The Whomping Willow (Kiandra_Black & Greeneyed23)

He growled his eyes flashing. "You are a naughty little minx my love."

He tightened his legs' grip on her's and began to slowly run his hands over her waist and breasts, letting his finger tips graze her nipples and the underside of her breasts, his erection flexing hard within her. His thumbs pressed onto her nipples and began to wriggle, teasing them as well, not letting her hands stop him.

"Adore you."
His hands caused heat to rise to the surface of her skin as she moaned and gasped his name. Her back arched, breasts pressing hard into his hands as she sighed with his words.

Even in the midst of rough fucking, the two were connected by heart and soul, and she wouldn't have it any other way. She smiled up at him, and leaned up, pressing a soft loving kiss to his lips, pouring her love and devotion for him into it. She knew he would know what that kiss meant, and as she lay back, she flexed her muscles, tightening around his hardened erection deep within her, reminding him that he was still deep within her pussy.

The challenge in her eyes was damn near palpable and she smirked, crooking a finger at him in a come-hither motion, waiting for him to move.
He grinned and kissed her, still rocking with her while his hands mauled and devoured her flesh, needing more and more of it as always.

He pressed tight into the kiss, returning his own love and devotion, and stealing her air as he drove into her and pulled her down into his thrusts. "Cleo my love... are you trying to tease me? Again?"
"I'm always a tease to you my love." She answered, the smile on her face as she said it giving way to a pouty moan as she felt him drive into her. Her pussy gushed around him again and she had to sigh his name, eyes falling closed in ecstasy.

She knew it wouldn't be long that she would be going over the edge again, and she grinned down at him, rocking her body up and down over him.
He growled his eyes flashing and gripped her more powerfully, pulling her in closer as he drove into her with nearly brutal powerstrokes, his length pulsing and bulging within her, his balls drawing up as his orgasm neared, while his hands tightened on her flesh.

"i love you so much Cleo!" His head fell back as his orgasm gripped him and began to launch out of his organ, flooding her sex once again, his carved body growing even more rigid as he gripped her, every vein popping out in wild arrays, every muscle hard as steel in the pleasure of the moment.
"Yeeeeessssssss!" Her head fell back in pure pleasure and she screamed out as she came around him, her pussy clenching in ecstasy. She orgasmed for a good couple minutes, gushing around him as she squirted without even realizing it was happening.

When the climax finally let go of her body, she fell forward, cushioning her head over his chest as she panted for breath, her heart racing so much she could feel it in her throat. She was light-headed and dizzy, and she really hoped that they didn't have to go anywhere very soon because she didn't think she could move her legs. She knew Lily would take one look at her and know what she had been doing, and she had to grin at that.

"I love you Brandon. You are my other half." She said quietly against his chest as she rested there. She felt like jelly, and she blew a strand of her hair that had fallen over her face out of the way, only to look at it cross-eyes when it fell back into the very same place as before.
He smirked and reached between them, cupping her forehead as he caught the strand with his thumb then drew it back into place over her ear as his hand moved down to cup her jaw and tilt her face up, while his fingers held the hair in place.

"And I you. You are my very soul." he kissed her warmly, then turned and sat on the mat, wriggling back, then laying across it with her in place atop him sighing happily.

"You realize we have not only missed lunch but are deep into our after lunch classes?" Even as he spoke he made no attempt to move, but instead pulled her closer kissing her again, quite content to while away the day with Cleo.
"Yeah..." She said, also not making any effort to move away from him. He made quite the perfect pillow, and she knew that since both were very advanced in their classes and great students, that their teachers wouldn't fault them for not making it to class. Plus, they were supposed to start training soon, and so classes would be put on the back burner. Both of them knew enough that they could graduate if they wanted to, and were both powerful in their own right.

She sighed and pillowed her head on his chest, kissing his pec before laying her head right over his heart so that his heartbeat would soothe her. She found herself smiling as it slowed, and knew that he was as content as she was right now.

