The Whomping Willow (Kiandra_Black & Greeneyed23)

Cleo took the offered quill and parchment and began to write a quick response, letting her mother know it would be all right if they came to visit, as long as it didn't tire her father out too much. She added that both herself and Brandon were doing quite well, and that it would be great if she brought her chocolate rum cake that Cleo was craving.

"She actually raised Mephisto. He fell out of his nest when he was a young owlet, and her parents had wanted her to own a cat instead of an owl, so they allowed her to raise him. They weren't quite sure how he would turn out, but he is fiercely loyal to my mother, and, although it took a long time, he's grown to love my father as well." Cleo answered before rolling up the parchment. She looked around for twine to tie it into a roll, but since she couldn't find any, she pulled the ribbon from her hair, that she had used to tie her hair up into a ponytail, and tied that around the parchment. Mephisto took the letter with all the grace of a royal, and outstretching his massive wings, took off, soaring over them quite silently before disappearing.

Cleo's hair fell around her shoulder and she twisted it and placed it over one shoulder so it would stay out of the way for now. She smiled cutely at Brandon, before checking the time and realizing it was time to head to their first class. She leaned into Brandon and whispered into his ear with a teasing grin, "I'm wearing your favorite knickers..."
She of course had changed into them while he wasn't paying attention, the cute ruffled bikinis that framed her ass so well. And of course what made them truly special was that they had Brandon's name written in maroon script across the front, the phrase saying, "Brandon's Property."
He kissed her shoulder, then her neck, then her ear and whispered. "Naughty girl. Though I am wearing yours as well." Namely none, and sporting quite the erection. He slithered a hand into her robes and down to gently fondle her shapely ass. "Delicious as ever. Now scoot. And try to behave for once."

He kissed her lips then watched her go, while his wand was aimed at his crotch soothing the throbbing erection there before he set off for class, Lilly and James still bickering. Brandon knew that Cleo would want to tease him all through class, so he was trying to separate them temporarily, and more importantly get James and Lily to shut up before they got in trouble.

He accomplished this by actually getting them in trouble with the teacher, who separated them as well and sent Lily to work with Cleo while James was sent to work with Brandon.
Cleo sent a playful glare towards Brandon as she caught on to what he was doing, but went off with Lily as she began complaining about James. Cleo had to stifle her laughter as Lily turned to her and asked what was wrong.
"You two act like an old married couple. Give it up Miss Lily Evans, you are head over heels in love with James Potter and have no idea what to do about it."
"Shut up! Brat. I can't believe you actually said that out loud!"
"As if anyone here is actually paying attention to you! Either way, everyone already knows you to Love each other. It's plainly obvious."
"No way, really!?"
"Uh, yeah! Think about it, why is it that everyone else can see when two people are crushing on each other but not the two people involved!?"
"I dunno... you did that wrong."
"Huh? Oh. How did you do it?"

The two had to pause their conversation for a moment while Lily explained what Cleo had done wrong on her paper, and the two worked on fixing it.

After class, the two groups met up again, although they were split, this time with Cleo heading in one direction and the other three to another, as her next class had no Gryfindors within it. She smiled and waved to them, blowing a kiss to Brandon as she left, swaying her hips to entice him a bit as she walked away.
He grabbed a piece of parchment, folded it quickly, and threw it at his lover, the paper airplane nailing her in the head and sticking in her hair. It was signed with his love, and a gentle threat about he would make her pay for her teasing.

He went off to class and used muffliato on James, and a silencing charm on Lily and went through class quiet and happy while the pair glared at him.

After class he dragged James up to the hospital wing to get him patched up, and to subtly check in on Severus.
Cleo pulled the airplane out of her hair, with a shake of her head. She used a small flame, and the letter burnt to a crisp, leaving a small pile of ashes which she blew out of her hand. In class, she sat, and yawning pulled out a parchment and quill. She leaned down, searching for a bottle of ink, smiling as she found one Lily had slipped into her bag, the color of purple. She pulled it out, and opened it. For some odd reason, she actually liked the smell of freshly opened ink.

