The Whomping Willow (Kiandra_Black & Greeneyed23)

"STUPEFY!!!" Brandon roared as his spell exploded from his wand and took the death eater behind Cleo in the face, throwing him hard against the wall where his wand fell but not before unleashing his prepared spell.

The spell struck the wall where nothing happened for a moment, then it exploded into the room, sending debris everywhere, forcing Dumbledore to turn away from his duel with three Death Eaters and prevent the debris from falling on his students, though the explosion had already taken affect on several, including Severus who lay bleeding just at the hole where several more Death Eaters and Voldemort himself stepped into the Great Hall.

The red eyes locked on Cleo and he snarled. "Get the girl!!"

Before he could react however a resounding belltone rang out knocking his forces back then he screamed in pain as a large fist struck him across the jaw. Brandon had no clue where Cleo was but the moment that did not matter. he had to keep Voldemort from touching her. That much he knew.

Noldemort whirled clutching his already swollen face. "Your bloodtraior bastard!! How dare you strike me! Avada-"

Brandon again surprised him. Skilled as he was he knew he could not match Voldemort on a magical level. he suspected that even Dumbledore couldn't so instead Brandon cheated.

He dropped to the ground and kicked Voldemort's legs out from under him then as the Dark lord fell, screaming in rage, Brandon did some very quick spell work launching Death Eaters into the air and walls at random and flinging the unconscious Severus toward Dumbledore whoe was rushign students out while bashing at the Death Eaters in range with the debris of the wall.

They were screaming and begging for mercy but Dumbledore's wise old face was contorted with a deep fury and he would have none of it. Slughorn, McGonagall, Flitwick, Sprout, and the other teachers were rushing their students out all the while casting protective spells but not attacking until all but the embattled students were safe, then the four heads of Houses rushed in to give aid, Flitwick giving a roar of fury and engaging a massive Death eater who at first laughed then began to scream as the tiny Charms Master began to tear him apart with clever magic from every direction and moving with a graceful speed and skill the giant could not match.

McGongall and Sprout stood back to back casting power spells, making plants drag death Eaters out of the room, while the walls and statues swatted the masked attackers without mercy. Slughorn was flinging potions at them with speed and barks of anger, shouting at them for their foolishness in attacking his students. Sirius and Remus were back to back rapidly spinning as they fended off three at once, while Peter was grappling with what looked like a large wolfman and begging for helping.

Lily was collapsed on the floor her hair hung heavy over her face, quite a bit of blood coming from a wound on her neck while Bellatrix move din on her cackling when James, his left arm clearly broken, leapt over Lily and gave a wild slash with his wand bowling the stunned Bellatrix over and sending her flying out of the hall into the mass of people being thrown or dragged through the hole they had come through.

Voldemort was shrieking in rage, Brandon's other spell, a Robe Tangler Jynx, having made it nigh impossible for the Dark Lord to stand, making him trip and stumble every time he tried to stand up. Brandon got to his feet and seeing trouble and now looking for Cleo, gave Voldemort a brutal kick right in the balls, then in the chest, then ran searching for his beloved, all the while flinging spells and curses at his foes with mad hate filled eyes.

As if this had summoned them, Aurors began to run into the Great Hall and the Death Eaters began to withdraw as a Moody pointed his forces at their targets. "GO!" Then with a odd little spin on his heel and a snapping movement of his wand arm unleashed a white spell with a resounding boom that knocked every Dark Wizard in the room off their feet.
Cleo was nearly knocked back from the force of the spell, but she kept her feet, rushing towards Severus to try and keep him safe. Thankfully Dumbledore had gotten to him in time, and pulled him away. Cleo stood straight and pointed her wand at a Death Eater who had his back to her. The silent spell hit him with a flash of purple and black smoke, both of which twirled around each other as they headed towards him. The spell, when it hit him, seemed to leave no mark, simply disappearing into his skin. However, on the inside, the spell began to liquify his organs, and he screamed before he fell, dead like his name.

Cleo cast a protective spell around herself then noticed a large black dog rush through the melee, completely ignored. She grinned, although those who saw it shuddered in fear and found a quiet hiding spot before shifting forms, the large black panther swiftly crossing the room. As she searched for Brandon, she realized that she had never spoken of her Animagus form, and she hoped he would recognize her amethyst eyes, which glowed brightly, before he attacked her. Remus grinned as he saw her slink past, a black shadow that slid past spells easily.

She finally found Brandon, and wove her way up to him, making sure to come from the front so he could see her progress.
Upon seeing it Brandon raised his wand then stared at the panther stunned. " are indeed a wonder...but come we must see who is hurt and help them if we can."

