The Whomping Willow (Kiandra_Black & Greeneyed23)

Brandon had his entire team flying elaborate routes, in, around, and over each other. He was right in the middle flying his own intricate pattern, his whistle blowing at every mistake, his powerful arms hurling the Quaffle without mercy, the Bludgers slinging at them all, while James was forced to chase two dozen flying tennis balls.

Brandon was driving his team mad because no matter what they tried he blocked every attempt at his goals. The moment Cleo arrived though he swooped down, hanging upside down for another kiss, while his jacket, scarf and heavy gloves slithered onto her, wrapping tight and warm about her, soon followed by a fluffy cap. He kissed her again smiling. "Love you." And he was off, swatting a rather sneaky attempt on his center goal away.

Practice began to get brutal as Brandon would intentionally hurl the Quaffle at the Chaser with a nearby Bludger and no Beater, forcing them to dodge the Bludger, catch the Quaffle and continue to fly in perfect formation. The team began to complain and were horrified when Brandon activated two more pairs of Bludgers, and sent two more Quaffles into the game, and doubled James' tennis balls. They were stunned by this as they now had to dodge constantly, while passing unless they were shooting.

They even tried to break it back on Brandon by flying into the goal area and once again learned something about their Captain that frightened them. He blocked all three shots in a ferocious display by spiking one down, kicking another high into the air, then baseball swinging his broom batted the third completely out of the arena, forcing his chasers to retrieve before they landed. His beaters were left suddenly without task as all six Bludgers hurtled toward Brandon. He leapt over two which smashed into the goal posts and dropped to the sand below deactivated, caught one and hurled it into another deactivating it as well, knocked the fifth away with his fist, then spun on his broom dodging the last before it wheeled back toward him, only to be punched and sent back toward his beaters.

The team stopped complaining then and fell to obeying their Captain completely. Remus and Lilly stared up at Brandon in awe. Of course his gloves were extra strong and even more thickly padded than the rest of the team but still actually punching out a bludger? Madness.
Cleo grinned up at him as he covered her in warmth, then had to roll her eyes at Lily and Remus who were laughing at how right they had been. She watched the team practice, and while they were running drills, heard one of the beaters say something under their breath, which she was sure that if Brandon heard him, there would be bloodshed.
"Why are we practicing in front of a snake, she's just going to tell her team our strategy..."
Remus had also heard him, and a low growl emanated from his throat as Cleo took his hand while Lily took his other. Cleo leaned over and said quietly, "Your eyes are turning amber Wolf." Her own words were tinged with a growl, which spoke to his inner wolf. He nodded, and calmed down, Lily smirking at them. She had figured out he was a werewolf a while ago, but had deigned not to say anything about it.

Cleo looked back up at practice and had to cringe as he punched the bludger. He would probably need salve for his hand after practice. She easily accioed the salve in their bathroom, and warmed it in her hands while they kept going. She grinned as Lily leaned over and said, "Where do I get one of those?" Pointing at Brandon. She began giggling, and said, "I'm sure James would be your prince charming if you let him!"
Remus interjected then, "He isn't scary like Brandon. Brandon has an aura around him, like he's the alpha male... even my wolf realizes it."
"True, but it's more... he might be the toughest guy here, but he treats Cleo like a precious gem. I'm so jealous..."
"He is a keeper huh?"
"In more ways than one!" Remus joked, and the three were through, the conversation dissolving into laughter.
Brandon did hear the comment actually. Not first hand but from James actually who mistakenly let slip the words. He waited until the formations were in place then stopped all the balls in midair. He moved up between the lot studying them.

He removed his bracer, revealing that in fact his hand was perfectly fine. "What exactly would 'the snake' tell them? That they are facing the best Quidditich team in the school?"

The Quaffles suddenly hurled at the three Chasers, but they caught them easily. "No chaser here can best you three."

The Beaters had to swings on their brooms then slash out with their bats, sending Bludgers sailing away. "You could could fend off a dozen bludgers."

James grinned as Brandon looked at him. "And despite your ego and your rather annoying need to show off, you are the best Seeker i have ever seen."