After class, she slipped out to head to the library. She had a two foot essay she had to do for next week, and she wanted to get it started. She picked a table away from the main bustle of the library, and sat down, pulling her tools out again so she could start the project.
Brandon kissed the top of her head and whispered. "Severus would like to see us both in that hidden alcove by the North Tower."

He sat beside her and studied her essay. "You sure that rune is supposed to curve like that my love?"

He used his pointing finger as an excuse to kiss her neck and cheek, but then tapped the rune. "That looks like Aleph. That's Hebrew. I didn't know we used Hebrew letters. or..." He touched the table and smirked. "My apologies. It's the table not you." The table was covered in runes of every kind, including Aleph just under her essay.

He tapped the essay with his wand and a thin but sturdy board slid under it. He studied the rest of the paper curiously. "I wish i wrote as pretty as you. And a question...who is this monster for?"
"Sounds good. What time do we have to head up there?" She asked as she leaned back into him, enjoying his closeness. Her eyes rolled as he pointed down to one of her rune and growled playfully at him.

"Brat. You aren't going to get to see my knickers now." She teased as she shifted her parchment over the board. She looked back up at him as he complimented her letters, a pretty cute blush pinking her cheeks. "Thanks love, this is for Arithmancy. I have to turn it in next week, but I hate this class, so I decided to get it done as soon as I could."

She leaned her head back, pressing it against him as she looked up at him upside down. What she didn't realize was that he could now see straight down her blouse and into her cleavage, a hint of the maroon bra peeking out, for his eyes only.
He smirked and kissed her lips nibbling lightly. "Brilliant and well prepared. Not only beautiful and sexy, but perfect." He nibbled a bit more, then suddenly stopped and stepped back a bit as Madame Pince came by, though his hands had slithered into her robes to gently rubbed her shoulder and neck. Once she was gone he moved closer.

"Adore you. And Severus said after the first lunch bell. Which is about twenty long have you been sitting here?"

He moved back to enjoy the view down her blouse, smirking, then kissed her again. "By the way. Have I mentioned that you drive me crazy?" He shifted and let his erection prod against her back his eyes gleaming playfully.
"Good. That will give me plenty of time to get a large chunk of this done... oh about thirty minute or so?" She checked the large Grandfather's clock that was near them, and then nodded as she had gotten the time right. She looked down at the essay and sighed, then was distracted by his words and actions.

The smirk that lit her face up told him that she knew exactly what she was doing to him, and she took a deep breath, causing her breasts to heave against the confines of her shirt, making it appear like it was about to pop open.
"I know my darling. Just like you drive me insane. I have to get you back in Some way love. What better way than to get you all hot and bothered, then seemingly disappear?" She asked, as she looked up at him, pressing her back against him then acting like she was going to get up.
"Plus, when you find me, I get Punished and we both know how much I love your punishments hun." Her voice deepened into a throaty purr as she spoke to him, the sly smirk on her face saying exactly what she meant without using the words.
He began rubbing her neck and shoulders more insistently. "Alright. Enough playing. you work. i'll massage. Then we'll go see him and go eat. Then we can leave early and go find another hiding spot so i can 'punish' you." He sighed and drew his head back so her own was blocking his view and focused on gently but firmly working her neck and shoulders loose and free of knots and stress.

He also made sure to pull his hips back and make sure his robes hid his erection as he worked on her shoulders. Pince wouldn't be thrilled but if they were being quiet and right now it was clear he was doing nothing truly inappropriate she would be forced to leave them be.
Cleo smiled, nodding to him as she relaxed into his touch. She had to hold back a sigh as he worked out a particularly hard knot in her shoulder. Her mother always told her she carried all her stress in her neck and shoulder, and she was right. But feeling Brandon's hands working out the knots and tense muscles, literally made her melt into her chair. She very nearly forgot exactly where they were, although the way Madame Pince would appear, checking up on them, kept her in the real world, instead of drifting into fantasies.