Of course, their contentment wasn't going to last long, and Hogwarts alerted them to the approaching figures of their friends, the four marauders, following that map of theirs to their hiding spot. Cleo grinned and sat up, knowing that they had enough time to get dressed and presentable before the marauders spotted them.
Brandon sighed as she sat up, then sat up as well, stealing a kiss, then turned planting her on the mat as he pulled free of her. He lay her clothes on her lap then dressed himself and fixed his hair and with a sigh removed the aroma of their lovemaking and a few other tell tale signs.

He had no doubt the Marauders would know what he and Cleo had been doing but he wasn't going to give them any chance to tease him about it. Once he had set himself he moved to his lover and kissed her again. "Have I told you recently that i adore you?"
She grinned, and placed a loving kiss against the corner of his lips as she finished putting her clothes on and righting herself.

"I believe you have Mr. Krissin." She answered, before Hogwarts revealed them to the Marauders, the wall that had been hiding them disappearing. She turned and smirked at all four of the young men that were staring at them.
"Good evening boys. What can we do for you three?"
"Hey, I'm right here!" Pete sputtered, and then she turned cold flinty eyes towards him as her lips curled into an unpleasant sneer.
"I asked what I could do for those three, because even if my life was on the line, I wouldn't help a Rat like you." After saying that, he slunk back behind Sirius, muttering about high-strung bitches, and James elbowed him to get him to be quiet. Remus smiled at her in apology, and she nodded towards Remus, then turned expectant eyes towards James.
"Technically, we are here to support Remus, he has a question about the approaching... trip..." James said, before turning towards his friend.
"I'm pretty sure Brandon knows about my condition. Either way, the Full Moon is coming up and I wanted to know if you two would be able to run with us? Since there is more safety in numbers and all that."
"I would be happy to provide my service that night..." Cleo trailed off, as she turned towards her soul-mate for his answer. She knew he didn't have an Animagus form, but for a wizard of his caliber, it wouldn't be too hard to learn, maybe he would be able to join them.
He smirked. "No i will not be taking on an Animagus form. But..." He drew his wand, twirled it, then tapped himself on the temple.

His back bowed impossibly, then he was hurled forward to land on all fours. All four taloned paws. He had become a massive black tiger, with dark blue stripes. He purred, his muscles just as powerfully lithe and rippling in this form as he moved to Cleo and nuzzled her tummy. His shoulder was well above her hip, and his long tail swatted against the far wall.

James blinked. "Merlin's"

Brandon spoke in a much deeper voice than usual. "One of the biggest skills for a Auror is disguise. I've been able to Transfigure myself since I was nine. Grandpa taught me. i call this the blue tiger. Don't worry I've run in it before." He looked up at his lover, revealing that now his eyes were fully blue, but still his, with the exact same streaks of white in the exact same places, most of them looking like lightning.

He purred and nuzzled her again, then flinched oddly and was once again himself. He cupped Cleo's face. "Maybe after Auror training I will make the permanent leapt. But we can go hunting anytime you like if you wish." He had intended for the ability to be a surprise for her when he took her home as he had some special places he wanted to show her, but this would do. He chuckled. "The issue is I have so many forms. That's my best but Grandpa taught me a Dragon. You must see it someday my love."

James coughed. "A Dragon?"

Sirius' eye's narrowed. "Bollocks. No-" Brandon held up a hand. Or another paw. it was the scaly talon laden palm of a Dragon. The talons were more than a foot long apiece and his thumb had moved down to just over his wrist.

Remus spoke now. "And you do that silently?"

"Of course. I hate speaking spells aloud. Would never have done if you weren't required for classes and exams. So yes we will both be joining you."

He gave Cleo a squeeze and leaned his head down to kiss her neck, and whispered a spell into her ear. It held a number of similarities to the Animagi working, but lacked the permanence. He kissed her ear and whispered again. "Just use the latin name of the creature you want and away you go. Should warn you though. The change can hurt if you aren't careful."

He chuckled and leaned up studying the boys. "Though I do have problem with this plan."


"Well Cleo is always the sexiest and most beautiful wherever she goes, even as her lovely panther form." He raised her hand and kissed it making the boys roll their eyes. Brandon grinned and went on. "So just what would a gorgeous panther be doing with a werewolf, a shaggy sheepdog wannabe, a rat, and a bloody ponce of a stag?"

