The Whomping Willow (Kiandra_Black & Greeneyed23)

He allowed her to squeal and wriggle and kiss him and enjoy herself until she had calmed down enough for him to gently grip her face.

He kissed her lightly. "And i you Cleo. And of course it's beautiful. You made it." he smiled and kissed her again.

"I used a Charm i read about that uses the spirit of the wearer to create the perfect jewelry item."

He held up his own hand which had the matching metal, but held a single large dark blue radiant stone which was ringed with small but brilliant square cut diamonds. Her's bore the more stones of the two as it was ringed fully with stones, and both were magically made thus impermeable and possessed of special abilities. He chuckled. "Mine kinda amazes me actually. But your's is much prettier." he kissed her again smiling.
Cleo looked over his ring, smiling and then clasped their hands together, both rings touching. A bright light emanated from the stones and she grinned. "I like it. It's masculine, and strong. Just like you my love."

She curled into his chest, pressing small kisses into his throat and collarbone, happy, Hogwarts around them glowing slightly from the amount of Magick rushing through them.
He smiled. "thank you Cleo."

He kissed her back lightly, gently pulling her even closer. "So does that mean we won't be sleeping tonight? because i do apologize but im still exhausted love."

He smiled up at her but his eyes were heavy with his exhaustion.
"Go to sleep sweetheart... you can wake me up tomorrow." Cleo said, pulling up the blanket over them, and curling into him, kissing his cheek and falling asleep.

The next morning, Skyfall padded on to the pillow and batted Brandon's face before he headed out the door, Merlin and Arista following silently.
Brandon groaned then slipped out of bed.

First he made breakfast for the cat and owls, checked on the pegasi out the window, tossing them several apples, while also making a large breakfast for himself and Cleo. he carried the tray in and lay it on a pad of hard air above the bed, slipping into bed with her and gently kissed her. "Time to wake up darling." He also nipped her lip lightly. "and eat. Im hungry."

With that he set to his own meal.
Cleo stretched, smiling as he nipped her. She sat up and took a deep breath and then grabbed a cup of coffee, sipping it slowly. She set to eating the breakfast set before her, a smile on her face. Every so often, she would turn her hand so that her ring caught the light of the early sun.

"Good morning love. That was delicious." Cleo finally said as she placed her plate on the tray.
"Your's is better." He sipped his milk, juice and water, forgoing coffee as usual.

He was rather enjoying watching her and was pleased at how much she enjoyed her ring. He hadn't been sure the charm would work on her though he had tested it on himself first.

Skyfall was once again on Brandon's chest, catching the spare bit of bacon while Brandon ate his pancakes and fruit, though Arista and Merlin also got some bacon thus emptying the tray rather quickly. Once done Brandon vanished his dishes and lay back watching Cleo. "So...shall we be going to class?" His voice was mournful. he didn't want to share her. Again.
"Yes love. Class it is." Cleo said, laughter evident in her voice as she got up to get dressed. She waved her hand over her hair, causing it to straighten before putting it up in a Genie Ponytail.

Once dressed, she exited the bedroom, packing her bag and looking over the living room to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything.
"Coming Brandon? Or am I to attend school ALL by Myself?" Cleo's voice rang through their rooms, as she teased him.
He grunted and got up as well. he put his own hair in a crossbraid that fell down onto his neck, then drew on his robes. he grabbed his bag and when she started teased he hid then suddenly swept out of the room kissing her deeply and grinding against her rather roughly.

"You'd best behave today." he kissed her again. "i will punish you otherwise." He grinned his eyes flashing at her.

he took her hand and lead her out the door down towards school proper.
"Oh... promises promises..." Cleo said as she followed him down the steps. Their first class, Potions, was easy, Slytherin and Gryffindor sharing the class together.

School went by quickly, and Cleo had her last class without Brandon. She smirked as an idea came to her head, an absolutely evil idea, which might just make Brandon punish her, hard.
Remus looked over at her as she did the quick incantation, and shook his head, knowing his friend was well and truly fucked.

The incantation was a simple one, that could only be stopped by the person who had spun it. It would target the person's mind, causing feelings of intense arousal, while sending increasingly arousing pictures to their mind. It would start off innocently enough, just a brief flash of her body, completely covered by a sheet, seemingly asleep in the middle of a peaceful glade, before it would change, and eventually the pictures would escalate until he would see himself taking her from behind as she mewled his name.

The great thing was Cleo would be able to watch his reactions to the spell...
"Punish me now babe..."
Brandon's eyes clouded as her spell took hold of him and he only just managed to hide his intense arousal under his desk. He squirmed and groaned but manged to convince the teacher was fine as he hissed. "Cleo you are going to pay for this..."

As the images and the arousal intensified he grabbed a bit of leather from an old hat and sank his teeth into it.

The moment the bell rang he made sure to tuck himself under his belt so no one else could see his arousal, then he went hunting.

Cleo was just leaving her classroom when she was yanked behind a statue and dragged down a corridor until she was tossed, rather roughly, into a secret room. Brandon entered slamming the door with his foot, then dropped his bag and kicked her's away as he grabbed her and whipped her robes and underwear off her, undoing her ponytail.

Once she was nude he spun her over and sat on her legs and with no words or warning he plunged the full length of his erection into her sex, gripping her ass roughly and still silent began to ram into her over and over, his ass flexing powerfully as he drove into her, his hips, balls and abs, already slapping off her wonderful ass with loud smacking sounds.
Cleo and Remus spoke briefly after class, and then the werewolf took his leave as he smelled a very aroused Brandon approach. Cleo, oblivious to the danger, left the room, only to be snatched out of the hallway roughly. She was seconds away from killing the poor soul who had attacked her until Brandon's scent filled her nose, causing her to relax.

