The Whomping Willow (Kiandra_Black & Greeneyed23)

"It's been carefully cleansed and put back in it's place amongst your other fine things." He kissed her neck. "I know better than to throw your clothes about."

Merlin was already asleep, a mirror image of Arista. Brandon wrapped around his lover, again kissing her neck as he also drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, Cleo was awoken by squabbling. She looked over blearily to find Merlin and Arista arguing. "Hush brats, you're going to wake Brandon." Skyfall ignored the two owls and jumped into Cleo's arms, curling up within them and falling asleep for a little cuddle. Cleo lay back down, carefully cradling her cat and kissing his forehead before falling asleep again.

Thankfully, it was Friday, and the teachers had cancelled classes, knowing that the students wouldn't be able to concentrate, knowing that the Halloween ball would be tomorrow.
Brandon took his answer to the owls further. he grabbed a throw pillow and hurled it across the room catching both owls so perfectly they landed with a thud on the loveseat where they wriggled free both looking quite startled. Brandon gave an irritated grunt, snuggled into Cleo and went fully back to sleep.

One of the house elves came in and began to tidy up, along with getting them breakfast. Brandon woke to this sound and jumped at the sight of the huge eyes.

The elf shrieked. "Oh sir! Fiffy is sorry sir!! Please don't punish Fiffy sir?" The poor elf look petrified and was about to start screaming when Brandon grabbed her lips pressed a finger to his own. He blinked a few times then spoke. "Im sorry but I have a splitting headache. please don't shout."

He released her lips and she nodded her eyes full of tears. He smiled. "Fiffy I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I didn't know we got a house elf too. Have you been taking care of us all this time?"

She nodded slowly. "Yes sir. You and the nice something wrong sir?" Again she looked scared.

He shook his head. "not at all Fiffy. Everything is wonderful. Your food is fantastic. I actually had been intending to come ask who was cooking for soon."

The elf beamed now. "Thank you sir. Fiffy tries hard to be a good elf."

"Fiffy you are an amazing elf. I wish we could keep you when we leave. But why are you here now?"

She looked down. "Sir....Fiffy is sorry sir but Fiffy had to help tidy up the castle. The dragon and then the ogre..."


"Yes sir. An ogre was stuck in the Potions room. Such a mess. Professor Slughorn had we elves do it." Brandon scowled and his hand snatched out grabbing hers and examining them. "Did you step in anything? Are you alright?"

She blinked but nodded. "Yes of course sir. Why?"

"Slughorn makes very dangerous potions. Which he could have cleaned up himself if he wasn't so busy getting fatter... so Cleo. Anyway did any of the other elves get hurt or sick or step in anything?"

"No sir. We are very careful."

"Oh good. And don't worry about being late. You spoil us as it is so no rush. Between you and Hogwarts itself we are well taken care of. Thank you Fiffy."

She blushed and gave a curtsy. " is welcome sir."

He smiled. "Could I ask a favor Fiffy?"

"Anything sir!"

He grinned and gestured her closer and whispered in her ear. At first she looked confused but then began to nod. "I can do that sir. Right away." She snapped and was gone. Brandon grabbed his wand and waved it at his head and sighed in relief. "So...." he nudged Cleo in her rump, then gave it a pinch. "Shall we arise?"
"No." Cleo mumbled into the pillow as she shifted her rump away from his pinching hands. Skyfall was curled against her chest, and he gave Brandon an imperial look, as if saying, 'Do not disturb the queen.'

Arista was perched by herself next to the window, sunning herself as she quietly cleaned her feathers. Cleo wanted to go back to sleep, but there was a small irritant in her way, Brandon. She sniffed opened one eye, giving him a look with narrowed eye. Of course, her glare was cut short by an adorable yawn, and then she stretched out against his chest. "I'm not in any willing mood to get up love... can't we just stay in for a bit? Say til twelve?" She accompanied her question with a sly smile, and began to slide her hand down under the covers, slowly heading down to his cock.
He smirked gently nudging Skyfall who scowled but walked down to his own bed whole Brandon shifted to give her access to him, while his own hand slid slowly down her smooth flesh until he began to lightly stroke her pussy, his middle fingers running up and down her lips as his ring and forefinger pressed them slowly apart until he could lightly stroke her clit.