A while later, the two began to head up to see Severus. She would have to wait to get home to work on the idea she had so that Severus could keep in contact with her while in enemy territory. She would need her father's help if she wanted it to work, plus the dragon parts she needed were at home. They quickly found Severus, and Cleo pulled him into a tight hug. Severus hugged her back, then asked, "How is everything going? I hate having to treat you this way."
"I know. But it's for a good cause. I miss you so much Sev! During Christmas I'll work on something so we can keep in contact."
"Sounds good. Just as long as you are safe doing it."
"My father will help me." The two hugged again, and then Sev turned to Brandon, asking him is he was all right.
Brandon laughed. "i'm fine. Much more worried about you. I talked to Marby. She is terrified you are guna kill her. That stupid bomb was not a good idea Sev. Get someone to get to stop. she's guna end up killing someone."

He hugged the smaller fellow gently. "Now before Cleo and her father get all extra mystical i want you to have something."

He took out a small wooden ring and put it on Sev' finger. "It's like a reverse Fidelius Charm. When you choose who to send the Secret to, they will also know if you are hurt or alright. No actual contact but they will be able to see you in your current state. Until Cleo comes up with her answer let this serve. it's Unbreakable. My grandmother made it for my Grandfather during the war with Grindewald, and he wore it until she died. He gave it to me to remember her. I give it to you so we can be sure you are alive."
Sev was at a lose for words as Cleo looked at them with a smile on her lips. It turned into a grin as Sev sputtered.
"I can't take this! It should remain in your family!"
"By all accounts Sev you are a part of my family, which means you're a part of his." Cleo answered. She watched as Sev looked down at the ring, before nodding. His hand was shaking from his emotions, but you never would have guessed it had you just looked at his face.
Cleo hugged him close, then looked at Brandon. It was time for this little meeting to come to an end. The three nodded to each other, before Cleo took Brandon's hand. Sev left first, quick and silent, like a shadow. Cleo leaded her head down on Brandon's shoulder as she watched, then brushed away a tear from her face.

"Make love to me... Distract me..." Cleo said, her words slightly muffled as she turned her head into Brandon's chest.
He smirked and kissed the top of her head.

He then pushed her back and down onto a high thick mat, that had just appeared there. He lay her back and pushed her arms above her head ashe began to kiss down her forehead, her eyes, her nose, her lips, her chin, her throat, her chest, her breasts through her robes, then he raised them and lay his face against her sex, breathing deeply of her fragrance.

He slid his thumbs down and withdraw her panties then began to slowly run his tongue up and down the outer surface of her sex, letting his lips bump against her other tender places, especially her clit, which he fully ignored with his tongue. His hands slithered up her robes to fondle her breasts, gently tweaking her nipples.
Cleo laid back, trusting him completely. She looked up at him as he pushed her arms up over her head. Her back arched up, and she had to gasp as he began to move down her body. She closed her eyes, and her legs fell open, leaving him space between them.

As his lips began to kiss against her lower lips, she moaned. She shifted up, wanting him to just get on with it, but then gasped and felt her clit pulse against the skin of his lips. She wriggled as her whole body tensed and she had to bite her lower lip to hold her sounds inside. She realized that Hogwarts had closed its walls around them, and she was free to let loose.
He pressed her down, his hands clutching her breasts firmly. The mat forced her up against him as his lips went back and forth probing at her pleasure. He lapped at her sex, now suckling her clit, while he pulled her down to press her ass against his chest making her sex press even tighter against his lips.

He moaned her name into her sex, his lips and tongue running wild.
Cleo panted for air, always finding it gone when she thought she had it. Brandon had an amazing tongue and lips, and using them against her in this way always left her breathless.

