The Whomping Willow (Kiandra_Black & Greeneyed23)

Cleo noticed his eyes, and her body shivered every now and again, as if she was cold, although the opposite was true. She ate what he had brought in, chewing slowly, licking her lips.

She was a bit sore, but already she could feel a slickness between her legs that had nothing to do with the hot bath she was currently enjoying, and everything to do with the way he was looking at her.
He smiled reached over to stroke her neck, shoulder, and her cheek with a tender gentle touch of his forefinger. "My truly are a vision of absolute beauty."

He continued to look at and stroke her form with the same tender adoration. His ring gleamed on his hand large and lovely. His eyes were dark and unreadable yet full of the clear desire for her he always felt. When she was away he wanted her near. When she was near he wanted her against him, and even when he had her this close he still wanted more. He always wanted more of her.
She leaned into his touch, smiling softly before looking at him quietly. Her eyes told him just how much she loved and needed him in her life. Her own hand joined his, stopping him from his exploration of her nude form and linking their fingers together. She slowly lifted his hand to her mouth, and with her eyes locked on his, kissed his hand, nibbling the skin there, although the implications of the act were much larger than passion and sex.

She was showing him that just as he was hers to command, that he was also Her king, to obey and love for the rest of her life. She was submitting to his command, and as she would be his queen, he would be her king, a working pair.

Within her core, she burned for him, although she didn't move any faster, enjoying this languid moment in time. They almost never slowed down to enjoy each other, and she didn't want it to speed up just yet, as this little bubble they were in surrounded them with peace, love and passion.
He smiled stroking her cheek and lips his eyes glowing.

He leaned down and kissed her lightly. He was touched by her willingness to submit and accept him but he did not see it quite that way. She was his Queen but he saw them as the working pair and far more as a work equal partnership.

He lightly stroked her neck now his eyes growing brighter. His hands, still rough and calloused, were always so careful when he touched her skin. She was not a delicate fragile doll but she was his most precious treasure and he was always careful to treat her that way.
Cleo smiled and stood, slipping from his grasp, the water dripping down her body. She reached over for a towel, knowing full well her pussy was at eye level to Brandon, and then stepped closer to him, her eyes glowing as she smiled softly.
"I love you Brandon."
With that said, she stepped away, drying herself before wrapping the towel around her body. It covered from the top of her breasts to right under her pussy, which left her quite exposed, for him. As she stopped at the doorway, to give him a come hither look, she felt a drop of her honey slide down her thigh, her pussy moistening for him.
He smirked and pulled off his shirt following her. "And I love you Cleo." He was now only in his light pants he wore to bed and smirked as the scent of her reached through arousing him heavily, his erection already tenting his pants rather prominently.

"Going to continue to tease me my love?"
"You're the one not making a move babe..." She answered, smirking over her shoulder at him before dropping the towel and climbing into bed. She snuggled under the covers, naked as the day she was born, a smile on her lips.

"So... are you going to do something about it love?" She asked, the smirk growing as her eyes ran down his body, pausing on his erection, her slickness growing.
He smirked in return and flicked his pants over his erection then walked out of them toward the bed, grabbing the blankets and sliding into the bed and between her legs wrapping around her as he kissed her fiercely. "Any suggestions?"

He kissed her again but nothing else waiting for her to speak, rather enjoying THIS game.
Cleo gently kissed him, and pulled his body closer, taking the time to run her hand up and down his back, enjoying the touch of skin on skin.
"Make love to me." Her words were a soft whisper of sound next to his ear, which she followed with a kiss to his neck, right under his ear lobe. She tilted her head a bit, and drew it into her mouth, laving it with her tongue, before sucking on it, slightly chewing on it gently before drawing back.
She looked him straight in the eyes, a soft smile on her face as she looked up at him with love and passion. She was usually so hardcore, that this soft side of her came as a sweet surprise to him.
He smiled rather enjoying her gentle side, despite his surprise. He kissed her again and shifted and slowly entered her then began to nibble and suck along her neck and shoulder, his hands running over her sides and back pulling her in close.

"Forever should you wish it my love."
Cleo held him close as their bodies danced, entwined together, two souls, one form. She kissed him again, her hips moving against his in a dance as old as time itself. She felt the prickle of tears in the corners of her eyes, and smiled, as she knew they were tears of happiness.

Here, safe in his embrace, the whole world could destroy itself, and she knew they would survive it all as long as they were together.

In another castle, crumbled and decayed, Voldemort was amassing his followers. He knew they would need new recruits, and began carefully picking through the most logical subjects in his mind, most all were Slytherin, although there were a few others from Ravenclaw and a single one from Gryffindor who had piqued his interest... he would have to find a way to get to that one, as he sensed he was the weak link in That circle of friends...
Brandon smiled his lips hungry on her flesh, his hands running lightly over her skin soft and loving. He raised his head and smiled his eyes bright. "My lovely Cleo." He leaned in kissing her eyes, then down her cheeks to the corners of her lips then her lips fully.