He touched her head shaking his head. "You are a wonder..." flinched suddenly he shoved her back and slapped away a powerful spell aimed at his back by Voldemort. Brandon switched grips on his wand and raising his arms over his head with the wand jutting out from his joined fists, and with a hiss in Ancient Latin the tip of his wand exploded with white fire that struck the stunned Dark Lord full in the face and chest hurling into the arms of his followers who dragged him away until they would DisApparate.

Brandon again turned to Cleo smiling. "Angelic specialty..." He grinned widely then collapsed onto her the powerful spell having drained him as it always did it's users.
Cleo chuffed at him in annoyance, and maneuvering around got him on her back and carried him out of the Great Hall. She carried him to where she could see Sirius and James standing. Both recognized the panther from running with her, but they didn't know it was Cleo until she shifted forms, nearly falling underneath Brandon's weight before Sirius lended her a hand.
Remus came up to them, checking them over before telling James that Lily was being treated for a minor cut by Madame Pomfrey. Cleo sighed, and pushed some of Brandon's hair out of his eyes, a smirk on her lips. She kissed him gently, as James and Sirius both became immature baboons and began whistling. Professor Dumbledore walked over to them as well as Moody.
Dumbledore pointed his wand at Brandon invigorating him just as she kissed him, making him moan and kiss her back.

"Why thank you my love...sorry for falling on you...but..." He smiled still sleepy.

Dumbledore chuckled. "It's a wonder he could produce such magic. I thought it impossible myself.... though with good reason..." His eyes went to Cleo and he smiled then turned toward Severus and the others who had fought checking on them with Madam Pomfrey.

Brandon grinned. "You know...we never got our dance...."
Cleo smiled up at him and nodded, "True, but it can wait until we get back to our room." She gave him one more kiss before walking over to check on Severus. He was cut up and bruised, but seemed more in shock about what he had said. Cleo placed a kiss on his forehead, and then said, "Take some time to heal. Okay?"
He nodded and walked away, supported by Regulus who had been checked over by both Pomfrey and Sirius. Cleo went to find Lily, and found her sitting on a bed while Pomfrey forced her to drink a blood replenishing potion. Cleo smiled at her, "Feel better?"
"Much. I think I might have pushed Severus a little too far."
"Yes, but he also shouldn't have let his temper get the better of him. Just leave it alone for a while."
"Okay. Where are the rest of the guys?"
"James is waiting for you, Sirius and Remus are fine. Brandon is waiting for me to return to our rooms."
"Okay. Have a good night Cleo."
"You too Lily." Cleo headed out, and took Brandon's hand, pulling him away from a conversation with Moody. "Sorry sir, but Brandon needs to rest."
Moody nodded. "Agreed. But he also just earned full entry into the Auror training program. We need fighters like your man here. Talke good care of him."

Brandon grinned sleepily, then kissed Cleo's hand. "I love you..."

He waited until they were in their room and the three pets saw they were unharmed before speaking further. "Alright now tell me about this Animagus thing. How long and why a panther?"
Cleo sat down and began to take her strappy shoes off, "The Gale family are all unregistered Animagus, and we are all different feline forms. My father is a Black maned lion. Mom is a snow leopard. My... brother was a cougar. It's in our genetics I think. The head of the family teaches the children."

She smirked at him and then stood, moving slowly towards him her eyes, soft and sultry. "Come along My Auror. As I told Moody, you need to rest." The thing was, she had absolutely no intention in letting him sleep. She was completely naked under her dress. The only thing she wore, was the maroon garter belt that had held her wand, and she had done a little something to herself, she had waxed... everything... completely bare... just. For. Him.
He smirked watching her. "Well..." he grabbed a goblet and murmuring under his breath he held his wand over it filling it to the brim with a hideously gray bubbling potion. He taps his suit and it vanishes as he takes the goblet, pinches his nose and drains the goblet with a single move.

As he sets it down his eyes widen and his body tenses, every vein standing out and throbbing, then his cock rises up pulsing with his rather steady heartbeat, aimed right at her face, his balls throbbing over and over, growing larger and heavier.

"You may have me for one my love. Angelic fire is an incredible spell. I will please you as much as I can but I have but one in me tonight."

With that warning he swooped to her, almost tackling her, slamming her onto the bed with him ontop kissing her hungrily, his hands running over her perfect body with hunger, his hot pulsing cock laying along her tummy his balls against her pussy.

