The Whomping Willow (Kiandra_Black & Greeneyed23)

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Cleo said, although her hand underneath the table squeezed Brandon's for strength. She smirked, and tilted her head as different rumors began flying. It was quite ironic that at that moment, the family eagle owl came flying in, bearing a letter with the family crest. Silence hushed the rest of the tables, as she let the owl land on her arm. The owl nuzzled her cheek, clicking lovingly at her as she smiled, "Hey Mars. Letter from my papa?" The owl outstretched a leg for her to take the letter. She did so, letting Mars jump from her arm to Remus', who knew the owl quite well, as she usually used Mars during the summer.

Remus pet the owl, as she opened the letter, the paper heating up as the charm protecting it recognized her. Lily asked, "What would have happened if someone else opened the letter?"
Cleo's smile was practically feral as she answered, "You don't want to know." With that, she tuned out the quiet muttering around the Great Hall as she read her father's account of the attack, and the snort of laughter from her as she finished caused Brandon to look at her.
"Our fathers, and your grandfather have become best friends." She shook her head and then stood up, doing a quick voice magnifying charm.
"For all of you who are wondering what the true story is, I would like to explain the truth, if I am allowed?" She paused for a moment to look over at Dumbledore, who, with twinkling eyes nodded to her to continue, "All right. Two nights ago, at around two in the morning, the alarms at the family manor were tripped. That gave my parents enough time to get up and ready themselves for an attack before the wards on their floo network were broken and fifteen Death Eaters came streaming in. My parents destroyed them, but found forty more surrounding the house, with Four dragons, not three. Thankfully, Ministry officials came to assist them, they took ten Death Eaters into custody, five others who are too mentally damaged to speak, that's my mother's handiwork by the way, and the rest were either too injured to make it through the night, or died in the battle. They had to destroy two of the dragons." She didn't explain what had happened to the other two dragons. "My parents are recovering from a couple curses, but they will be just fine. That is all I'm saying on the subject." Cleo nodded and then sat back down, as everyone began to talk about what they had just learned. Cleo passed the letter to Brandon so he could read it.

After their meal, Cleo took back the letter and destroyed it, before pressing kisses on Brandon's cheek. "And back to class, we'll have to see what Dumbledore has planned for us. If anything we might finish this semester, and then finish." She kissed Mars, and told him to head to their room, to rest, so she could send a response to her parents.
Brandon smiled watching her tell everyone off, then chuckled as he read the letter. "Figures....ooooh. I didn't know you could do that to dragons."

He took her hand and waited until they were on the way to class to speak. "Lily says I should get your mother flowers and some piece of jewelry. I found a rare book i thought your father would like."

He kissed her neck. "Thoughts?"

He squeezed her hand lightly. "Also need to get you your present. Want anything special? And no you can't say me. you already got me."

He waited until they rounded a corner then cast Muffliato, then nodded surreptitiously down the hall. Sev was speaking to the suspected young Death Eaters. "I think he's made his decision...I've never seen such bravery."
"That actually sounds quite good. My dad loves old books, and mama would be charmed with anything you bring her." She answered quietly as she tilted her head for his kisses.

They reached the classroom as she said, "Buy me something I can wear that matches whatever you're going to buy my mother."
She knew he was going to get her something, so might as well be something she would actually use, although, Brandon knew her too well.

When he pointed out Sev, she took in a deep breath, knowing that Severus would soon have to act like the role he had taken. A single tear fell down her cheek, and she laid her head against Brandon's chest, a smile on her face and a pain in her heart at the loss of her childhood friend. They would have to find a way to keep in contact... someway, somehow...
She thought back to what her father had said, about the two left-over dragon carcasses and immediately knew what she was going to do with them. Her father was saving them for her.
He gave her the desired kisses with pleasure. "Just hope they like me. i am the man ravaging their daughter on a regular basis."

He nipped her ear smirking. "If you insist. Although i'm not sure you need a shiny distraction." he made sure to have her arms trapped in a hug when he said this.

He watched her notice Sev and smiled, pretending for everyone around it was just a snuggle before class. then he felt her body tense and he looked down into her eyes. "Now you have me worried. you just had an idea. what are you up to now?"
Cleo simply winked at him, saying, "That would be telling love."

