The Whomping Willow (Kiandra_Black & Greeneyed23)

Brandon gently took her hand and led her out of the Great Hall quickly, going right to Dumbledore's office, where Slughorn and McGonagall were waiting for their students.

Brandon got her to sit in a chair then sat on the floor in front of her holding her hands and making her pay attention to him. He had cast a spell that fed her excess magic through him into the castle itself.

While DUmbledore spoke softly to the two teachers Brandon whispered. "Darling what did you mean? I was not threatened. What soulbond? Who is in danger?" His eyes blazed. His protective nature was out in full force.
Cleo looked down at him ans with a wave of her hand, the bubble appeared, still filled with that noxious sludge from the letter. "He threatened you, I can't allow him to harm you. I'll destroy him before he gets to you..." her voice seemed disembodied as she looked at him, her own eyes filling with tears.

Professor Dumbledore passed her a handkerchief, allowing her to wipe her face as she slid down into Brandon's lap and curled there, her arms wrapped around his strong shoulders, her face pressed into his neck. Her whole body shook with silent sobs, as the events of the day caught up to her.
Brandon wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck. "Darling he didn't threaten me. He said he would have you. And while you are mine that doesn't put me in the crosshairs." he kissed her neck again. "Granted he would likely kill me but just as an obstacle not as a real target."

Dumbledore touched the young man. "You likely have the right of the situation. But remember your family is also marked."

Brandon actually glared up at the Headmaster, and Dumbledore actually stepped back in surprise at the young man's face. McGonagall saw the movement and moved in then froze. Brandon growled. "Voldemort could appear himself and threaten me and I wouldn't be concerned. As long as Cleo, our families, and this school are safe."

Slughorn actually spoke now. "Young shouldn't use that name... But how can you be so cavalier about this? it is... He-WHo-Must-Not-Be-Named."

Brandon looked at the professor. "Fear of the name increases fear of the named. And I will never fear that self-righteous murderous bastard. Tom Riddle was and is nothing more than a coward. And any motherfucker that tries to harm this woman or her family is only a target for me."

McGonagall bit her lip then spoke softly. "Brandon that is very noble but-"

"No one hurts Cleo! Not while I breathe. And if he wants to try to get her from me I will make him pay for it as long as I breath."

Dumbledore sat down and touched their shoulders. "I am sorry this happened to you both....Cleo what would you like us to do."
Cleo finally looked up at Dumbledore and answered him, "There isn't much we can do. My family is safe, and Brandon and I will be going to class today. We need to show the school that we aren't afraid of that snake. We also need to send a message through his followers here, because he does have loyal ones here, and not all of them are in Slytherin. We'll show him that he didn't do anything with that message."

Cleo looked at her soulbond and placed a kiss on his lips, trying to calm him down, sending him soothing thoughts. They had to show a united front, and she knew Brandon would protect her to the death. Which would not happen while she was alive. She would protect him til her dying breath.

She found that hilarious for some reason, and started laughing hard.
He kissed her back and began to laugh with her and smiling stood up setting her gently on her feet. He took her hand. "To class then my love?" He led her out of the office and down to their first class finding them a place right in the middle at the front.

He spotted one of the bloodpurist freaks who instantly grinned. "Stay strong Krissin."

Brandon smiled. "Thank you. And Fuck Voldemort."

The freak blinked hard his skin flushing. "Are you imply-"

"Not at all. simply stating my feelings. Voldemort is a foul, evil coward and I hope he dies in pain."

The class was utterly terrified at the words and Brandon turned on them all. "And tell everyone I said it. That bastard doesn't scare me and if he comes after me and mine fine. I'll pay him back double." He sat back squeezing Cleo's hand. He leaned over and kissed her. "And if he touches you i'll gut him with his own wand."
Cleo's grin was feral, her magic causing her hair to move around, writhing restlessly as she allowed her gaze to pinpoint a student whom she knew was a follower. "Not if I get to him first my love. He won't know what hit him." A couple of frozen minutes passed, before the professor took back the class and began teaching.