"You are far too sexy my love. A little temptress you are."
"Then get started. I'm pretty sure you're going to love what's under this dress love." Cleo said, before squealing as he swooped down on her, pressing her into the lush mattress. She arched under him, wishing she was out of the restrictive dress already. Her hair fell around in gorgeous waves as she called out his name. Her pussy throbbed against his balls, and her slickness was beginning to soak the fabric. "Unwrap your present love." She said, raising her right arm, exposing the long zipper at her side.
He gripped it and unzipped it then peeled the dress off and away tossing it onto the nearby chair as he kissed her his hands running over her flesh hungrily again his lips and teeth moving over her. His erection throbbed even harder against her pussy. "I will always love what was under that dress my love. My present is always wonderful." he kissed her again pressing tighter against her.
Cleo groaned under him, pressing her bare silky smooth pussy against his cock, a slight gasp escaping her lips at the sensation. Her pussy was extremely sensitive and she ached to feel him deep inside. "Please Brandon, make me cum as many times as you can before you have to." She begged him as she wrapped her legs around his waist.
He grinned and kissed her, pressing deep into her, the potion having made his swell and tense so hard he had to push quite hard to force the length of his cock fully into her pussy until he was pressed against her inner limits. He smiled and instead of pulling back moved his hands onto her breasts and began to lightly pull her down into a powerful but slow upthrust using this motion to bounce her on him but not drawing back even the slightest.
Cleo gasped as her pussy was stretched to its limit, body tensing in pained pleasure. Her hands wrapped around his shoulders, her eye wide.

In that one thrust, she was so close to cumming that she actually had to hold it back so she wouldn't actually cum too soon. That plan lasted about as long as it took him to start bouncing her on his cock. The movement set her off, her pussy grasping his length within her warm silky walls, her scream of pleasure reverberating through the room.
He snarled into her neck still bouncing her driving at her trying to force her into one of those seemingly endless orgasms, his eyes wild with the idea, his body yearning for it. He pulled and thrust with all his great strength his knotted muscles bunching and rolling over and over as he moved into and with her, making her perfect breasts drag across his own hard scarred one, making her nipples catch at the scars at random, the feeling making him growl deep and low in his chest.
Her whole body felt as if it was in a little tidal wave of pleasure. She howled in pleasure as her pussy rippled around his hard cock. Her entire being was pushed into such a powerful climax, she lost control of her magick, she exploded as suddenly they had bluish purple flames licking around them, not burning them, but a soothing warmth.

She gasped for air, her hands turning into fists against his shoulders, her head thrown back in a scream as her hips undulating against his, came to a stop.
The ripple of her magic flowed through him so hard that her began to shudder, making his thrusts increase both in speed and intensity, then her scream was met with own roar of passion as he threw his hips fully into her, his back arching almost painfully as with a series of twitching jolts he was overcome and unleashed his orgasm into her. His roar continued for a full ten seconds, as did the orgasm, not in spurts but a continuous, nearly painful stream.

Finally, when there was so much it had coated his balls and was all over their thighs and tummies, his face pressed into her neck, his chest atop hers, his hands about her. "Not many my love...but hopefully a good one.......I'm......" he kissed her neck with that he drifted off to the sleep he had warned her about, unable to move, still atop and deep within her. Skyfall walked up his father's back and dropped her wand beside them, then curled up on the man's back purring.
Cleo hugged Brandon close, a smile on her face as she watched Skyfall drop her wand next to her. She took it and cast a cleansing charm on them both, instantly refreshing them before she put the wand on the bedside table. She wriggled around, feeling warm and comfortable under him as she snuggled into his chest to sleep. She didn't mind his weight looming over her, instead, it felt quite comforting.

A bubble of magick surrounded them, Hogwarts keeping them safe. Skyfall fell asleep on top of Brandon, purring soothingly at the both of them.

Cleo awoke, in the exact same position as when they had fallen asleep. She didn't move, simply looking up at Brandon's face and pressing a kiss to his lips, before curling her legs around his waist. The movement caused his morning erection to push into her pussy harder, something she was not prepared for. She wasn't wet anymore, and so it was more of a painful rasp into her swollen pussy. She held him still, closing her eyes and drifting in that half awake state.
He jumped as she shifted under and around him, his own swollen sex so tender. he groaned. "You know...this is how we'll die. A thousand years old in bed." he nipped her neck then grabbed her wand and waved it at their joining drenching them both in water with something more soothing their pain and easing the swelling allowing him to withdraw and stand above her and wave her wand again this time making the substance wash over their sexes in a much more elaborate way, further easing the swelling.

he flicked the wand and the substance vanished into the bathroom and he smirked at her laying her wand beside his own on the nightstand. "You know i wonder if we can use each other's wand's because of our bond or for some other reason?"