Class was quiet, but in the hallway outside, Severus roughly pushed past them, and whispered to Cleo, "I love you sis, don't forget that." Cleo sucked in a breath, feeling tears prick her cheek as she nodded to him. He nodded back, a shaky smile on his lips, before nodding to Brandon, and disappearing down the hall. Cleo sagged against Brandon a moment, drawing strength from him for a second, before taking a breath and standing tall again. She exchanged a glance with Brandon, and smiled through her sadness, knowing that this was one of their aces. Severus would be their spy, and go through the hardest part of this looming war.
Brandon squeezed her gently, kissing her hair, then sighed and gently nudged her. "Let's go eat, then we'll go for a walk. Go see the horses."

He took her hand and lead her on to the Great Hall where they found Evans and Sirius in a terrible row, screaming and hurling food at each other.

Brandon grabbed hold of Lupin and hissed. "What the hell is going on here?"

Remus winced. "James asked her out and she actually said yes... then Sirius asked why James would want to go out with someone so screechy. And something else. I think he called her a crazy ginger. She was furious."

Brandon sat down studying them thoughtfully.
Cleo rolled her eyes and took her own seat next to Brandon. Sirius should have known better. She was just shocked that James hadn't defended her, and she immediately looked around for James. She raised an eyebrow at him when she found him standing back a bit watching the argument.

When it got to be too much, she raised her hand and shot a quick silencing spell at the pair. It took them a couple seconds to realize that they couldn't hear themselves or each other. As they turned to look at her, she gave them a cool look, which told them in no uncertain terms that they would bear the brunt of her anger if they continued in their stupid argument in front of her. They were giving her a headache. Add that to the fact that she wasn't in the best of moods, and you got grouchy Cleo, the one that no one messed with.
James did not react at all to the magic. Brandon arched an eyebrow, giving the boy a sharp kick. James yelped and jumped. "Wha-I-huh -Lily?"

Brandon smirked and pulled him down as he gently pushed Cleo's wand down and ended the spell. "THey're sorry darling. Have some food."

He kissed her neck as the pair sat down, lily snugglign up to James who blushed pulling his collar. Brandon winked at Remus who snickered while Sirius fumed.
Cleo cuddled up to Brandon, sighing, and keeping one of her eyes on Severus. She turned away and grabbed a bowl of stew, wanting the warming comfort of the broth inside her. She kept in close contact with Brandon as she ate, rolling her eyes every time Sirius would grumble at his best friend.

She finally had enough and spoke, her voice Ice cold, "Sirius Black." She didn't look at him as she said it, and Sirius turned towards her, wondering why she was in such a mood. He, wisely, didn't say anything.

After lunch, the group headed to class and Cleo and Brandon headed out for their walk. She slowly led the way down a winding path, heading towards the horses, smiling softly as they came into view. They seemed to be growing every time she saw them. She could see just how big they would be, and couldn't wait until they were trained to ride. "Hi Luna." She pressed a kiss to her forehead, as the colt pushed up against her.
Brandon smirked and dropped his bag, pulled cleo's off her shoulder then lifted her up over the fence into the paddock proper where the colt and filly both began to make much of her, nuzzling her hands and chest.

Brandon chuckled sitting on the fence and began to float apples to the creatures, smirking as they snapped them out of the air then crunched them happily.

The nickered and sniffed at Cleo, especially her hair, and the filly kept trying to eat the long hair, finding it very tasty. Soon she and Brandon were fighting over it as he would use a simple wind charm to blow the hair out of reach then back as she went for it. Never enough to truly bother or distract Cleo, but the filly was simply delighted by the game.
As Luna and Brandon both played with her hair, Cleo relaxed, snuggling up to her colt who had no interest in her hair. The time they spent with their babies took the stress from her, and when it was over she turned loving eyes on to Brandon. She approached him while he was distracted by Luna, and hugged him from behind, pressing kisses against his neck, right under his ear. The smile on her lips was evident in her kisses as she whispered into his ear, "I love you. Thank you for bringing me out here."

She slid around him, distracting him from Luna, who, along with the colt, came up behind her to join the small family. She smiled up at Brandon and pressed a kiss to each of his cheeks, before pressing a long loving kiss against his lips, her eyes closing in bliss.

The kiss continued until the clearing of a throat caused her to break away from Brandon and look over at Hagrid who stood grinning at the two from outside of the paddock.
"Hagrid you hairy sot!"