The team all blinked at this praise. "We are going to dominate this year because we are the best. The best fliers, the best Chasers, Beaters, and Seeker in the school. We have mastered the fundamentals and we play together better than anyone else. Even if Cleo was a spy, which she isn't, there is nothing to tell. You can't overcome superior quality. That we also have superior tactics just gives us another edge. Now go clean up. And see Cleo before you go. She has a salve for your bruises."

The team were rather taken aback at this change in his attitude but Brandon was truly pleased with them. They had performed beautifully and truly did have his confidence. All six flew down to ask for the salve, the Beater who has spoken looking thoroughly ashamed, while Brandon gathered the balls and put them all away before going for a few laps of his own to clear his head.
Cleo smiled proudly as she heard Brandon's words. Lily and Remus smirked at each other, and then as Brandon dismissed the team, headed down to wait for James. Cleo watched as each member came by, and she transfigured the jar she had into six little jars, each with enough salve for their bruises. She passed them to the team, the smile on her face as the Beater came up to her priceless.

Although the smile was innocent, her eyes told of a different story, and while Brandon was scary in his own right, what the Beater saw in her eyes left him shaking in his boots. He stammered his thanks and took off, trying to get as much distance between himself and the Slytherin Queen who had stood before him. She watched him go, but for a moment, before turning back to find James grinning at her. She rolled her eyes at him, and passed him the last jar, before he gave her a jaunty wink and headed down to find Lily and Remus. The three looked back up at her, wondering if she was going to join them, but she waved them off, making her own way out of the stands. She smiled up at Brandon for a moment, before heading towards the Forbidden Forest.

Silence drifted from the ancient trees as the wind whispered secrets better left unknown. She took a breath, before heading in deeper. From the window of a castle, Dumbledore watched her approach and seeming disappearance with a twinkle in his eyes and a smile on his lips. He turned away to continue writing a report.

Within the forest, Cleo faded away, and in her place, a large black leopard stalked the surroundings. Scenting a group of deer, she bounded off, silent on her furry feet, as she slid through the trees, slick and dangerous. She knew the human would come back to the forefront soon, and so she took the time to hunt, eyes focused on the herd of deer in front of her. Unlike a true animal, the leopard picked out a large regal looking buck, whiskers measuring the air quality around her.
Brandon smiled down at his lover and started down then noted the odd light in her eyes. he sighed. He rather liked her animal side but he couldn't join her in her hunts. Oh sure he could probably transfigure himself into some animal, but everyone agreed such magics were so much weaker than the Animagi versions.

So instead he showered, changed, gathered their things into his own bag, and circled the forest silently, sometimes racing the thestrals, and later stopping to speak to the centaurs for a time regarding future events. He kept an eye and ear out for his beloved, but did not press himself upon her.

Finally he went to the paddock and spent some while feeding the twin colts apples, sugar cubes and other goodies, not surprised that Cleo's heavy fragrance upon him soothed their fears. He played with them silently, the wind's music through the trees speaking to some deep part of him, largely forgotten, but some immensely powerful. He could not decipher their words but he felt touched by them somehow, as if he could discern the truths there if he but focused.

He shook himself. now was not the time as he snatched his hand back where the two had been lipping for another apple. He retrieved one, ripped it in half then tossed each high. The colts leapt, already exhibiting their hopes for the skies, and caught them neatly. He rumbled a laugh. "Your mother will be most pleased to see that."
Cleo made her way back, her human side calling out to return to her mate. She loved these hunts, but sometimes felt alone. As she reached Brandon, she twined against his legs like an overgrown housecat. She purred loudly then took a couple steps away from him. She shifted forms and stood tall as she came up to him, up on tip toes to press a kiss to his lips, and then turned to look at her babies. The two pegasi trotted over to her, and Luna spread out her wings in a graceful arch.