He looked over at Skyfall, who had gotten onto the mantle over the fireplace, lounging lazily one of his forepaws hanging over the edge while he slept rather sprawled. "Your son is strange my love." He shifted over her laying down then pulled her up beside him wrapping around her. "So...what's the plan today?"
Cleo chuckled as she nuzzled his neck. She looked at the cat and shrugged, stretching and yawning against Brandon before saying, "I'm not sure. What do you think? I kind of wanted to check on our little ones, and then go to Hogsmeade? I need to replenish my sweet supply..." Cleo smirked at that as Merlin perked up at the mention of sweets. Cleo placed a loving kiss to Brandon's cheek before getting up. She headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower, yelling out at him, "You used me and put me away wet my dear." Teasing him as she knew she had done the same to him.
"You asked me to if I recall. i live to serve my lady in all things as you very well know." he sighed watching her go then shrugging got back up and followed her into the shower, using the other head, though he remained chaste, he did spray her with water and pinch her lovely ass whenever he got the chance.

Once they were clean he lead her back out to their room to get dressed then as she had asked they would go to Hogsmeade. Once he was dressed he sat at his desk, stroking both owls, wile the cat had perched on his shoulder watching everything with his usual imperious gaze.

"by the way my love Voldemort swore to kill you for last night. i don't know if he'll try to take you again but I do know he plans violence for you. thought you should know."
Cleo turned to look at him as she pulled on a cream colored turtleneck sweater, her skinny jeans tucked into brown ankle boots. The smirk on her lips was positively feral as she said, "Let him try." Skyfall looked at her and curled closer to Brandon as she grabbed her warm cloak and a fur trimmed hat and gloves and grinned at Brandon.

"Ready My dear?"

Outside, a light covering of snow glistened in the sun. Although it was cold, the sun was shining, so the two decided to walk instead of taking one of the carriages. They walked hand in hand until they were attacked... with snowballs... on all sides...

Cleo froze, a snowball having hit her on the side of the head, having been thrown by Remus Lupin, who had actually been aiming at Brandon. His eyes went wide as he realized who he had hit, before grinning innocently. "You are dead..." Cleo said before trying to launch herself at Remus as the marauders laughed at his misfortune.
Brandon, as usual, took a different route. He produced his wand and with a flourish caught the rest of the attackers thrown projectiles and reversed their course striking them full in the face, then with another flourish swept up a flurry of swirling snow about him.

As the marauders began to fling snow at him in hurried fear, his own much larger snowballs, the size of bowling balls, began to launch out at them at random for he was not using the snow on the ground as they were but instead creating his own with speed and fury.

Soon Peter was hanging from the hand of a snowgiant, a mass of snow forced down his pants, while James and Sirius were trapped under a mountainous snowman. They were also incased in the stuff. Brandon ceased his magic and bowed to them. "Allow me to remind you gentlemen. You may do as you will to me. But to even upset a single hair upon Cleo's body and you will suffer my wrath."

He then slashed his wand at the two massive snow creatures and they crumbled, burying the three in the snow pile to his own laughter while he turned toward Cleo to see just what she had done to Remus, expecting something very...Cleo.
Remus was trapped in his own little snowman, his head trapped by a glassy substance which allowed him to move and breathe. Cleo was standing back, arms crossed, admiring him as he cursed and struggled to get free.
"Come on Cleo! Let me out. I was just kidding! Bloody hell, I wasn't even aiming at you..."

Cleo simply giggled, pulling a top hat from thin air and putting it on his head, "There. Watch it, or I might put a carrot up your nose." James and Sirius cracked up at that, which made Cleo turn to look at Brandon's work. She grinned, and bent down to make her own snowball, packing it into the size of a softball, before throwing it at Sirius. It hit him on the side of the head, causing him to laugh as he bent down to grab some snow to throw it at her.

The two began throwing snowballs, not really caring where they landed, James jumping into the fray as well. It was every person for themselves, and Cleo, aiming carefully, got a snowball to land right smack dab in the middle of the back of Brandon's head. She giggled before taking cover behind a tree, bending down for More snow.

Remus had, by this time, wiggled out of the snowman, and seeing Brandon get hit, caused him to fall over laughing.
Brandon was just about to speak when she started the war again and he slashed his wand at the tree she hid behind making it spill all the snow in it right onto her with a loud whump.

He then resumed his makeshift storm as everyone had once again targeted him so soon the snowpile was twice as big as it had been and this time the marauders were all trapped under snow, as was his beloved, though she he was polite enough to go over to, brush the snow away from her face, kiss her, then pulled her up and free, waving his wand to warm her up.
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