The Whomping Willow (Kiandra_Black & Greeneyed23)

Cleo grinned and kissed him. A Hint of mischief glittered in her eyes as she took the snow she had in her hands and pushed it down the back of his shirt in retaliation. She laid another kiss on his lips before creating a bubble around herself, expecting him to throw snow at her again. She laughed at the face he made as the icy snow began to melt under his shirt.
"Be glad I didn't put it down your pants. I would have loved to see you dancing around." She giggled at the mental picture and cuddled into his arms.
He kissed her deeply drying himself off not doing anything to her. He then broke the kiss and smirked. "Aren't you sweet." He kissed her again then took her hand resuming the trip down to Hogsmeade, not speaking. When they were there, in Honeyduke's he did get his revenge. Though not in the way she would have expected.

He bought he a massive basket of sweets, with all her favorites, but did not give it to her. "When the time is right." he had it sent to their room with a spell that would not let anyone bu him find or touch it. He smirked at her his eyes bright.
Cleo whined, but knew she deserved it after putting the snow storm his pants. She led him from Honeydukes, smiling and waving to other students she knew. Ever since she started going out with Brandon, she had become a lot more social.

Inside Hogs head, she sat at a table, in the corner away from the bustle of the pub. She smiled at Brandon before asking, "What do you want? My treat today." For herself, she was already getting a bowl of hot stew and a warm hot chocolate. Her cheeks and nose were rosy from the cold outside.

She headed to the counter to order their meal, walking back over to the table when and was told they would bring the meal tip the table. She say down
'I'll have what you get."

He pulled her close and kissed her neck, stroking her arm and leg.

"Thank you my love. So tell me something." He nipped her neck lightly. "Did you help the boys we just left with their Animagi spells? Or did you inspire them?"
"Actually, we just found one another one night. Moony strayed into my territory one night, and Prongs followed. I nearly killed Prongs that night, Padfoot stopped me. Since then, I've tried to run with them, though, sometimes I have to run by myself, hunt down prey... Moony understands that... the others don't know that I'm the one who runs with them."

Cleo pauses as their food arrives, two hearty stews in bread bowls, and a warm butterbeer for him, a hot chocolate for her. She thanks the waitress and then turns back to Brandon.

"Where was I... oh... so, Remus found out it was me, about a month in, his wolf helped, and I think Sirius has figured it out, since he has such a sensitive nose, although he has never confronted me about it..."
"That's because you are SCARY Cleo." Sirius said as he and Remus joined the pair, for a quick hello. Cleo rolled her eyes at him, a smirk on her face, "I'm not that bad..." she trailed off as all three boys gave her incredulous looks. "Okay, fine. I'm scary..."
"I would never actually seriously cross you, Cleo. I'm glad I can count you as a friend." Remus said as Sirius nodded. The two nodded to them and headed out, Cleo turning to Brandon, "Am I really that scary? I mean, I'm not even trying... I could be worse..." she tilts her head, thoughtful look on her face, as she is not at all upset about this revelation.
He nodded thoughtfully studying her. "And why a panther?"

He glowered at the two then smirked at their sincere assurances of their fear.

He chuckled and kissed her. "Not to me. But to everyone else? I would have to say yes. You do have a rather intimidating air about you my love."

He smiled gently squeezing her hand. "In fact people are even more afraid of you than they are of me my love."
"Eh... comes from being part of the Gale family... " Cleo said, a rather sadistic smirk on her face. She looked over at Brandon and leaned in to kiss him, before remembering that he had asked a question.
"Well, each Gale has a specific creature that they are in tune with. When I was being taught, father told me to reach inside and simply become. The panther was the result. He is a lion, mama is a bat, and... my brother was a crocodile." Cleo trailed off as she thought of her brother, before turning eyes towards Brandon.

"Anyways... what's your family life like?" She asked, curling into his side.
He smiled kissing the top of her head squeezing her gently.

"Well you've met the quarts. My mom is sweet and wonderful. Very intense and intent upon protecting her family. My father is an Auror. One of the elite actually. Dedicated to hunting down Voldemort and his cronies. My Grandfather was an Auror himself but also an expert combat teacher. He's trained me since I was two. Magic and physical combat not to mention tactics and other aspects. He was apparently a big time General in the Muggle Armies since the whole thing with Grindlewald caused World War II. He had to fight both wizards and humans."

He reached in and tilted her face up and kissed her. "And they are all eager to meet you. Just as I am to meet your own family. The quarts have essentially adopted you and have told my parents you are nothing short of the most wonderful woman ever. I happen to agree." He kissed her again smiling. "Though a bit mischievous."
"Would you love me any other way?" Cleo asked, as she lifted her head to kiss him. She smiled and after their meal, the two walked hand in hand back to the castle. Cleo had to go to the library for a book, and so she kissed him good bye, reaching Lily as she waved.

Cleo and Lily headed to the library, quietly talking. Once inside, they nodded to madam Pince, who glared at them suspiciously. Cleo walked into the back, searching the spines for the book she needed. Her fingers slowly drifted from book to book, finally reaching the one. She pulled it out, and smiling, opened it as she walked over to Lily, who sat at a table. She blew her a kiss, Lily laughing as Cleo passed by her.