The boys blinked then rushed him. He laughed and moved away catching them and commencing a rather rough wrestling match. The mats around and beneath her slid into place just in time to catch them as he slammed them about rather roughly. Finally he was sitting on James's back, while James lay across Sirius, who was atop Peter, who was crushing poor Remus. Brandon shined his nails, stood, bowed to Cleo, then took her hand and lead her out of the Alcove toward the Hall, his stomach growling rather loudly.
Cleo grinned as he transfigured himself into a gorgeous tiger, and she looked at him and pet his head, scratching behind his ear as he nuzzled her tummy. She giggled as he tickled her, and pulled on his ears to get him to stop. When he looked up at her, she winked at him and leaned down to place a kiss on his nose, before she stood straight again.

Once he was back to his normal self, she smirked up at him and leaned into his side, looking up at him as he cupped her face. She smiled up at him, her eyes shining with love as he spoke to her, and she nodded to him, now excited to see that form of his. Her father would probably ask to study it, knowing him, and she couldn't wait to see That.

Of course, the boys didn't believe him, and she simply shook her head as he raised his hand and proved it to them. She wasn't surprised, and knew he would never lie to her about anything, so she had taken it as truth the minute he had spoken. It didn't detract from the awe and shock within her as she saw his hand shift, and she nearly grabbed it so she could see it up close.

As he whispered in her ear, she grinned and looking up at him, winked. She couldn't wait to try it out during Winter break, under his watchful eyes. Then he had to open his big mouth and she had to laugh and quickly sidestep the sudden attack from the other four boys. She laughed and shook her head as the five scuffled about, but wasn't at all shocked when Brandon sat over all of them.

As he led her away from the alcove, while the four were picking themselves up and dusting themselves off, she spoke, "Technically, they didn't know the panther was me. And before this year, I was always the ugly duckling... I wasn't beautiful, and I was left alone."
He stopped her. "First. you were never ugly." he kissed her so fiercely it was clear that any argument on the matter was not be spoken.

"Second i apologize for leaving you alone." He kissed her again and lead her on. "Now my love you shall never be alone again. And I am hungry. And I know you are as well. I will still never understand how you eat so much. You are so tiny. Where do you put it? Do you have an undetectable extension charm on your tummy?"

He let his free hand move over and gently probe her flat tummy, tickling her as he tried to find the magic, grinning playfully.

Suddenly he whirled as his siblings rushed him, tackling him to the ground. "MOMMY AND DADDY ARE COMING!!" Brandon had released Cleo so she would not get crushed in the press as his siblings literally bounced on his middle and chest in their excitement. He grunted and nodded standing holding them in tight hugs. "yes I know my dear. Remind me again to sign you all up for rugby during the summer. ow! You hit harder than James, Remus, and Sirius." He glanced at Cleo and winked. A house elf would have hit his master harder than Peter would ever hit anyone.

He set the brats down. "And just what are you doing out of class?"

"Professor Slughorn had to cancel because some one made a deadly gas....where are you two going?"

"To eat."

"But lunch is over!"

"Yes but i know the secret. Why wanna come?"

'Can we?"

"Oh come along. But behave and don't break anything when we get there."

They nodded and he took Cleo's hand again and lead them down to the Hall. It was empty and the tables were cleared at the moment. He nodded and smiled, and lead them down a small staircase that came out into a rather small corridor that had only one decoration. A large painting of a bowl of fruit.

He reached up, tickled the pear, and the door swept open. He turned to his siblings. "now remember what Mom says about how we talk to people who help? Especially waiters and servers?" They nodded eagerly, and he lead his little band inside, the painting swinging shut.

There were the massive Hogwarts kitchens. Hundreds upon hundreds of dishes and beverages of every sort were being expertly prepared by hundreds of house-elves. But the moment the witches and wizards entered the area, six elves rushed over and bowed. "how may we serve you sirs and ladies?"

Brandon laughed. "Good elves no need for all that. You serve us exceptionally daily. But we missed lunch. Might I convince you to give us some of the leftovers?"

Platters and bowls appeared before them instantly. Brandon grinned. "Might we sit at the tables out of your way and eat?"