"They look good. Stretching their wings is a good thing... right?" Cleo asked, looking back at Brandon. She tilted her head cutely and smiled at him. The two pegasi stretched their wings, and flapped them before folding them again.
Brandon made sure to rub her neck and ears ocne Cleo returned. Her fur was so smooth and fine he could not help marveling at it. Especially after having seen Sirius' shaggy dog. He kissed the tip of her nose then smirked as she shifted and kissed her lips.

"It is indeed my love. Now watch this." He took out a pair of apples and whistled sharply before hurling them into the air. The pair tracked then lunged, leaping far higher than any grown horse ever could or would, then alighted gracefully chewing their prizes, their wings fluttering in something of a precursor to flight.

Brandon chuckled as they munched happily. "Give them time and they will be flying with the threstals, owls, and eagles. The Hippogriffs already- Well hello."

He nudged his lover and nodded to the edge of the forest nearest them where three centaurs stood watching. Brandon bowed respectfully. "Hello good sirs."

All three nodded, then bowed to both humans, not as respectfully, but politely. The first, a ruddy chestnut with skin almost as red as his flanks, strode forward. "I see you have penned the pegasi?"

Brandon nodded. "Indeed. They lack a mother of their own so my beloved mate Cleo is serving as best she may." Both colts whinnied, nuzzling their mother lovingly, nervously shying at the voice of the unknown.

"I am Resart. This is Trunim and Weber."

Brandon nodded. "An honor and pleasure. Perhaps you would like to come closer?"

The three did so thoughtfully. They noted the rough but sturdy construction of the pen and Hagrid's name was murmured, but apperently none of them could find fault with the pen. Resart stood by the gate for a long while then spoke. "Do you know what happened to their parents?"

Brandon nodded. "Hunted and killed by Voldemort's forces. These two were rescued by their mother to a valley on the other side of the mountains there. HAgrid was informed, he told me and I arranged for them to become Cleo's."

Weber and Trunim clearly did not like the idea of the free creatures belonging to a human, but the colt's clear affection and happiness was unmistakeable.

Resart nodded. "Very well....we shall allow this. But mind you take proper care. A pegasus is not a toy. To discard such love is an abomination. Farewell humans." ANd they were gone.

Brandon sighed. "Centaurs are weird. it's alright kiddos. No one is taking you from Mama."

Luna nickered and nosed her mother, then moved past, and for the first time went to Brandon without him offring a treat. He did not move as she pressed her head to his chest. He smiled and began stroking her neck. Her brother of course, mama's boy that he was, stayed snuggled with Cleo.

Bradnon chuckled. "it would seem i have been accepted into the herd. I wonder if they know I'm a stallion."
"They truly are growing quickly." Cleo answered as she watched their little ones frolic in the paddock.

She wasn't oblivious to the arrival of the centaurs, although she didn't look over at them until Brandon nudged her side. She glanced at the three, studying them silently while Brandon bowed first, then she herself curtsied gracefully. As the first Centaur spoke, her little ones hid behind her, and she hushed them quietly, knowing the centaurs meant no harm to the Pegasi. She stayed quiet, allowing Brandon to settle the conversation with the centaurs, although she did keep a close eye on them. The pegasi helped spur the approval of the centaurs, simply by how they acted around her, staying close with her as if knowing she would protect them. She kissed each one on their forehead, and as Resart said his last, she finally spoke up, her voice quiet and melodic, "Their love will always be treasured, of that I can promise you."

She watched the centaurs trot off, then turned to Brandon as he spoke, a rueful smile on her lips.
"Indeed, they'll have to fight through the both of us to take you two away." She answered, then smiled as she watched Luna press against Brandon. Cleo thought that maybe Luna thought she would be able to move him, although she knew that her mate was built like a brick wall, and that he wouldn't be moved by Luna, at least not these first couple of years.

"A stallion huh?" Cleo teased, and her eyes lit up with mischief. She cuddled her baby boy close, then said as she made sure her path to the castle was clear, "I'm not sure you've proven that you're a stallion love!"
Her tinkling laugh was left behind as she took off in a run, looking behind her to make sure Brandon was chasing after her. She laughed as she did run, her speed a little greater than his simply because she wasn't muscle-bound as he was. Light on her feet, she moved over the ground as if she were floating.
Brandon's muscles did serve one great purpose though. While not as gracefully light as his lover, he could pour power and speed into his movements she could only dream of, and his leaps as he began to sprint were bounds of yards not feet. He caught her just below the rise into the castle and pressed her against the wall, kissing her deeply.