The rest of the day, the other students gave them plenty of room. Sirius and Peter learned the hard way, approaching them from behind, only to find themselves suspended against the roof, their own wands poised at their throats. Cleo growled at them, her eyes narrowing, as Sirius spoke quietly, "I simply wanted to catch up with Brandon, we meant no harm Cleo."
She placed them on their feet slowly, and Remus approached her nearly silently, enveloping her in his scent to calm her. She did, somewhat, and turned to Brandon, seeking shelter in his arms as they walked down to the dungeons for Potion class.
"You okay man?" Sirius asked, Peter staying behind him like the cowardly rat he was. Remus walked into class first,and sat himself next to Severus, surprising him, before the two started up a lively conversation on potions. As Cleo led the way to the table behind them, she glanced back at Brandon and Sirius, before flashing her teeth at Peter, in a barely concealed snarl. He eeped and hurried ahead, finding safety next to James who was for once sitting near the front of class with Lily.
Brandon laughed. "I'm fine. But anyone who messes with her answers to me. And anyone who messes with me today?" he walked away saying no more sitting beside his lover. He watched Slughorn move to the board and set the chalk to writing out a potion formula.

Brandon lit a fire under their cauldron and filled it with water and began laying out their required ingredients then looked at Cleo. "You want to stew or cut?" he held out the silver knife handle first and the stirring tools. He smiled. Her skills were impressive, and Brandon knew she could handle any aspect of potion making.

Sev turned around. "What are you doing you can't-"

Slughorn called out. "Alright my little prodigies. Today you will work in groups by table. We are making Developing Solution. With Picture Day coming up for classes and teams we will need it and sadly someone damaged the stores we had. So you will be helping the school replace it. It is a rather difficult potion but i have faith that together you can do it."
Cleo smiled before grabbing the spoon and standing. "I'll stew love." Severus rolled his eyes and blew out a breath while Sirius asked Brandon quietly, "What the bloody hell were you thinking? Offering her a knife..."

Cleo raised an eyebrow at Sirius, but didn't say anything as she added the first base for the potion and then look up at the board. Severus, of course, was working away, Remus cutting their ingredients as the two argued about the next one.
"Sirius I trust Cleo. Utterly. If she told me she needed to curse me I would simply ask her to let me sit down first." He kissed her shoulder smiling then began to cut up their ingredients. "I always hated this potion. It stinks. My mother used to make it by the barrel full for the Prophet..."

He chuckled still cutting away. "She used it on a poster print of my grandmother. They never got along and Mom cast a Permanent Sticking Charm on the back then put it up inside the barn. This was her mother by the way. She then also used this awesome little curse she came up with to gag the old bat. It was hysterical. Then the barn caught fire when the quads were showing off with their wands. Burned the whole poster. And the door it was on....very sad."

He smirked at Cleo knowing she wouldn't think so. He pushed what he had cut over to her. "Alright my love you're the stewmaster....mistress?"
Cleo smirked at Sirius as Brandon answered him. "Be careful that I don't curse you Sirius." Her slight smirk showed him it was entirely possible. He shuddered before turning back to his own potion. Up front, Peter's potion was bubbling, which was NOT supposed to happen. Professor Slughorn rushed over, pushing him away and placing a shield over the cauldron as the potion blew. Cleo ducked behind Brandon at the noise, covering his back as Remus smiled at her actions.

"Oh hush, your cauldron isn't the right color." She teased. Remus cursed and turned back around, as Severus laughed.
Brandon smiled at everyone while he studied the potions around him.

No one noticed but he had also withdrawn his wand. Not because of Wormtail, he had seen the genius screwing up his potion anyway. He was using a small unspoken spell that was trapping one Voldemort's followers' feet to the floor just as their potion did the same thing but Brandon had also shielded the rest of the room from it so the blast, while not truly harming them, singing and burning their hair off.

Brandon immediately rushed over. "Are you alright?" He removed the locking spell silently checking on them.
Cleo watched over their potion as she smiled at Remus and Severus. She looked at the potion, and added the four mint leaves at the appropriate time. The potion bubbled and spat, before simmering softly. It turned a smoky gray, and she poured it into the flask provided for grading.