"Of course young master!" They were lead to one of the tables, it would have been the Slytherin one for a change, seated, and the food served. Brandon laughed as the elves helped his siblings with their napkins and quickly produced silverware. Brandon thanked them all repeatedly, then pointed at one elf in particular. "Why Mr. Badwin!"

The elf turned at his named and smiled seeing Brandon. He set down the massive boar he had been somehow carrying along and walked over, bowing to Brandon. "How good to see you sir."

Brandon laughed. "The pleasure is all mine. kids you remember Mr. Badwin?"

They nodded and waved, already deep in their meals. Badwin grinned. "So kind of young masters and misses to remember."

Brandon waved this away. "nonsense. You are the greatest. Cleo my love, this is Mr. Badwin. He was the house elf to our neighbor Mr. Perrywinkle. Very odd man. A muggle born of a wizard family. Sadly last of his line. But he was a fine old gentleman in every respect...which may have been why Voldemort had him killed." He said the last with deep sorrow. Badwin nodded. "My master was a good man. Treated me very well." As evidenced from the gorgeous little suit the elf wore.

Brandon gently reached out to the elf and shook his hand. "No better. He fought like hell when they came for him. He had been in the war you know. Won medals and the lot. It's said he shot two of the wizards with gun before the others killed him. I never found that out."

Badwin nodded proudly. "My Master did not cower. He had me guard the rest of the house after sending his possessions to the family vault in Gringotts, and he met them head on. Killed them too. They were most angry after that."

Brandon grinned wickedly. "They deserved it. Attacking an old man in the middle of the night. I was very sorry to hear about his death Badwin. But why are you here? He freed you ages ago."

Badwin sniffed. "The master and I had an arrangement. My family had served his for generations. He might be no wizard and thus could not command me by magic but He was agood man and the last of his line. it was my duty and honor to serve him. He is the one who took me to the Muggle suit shop and got this made for me when he freed me after his sister died."

Brandon nodded. "it's a fine suit. Saville Row?"

"Indeed it is sir."

"The Minister of Magic wishes he had better Badwin."

The elf beamed at the praise. "Thank you sir. But after the master died I had no where to go. I could not go to Gringotts even had i not been freed. You know goblins. So i came here. And they have great need of me. So many young masters and misses needing the care of a good elf. But you are not eating sir."

"No sir I am not. It is rude to eat when speaking to a person. Especially a friend." Badwin beamed even more at this then bowed. "Thank you for the honor sir. Masters, Misses, enjoy the food." He turned to Cleo and bowed most formally. "And to you Miss, thank you. My best wishes to your parents. Enjoy."

He turned like the expert butler he was and resumed his work. Brandon chuckled watching him. "That elf amazes me. Even more than his former master. You know he dropped a stove on two other Death Eaters? Killed them dead. Voldemort may have gotten Perrywinkle but it cost him plenty. Apparently one of the survivors got a pretty good scar to the face from the flames, another got gutted with flying swords, and a third walked away with a broken arm. Badwin claimed Perrywinkle did it all at the time but i don't buy it." he chuckled and fell to his meal.
Cleo smiled at him and followed him down the hall. She had to take a step away from him as he was bowled over by his siblings, and she laughed at that. She caught his wink, responding with one of her own before following them to the kitchens.

Once there, she smiled and waved to the small group of elves that kept their rooms clean and then sat next to Brandon's smallest sister, brushing her hair back as she leaned against Cleo. She smiled at her and leaned her head against hers, as they waited for the food.

Cleo caught the conversation between Brandon and the house elf, nodding towards him as he gave her the best of luck for her parents. She was appreciative and spoke quietly, "Thank you. I'll tell them you asked after them."

She turned back to Brandon, who was explaining the strange elf to her, and she grinned.

"They do have a strange way about them. And he didn't do anything I wouldn't expect from a loyal house elf. Now eat your food."

His siblings laughed at him as they heard the way Cleo spoke to him, like a mother hen, and she turned to look at them, one eyebrow raised as if she was asking them why they weren't eating as well. They quickly got quiet, and began to eat.