Tossed into the room, aroused beyond belief at his manhandling her, Cleo kept silent, as he undressed her in two snaps, and then had her on the floor, his cock deep within her, pounding her pussy for all his worth. She felt her eyes cross as the pleasure welled up in her, and she had to bite her lip to keep from howling.

As if the pounding on her pussy wasn't enough, his hips smacked her ass in such a way that it felt as if he was spanking her. Each smack caused her pussy to tighten and grip the root of his cock, so that when he pulled out, his cock scraped the nerve endings in the walls of her pussy. Each drive in, would make her pussy flutter, until his hips smacked her ass, which would cause her to tighten again, in a seemingly never ending pattern.
He shifted pushing his lower legs under hers and used this leverage to pound even harder into her, the smacking sound increasing, his motion so intense he lost his grip and snarling he brought both hands in a hard spanking slap gripping them again yanking her back roughly his drilling thrusts becoming a blur.

He was growling in a constant series of her name and his intent to make her scream in orgasm. His arms and chest were hardening so much that the veins were beginning to sprout out everywhere, his back ass and legs doing much the same. More and more of this happened as he savaged at her sex.
She squealed as he shifted positions, and suddenly felt her orgasm flip over her, a groan slipping from her as he continued to fuck her through it. Her body shuddered, and when he lost his grip, she almost wriggled away, only to gasp as she felt his hands smack down and hold her to his vicious thrusts.

Another orgasm began to build at the base of her spine, and she gasped for air as she realized it was going to be a big one. Her lungs filled with air, and as she crested, she screamed his name, her eyes rolling into the back of her skull, as she nearly passed out. Her pussy throbbed around him as a puddle of her cum began forming below their bodies.
Her second orgasm was so intense that it actually stopped his thrusts, and with that he shoved as far into her as he could and with a shuddering shaking snarling version of her name he unloaded his balls into her, his hands clamping down onto her ass.

After fifteen seconds he could move and breath again and with that release he collapsed atop he panting into her neck and ear, his softening cock still deep within her. He was covered in swear and slowly pulled his hands free to grip her breasts. "Don't do that again woman."
"Oh? ... Didn't you... like it? ... I think you ... fucked me ... into a coma..." Cleo gasped as she tried to regain her breath, panting for air.

Her pussy throbbed again around his softening cock, and she moaned as she had another small orgasm, shivering under him as she lay her heated cheek onto the cool stone floor.

"Wow... I've got to do that again..." she said, teasing him, her head turned so she could look at him, her eyes glinting mischievously. "Although, not right now..."
He kissed her nipping her lip gently sucking it. "Warn me at least. And if you do it again while I'm in the middle of class or work i will make sure you do go into a coma."

He bit her lip lightly. "And all because i asked you to marry me?"
Cleo smiled softly and kissed his lips. "All that and more. I love you Brandon." She ran a shaky hand through his hair, and then took another breath as she tried to calm her shuddering body.
"You know something... we are going to be found out if we stay here babe..."
He smirked and nodded helping her dress, then picked her up and holding her to his chest carried her back to their room so he could shower.

Upon arriving her lay her down on the couch, giving her a deep kiss. "I love you too Cleo Gale."

he cupped her face then sighed and went to clean up.
Cleopatra smiled at him and then watched him head into the bathroom. Come to think of it, she would need a shower too. She sat up, and smirked as Skyfall jumped into her lap for a cuddle. "Hey baby. Have I been.neglecting my fierce protector?" She asked. Skyfall gave her a look that seemed as if he was looking down his nose at her. She giggled and scratched him behind the ears.

A couple of minutes later, he batted her hand away and jumped down, heading away. Cleo shook her head and got her book to start her homework. She silently worked, while Merlin and Arista found it funny to fly over her head, circling each other and playfully cuffing the other with their wings. Cleo tried her best to ignore it, moving when it seemed they were going to hit her, as if she had a sixth sense.
Brandon reached out and grabbed her breasts through her robes while also at the same moment rather roughly biting her ear and growling. "So what are we doing tonight my love?" He bit again tugging it smirking.

"And before you say no I will not race you to the top of the astronomy tower. Potter and Sirius are doing detention there cleaning it."
Cleo pouted playfully, "Take out all the fun options baby." She grinned and leaned back into him, putting her arms around the back of his neck and whispering, "I want a bath... can you take me there?"

Arista chuffed, the noise sounding a lot like laughter. Merlin huffed at her and the two were at it again, although this time they flew around Both of their heads.
Brandon ignored the owls and raised his lover carrying her to the hot steaming bath awaiting her. 'Here you are my love." He sat on the edge of the tub pulling her into a deep kiss. He smiled stroking her hair. "Have need of anything else?"
"Just your company love." Cleo said, sinking into the hot water. She signed and shifted within the warmth, smiling up at him as she linked their fingers together.

"Are you finished with your homework love?" The satisfied smile on her face looked as content as the cat who had gotten the canary. She was happy, and warm. Although, now that she had stopped moving and relaxed, she realized what was missing, about the same time that her stomach growled.
"Oh... I'm starving..." she grinned up at him, innocence shining from her. Her eyes however, told him how much of a playful devil she really was.
He smirked and leaned down to kiss her. "Yes I got it all done. Well except the last class when someone was distracting me. Brat." He nipped her lip then left to get her a tray of food then sat again eating with her his eyes studying her form rather hungrily.
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