Cleo headed up to the room, humming to herself. Sirius and James jumped her as she walked passed them. She laughed as both said, "We cannot allow such a lady to walk back by herself. Plus, Brandon would kill us if we left you all by yourself."
"True. Well then, you may escort me."
The three laughed at each other's antics, as they walked up. The portrait opened up and Cleo invited the two in. She called out, "Babe? We've got guests..."
Brandon was laying on the bear rug, stroking Skyfall's back, the cat curled up on his chest, his eyes closed, his completed homework piled up on his desk.

Skyfall hissed at the newcomers. "Easy boy. Padfoot will behave. Right Sirius?"

He continued to stroke the cat's back his eyes still closed, though his other hand moved out to gently stroke his lover's leg. He caught her hand and pulled her down beside him gently pulling her in close.
Sirius nodded as Cleo motioned to them to sit. They did, taking a seat at the large couch. Cleo approached her male, feeling him pull her down to his level. She smiled and leaned down to place a kiss on his lips before sitting Indian style next to his prone body, grabbing Skyfall and cuddling him like a baby in her arms.

"So what are you two up to? Trouble?" Cleo asked as she scratched Skyfall's head, who purred and leaned into her hand.
"Now why would you say that? We are innoc..." James trailed off as he noticed the look Cleo was giving them. The two boys laughed before Sirius said, "Well, actually we just set a couple pranks for our beloved Slytherins. We also needed to ask Brandon about the Quidditch schedule for this next week. We play Ravenclaw this coming weekend."
"No harmful pranks, right? Cuz I would hate to have to come after you two if Severus or Regulus were injured..."
"Nothing harmful... just a couple altering charms... invisible to them, visible to the rest of the school!" James and Sirius gave each other a high five, and Cleo rolled her eyes. She stood, heading to the small kitchenette, placing the sleeping Skyfall back onto his papa's chest.

"You guys want something to eat before I head up so you guys can talk?"
"No need to leave. We are practicing every night at six. If you end up in detention i'll brain the pair of you. And Potter if i see you showboating i'll glue wormtail to you with a permanent sticking charm."

"Ravenclaw is a good strong team. No superstars but they can beat us if it comes to it. So i want everyone on point. Especially my Seeker."

His eyes went over to Cleo and he smiled his eyes softening. He completely forgot the other two even existed now.
Cleo blew him a kiss, as James rolled his eyes. "Man, you are sooo whipped..." Sirius said, a grin on his face. Cleo floated over a tray of sandwiches as she leaned back into the counter, eating a grilled cheese.
"Yeah, he is. But you wish you had someone like he does right now Sirius..."
"Point taken. What are you two planning on doing right now?"
"I have to read a book for Arithmancy, so we'll probably cuddle on the couch while I do my reading." Cleo answered, looking over at Brandon to make sure that was okay.

Skyfall yawned and changed positions on top of Brandon, his tail tapping Brandon's nose as he slept on. Cleo giggled at Skyfall as James and Sirius snorted in laughter. A knock at the door, caused Cleo to wave her hand to see who it was, without opening it. Remus and Lily stood on the other side, both holding their bags filled with books.

The portrait swung open as Cleo waved her hand again, and the two stepped in. "Hey! We were looking for you two. Hey Brandon, Cleo."
"Sup homies?"

Silence followed Cleo's question, before all five began laughing hysterically.
Brandon laughed. "And how in any way is that bad?"

His eyes flashed. "im your teddy bear babe. you know this."

Brandon chuckled rubbing the cat's side.

He looked up at his lover and grinned. "Homies? Darling you need help."

he swept her leg from under her and caught, waving her book over into her hands as he wrapped about her. "now hush and read."
Cleo squealed as she fell into his arms, before giggling. She cuddled into him as the others laughed before getting comfortable in the couches. Cleo opened the book and began studying. The calm and silence that fell over them was amazing. Remus and Lily studied while James and Sirius played a game of Wizarding Chess.

Cleo looked up and checked the clock, nudging Brandon in the chest, as she realized they had Quidditch practice. "Babe, you have practice. What do you guys want to eat when you guys come back?"
She pressed a kiss to his lips, then sat back to look at him, a smile on her face.
He kissed her deeply sighing stroking her neck.

"i don't know about them but if you are going to spoil me i'd like pasta. No fettuccine please. Never liked it." He kissed her again. "Thanks love. you are too good to me."

He sighed and pulled free of her grabbed his Seeker and set off for the pitch.

Three hours later he came back in, James having not returned with him. Brandon was covered in mud and looked utterly exhausted. "We had just finished drilling when the Hufflepuffs came onto the pitch and challenged us to a makeshift game. James wouldn't back down....we won three hundred and seventy to ten but Merlin's beard I am sore." He ignored everyone and went into the bathroom to wash, then came out in black shorts and a muscle shirt and flopped onto the rug again where Skyfall resumed his post on his chest and the two were quickly asleep while they waited for food.
The four looked over as he came in and snickered as he headed to the bathroom. Cleo got up to check the lasagna, and garlic bread she had made, smiling as she noticed it would only take a bit more time. She joined the group again, as Sirius asked her a question about Potions. The two were engrossed in a Potions discussion when Brandon flopped onto the rug. She was planning on telling him the food would be ready soon, but found him asleep.