He trapped her with his hips and arms and glowered down at her. "I remind you that it you that constantly wishes mounted my love. And simply because we have chosen not to breed, yet, does not remove the fact we already are the leaders of our own herd."

As if summoned Merlin fluttered down and alighted on Brandon's pulsing forearm. Brandon sighed and took the message, his eyebrows raising as he read. "My father and mother are coming to visit in three days. They need to discuss something with me and would like to meet you. Are we available?"

He showed her the letter which was very short, except in how his mother described Cleo. "And we would like to meet this beautiful lady your siblings say you are so taken with." Brandon chuckle.d "Ya know no one mentions the soul bond thing? Kinda odd if you ask me."
Cleo, trapped in his arms simply grinned at him, her lips puffy and swollen from his kiss. She giggled at his response, although she wasn't going to lie and say she wasn't. She knew it was true, she loved it when he 'Mounted her' as he had described it. She leaned up on her tip toes to press a loving kiss on his lips, but had to smile as Merlin appeared, making Brandon sigh. Cleo took Merlin on her arm, and scratched him under his chin while Brandong read the short missive his parents had sent him.

At his question, she nodded, and said, "We'll be off that day, so it's perfect actually. I'll have to make lunch for them." She pursed her lips as she thought about what she was going to make them, wondering what they liked. She was about to turn to Brandon and ask him what his parents' favorite food was, but he spoke first. She tilted her head as she listened to him talk about the soul bond, and looked at the letter before answering, "They might not know, or don't want to say anything in a letter that could be intercepted... who knows, we can always ask them about it when we see them."

She grew quiet for a moment, then turned to look at him, fear and anxiety in her eyes, "Do you think they'll like me? I mean I am from a darker family than yours, and I'm in Slytherin, they might think I want to follow the Dark Lord's footsteps..."

She had to take a breath, as she gasped for air, her anxiety full blown now. It was kind of funny to see, because usually the only thing that ever caused her to freak out were the tiny spiders that could sometimes be found skittering across the castle floors.
Brandon rolled his eyes, scooped her up onto his shoulders and started walking, one hand swinging at his side, near his hidden wand, the other rather lwedly cupping her firm rump.

"My parents like food. They aren't monsters who want something grotesque. And they will want to eat with the quads. They haven't been to Hogwarts in a long while." As he talked he walked, his hand still doing interesting thing to her lower anatomy. 'They know all about your family. Our fathers are alreayd becoming friends. My aunts were both in SLytherin. They adore my parents. They will be thrilled I found you. They know about what MoldyBrain wants from you. Relax." Merlin hooted from his other shoulder calm and happy.

Brandon walked into their room and tossed her onto the couch. "No now worrying about the visit. It's not a big test. They already love you. They just want to meet you and get to know you. I'm having another shower." He stripped, tossing his clothes on her. The first one had been rather rushed, merely to be clean. This one promised to be lengthy and relaxing. And if she wanted possibly erotic. The steam was already filling the room, the clear walls of the shower showing his well defined muscles to great effect.
Cleo squealed as she was tossed onto his shoulders, and then had to stifle a moan as his hand began to cup her ass. Of course, his hand didn't remain on her ass for very long, and by the time they reached their rooms, Cleo wasn't really stressing about what he was saying, had completely forgotten about his parents, and was now simply turned on.

She bounced on the couch when he tossed her there, and she looked up at him as he said he was taking a shower. Eyes wide, she had to watch him for a moment, completely frozen, as he began to strip in front of her. When his first article of clothing his her, she snapped out of her frozen state, and looked at him like a predator did prey. As he headed into the bathroom, she stood, and began to strip as well, simply leaving herself dressed in slytherin green ruffled panties, and a demi cup bra. She followed him into the bathroom, and leaned in a perfect spot for him to see her as she asked, "Am I allowed to join you?"