"You have convinced me. Naughty girl." When she reached his cock she found it already hard and throbbing.
"Of course I have love..." Cleo smirked as she began stroking him up and down. She stretched her legs out, spreading them for him as she twisted to her side, putting one leg over his hips as she came closer. She had a naughty grin on her face, and she brushed her fingers over the head, gathering drops of his pre-cum and using them to lubricate his cock.

Her own pussy was weeping around his fingers, her clit, swollen, peeking out from its little hood. She sighed his name as her pussy contracted around air, wanting something, anything, within.
He growled and shifted grabbing her hand and pulling it away then gripping her ass and pulling her to him, sliding up and into her. "You know I'm pretty sure you are a drug. i am utterly addicted to you." He kissed her trapped her leg between his own and began to slowly rock into her as his right hand fondled her ass and his left ran lovingly over her breasts his tongue drawing over her lips.

" darling." he rocked more fully into her, flexing within her making the shaft arch up against her gspot.
"It goes both ways babe..." Cleo said as he slid into her. She arched her back, pressing her breasts into his chest. She grabbed a hold of him and pulled herself closer. When his shaft brushed her g-spot, she jolted, her pussy tightening around him like a vice before relaxing.
"Oh, god... do that again."
He smirked nipping her lips lightly as his hands ran over her body, then obeyed her flexing up into her once again. "I am yours to command my love." He pushed her over onto her back trapping both her legs as he began to rock into her powerfully, using the bed to make her bounce up into his thrusts and flexing cock.
"Oh god...." her eyes closed in pleasure as she pushed her hips up towards his, her hands curling into fists in his hair as she kissed his nose and then his lips, biting and pulling his lower lip. Every time he flexed within her, she jolted, just this side of too much, this side of uncomfortable, as she made that climb towards pure bliss. She leaned her head up, licking his neck up to his ear, before sucking on his ear lobe, biting down on the tip before laving it with her tongue.

"Yes baby, that's it, make me cum on your big hard cock. Fuck my wet little pussy hard, make me scream..." she whimpered into his ear as she felt her body seizing up, almost cumming, but not close enough to fall over that edge.
He bit her neck and thrust into her savagely, hsi cock grinding against her gspot now as his left hand pinched her nipples back and forth and his right slithered down between them and egan to squeeze and stroke her clit, his abs increasing the pressure of each movement.

He was silent save for a long low growl that was make his entire body shake atop and within her and his tension was making his veins pop everywhere his eveery ehartbeat making each throbbing, including along the shaft of his cock, the rapid speed making it drum against her.
She froze against him, a long keening cry falling from her lips as she came, shaking from the aftermath against him as his continued assault caused her orgasm to extend.

"Brandon!" She screamed his name, her eyes wide blown, pupils dilated as she stared sightless at him.
he roared as her orgasm tore at them both, freezing him in place and with a series of gasps followed by several fuull body twicthes he joined her in climax his eyes rolling back into hsi head his hands gripping her rather roughly as he shuddered violently until he collapsed atop her panting desperately into her neck sweat coating his whole body.
Cleo clung to him, both with her arms, and her pussy, and gasped for air. Her heart beat against her and his chest, straining to jump out of her body. She relaxed into the sheets, not wanting him to leave yet, her pussy tight around him. Every slight twitch his shaft had, she responded, a small after shock passing through her.

"Dear lord, I don't think we've come like that in a long time... good god, I love you babe."
He smirked and kissed her lovingly. "I doubt we have my love. But it was wonderful." He kissed her again and gently pushed her back slightly so he could roll them over and stretch out himself, that being the biggest issue his height so much more he could not lay atop her fully stretched.

