control Granger." he admitted with a nod. "come on, i'm exaughsted..." Draco admitted, shoving himself away from his desk, setting his hands on Astoria's ass and picking her up and carrying her to bed. while he didn't love her the same way he loved Gabby, he still did his husbandly 'duties' with great joy... he loved making Astoria demand him to fuck her before she went insane with pleasure.
Gabriella sighd softly, nuzzling her face against his shoulder."i want to have happy memories, not angry ones."she muttered closing her eyes, just content to be with him.

Astoria laughed a little as she was picked up."yes you are going to have to deal with granger."ahe muttered looking amused as she was carried to be.

The next day astoria smiled as she stepped into the bedroom,leaning over to kiss her husband as he slept. Since it was saturday, she'd let him sleep in even if they were expected at the potters' soon."draco, time to get up"she smiled smirking a little as she nuzzled her face against his shoulder.

Gabriella sighed softly as she snuggled into the bed, not wanting to get up. Looking startled at the sight of harry watching her sleep, she smiled at him sleepily."why didnt you get me up?"she said groaning when she heard both hermione and ron apparating in. It was just to much to ask that theyd show up on time instead of early.
Harry smiled at her, a rag held to his bleeding nose. "sorry Gabby. i was dealing with a bloody nose." he admitted simply, letting the house elf there scold Hermione an Ron for being over a half an hour early, complaining that Master and Mistress wasn't ready yet and that they would leave and come back later! Harry finally staunched the flow of blood with a small sigh of annoyance. "got blood coming out of every damn hole now." there was a pause. "do ears count as a hole?... no, i don't think so." he decided as he straightened himself out and went to go give his own scathing annoyance at Hermione coming 'too early' yet again and demanding that she and Ron sit themselves down before they made themselves a nuisance.

Draco grunted as he was woken up, blinking sluggishly before he finally sat up and stretched, looking content with life as he started getting ready. sex would make anyone feel better. he hummed as he finished getting dressed, kissed Astoria and checked the clock. "he asked us to be there about twenty minutes early. we're going to be late..." he warned, glancing at the fireplace. "Floo or Apparation?" he asked, letting Astoria the pregnant decide how best to not throw up. they arrived at the Potters just in time to hear Harry tell the Weasley's to sit down before they made a nuisance of themselves before he turned vibrant, annoyed green eyes on Draco and Astoria. "your LATE!" he complained, grouchy and grumpy, Draco rolling his eyes as he took Harry's chin and examined his eyes intently. "migraine?" he asked, Harry nodding. "yes..." "i think i might have something that will help, for a little while anyway." he admitted, vanishing with a pop before reappearing with a vial of the strongest pain killers available, usually used for Half Giants. "take a teaspoon and see if this doesn't help." Harry nodded and vanished into the kitchen, ignoring Hermione and Ron's annoyance at being yelled at.
Gabriella sighed softly looking up at him."You should have gotten me up.And no, they're not holes."She muttered snuggling down into the bed again, not wanting to get up. Though when she heard draco and astoria's voices she knew that there was no way she was going to get to go to sleep again.Sighing as she started to get dressed.