She posed against the wall, one of her arms falling next to her side, and the other was crooked so that it rested against her hip.
He yanked her in, pressing her against the wall of the shower, right i the stream of water and raised her up so she rested on his hips, his erection throbbing against her ass as he kissed, licked and nibbled all over her lips, jaw, ears, neck, chest and down into her bra to suckle her nipples and worships her breasts while his hands ran along her body.

The water sprayed over them both in wild patterns, the soap and oils within soothing his muscles and warming him up nicely. Soon her body overwhelmed him and he had to have her. Slipping her panties aside he slid into her then stopped simply letting his feverish arousal throb within her, giving him immense pleasure but otherwise he did not move his eyes ablaze, daring her to take control. Her position would make it difficult with only her shoulders agains the wall, his body holding all of her weight and his hands still making love to every inch of her, his lips and teeth seeming to find a mark at random.

her legs, her feet, her lips, her breasts, her shoulders. Anywhere he could reach he did, moaning almost obscenely all the while.
Cleo didn't really feel the yank, but suddenly she was pressed between his hard chest and the cold tile wall. She moaned and arched her back at the cool wall against her warm back, and had to close her eyes as she got a stream of water in the face. Water dripped down her skin, and she had to grin at Brandon, as she felt his lips all over her skin. Her lace underwear set was soaked through and through, and she sighed his name as she reached around him to hold him close to her upper body.

She felt him slide her panties to the side, and she sighed again, looking at him with crystal clear eyes that glittered. When his cock slid into her pussy, she clenched around him hard. And then waited. And waited. And waited again. Why wasn't he Moving!? She opened her eyes to look up at him, and growled at the look in his eyes. She panted as she tried to move against him, rising to his challenge. It was difficult, since she was pretty much sitting on his cock, and her legs were in no position to help her move up and down, simply side to side. She arched her back again, trying to get him to move, but her body was not in a spot to do so, and she had to gasp his name as she closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. All she could feel was the throbbing of his cock deep inside her and how her pussy was clenching hard around him, but he wasn't moving. She needed friction, she needed...
"Please! BRANDON! I need you to move babe! PLEASE!!!!!!!" She finally gave in and began to beg, almost desperately as she looked at him, her eyes locking on his as she gasped his name and tried to move. Her back was arched, and she clenched around the base of his cock, almost as tightly as a cock ring, hoping that that would cause him to move.
He smiled and pressed yet tighter against her, kissing her feverishly. "You had but to ask."

He began to ever so slowly rock in and out of her, his hands still roaming her form, his lips making love to every inch he could reach, while his hips drove him deeper and deeper into her, her tightness and his movements serving to clench him so hard he stretched and swelled longer and thicker with every moton.

He tightened his grip on ehr and flexed against her body, making their every breath serve to give that little bit more movement and increase the exquisite pleasure.
Cleo could hardly move, gasping for air as he began to move within her. Her pussy grabbed him in a silken sheath, and every thrust in caused her to gasp his name. It became a mantra for he, blending together, until it was just one long low groan of need. With her back arched, she allowed her head to fall back against the cold tile wall, whimpering in ecstasy. Her whole body tightened as she felt her climax begin from her womb, traveling up her spine and then out to her extremities, causing her fingers and toes to tingle.

As it slowly rose over her, engulfing her totally, she sighed his name, her eyes open and on his, as she came long and slow. Right at the heels of the first orgasm, was a second one, which hit her with all the force of a freight train as she gasped suddenly. Her eyes opened wide from the half-slitted look she had been giving him, and she hardly had time to suck in a breath of air before she expelled it in a rush as she squealed his name, her pussy suddenly too sensitive and she wriggled against him, simply causing jolts of pleasure to overwhelm her senses.
He watched in delight as her body enveloped itself in pleasure, allowing her to take him along quite happily, stil rocking and thrusting into her throughout. The feeling was beyond description and he simply pressed himself tighter against her as her orgasm rolled voer them both, triggering his own shuddering, twitching release while he forced himself to continue making love to the rest of her body.