Now he began lightly stroking her spine and sides humming a soft love song as his eyes closed.
Cleo cuddled close to him as her own hand rested against his chest. She hummed along to the song, a smile resting on her face.

"Where are you going to get ready tomorrow afternoon? Seeing as how Lily and I have commandeered these rooms to get ready for the Halloween Ball..." Cleo asked, putting her hand under her chin to look up at him.
He kissed her lightly. 'I plan on vanishing to the prefect's washroom the moment Lily arrives. As Quidditch captain i get access. Beside I love that tub. Just have to make sure none of the girls are in there. They get touchy." he winked to let her know he was at least half joking. It was well known that the only female prefect that did not have a crush on Brandon was Lily, and they had all spent years trying to catch his eye and now that he was with Cleo all of them were utterly furious with her.

They were not foolish enough to attack her but they did wish all sorts of horrors upon her for snatching him up. For Brandon's part he ignored them all with a coldness that would have broken their hearts if they had not found it so sexy. He wouldn't speak to them without witnesses and even then he was curt and quick. He was like that with effectively everyone so he got away with it as he had also been doing it since his second year when he had grown a foot and half and despite only between thirteen had become quite the point of interest.

This had been his way for years and save a few fake dates with Lily and a few other girls he saw more as friends and sisters, he had not given anyone any attention until Cleo had entered his life. Now even more infuriating to the prefects, and honestly the rest of the single and some of the hooked up female students, Brandon had eyes, heart, mind, and soul only for Cleo and he made no secret about it, nor did he let anyone have even the slightest hint of a chance. He was solely Cleo's man and that would never change.
"Touchy huh?" She asked, a smirk on her face, although inside, her Slytherin snake was rearing back in a jealous rage. "Careful, or you'll find yourself explaining to the teachers why I got into a fight... I'd hate to do it, but I will make sure those girls know exactly who you belong to."

Cleo had never been thought of as a sexy girl, and before this year, had only been on dates with her best friends. Regulus and Severus might not have like her in that way, but they did try their best to make her happy, as true friends do. Both boys fought for her bravely, as did Remus, although Remus did so in a round about way so their classmates wouldn't wonder why a Gryffindor and Slytherin were friends.

She had also gone on a date with Sirius last year, on a dare, and had ended up enjoying it, although they had promised to never speak of it again. It was part of the reason that Sirius teased Brandon and Cleo so much.
"Darling I might as well have a sign screaming Cleo's above my head. The only one's dumb to come after me deserve the beatings you would hand out."

Brandon gently stroked her cheeks with both hands. "But i do have to would be so hot to see you fighting." he kissed her nipping her lip lightly. "You'd get that 'Ima mess you up' face you get. So sexy." he grinned and kissed her again. "Alright now enough flirting. i have another surprise for you."

He wriggled free standing up and walking over to his closet to get dressed. "hurry tinybutt."
"Who you calling tiny butt!?" Cleo exclaimed, heading to grab a pair of skinny jeans and a gray sweater that fit her tightly. She paired that with a black leather corset that went under her breasts, and black knee high boots. Once ready, she pounced on Brandon's back and nibbled his ear as she giggled.

"I'm ready! Where we going? What's my surprise?"
"You. Though lovely and quite attractive it is zee smalls." he pinched the object of discussion with a smirk then let her dress as he finished getting his own clothing on.

He growled but gripped her legs pulling her in closer and carried her out of the room and down through the castle then down the walk to Hogsmeade to the Three broomsticks where all of their friends were gathered for a surprise party. "We're having our own Halloween Party. " he turned his head kissing her then pushed her off his back into a chair and slammed a butter beer before her, while Brandon started arguing with Lily about something silly while sipping hot chocolate.