Astoria smiled,"We wont be that late. He'll forgive a pregnant woman."She said smiling when they appeared, tilting her head a little."Well, you'll have to forgive me. I was puking, I'm sure you understand."The mistress of malfoy manor smiled a little as she kissed Harry's cheek, ignoring hermione's scowl in favor of making herself comfortable on the couch, "Morning Gabriella." "Morning."Gabriella smiled as she walked downstairs, tilting her head a little at the sight of the weasley's,"Dont you two know how to show up on time?We need sleep." "Then go to bed earlier Gabby.We thought you two might need someone."Hermione scowled a little at the french witch. "...which is why draco's here. Being a doctor and all, he's helpful.Sometimes."Gabriella said just to annoy hermione because she was so nervous as the rest of their friends started to arrive.
Draco offered Hermione a critical eye before shaking his head. "your putting too much pressure on him Gr... er, Weasley... i still haven't gotten used to that." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i keep thinking of you both as separate people." he admitted, making a face at the image that produced. "i just mentally scarred myself." Harry uttered a short bark of laughter, Ron hiding a grin. they had all gotten along a lot better after the many, many times that Draco had saved Ron's life. "in any case, a disease like this, it's best to keep Harry's body healthy, which means doing things for as long as possible... i'd suggest a strong Quidditch Regimen. he's not healthy enough to play professionally. but a few hours of flying will be good in keeping his body strong." Draco admitted simply as he settled into a chair and accepted a tea glass from a house elf as Harry came back into the room, holding his nose. "sorry guys... nose is like a fountain today... can't get it to stop..." "that's from the migraine no doubt." Draco admitted as he handed his tea to Astoria and started running scans on Harry's head and nose before nodding. "you have a few broken blood vessels in your nose. there, all better." Draco stated with a tap of his wand. "now... how are you going to... break the news?" Ron looked a little baffled before brightening. "you mean about Gaby being pregnant? he already told the World Malfoy... your a bit behind aren't you?" the others would be arriving soon, and with the migraine gone and the bleeding stopped, Harry was much less grumpy.
Hermione raised a eyebrow frowning at draco a little."You should have let us tell them earlier."She grumbled still annoyed with her friend for putting her under a privacy spell but going quiet after a few moments. "Poor draco, just stop thinking about their sex life, it'll be easier on us all."gabriella said poking fun at her friend as astoria laughed. Looking worried at her husband as she rubbed a hand over HArry's back, smiling slightly. "Draco's always a little bit behind things, but no."She sighed looking even more worried when Luna, blaise and neville stepped through the floo, not to mention the rest of the horde of weasleys'. "hey guys."Gabriella said shifting closer to harry as she caught sight of the female weasley, she always made things harder,but she couldn't deprieve harry of the chance to tell them all at once. "Hey gabriella. Harry."Ginny smiled brightly as she sat down next to harry, not crowding him but close enough to be uncomfortable for his wife. She had taken up quietly trying to make the woman leave, while ron just ignored gabriella....yes, the french witch was going to be very alone in a world with harry sick.
Harry glared at Hermione. "it is MY Decision Hermione." Harry hissed. "don't think i don't remember all those times YOU decided what I was going to do with MY Life for 'My Own Good. it is MY life and i will decide what to do with it and you will SIT there and be SILENT!..." "Harry you need to calm down." Draco ordered, pressing a calming potion into Harry's hands. "Anger, right or not, is a side effect of the disease." Draco explained to Hermione. "and no offense Mrs. Weasley, but Potter is right. it's his life. you have no right to tell him what, or how to live his life." what little of it was left.

Harry did something he'd never done before however, when Ginny sat next to him, too close to him, he got up and moved seats. "Harry? what's wrong?" Neville asked, frowning as he looked around at the gathered freinds and family and Harry sighed, closing his eyes as he rested against the wall near the fireplace. "i... i've been keeping a secrete... and Hermione that Privacy spell is in place so shut up." Harry ordered. "i will tell them. not you. you shut up too Draco." Draco's mouth clicked shut. "i was keeping this secrete for my own selfish reasons. i wanted a little while longer to be happy... a little longer to be... be who i wanted to be." it was a shocked Ron that asked. "are... are you divorcing Gabriella!?" "...i'm dying." that was met with shocked silence. "i have been for a while now... my Magic is turning against me, killing me off one organ at a time." he admitted simply. "before you all start getting on my case, i have been to over thirteen specialists, thanks to the fact that Hermione could never leave me the hell alone... i'm spending the next few months, or however long i'm healthy enough to do it, to do what I want to do for once." Harry admitted simply as he looked around at them all. "oh... secrecy spell over Hermione, you can bitch all you want now, but i am NOT spending my last months in a hospital bed."
Hermione frowned tihnking as she looked up at the dying man."Harry surely it would be better to be in the hospital."She frowned watching him. "No.What he wants is more important then what you want him to do."Gabriella said swallowing hard as she watched her husband, "Besides. You are you to tell him what to do?"She growled the anger that had been missing from the day before starting to come through. "I'm his friend!" "No. You're a busybody who couldn't leave the fuck alone."Gabriella said her voice warming, starting to rise. "Stop it both of you!I will hex you both if you start arguing."Astoria said standing glaring at both woman. "What business is it of yours, malfoy?" "She's a friend. now stop!You-"Gabriella started growling wincing as she felt the silencing hex astoria cast take hold leaning back in her seat as hermione glared at being silenced to.