When the tension released him he finally stopped rocking into her and kissed her tenderly. "Adore you."
Cleo smiler and hugged him to her. She pressed a kiss to his lips before answering him with her own words.
"Cherish you, my love."
The smile on her face turned into a yawn, and she buried her face into his throat in embarrassment as she realized how tired she was. She slowly slipped from his arms and finished showering, before slipping out. She pinched his ass as she did so, grinning in mischief as she wrapped a towel around her body and began drying off.

Once dry, she dressed in one of his soft tshirts, and a pair of bikini cut underwear and slipped into bed, pulling the covers over her head as she snuggled down into the warm sheets. She closed her eyes, but simply drifted along until she felt Brandon join her. She snuggled into his side, pressing a kiss to his cheek before finally settling down and going to sleep.
He had to pause a moment after drying and pulling on his sleep pants. She was so incredibly beautiful. He wrapped about and smiled as she moved closer and kissed him. This let him drift off into a deep happy sleep.

Merlin awoke them both the next morning while Skyfall yawned, once again perched on Brandon's shoulder. Brandon wriggled him off then looked at Merlin. "What's wrong beakbrain?"

Merlin hooted and pointed at Arista who was flying around the living room most upset. Brandon sighed as he extricated himself from his lover and went to the owl catching her. He blinked at the odd smell coming from her. She ahd no message but she smelled of fire and...acid. Very odd. He snuggled the girl down into his arms and stroked her tummy and under her chin, speaking in soothing tones.

She eventually calmed down and he took her in to Cleo. "Either someone or something attacked her or she was present at...Severus!" He lay the owl in her hands went to the door to their rooms. He found the nearest portrait. "Has there been an attack?"

The portrait, a jolly old fellow, shook his head. "Not on the school itself now. But that Snape boy was hit with some kind of joke bomb that gave him bad burns. he's alright! But it was in the Owlery so the Headmaster and the other teachers are checking the birds. It was a small thing so none seem hurt but they are very upset."

"Thank you so did you find out all this?"

"Oh of my other portraits is just beside Lady Tressle's. You know. The Owl Witch?"

"Oh right. Is she alright?"

"She's fine of course. But i shall tell you asked."

"Oh no need. i just know her portrait, or one fot hem is on the upper floor of the owlery...she didn't see who did it did she?"

"Fraid not. Poor dear. All the owls blocked her viewof course she had to get help for that Snape boy."

"Thank you so much sir... why you're Lord Harden. I loved your work on Herbology and Poitions. Simply brilliant sir."

"You are most kind dear boy. But underdressed. Class will be starting soon."

"Oh my apologies." Brandon bowed respectfully then returned to Cleo. "Severus is fine. He was hit with some kind of 'joke' bomb. Likely an acid bomb. i- Professor!"

Dumbledore entered the room. "Ms. Gale i wanted to be the first to tell you. Severus is unharmed. He was... I smell fire and acid."

"Yes sir. Cleo's owl Arista often visits the Owlery after a hunt. So she doesn't have to share her kills with Merlin and SKyfall."

Dumbledore nodded understanding. "I see. Well the culprit was one Slytherin girl named Marby. Aperently it was all a big accident. She and Severus were planning on testing a modified acid. Not on the owls! They were using one of the School Owls to send a message to the Apothecary in Diagon Alley for some more items. According to them both they smelled something and were worried that the vials they had for testing were leaking. Miss Marby happened to have some dung bombs on her person and the vials were indeed leaking. Severus yanked away the bombs and the vials and the resulting combination erupted. Fortunately the acid was modified well enough it did not real damage to him, but the fire from the combination burned him rather severely. Not to worry Madame Pomfrey says he'll be free to attend classes today. I want to assure you Miss Gale it was not an attack on Severus. If anything it once again proves just how brave he is."

Brandon nodded impressed. "Give him our love and concern sir. And thank you."

Dumbledore nodded the tapped Brandon's chiseled chest. "You'd best get dressedr. Krissin. Early as it is Breakfast then classes."

"yes sir."