While small the party was warm and friendly everyone just enjoying themselves, even James and Severus were managing not to spew hate at each other. To be fair they were on far ends of the table being distracted from each other but it worked and everyone was laughing happily and trading candy and other goodies purchased throughout the day. of course the big topic was the upcoming ball.

The girls all wanted to know what Lily and Cleo would be wearing, and constantly teased Brandon and the others about it, though Brandon ignored them as usual. He was busy chatting with everyone causing a number of arguments but never anythign unfriendly.
Cleo held on as Brandon carried her from the castle, all the way to the Three Broomsticks. She smirked at their friends, and waved gleefully as she realized she was going to get sugar and friendship all at once. He set her down on a chair, and she got comfy before grabbing the Butterbeer in front of her and taking a sip. Lily threw a chocolate frog at her and she stuck her tongue out at her as she grabbed it out of the air.

The warmth was wonderful, and as long as she kept Severus distracted from James, everything was fine. The two boys kept giving each other the eye, although each time it happened, their hair would be inexplicably pulled, as if by magic... a small smirk on her face gave her away to Remus who simply smiled at her antics.

Remus got into a running argument with Lily and Brandon as Cleo said the dresses were secret. Lily and Cleo exchanged glances, a secret smile on both their faces.
The party went quite smoothly and everyone had a simply grand time. Soon dusk fell and it was time to head back.

Brandon handled this simply as no one wanted to leave. He grabbed Sirius and James and threw them bodily out the door into a snowdrift to everyone's delighted laughter, including their's, then he grabbed Lilly and Cleo and pulling them both up onto his shoulders letting them sit there as he walked up to the castle the others following him. At the gates he let's Lilly down and lowers Cleo into his arms.

"Good night everyone."

He took Cleo back up to their room to sit before the fire which is roaring happily while the owls and cat snooze in their place. Brandon sat in his favorite chair wrapping his arms about Cleo his lips pressed against her neck.

"You know if you get any sexier or cuter i'm have to get you kicked out to prevent riots amongst the student body." he nibbled her neck lightly stroking her spine lovingly. "And of course then they have to deal with what I will give them if they try to touch you." he chuckled. "My Cleo."
Cleo laughed with everyone as Brandon tossed James and Sirius out the door. Severus got a kick out of that, hiding his smirk as Remus stood there, snickering at his friends.

When Brandon exited the pub with Lily and Cleo on his shoulders, Remus helped James and Sirius up from the snow bank and the group slowly made their way back to the castle. Cleo stuck her tongue out at the group as they made fun of them and said, "You're just jealous since you can't lift two gorgeous women over your heads!"
Sirius grinned as Remus replied, "There are gorgeous women around here? Where!?!?"
The group laughed, and Lily grabbed a bit of snow from a branch, only to pack it into a snowball. Cleo smirked and produced her wand, saying a quick spell over it before Lily threw it at Remus. The snowball exploded on his head, before reforming itself in mid-air and pelting him again and again.

"Wicked! How did you get it to do that Cleo?" Severus asked. Cleo simply smirked and said, "Trade Secret."

Once the party reached the castle, Lily was set down gently, and Cleo reminded her what time she should come over to get ready. Lily nodded as Brandon swept Cleo away to their room.

As she settled in his lap, she smiled at his words. "I love you babe." She turned towards him and kissed his lips, her hand on either side of his head to hold him steady.
He kissed her back lovingly. "And I love you darling dear."

He gently broke the kiss to lean his head back against the chair studying her face with a smile. His eyes flicked over her thoughtfully lit with a happy smile. "So tell me something my love. When am I to arrive to escort you?"

He ran a hand up into her hair stroking her scalp and neck lightly. "The ball begins at seven but there are some events beforehand. So...." His eyes were a bit heavy. It had been a very long day and Brandon was getting tired. The party had taken a lot out of him.

"And what else do you need tonight? How can I help you relax?"
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