She moaned his name, and felt her head roll from side to side as she wriggled against his strong grip. She knew she wasn't going anywhere, but feeling that strength always made her feel safe.

She pressed her pussy up towards his lips again, and whimpered his name as her pussy pulsed against his lips and tongue. She was so close, she just needed... There! With whatever movement he had just done with his tongue, she was suddenly there, at the precipice of pleasure, and she came, shrieking his name so loudly that Hogwarts had to put up a silencing spell around them, keeping the noise from reaching any ears.
He protected himself by clapping her thighs over his ears, lapping up her sweet honey.

Only when she had come down did he release her legs and his tongue lock on her sex and stand, sliding his throbbing erection right into her, his hands slowly running over her body while he rocked into her, slow and powerful.

"Cleo..." He breathed her name as he drew her closer and thrust her away with his hips and erection. His hands centered on her breasts again, letting the movements pleasure them on his hands while he made love to her.
Her back arched as he slid into her tight pussy, her walls fluttering around him in the aftershocks of her climax. She heard her name slip from his lips, and looked up at him, a gentle loving smile on her face as she whispered his name, "Brandon..."

Her whole body felt his love, and she moved with him, floating higher and higher within the pleasure. She knew she was going to cum again, and soon by the way her body would quiver and shake as he drove his erection into her. She moaned again, her hands searching for something to hold onto, grasping at air, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, although the hold was shaky at best.
He gripped her firmly, and shifted into her leglock, thrusting into her slow and powerfully, wanting to draw out her orgasm into a crescendo of pleasure while his hands continued to roam her flesh hungrily.

"Cleo." He also began to raise himself on the balls of his feet with each thrust, raising her as well but making her weight pull her down onto his thrusting erection, making it drag even more fully along her gspot.
His last thrust pushed her over the edge again, as he, pretty much, dragged her across his cock. She gasped his name and had to close her eyes from the sensation. She gripped the sides of his robe, and sighed as she opened her eyes halfway. She looked up at him and bit her lip, her eyes seductively half-lidded as she gasped with each of his thrusts.

As his cock dragged against her g-spot, she tightened her pussy around him, tightening around him like a sleeve. Her pussy felt like a silk glove around him and she moved her hips towards his, following his rhythm.
He moaned her name and thrust fully into her, his hands tightening about her as he pulled her in closer and closer. He kissed her hungrily as his orgasm gripped him and unleashed within her, making his whole body tense atop and within her, his rapid heartbeat making the whole length of his form throb against her, and grow hot.

He growled her name as he drew her in closer, his hands effectively mauling her now. "Cleo...."
Cleo cried out again, her body shaking against his as she went over once more. She sighed and relaxed within his arms, feeling safe and loved.

She wrapped her own arms around his shoulders and began to place kisses against his throat and chin, before pulling his face down so she could kiss him on the lips, her tongue delving into his mouth to play with his.
He kissed her in return, his tongue wrapping with her's until he grunted and rolled onto the mat so she settled atop him. "Mmm much better. Always prefer watching you."

His fingers were rubbing her sides and back as his cock shuddered between limpness and erection within her. "Feel better my naughty lady?"
"Yes." She said smiling down at him as she shifted her hips over him, feeling him remain deep within her pussy. She smiled and leaned down to place more kisses against his face, enjoying the quiet moment between them.

She took a breath as she realized that this small interlude would have to come to an end, and she sat back up, pussy tightening around him as she flexed her muscles. Oh, but she was a tease, and the small smirk at the corner of her lips told him she knew exactly what she was doing to him. She ground down over him, her eyes glittering with mischief as she bit her lower lip. Her hands slid down his body and then up hers, so that she could cup her own breasts, her head falling back on a sigh of his name at the pleasurable shock that travelled from her breasts down to where they were still joined. A fresh wave of honey gushed around his cock, and she moved again, his erection grazing her g-spot.
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