Dumbledore nodded to Cleo then left.

Brandon sighed. "I know Marby. Silly odd little thing. Loves potions almost as much as Severus. Very talented. But a bit wild with her experiments. She's the one that turned everyone green in her Potion's hour last year." He chuckled. "Including me. Now as the Headmaster said. Up! maybe Hogwarts will give us a hiding spot where we can speak to Severus?"
Cleo muttered to herself as Merlin woke them up. She tried to curl back up under the blankets as Brandon went to find out what was wrong with his owl, but she was fully awake now, and the thought of going back to sleep was giving her a headache. She sat up, yawning, and stretched up in bed, before following Brandon into the living room, where she found him holding her owl in his arms. She yawned again and then watched as he came up to her and placed her owl into her arms. She cuddled Arista close, cooing to her in a way that easily caused Arista to hoot back. The scent that came off her wasn't the most pleasant and she waited for Brandon to return to tell her what was going on.

When he entered, she looked up at him, Arista snuggled into her arms and asleep. She did a quick scan of her, to make sure she wasn't injured, and then did a freshening spell around her, which was as good as it was going to get, at least until Arista washed herself.
"Is he okay?" She asked before he had a chance to speak, but he answered her quickly enough, before he was interrupted by Professor Dumbledore. She smiled at him in greeting, although she felt a little under dressed, simply being in one of Brandon's t-shirts and her underwear. She sighed in relief, and set Arista down in a basket, covering her in a worn towel. She looked up at Merlin, and said, "Keep an eye on her today Merlin."

Then she turned back to Dumbledore as Brandon finished explaining about Arista. She nodded as Dumbledore spoke, and said, "I'm glad he's okay."

She hid the smirk as Dumbledore told Brandon he needed to get dressed, and then answered his nod to her with one of her own. She wiped the smirk off her face as she looked over at Brandon, and nodded, heading back to their room.
"I remember that, matter of fact, I think I have a picture of it. Remus sent it to me during Summer Break. I teased him endlessly about it..." She chuckled to herself as she bent down to grab a skirt from the bottom drawer of her dresser, unaware that his t-shirt had ridden up and that her ass was on full display.
Brandon moved closer and pressed himself against her ass, letting his erection throb rather pleasantly. He began to gently rub her back and sides. "Much as I know we need to go, I will pause our progress to say this. you are still the absolutely sexiest and most delicious thing I have ever seen or known."

He bent with her and kissed her neck, still stroking her sides lovingly. "Adore you. Now but a bra and that skirt on you naughty thing. Otherwise i'll up taking you in a hallway somewhere. Even Hogwarts won't like that." He bit her right ear, tugging it gently. "Come along."

He kissed her neck and with a sigh stepped away to get dressed for class. As he pulled his robes on he grumbled. "You know...I just had a thought."

He fixed his robes then turned to face her. "Voldemort and his morons aren't nearly as smart as they think...if they really wanted us dead. Or if he really wanted you... there are much easier or cleverer ways to get it done...why don't they?"
Cleo pushed back for a moment, a smile on her face as she looked over her shoulder at him. "As if that is an actual deterrent for me lover."

Her response was as cheeky as ever, but she finished getting ready for school, dressing in the uniform quickly, before grabbing her school robe. She pulled her tie open, letting it hang down around her neck, and then pulled on the outer robe. She checked her book-bag as Brandon made his inquiry, which made her look up at him.

"I'm not quite sure. We could sit here and think about theories all day, and probably never get close to figuring it out, but we have school. So we can worry about it at another time love." She stood up on her tippy-toes to place a kiss against his lips, before taking his hand and smiling up at him.

"Ready for school?"
"No." he raised her hand and kissed it, then kissed her proffered lips once again.

"But ready to follow you anywhere as always Cleo."

He let her lead them out of the room, which dutifully locked and sealed behind them. As they walked he sighed. "You have a point my darling but still... attacking Hogwarts, twisting your friend, and attacking your parents. If they just wanted to kill you fine, the plan would eventually piss you off and they could just swarm you or trap you and take you apart at leisure." He kissed her hand again. "Of course I would have long since had to have been killed to allow that." He winked saucily.