About twenty minutes later, the oven timer went off, signalling the food was ready. Cleo waved everyone to the kitchenette while she leaned over to awaken Brandon. "Sweetheart, the food is ready... wake up." She kissed his lips then picked up Skyfall and cradling him in her arms while Brandon got up.
Brandon groaned and stood then smiled gently kissing her. "Thank you my love." He kissed her again and followed her to the table sitting down with a sigh, swiping Skyfall from her and resuming his stroking the cat on his lap, his eyes closed.

His shirt was so tight that it was straining with his every breath, his heartbeat making the powerful veins of his body throb and stand out even further. Lily nudged Cleo smirking. "You know...I've never seen anyone that fit in real life...Must be fun." She grinned playfully her eyes dancing. Merlin hooted as did Arista and Brandon smiled and waved his wand making food appear for both owls, though he never looked.
"Indeed. You have absolutely no idea just How creative our sex life is..." Cleo whispered to Lily, the two females giggling. Cleo waved her hand and the food floated from the stove to the table, setting down gently in the middle. Cleo sat down next to Brandon and Lily, Remus, and Sirius took seats around the table. The lasagna was cut and served, and the five dug in.

After dinner, the other three headed up to their tower, leaving the couple alone. Cleo stood and placed the plates in the sink, waving her wand over it so they would wash themselves.
"Coming to bed? I'll give you a massage..." Cleo said, winking at Brandon.
He stirred as did Skyfall. "Really? Further spoiling me are you?"

He smiled and followed her into the bedroom carrying the cat. When he reached the bed he let the cat go as he lay in the middle of the bed on his stomach groaning. "I am going to keep you forever babe. Mark that in your calender. You are mine forever. Great lasagna by the way."

He had eaten four servings.

As he lay there Merlin and Arista fluttered into the room onto their perch hooting softly, while Skyfall snuggled into Brandon's neck. Brandon chuckled sighing looking at Cleo. " are amazing. Remind me to do something you love. Anything special you need or want?"
Cleo smiled as she grabbed the soothing muscle rub from the bedside table. She straddled his hips and leaned down to whisper in his ear, "I have all I could ever want right now love. If that changes in the future, I'll let you know. Now relax."

She stripped off his muscle shirt, and slathered some rub into her hands, rubbing them together to warm it up before slowly rubbing his back. She rubbed the lotion onto his skin first, before she began to give him a deep massage, slowly working the knots in his back.
He moaned and slowly groaned as she set to work on him, rolling his muscles with her hands, then groaned again sighing in delight. "thank you then darling. Still want to do something for you."

Skyfall was purring happily, as was Brandon, while the owls had drifted off to sleep.

Brandon gave a large gasp as a knot gave way then sighed happily. "Alright let's see.... You spoil me with drink and food, cuddle with me at will, protect me brilliantly, and make love to me so well and powerfully it seems my skull will pop, then after all of that you are so sweet that you give me simply wonderful backrubs....... In case i haven't said this recently I love you. And when you are ready i have very important question for you."
Cleo smiled down at him and leaned down to place a a kiss at the base of his neck before sitting up and continuing on his back.
"I love you too sweetheart."
She started working in his lower back, slipping down to straddle his thighs, to give herself room to work on the muscles there.
She encountered a particular rough spot, a knot that refused to relax. She called her magick to her lips, leaning down to kiss the spot, slipping her tongue out to suck on the knot, her magick sinking slowly into it. When she sat up, her fingers worked it again, easily unknotting it, a smile on her face as she said, "You can ask me whatever love, whenever."
He started to speak then gasped and moaned as she unknotted the spot. He whimpered as worked it then sighed and relaxed once again giving off his purring growl.

"Well...first thank you...that's wonderful. Second-" He whirled suddenly so she was straddling him the other way and pulled her down into a deep kiss. When he released her, she bore a large black metal ring with a round cut line of purple stones along the length of the ring. "Marry me?"
Cleo gasped in shock, her eyes opening wide as she stared down at the ring that sat on her left ring finger. Her eyes cut up to his as they filled with tears and she nodded, the first tear trailing down her cheek before she leaned down to kiss him hard before sitting back up, "Yes! Oh Brandon!!! Yes!"

Arista hooted and cuffed a sleeping Merlin, as Skyfall jumped up and started prancing on the bed next to them happily. Cleo took a moment to study the ring further before saying, "Oh, I love it! It's GORGEOUS!!!!!"

A squeal emanated from her lips as she wriggled around on top of him gleefully, not even realizing that she was now straddling his hips. "I love you, I love you, I love you..." She kept repeating the same three words, leaning down to kiss him between each phrase happily.
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