She watched them for a moment, then leaned into Brandon to say quietly, "Dear lord, I'm turning into my mother..."
"is that a bad thing? She raised you so I know she is wonderful and I am told she is a fine noble beauty. Not to mention a brilliant witch. Much worse things you could become."

He leaned across and kissed her. "now you eat before she shows up and smacks me for not taking care of her precious daughter." He forked a bite and pressed it into her mouth smirking then fell to eating himself.

Within minutes he had cleared his plate twice, and was well into his third when Badwin came back over with a large tray of fruit and chocolate tarts and set them on the table. "We are trying a new recipe with the glaze. We would like your opinion."

The younger four went for them but Brandon barked a command and they froze. he examined their plates. "Clean plates first." They fell to as he lifted a tart. "Beautiful. Fluffy and light." It was still steaming but brandon took a happy bite and moaned in delight. "Delicious...what's the difference?"

"Normally we use less cream but this is thicker and is sweeter though with less sugar. We flavored it with same as the contents."

Brandon nodded finishing the tart. "Marvelous. Whose idea was it?"

Badwin gestured at several elves who were watching nearing a baking counter. Brandon raised a tart and grinned. "Truly wonderful my friends thank you." They whooped in delight and set to making more. Brandon then handed his siblings more, and made sure Cleo had a chocolate one. "You HAVE to try these. They are amazing."

The quartet munched eagerly, clearly enjoying them. Brandon smiled and handed out more but made them wipe their faces first.
Cleo smiled softly as he made sure she had a chocolate pastry. She took a bite and felt her eyes cross from the amazing taste of these desserts. She bit back a moan, knowing it probably was not appropriate among his younger siblings.

However, she did whimper in happiness as she took a second bite. She closed her eyes and licked her lips clean, slow and sensuously although she didn't even realize she had done that.

Cleo looked at the clock and smiled at Brandon as she motioned him to look at it. They had spent about another two hours at the kitchens, and the younger siblings were going to be late to their dormitories. She knew they would have to escort them up to the Gryfindor tower. With her with them, she knew Hogwarts would be more than glad to help them get their within the allotted time period.
He nodded and gestured at the yawning wee ones, their eyelids heavy.

He stood and cleaned the plates and other utensils, then scooped up two of them and got the other two moving. He thanked the elves quietly and lead his little group out of the kitchen, then using his lover's connection with the castle they were quickly at Gryffindor castle.

He didn't know the current password and his siblings were too tired, but Remus, as if summoned, stuck his head out. Brandon smirked and took them inside and got some girls to help his sisters, then tucked in his brothers before coming down and rejoining Cleo.

"Hello my beauty. What shall we do now?" He delivered a loving kiss as he stroked her cheek and neck, ignoring the smirking Remus.
Cleo had been sitting next to Remus as she discussed some of the homework with him and Lily. The other three hooligans were, as always, playing around, a game of Wizarding Chess between them. The other three ignored them, and as Brandon kissed her, she kissed him back. Sirius and James both grinned at each other and then started whistling at the pair. Cleo drew away from Brandon as she rolled her eyes, and Sirius sat himself between the two, smirking at them and put an arm around both.

Cleo looked at him with an amused expression on her face as he opened his big mouth.
"Why don't we ever get greetings like that Brandon!?"
"Because you aren't giving him the goods... Plus, in comparison, Cleo's lovely face beats your ugly mug any day!" James answered as Remus snickered. Cleo grinned and shook her head at their antics. Then she responded with the best comeback ever.
"Sirius, why didn't you tell us you were looking for a man!? I can totally hook you up with Ian McNabb from my house!"

Ian McNabb was a 6'4" giant. He was even bigger than Brandon, and he wasn't very smart. He also wasn't very picky when it came to those he took to bed, and that was only because he was an ugly guy, with horrible hygiene. You could smell him coming at least a hallway away, and those who had class with him usually had to refresh scent charms hourly.
Sirius started to reply when Brandon gave his own answer. "You also never asked dear boy." He grabbed Sirius' long hair and twisted his head around and kissed his cheek rather roughly, then blew a thick raspberry on the boy's cheek. Sirius sputtered and started to wiped his face, then fell over out of his seat as Brandon grabbed Cleo and drew her back closer kissing her neck.