The giant man smiled at Brandon's joke and waved them over. Brandon gently steered Cleo over to see what Hagrid had. A new born unicorn. She was simply beautiful. He nudged the little one into the paddock and smiled. "Er mum is in me house. Got inta bramble bush and some o da spiders tried to eat her. Got er out, patched er up but she needs ter stay the night. So the wee un is guna stay with your two."

The wee filly nickered and began to gambol after Luna, the young unicorn still gangly and wobbly but so delighted in the game. She nickered again and bounded after the laughing Luna and her brother.

Brandon smirked and nudged his lover. "It would seem the kids are babysitting my love."
Cleo smiled at the small little unicorn. "She's adorable!"

After watching for a moment to make sure their Pegasi were going to behave themselves, Cleo turned and grabbed Brandon's hand. They had to head back to class anyways, and so she began pulling him towards the castle, laughing as she waved to Hagrid.

The trip to the castle was quiet, and would have been uneventful if they hadn't come upon James and Lily, who were snogging up against the wall. Cleo snickered and nudged Brandon, pointing out the oblivious lovebirds. She shook her head and sent a tickling charm towards the two, pulling Brandon up behind a tree so that James and Lily wouldn't see them. She leaned against the tree, Brandon pulled into her body as she looked up at him, a finger at her lips to mimic shushing.
He smirked pressing her against the tree kissing her hungrily. He pressed against her, then gently stroking her cheek, his eyes blazing as he studied his naughty lover. He touched his own wand casting a shield around them, then resumed kissing her. "naughty. Picking on new lovebirds."

He peeked around the tree curious how James and Lilly were reacting.
James and Lily were holding each other up as they laughed. "Cleopatra! I know this is your fault!!! Show yourself!!!" Lily gasped out as she nearly fell over.

Cleo grinned up at Brandon and peeked around the tree to look at her. She giggled, her sound leading Lily and Jame straight to them, and she answered, "Me? I'm innocent." Her face remained quizzical as she studied them, before she cracked a smile. She lifted the charm and stepped around the tree, pulling Brandon with her.
"So Christmas is right around the corner, what are your plans?"
"I'm taking James home to meet my parents, before I meet his. You?"
"Brandon is coming to my home to meet my parents as well. We also have a New Year's Party, you two are on the list I sent my parents to invite. We'll have to meet out in Diagon Alley for a double date during break."
"Sounds Great!"
The two girls left the boys behind as they entered the castle.
James looked bewildered at the abandonment but Brandon just nudged him. "Come along Seeker. Girls do this to us to make sure we don't drown in our own spit."

He laughed and lead his Seeker inside, following the girls while the very kiss drunk James clung to him for support. Brandon got him to class and seated then when it was clear the boy was not going to recover on his own Brandon smirked and used a simple spell that made an incredibly loud bang, startling several other students and firmly waking James up.

"Take it easy big guy. Class time."
Cleo and Lily laughed, as they realized why Brandon had made the bang. Class was easy enough, with a couple notes passed here and there, and one particularly raunchy note caught by the teacher between two Ravenclaws. The note was read out loud, while the two students turned bright red and sunk into their seats.

The rest of the class laughed at them, and then class continued. After, Cleo headed to the board outside the Great Hall to check the going ons of the school. There was another Hogsmeade visit that Saturday, and a small reminder that the holidays were right around the corner.

She was so engrossed in it, she didn't notice the three Slytherins that came sauntering up from the Slytherin Common Room. She did however look back when Severus Snape loudly called her a Blood Traitor and said she wasn't fit to be a Slytherin. She coolly turned around, smirking within when she realized there was a large crowd that had gone silent around them. Severus' eyes begged her forgiveness as he shot a spell at her, meant to look like a slashing spell, but really felt like a tickling spell. Cleo told him with her eyes that he would need to make this as real as possible, and sent a stunning spell at him, which he dodged easily. His next spell was quite real, and she shielded, but not in time, as his silent Sectumsempra cut through her arm easily. She fell and sent a hasty hex back, causing him to shriek as it felt as if he was being whipped, over and over again. He grit his teeth at the pain and was about to send a counter towards her when teachers finally spilled into the room.
Brandon had realized the ploy just as quickly as his lover but while she and Severus had to dance well enough to convince everyone, he also had to protect them both from the two Slytherins who had joined Severus for the attack. He had not drawn his wand however, hurling a chair into one's side, and tackling the other, where he had cast rather wicked hexes on each of them with their own wands, then stepped back into the crowd, though he also zapped Severus with a stinging jinx that dispelled Cleo's attack, and served to delay Severus, and also convinced Cleo's friends and allies not to attack him.