"Now. Upsetting the pregnant wife of a dying man is not good. Stop it. Harry, did you have something else to say before I lift the hex?"Astoria said looking at harry with a sad smile.
Harry watched all of this with calm, dispassionate eyes as he sighed a little, watching the fight break out. "the thing is Hermione. there's nothing that a Hospital can do for me. there's no potions that can help, no spells that can be used. my magic attacks and destroys it. i just took a potion that woul leave a Giant in a Coma and it barley touched the migraine... what the hell do you think a Hospital can do other than lock me in bed and make me WISH i was dying FASTER?" he demanded. "Draco is taking up my disease. he's been researching for an entire week for anything and everything. i'll always have my cell phone on me so if anything happens, he'll be able to find me. if he finds something, i'll be able to get to him with a simple apparation... i refuse to be locked in a white walled prison. i had enough of that at the Dursley's, may they roast in hell, and in Hogwarts... i'm going to travel the world, and have fun with my wife. i'm dying, nothing can stop it, and i expect you all to be proper adults here and accept the fact that for one single time, i'm doing what I want to, instead of what YOU think i should do." and with that, he turned and walked up the stairs, Draco grimacing as he shook his head. "he's right you know. there's nothing that a hospital can do for him. and it's better for him to have some fun, to distract from the pain, than to lay in bed and wallow in it."
Gabriella sighed as she stood watching them all,"You'll see yourselves out when you're all done arguing.I'm going to go get ready to go.Draco, astoria?I'll let you know where we're going when we decide."She said looking at them all, actually fairly amazed that ron hadn't started yelling yet, before disappearing upstairs. "Harry?"She muttered stepping into the bedroom,wrapping her arms around his waist, leaning against him. "Where do you want to go first?"She muttered resting her head on his chest, knowing that no matter what he asked from them,none of them would be proper adults and treat her well for not forcing harry to stay in london.

Astoria sighed quietly shaking her head as she looked the others over, glancing up at Draco,"Think they'd be angry if we barred their floo to keep hermione from coming to yell at them?"She said well aware that hermione just wouldn't let it go. Sighing tiredly as she studied her husband. "You of all people should want harry to stay, astoria!Surely you know your husband's in l-" "Stop it.Just stop, granger. Get out. All of you."Astoria snarled feeling heartsore and tired stopping hermione before she could out draco to the people who hadn't known, glancing at the stairs before looking at draco."I think I'm going to see if Gabriella will go to diagon alley. They'll need things for their vacation."She muttered."Are you going to stay here or go home?"She muttered squeezing his hand.
Draco smiled at the girl and nodded before Gabriella ran upstairs. Harry was sitting on the edge of the bed, breathing heavily from the force of his anger as he closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around her. "i want to go to other countries this time." he decided. "i want to see Big Ben, the Grand Canyon, the Eiffal Tower, the Taj Mahal... i want to see everything!" he admitted, smiling at her. "what do you think, sounds like a plan?"

Draco smirked. "it won't do them any good, they won't even be here." he pointed out. "i know Harry very well, and he'd not going to want to spend his time cooped up in a house. ten galleons says he takes that fancy trunk of his, fills it with everything they need, and they do a camping thing." he froze in fury at Hermione and he shook his head. "i'm going to stay here a moment." his tone was ice cold and he turned his gray eyes on Hermione. "you, miss Gr... Weasley, will be having a word with me in the kitchen." he hissed, grabbing her arm and forcing her into the kitchen where silencing spells snapped up. he spent the next ten minutes yelling at her that his love life wasn't his business, that he had been honest from the second he found out about his arranged marriage and that he loved Astoria just as much as he loved Gabriella, just in a different way, and how DARE Hermione try to ruin the one good thing he had left in his life and that if she didn't want him sicking the Auror's on her for kidnapping, endangerment of others, and interfering with a doctors work, she'd leave Harry and Gabriella Potter ALONE! Ron just sat in the living room, glassy eyed and stunned that his best freind was dying.
Gabriella nodded looking amused as she leaned back to look up at him."Let's. I like that plan. It'll be fun."She said biting her lip, tears misting her eyes swallowing hard."How about you rest, and I'll get everything we need?"She said stroking his hair out of his face, smiling slightly, though her eyes were hurt and pained, so scared of losing him. of losing the one person in the world who loved her...poor gabriella was so lost in her pain, that she didn't even realize draco'd never allow that to happen.