James started to laugh then yelped as a trio of large boils sprouted on his face. They burst and vanished as Brandon watched his Seeker calmly.

"You two also never get that greeting because you annoy me."

He kissed Cleo's neck again. "You really think you could get Ian to take Sirius to bed? I think even he has to have some standards." Lily and Remus snickered wickedly while Sirius blushed.
Cleo laughed as she cuddled into his arms, and giggled at the boys antics. Sirius sputtered at them, and she said, "I'm betting I can. Ian is such a horndog. Although, Sirius is a little lower than his normal standards..."
Cleo grinned as she teased Sirius, and the rest of the group laughed along with her as Sirius stuck his tongue out at her and she smirked again.
"Careful, I might put that tongue to use..." She waited until she knew he was thinking dirty thoughts before she brought out her zinger, "And make you clean all the bathrooms with it."

The group burst into laughter at Sirius' face as he gagged, and Cleo sat back, a smug grin on her face. She snuggled into Brandon, and leaned up to whisper in his ear, "Ready to head to our rooms? I'm exhausted..."
He kissed her jaw and scooped her up. "Good evening boys."

He carried her out, and up to their rooms, where he lay her on the bed and slid in beside her with a sigh. "Quite a day my love." he reached over and began stroking her hip even as he began to drift off to sleep.

Merlin hooted and gently brushed his wing over Skyfall as the cat joined them on the bed heading for Brandon.
"Indeed." Cleo said, as she watched him drift. With a wave of her hand, the two of them were dressed in just their underwear, and she smiled as Skyfall curled up on top of Brandon. She snuggled into him too and fell asleep.

The next morning, she yawned and stretched as she woke up. Cleo looked over at Brandon and smiled at the look on his face. Skyfall had snuck over to her in the middle of the night, and was snuggled into her throat. He purred as she woke up, and then got up, looking down at her imperiously. She sighed, knowing her cat wanted to be fed, and she got up, sliding from the bed so she didn't wake Brandon. She pulled on one of his old t-shirts, and padded to the kitchen, serving Skyfall a bowl of food, and making sure he had fresh water. She cuddled him for a moment, yawning, and then she headed back to bed. She checked the time, and leaned down to kiss Brandon.
Brandon's hands snatched out and yanked her down atop him as he spun, trapping her beneath him and delivering a much more passionate kiss, his breath freshly cleaned. He kissed her again and grinned his eyes bright. "Good morning."

He raised his chest up studying her face. "Your hair is a fright." He kissed the tip of her nose. "Yet you remain the single most beautiful and brilliant creature I have ever seen or known." He kissed her lips then shifted down to rest his chin between her breasts his middle between her legs as he began playing with her hair.

"Have I mentioned that I love your hair lately?" He was humming as he twirl and stroked it, making it settle down into it's usual well brushed fashion. "Nearly as much as I love the brain beneath it and the face it surrounds?"
She shrieked in surprise as he pulled her down, then giggled as he kissed her. She looked up at him and shook her head at his mischivousness and then growled as he insulted her hair.
Although it was true.
Her hair was a fright. The curls had tangled overnight and were super frizzy. She smiled as he kissed her nose, and then watched as he got comfortable between her breasts. Her own hands came up to surround him, slowly brushing through his hair as well and she grinned as her hair behaved under his fingers. Had she been the one to comb her fingers through her hair, it would have become worse, but it didn't with him.

"I don't think you have, which is very remiss of you my darling. You'll have to make it up to me in some manner." She teased back as she leaned up to press a kiss to his forehead, as she couldn't reach any other part of her soulmate.
He smiled and tilted his head, kissing the swell of each breast. "Just tell me how to remedy my transgression my love and it shall be done with all haste."

He studied her face, smiling, still toying with her hair, much like her cat would, and soon did, the cat joining Brandon on her left side swatting at locks of hair Brandon tossed at him.

Merlin hooted softly, and nuzzled Arista, while also moving her over on their perch so he could spread his wings and stretch before popping down onto Brandon's back. He walked up to Brandon's head, hooted, then softly tapped his head with his beak before spreading his wings and taking off out the window. Brandon chuckled. "He says good morning mom but he's still hungry."
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