Brandon moved to Cleo's side gently taking her hand and kissing her neck, whispering into her ear. "He's alright my love."
Cleo nodded, and stuck close to him as she watched Severus who was being looked over by Madame Pomfrey while McGonagall scolded him. Cleo closed her eyes in pain and sadness, and was approached by Pomfrey, who tsked at her. She checked her over, gasping at the long deep cut that was on her arm. She bandaged it with essence of ditany and said, "Brandon, I expect you to help her clean and bandage this wound. She'll need help. Although I probably don't have to tell you."
Cleo snorted in response, and pressed closer to him, a smile on her lips to hide the pain.

Dumbledore ushered all three into his office and away from prying eyes. The second they were all alone, Severus broke down, rushing to hug her, crying as she hugged him. He checked her over, again and again as Cleo tried to calm him down.
Brandon did not speak to the two letting the friend comfort each other. He moved closer to Dumbledore. "Professor we have to find a way to protect Severus here. He's in an impossible place now. Has to hate us, especially me and Cleo, but he doesn't want to be expelled, but he also needs to make points with Voldemort. We need to find something."

Dumbledore nodded watching the young Slytherin. "Severus?" He coughed. "Severus?"

Sev looked up and Brandon gently grabbed the smaller fellow's sleeve and drew him closer. He was not surprised when Sev flinched. "Easy Sev. i know you didn't mean it. I got my revenge with the stinging jinx. you alright?"

Sev nodded, letting Brandon push him into the chair. Brandon then helped Cleo sit in the other standing behind her, gently rubbing her shoulder.

"Severus Mr. Krissin is correct. You are in an untenable situation. And I have to punish you for starting a fight. For the punishment I will have to write to your mother, and give you several detentions. And an official reprimand and warning that if this happens again you will be expelled."

Brandon reached over and gently squeezed Sev's shoulder, noting how the young man was beginning to sob again. "Sev we are here so you won't have to be expelled. i have an Idea...With your permission Professor?"

Brandon gently squeezed Sev's shoulder again then crouched between the two chairs. "Sev you are an amazing potions maker. Can you nullify the more dangerous effects of poisons and spells as you make them? Do so in such a way that you convince the askers that they have damaged or ruined them? Or perhaps the intended target is somehow immune or protected?"

Severus considered carefully. "The immune part? No. But gone stale or ruined yes. For the most part...and I can get away with not making the nastier ones because they are illegal to make except in class and they would be noticed. Especially with Professor Dumbledore as Headmaster."

Dumbledore nodded humbly in gratitude for the compliment.

Brandon nodded. "Well what if you offered your potions services? And being the consummate brewer you are you could even ask for details on the target could you not?"

Sev slowly nodded.

Brandon smiled. "Then you do so. In fact if you are willing Professor we could extend Severus' punishment for another month. That way he both has to schedule his brewing time very specially, then he can pass along messages regarding the targets during his punishment."

Dumbledore chuckled. "A wise thought Mr. Krissin. What do you think Severus?"

"Well...who would I serve detention with?"

Brandon answered. "Professor McGonagall!...Sorry Professor."

Dumbledore cocked an eyebrow. "Why volunteer her Mr. Krissin?"

"She's strict but she's fair sir. She wouldn't treat him like trash. Do what needs doing and send him to bed. And She is the Assistant HeadMistress sir. It is not uncommon for you to visit her office to discuss school items. Severus could get you the target's name, and any other information he has. And Professor McGonagall would seem fitting for such an offense. Send the other two to Mr. Pringle. He'll keep them busy. Wouldn't that work Sev?"

Sev slowly nodded. "I could make that work. Professor McGonagall would be helpful as well. She tends to teach even in detentions...."

Brandon smirked nodding at the thought about his Head of House. Both boys looked at Dumbledore. "Very well Severus. In fact we could even use them as way to ensure you have the ingredients you need. When the time is up we can come up with something else. Though I suspect we will have found a way to settle things down by then."

Sev looked at Cleo. "Will you be able to handle that?"

Brandon smirked at the thought.
Cleo listened to Brandon as she continued to hug Severus close, comforting him as he cried. She murmured quiet words to him, getting him to calm down. When he was pulled away from her, she watched Brandon seat him in the chair then lead her to the other one. She let out a sigh as she made herself comfortable, and then reached up to squeeze Brandon's hand.