During all of this he continued to slowly rock into her his body tensing and relaxing over and over as he made love to her. "You complete me."
Her own body moved with his, her legs slipping up to wrap around his waist gently, her hands cupping his face so she could look up at him. She felt her orgasm drawing near but pushed it off, wanting to cum when he did. She leaned up and placed soft passionate kisses against his lips, her eyes locked on his as she smiled up at him.

Around them, a glow began to grow, surrounding them in a warm bubble. Hogwarts itself warmed the room up, and became stronger with the magic flowing from them.
Brandon shifted up slightly to let himself push fully into her just as she kissed him and with a moan deep from his diaphragm he tensed, then whispered her name as his balls drew up and began to flood her sex with his seed.

"Cleo!" He began to tense and twitch as more and more the orgasm took over his body.
A twitch from him hit her in just the right spot and she moaned his name, her body tensing around his, pussy clutching his cock tight. "Ohhh Brandon!"

Like the tidal waves of the ocean, her orgasm rolled over her, one wave becoming another, bringing pleasure through her. She tightened her arms around him, head thrown back to expose her throat as her mouth opened to draw in breath.

After a while, she relaxed under him, still holding him close, as if she never wanted to let him go. She gasped for air, and nuzzled his cheek weakly, a giant smile on her face as she whispered quietly to him, "I can't wait to get out of school and begin our life together... I love you so much."
He smiled kissing her deeply, stroking her cheek and neck. "And I love you Cleo. I still don't grasp why you would pick me but I am ever so grateful." He nipped her nose lightly. "You are truly the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. mind, body, and soul." He kissed her again then rolled groaning with a happy sigh. His fingers ran lovingly along her back and perfect bum, drawing a happy sigh from him.

The movement made his softening erection shift and begin to twitch and harden again. He groaned shaking his head leaning his head back and it began to soften again. "Forgive me my love but I want to cuddle now."

He chuckled and lifted her face up to kiss her. "And I love you more."
She cuddled closer, her body languid against his as she enjoyed the soft glow of the aftermath.

"I love you too. You've opened my heart up, and made a home within, my love." She smiled at him and then gasped as he began hardening again, grinning as he pushed it away, and it softened within her, and she pushed her hips closer to kiss his cheek.

"Cuddling and sleep sounds wonderful actually."
He smirked kissing her neck and shoulder squeezing her lightly then pulled the blankets up and sighed shifting slightly then smiled his eyes closing. "I want you to know something my love. I could spend the next ten trillion trillion trillion years like this and it would still not be even close to enough."

he kissed the top of her head then lay back settling in beginning to drift off.
She smiled up at him and kissed the tip of his nose before settling down to sleep, warm and content in his arms.

The next morning, she yawned, shifting over his morning erection in a way that caused her to purr with glee. She checked the time, and smirked as she found they had just enough time to enjoy a morning quickie, a quick shower to clean up and then head down for breakfast. She slowly pumped her hips, sitting up on her elbows to watch his face as he woke up.
Her movement jolted him and he was just opening his eyes when she faced him full on and smirking her flexed himself within her then gave a push, bringing her up along his body for a deep hungry kiss. "This is how we'll die. you know that right? Two mummies humping each other's brains out. That'll be us." he kissed her again smirking as he gripped her bum pulling in closer.
"But what a way to goooooooo...." her orgasm caused her to moan our as she clenched around him. "Oh god babe, just like that Brandon!"
Her hips moved faster, her clit scraping across his skin as she gasped for air. Her body was covered in a thing sheen of sweat, and her black hair curled around her, twisting as if it were alive, although it was simply her movements.
He smirked and pulled her in closer thrusting into her more powerfully tangling their legs to make each thrust even more powerful, driving deep into her again and again, his hands tight on her bum and back his lips locked with hers.
She kissed him back, her hips working towards a common goal as she dug her nails into his chest, using her thumbs to draw circles around his nipples.

She drew her head away from him and smirked down at him before purposefully flexing her pussy muscles, tightening them around his erection, causing her tight glove to become almost like a second skin, hot and wet around him. She came again as he brushed up against her g-spot, and she gasped his name, her eyes rolling into the back of her head at the sensation burning through her nerves.
He snarled then moaned as her second orgasm gripped him even tighter than her flexing had been. He pulled her closer, flexing himself within her, thrusting deeper and harder into her then his head snapped back, his back arched and his hands dug into her bootyflesh as he thrust fully into her and erupted into her while his erection twitched and flexed within her.

He came so hard it began to squirt out around their joined sex onto his balls and abs. After several seconds his balls loosened and dropped back down and he collapsed under her gasping. "Well... that....was...a..... wonder....ful..."
"Yes... it... was..." she gasped out before placing a kiss on his lips and then moving from her very comfortable position on top of him. With a saucy shake of her ass and a wink over her shoulder, Cleo headed into the bathroom, invigorated for the day.

She took as quick a shower as she dared before hopping out and doing a quick drying spell. She exited the bathroom naked, walking over to her drawers and quickly dressing in black underwear, and her uniform for the day. She checked her bag, and then sat on the edge of the couch, braiding her hair, before pulling it up into a bun. She checked her appearance, and then smiled happily as Brandon came into view behind her. She turned and asked, "You about ready to go love?"
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