"But if you and Dumbledore are right, and if he is as powerful as he seems to think, why not just march in here in force and take you out of hand? Thousands of potions, spells, jinxes, charms, and curses that would capture you for him. I do not kid myself that he fears me, and Hogwarts, wonderful as she is-" He ran a loving hand over a wall. "is still a building. Magnificent and alive maybe but her walls still break and crumble. And we know he can do that. And don't say Dumbledore. Even he with all the teachers can't hold off several hundred Death Eaters and Voldemort. We survived Halloween my love. We didn't win."

He kissed her neck. "So why the games? Or do you think he is trying to court you? Us? Show his power and gain more followers? Because all i really see are scared witches and wizards."

As they reached the Great Hall and turned towards their usual spots the whispers and rumors abounded. Severus had been marked for death by Voldemort himself, or Brandon himself had somehow hit Severus back for attacking Cleo. Everything was possible. Brandon rolled his eyes and helped her sit next to Remus while he sat beside and was immediately accosted by Lilly.

"You said wouldn't hit him!"

She pointed at James who was sporting a brilliant pair of black eyes, a busted nose, and looked simply exhausted. Brandon arched an eyebrow and looked at Remus who shrugged, clearly just as confused, while Sirius, looking equally exhausted, was sleeping on James' shoulder.

"Lilly have you noticed that perhaps it wasn't me?"

She started to snarl then blushed. "Well... Uh...."

James groaned as Brandon looked at him narrowly. "Alright fine. We were doing some midnight filching and one of the suits of armor smacked me, called me names and chased us back to Gryffindor tower."

Brandon smirked as Lilly immediately laid into him.
Cleo had to hide a smile as she watched Lily take on James and she sank deeper into Brandon's side. She had no pity for James, and was proud that Lily was doing so well, because had she not been, Cleo would have lit into him for him trying to blame Brandon. Those two troublemakers never learned. She smirked and shook her head.

A couple of minutes later, Cleo was nearly done with her breakfast, when a large black owl swooped down over them. Piercing yellow eyes looked at them, causing many of the younger students to shy away from the bird. Cleo, however, lit up, a giant smile on her face.
"Mephisto! Here boy!" She lifted her arm, and the large owl landed on it, fluffing himself as she pet his stomach. She turned to Brandon, and introduced the two, "This is Mephisto, my mother's owl. She's had him since she was going to Hogwarts. Mephisto, this is my Soul Bond Mate, Brandon."
She stressed the Soul Bond part, as she knew that Mephisto had a mean streak a mile long, and a very bad attitude. Mephisto turned his glare towards Brandon and studied him silently, before closing his eyes and crooning deeply. Only then did Cleo get close enough for Brandon to pet him, if he wanted to.
"That's a better reaction than when he met my father, he nearly lost an eye." Cleo explained as she set Mephisto on her shoulder and set to reading her mother's letter which was simply an inquiry to how they were doing, and when Brandon's parents were visiting. Cleo rolled her eyes, but grinned as she said, "Looks like my parents are trying to get in on your parents' visit. Shall we let them come to?"
"More than happy to have the lot. Especially as it would mean your father is healing nicely."

He raised hand and began to rub Mephisto under his beak, and gave him some bacon he had swiped from the still distracted Lily. "Thank you for the message fine sir....oh dear."

He reached under the owl and raised a dropped wing feather, and studied the length of it then looked at Mephisto, who seemed to be missing none. Brandon shrugged. "Thank you for the new quill Mephisto." He took his wand and tapped the feather which indeed then hollowed out and filed itself to a point while the feather itself began to shine. He took out a blank parchment as the quill filled with ink, then handed both to his Soul Bond Mate.

"Let them know now. Before Mephisto gets chosen by the school owls. You know how possessive they are. And especially would be over such a handsome fellow." He waited studying Mephisto, even snagging one of his wings. "A truly amazing bird. your mother did not buy him in a shop did she? He would have been several hundred galleons even when small."
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