Astoria smiled a little as she watched the other's leave, and watched hermione go off in a huff before looking up at her husbnd, wrapping her arms around his waist."You my dear, are fierce and protective."She teased nuzzling him a little before leaning back. "How about we go gather some clothes and stuff they'll need to go on a trip?I don't trust granger to leave them alone if gabby has to go get things. We could..."She said studying him wondering just how he was feeling about things.
he grinned at her and nodded. "we'll camp. i don't feel like spending all that gold staying in weird hotels. it's more fun to sleep in the wilds don't you think?" he asked before hesitating as he remembered the baby. "we'll get one of those tents with the kitchen and the bedroom in it, and we'll put our bed in it so that your comfortable." he decided with a nod before smiling as he gently took her hand and kissed her knuckles. "it's alright love." he whispered softly. "really... i've made Astoria promise to take care of you. and Draco loves you just as much as he loves her." he promised her. "you'll never be alone." he promised her, kissing her forehead. "i'm sure Draco will think of something, right?" he asked her, smiling as he shook his head. "lets just sleep for a while. i don't want you going out alone. Hermione won't leave us alone and i don't want the reporters trampling you in their 'excitement'... we'll make Draco get the things we need."

Draco shrugged as he leaned into Astoria. "everything i said was truth. i do love you as much as Gabriella. just not the same way." he admitted before frowning. "originally, i thought you where like a sister.... until i realized that brothers and sisters do not enjoy making the others toes curl... so, i'm not sure how it's different anymore." he admitted making a face. "honestly, i think i love you..." he admitted, glancing at Astoria. "i just didn't realize it until i realized how much i was hurting you, and how badly that made me hurt." he admitted with a sigh. "we'd better do the shopping." he agreed. "gabby will never be able to shop, not with the reporters looking for her or Harry. bastards." he grumbled. "you go up and get the list. i'll go and get a months worth of potions for harry to take. nutrient and supplemental potions will help. i'll need to make them both understand that 'hard' foods will be bad for harry... a soft diet would be best..." he muttered to himself, slipping back into Doctor Mode.
"I think I like it."She said smiling, looking amused as he thought of the rest. Rolling her eyes a little as he kissed her knuckles, "Not just me being comfortable. You need to be comfortable to."She said smiling as she leaned up to kiss him, before sighing softly. Relaxing quietly, resting her headon his chest, eyes widening slightly before smiling. She assumed draco loved her like a sister...poor girl was so dense sometimes."Okay. We can sleep."She smiled as she climbed under the covers.

Astoria studied her husband smiling softly as she leaned up to kiss his forehead, "No, siblings definately do not enjoy that...unless of course, if they're malfoys...they might."She said teasing him because the malfoy family tree were intermarried sometimes it was almost as close as siblings marrying. "I love you to."She smiled looking amused, glad he seemed at peace with things now, though she knew he'd always love gabriella, it was good to know she had her husband to herself. "Such a doctor."she teased rolling ehr eyes amused as he slipped into doctor mode, heading upstairs. Knocking lightly on the bedroom door she smiled as she stepped inside."Now you two, you're under doctor's orders to not go shopping. So I'm going to go shopping. So what do you need?"She said looking amused to see th two cuddled p in bed.

"Muggle clothes would be good. For all kinds of weather. Food. Camping stuff."Gabriella said smiling a little looking amused that the malfoy's had already planned on taking charge of things. It was like they'd expected the potters wouldn't be able to shop or handle the thought that hermione would try to get to them. Which was probably true
Draco scowled at her. "yes, yes i know. i'm inbred. your just jealous because i'm prettier." and oh so vain too. he headed into the kitchen to build the list that he'd need to get to Harry, nodding happily. it would do for now while he worked on better ones. he'd start with a pain killer, Harry would need that one first.