She watched as Brandon took over, talking to Sev easily as she smiled. The whole time Brandon was speaking, Cleo kept her eyes on Severus, making sure he was strong enough to do it. Cleo smiled, although it was a bit watery as her brother nodded, agreeing to the plan that Brandon had laid out in front of them.

When Brandon turned to her and asked her if she would be able to handle it. She took a moment to look up at Severus and then over to Prof Dumbledore and then back to Brandon. She nodded quietly and took his hand as she said, "Yeah, I can handle that. I've got another idea, but I still have to work on it." She swallowed hard, and then nodded again.
Dumbledore nodded. "very well. This is what we will do. Severus you must be more careful though. You could be badly hurt by either your ...'friends' or your targets."

Brandon nodded squeezing Sev's shoulder. "You could make me the target Sev. i know I'm a target too. I can hold you off long enough to get teachers involved and piss them off enough to keep coming."

Sev nodded thoughtfully. "And if I say we are going for Cleo, or they think we are..."

Brandon squeezed Cleo's hand. "Ready to go love?"
Cleo nodded, and stood gracefully. She smiled at Dumbledore and then turned to look at Sev. The two shared another long hug, before she followed Brandon out the door. The two had a couple more classes, and since they didn't have the next class together, she pressed a kiss to his lips, and then headed out.

She met with Remus, and the two sat together. Remus waited until class started before he turned to her to ask her quietly what had happened. She took a breath before answering.
"Severus Snape has made his choice." She refused to speak after that, unable to tell him about Sev, and although it hurt her having to lie to her friend, knew it was for the better good. The rest of class was easy enough, with a pop quiz that she hated, and had a last minute assignment given to them. At the end of class, when the teacher turned her back on them, Cleo stuck her tongue out at the teacher's back, causing Remus to burst into laughter. The two walked out, laughing.
Brandon was in the hall waiting. And simply furious. He had James by one ear, one of his Beaters by another, his foot on the head of his second Beater and was glowering at his Chasers. For some reason the wall behind him was blasted white as if with paint, and several dazed looking students were covered in the same stuff.

"YOU BLOODY MORONS!!" Brandon roared twisting ears. They all quailed under his rage. "GET TO THE FIELD NOW!!" He released James and the Beaters, then sent the Chasers after, with a rapid series of stinging jinxes after. He moved to Cleo and gently cupped her face, though his eyes were full of rage still. FOr the first time many of the others finally realized just how large and fit he was, even Remus was startled and clearly impressed.

Brandon kissed his lover tenderly his thumb stroking her jaw. "Adore you. Those idiots were trying to make a prank for the other teams and nearly killed themselves. I have to go educate them." He kissed her again then sighed and stepped away walking after his team, the hall clearing for him just as it did for Hagrid.

Lilly nudged Cleo lightly. "Ya know... magic or no that man is one of the scariest things I have ever seen when he is angry. Yet he's so gentle with you...." She shook herself smiling. "Let's go eat. Then wanna go down to the field and watch? I need a break from studying. Remus?"

He started to answer and she jumped in. "Good! Join us Cleo?"
Cleopatra and Remus walked down to find the funniest scene. Brandon had his team by their ears and was absolutely furious. While everyone else seemed afraid of him, Cleo simply smiled serenely as she waited just five feet away while he roared at his team. When he sent them out she had to stifle a laughter, and then watched him with calm eyes as he approached her.

She lifted her head to him, and smiled again as she waited for him. His words made her pretty much glow, and she accepted his gentle kiss. She spoke quietly, "If you need help straightening them out, just use my name, and see how fast they'll get into line." She winked up at him, and then kissed him again. She watched him stalk from the castle, a tilt to her head, and a smile on her lips.

She turned towards Lily and grinned, nodding her head, "I know, but I also know he won't hurt a hair on my head. Plus that rage simply means a great time for me when he gets home." The two females giggled as Remus groaned at Cleo's words. As Lily suggested going to watch the team, Cleo nodded, but had to stop to grab some hot cocoa and chocolate chip cookies. The three headed out to the field, and found some seats, as Cleo cuddled into her cloak. Lily grinned as she saw how cold Cleo was and murmured to Remus, "How long do you think it'll take Brandon to give her his scarf or jacket?"
"I bet in about three minutes?"
"I give it five."
"You're on!" Cleo turned to look at the two as they began laughing, before shaking her head and turning back to watch the field.
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