Harry chuckled a little and shrugged. "Love, i'm comfortable anywhere. so long as i have a soft place to lay down at night... don't forget where i lived until i was seventeen, and the two year 'camp out' i had looking for the last of the horcruxes after Voldemort bit the dust." not much comfort in a Dursley house, or in the wilds without a sleeping bag. "my thoughts of comfort and yours are very different, so we're pandering to your comforts." he teased, offering her a wink. he grinned as Astoria walked in and yawned a little as he shook his head. "we'll need a tent with a bedroom and a kitchen." he murmured, pleased that he had at least two good, REAL freinds. "Draco's setting up a potions regimen then?" he asked, sounding amused. "oh, will you get me a new cellphone? Hermione's going to be calling min every hour after today so i need a new one. one with just you and Draco knowing the number for now." he decided. "others can be added once i'm sure their not going to bitch at me." Fred and George for instance, would probobly be allowed the number, provided they promised not to tell their Wives, who where already on Hermione's side.
"well, that is true. And you should definately be pandering to my comforts. Im pregnant, I need more."she preened smiling a little at astoria. "and a portkey if we need to get back here in a hurry, he have it."gabriella said smiling a little."I'll see that it gets done. And yes, draco's downstairs getting all your potions ready."she smiled leaning over to kiss harry's forehead."rest.we'll be back in a few hours."she smiled before heading downstairs, smirking at her working husband she leaned over to kiss his forehead."are you going shopping with me? Or are you going to st. Mungos to get everything so they can leave right away?"she muttered smiling ay him. So proud of him for being willing, and loving, enough to make sure that gabriella and harry would truly enjoy the last months of his life.
Harry smiled at her and nodded. "you deserve all the comfort in the world." he promised, kissing her gently before smiling at Astoria. "my wife is so smart." he purred in delight before yawning again as he was kissed on the forehead, a sleepy smile gracing his face. "thanks Astoria." he murmured softly. "your a great freind... remind me to put you and Draco in the will." he teased, shaking his head. "and to kick Hermione off of it." there was a pause. "actually... remind me to write a will..." Harry, even dying, was never going to change. "of course i'm going to go with you. we can stop at St. Mungo's once we're done shopping." Draco admitted with a nod as he examined his list of potions before following Astoria out to the streets of London to find everything that they would need. "they need a while to rest, Harry's been pushing himself a little too hard the last month or so, so he's going to need a lot of rest." Draco admitted with a nod. "and him camping will be good for him, plenty of sun and fresh air will help slow the disease." Draco admitted. "really, Harry's doing what he wants, AND what's best for him." he smirked. "i'm going to have to suggest a beach visit at least once a week. the sea air will help keep his lungs clear."
"Hey, what about me?"Gabriella smiled sleepily,"I should be in there to."She muttered looking amused even as she snuggled into her husband. Astoria laughed rolling her eyes a little."I will.Rest."Astoria said looking amused because he was never going to change. Looking at draco as they went to london she smiled as they looked around, starting to choose things."Yea, and put gabby in a bikkini. It'll make him perk up."She snickered a little as they shopped.

the next day Astoria smiled s they stepped into the house, looking at the two laying tangled up on the couch,shaking her head as her and draco set the trunks on the floor in the living room."So where are you going first?" "I think Taj mahal first. I want to be far away from england for awhile."Gabriella smiled as she snuggled down into her husband, looking content. "We had to block the floo this morning. Granger kept trying to visit."She grumbled but looking happy now that no one but the malfoys could visit.
Draco laughed at the Bikini comment and examined Astoria critically and nodded. "the four of us should go to one of those nude beaches in Australia." he decided, a lecherous grin proving exactly why he thought that would be a good idea. two beautiful naked women to stare at, how could Harry and Draco say no?

in the morning he smiled as he saw Harry and Gabby and for once... he didn't hurt at seeing them together. her forgiveness had soothed the feelings of hurt that she had gone to someone else. now that he wasn't drowning in guilt and hurt, he was able to feel just how much he really did love Astoria... but now he was worried about Gabriella, could she handle being without Harry? could Draco resist her no matter how much he loved astoria? how would Gabriella and Astoria get along? and what about Gabriella's beautiful baby? he couldn't ever expect her to raise it on her own, it just wouldn't be fair... "i thought Granger might try to interfere." Draco admitted with a sigh as he handed Harry a brand new cell phone. "here, it has mine, and Astoria's number programmed in there. i'd suggest using a pay phone to talk to anyone else so they can't follow you or keep calling you." Draco admitted as Harry grinned and glanced at Gabriella. "Muggle or Wizarding travel?" "if it's wizarding, then Gabriella will have to do the apparation's Harry, your magic isn't stable enough." "i know." Harry promised. "i was thinking international portkey."
Astoria smiled a little smirking."Draco's decided that at some point, the four us need to go to a nude beach."She piped up smirking at the two, moving away from her husband. "Oh!Now that would be amusing. Two beautiful men..."Gabriella smirked lecherously as she looked at both men before sighing softly, nuzzling harry a little."We'll use a portkey. Long distance apparation will be hard on me and the baby."she sighed before pusing up off the couch ugging both astoria and draco tightly."Thank you."She muttered before stepping back. "Now get going. We'll deal with things here. Just enjoy your time away."Astoria ordered looking amused, glad that they were sticking to the plan and refusing to let anyone convince them tha they should stay.
Harry laughed at the mention of a nude beach and nodded. "i'd say yes!" he agreed eagerly as he examined Gabriella with a smirk as he took the months worth of potions from Draco. they where in a specially designed trunk that would protect each vial perfectly. they shared hugs and goodbye kisses on the cheeks and vanished from the world. and for three, maybe four months, the only people that heard from them where Draco and Astoria and on occasion Bill, Charley, and Percy. the twins didn't dare try to contact Harry or Gabriella for fear of their wives wrath. Ron was getting more and more furious that his best freind was dying, and threw himself into his work, and Blaise, Neville and Luna stayed in London. they got word everyday, through letters and owl posts complete with pictures, post cards, and occasionally a phone call. so the day Harry and Gabriella finally returned, Neville, Luna and Blaise where waiting in the Hospital for Harry, who'd just had a seizure. Gabriella had called Draco and they where waiting for the emergency portkey that would bring them to the hospital.

and there they where. Harry didn't look nearly as bad as he could have been. he had lost a great deal of weight, so he was thin and gaunt, but he was a perfect tan, and he still had the glow of healthy life around him. he had stopped seizing at least, and was looking around with coherent eyes, letting them all know that the seizure was a minor one. "hey guys." his voice was tired, but happy and he smiled as he carefully sat himself into a wheelchair because he didn't have the strength to walk anymore. for the last several weeks, Harry had been in a magically powered wheelchair so that Gabriella wouldn't have to push him. "when do the furious hoards arrive?" Harry asked with a smirk as Draco wrinkled his nose. "not very soon i hope, unless someone in my Hospital 'spills the beans'... unfortunately, the fighting between the half that thinks you should have rotted away in a hospital, and my side has made international news." Draco admitted. "so the entire wizarding world knows your dying." Harry shrugged. he had his fun, he didn't care about the rest of the world anyway.
Gabriella smiled tiredly as she walked into the hospital with her husband. While the pregnant woman was showing the wear of both being pregnant and taking care of harry, she was healthy and tan, the bulge of her stomach that hadn't been obvious when they left definately more prounced now. "You know, we could just tell everyone we came back for me. I am pregnant you know."She grumbled looking amused as she settled in a chair, wanting to be comfortable as draco looked over her husband. "So,draco should we be expecting astoria here soon?"She said looking amused, actually amazed that the slight blond woman wasn't already there.

"Always. I stopped to get you some pregnancy clothes. I thought you might be needing some."Astoria said as she stepped into the room, "And we're taking them back to the manor for the night draco."she ordered not giving any of the three any choice, because she knew that if gabriella and harry where at their own home, they'd be mobbed as soon as they got there. "And you should have a few hours before hermione and-"She stopped sighing softly as she heard the ER alarm."Well.IT seems ron's just been brough in with a injury...he'll know soon enough."She muttered wincing because she knew the auror was totally going to lose his mind when he realized the potters' where back.
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