She took it up to the professor's desk and placed it in Slughorn's hands. He thanked her and turned to look at the student Brandon was fussing over. Cleo looked as well, a very Slytherin look on her face as she smirked. She approached from behind, seductively dangerous. The other students took steps away from the group as they noticed the deadly glint within her eyes.

"What seems to be the problem babe?"
"This poor dear has some serious burns. Professor I can take her up to the hospital wing if you like. Darling could you get our things?" Slughorn blinked but nodded as Brandon scooped the girl up.

She was also in Slytherin, and one of those pureblood fanatics that drove Brandon nuts. Right now she was too busy moaning in pain to complain about the fact that a blood traitor was helping her, but several of her housemates were glaring at Brandon, but he ignored them.

As he left the classroom he was pleased to see that the castle was aiding him, well more likely helping Cleo who Brandon knew was following him, but still. Once within one of the hidden corridors Brandon set the girl, Maria Wirkle, in a chair.

"Maria we need to talk."

She moaned flinching and started to argue but he waved his wand at her healing and removing the burns entirely.

She stopped moaning and glared up at him. "What do you want Krissin? I-" She had been going for her own wand when she saw that Brandon's was right in her face. Her eyes flicked toward Cleo.

Brandon smirked coldly. "I have a message for your master."

"I have no-"

Brandon snarled and grabbed her wrist yanking her sleeve up revealing the Dark Mark. He hissed coldly. "Your cousin Lucius was dumb enough to be showing his off last year. I know what this is, what it means, and who has it. Now. Listen." He carefully rolled his shoulders flexing his fingers.

"Tell your master that if he ever threatens Cleo or her family again I will start with his Death-Eaters and finish with him. I'm not afraid of Voldemort."

"You dare speak the Dark-Lord's name!? You filthy blood traitor-"

Brandon snarled. "Your precious Lord Voldemort scion of all things pure-blood is a halfblood! Born to a scared little girl of a witch and a bewitched Muggle father!"

She blinked. " could know such a thing?"

Brandon smiled coldly. "My father is an Auror. He helped arrest her brother and father. He kept track of that poor girl. When Tom Riddle arrived it wasn't hard to trace. So tell him to back off. Else I'll publish the details about his lies. How many pure-bloods you suppose will follow him if they find out he is a Mudblood?" Brandon said the word with a cold furious hatred, and maria could not help gulping.

She had not known about Voldemort's past but she could not deny Brandon's words. She had no answers or knowledge and could not argue the point. Her eyes moved to Cleo and she tried to hide in her anger at her fellow Slytherin. "How can you stay with this filth?! And his lies? How dare you let him speak so about our Dark Lord?" She, like so many in and out of the house, assumed all Slytherins followed Voldemort.
Cleo followed him with their things, and she quickly cast a silencing charm around them as he stopped within a hidden corridor. She thanked the castle as it provided light for them, but closed off escape. Her eyes on the girl before her, she grinned, although one could hardly call THAT a friendly smile.

As the girl started at his "message for your master" Cleo arched an eyebrow at her. Her eyes studied the Dark Mark, although this wasn't the first time she had seen it. As Brandon had said, Lucius Malfoy had no problem stating his allegiance within the safety of the Slytherin Common Room.

Cleo sneered at Maria as Brandon laid out his threat. This girl was clearly delusional if she thought Voldemort was right. She snorted as he spoke quietly, surprisingly finding herself completely turned on by him taking charge like that. Her panties moistened with her arousal, as she shifted positions.

When Maria turned to her, she snorted at her words.
"You, a pureblood fanatic, have aligned yourself with a halfblood. A man who has delusions of grandeur. He's insane, and not powerful enough to bring down my family's wards. He is nothing, a mere speck. Brandon is more powerful than him, and I have Hogwarts behind me. Tom is nothing but a coward, and he will NEVER be MY Dark Lord."

Cleo got close, her mouth next to Maria's ear to whisper, "And I would be careful if I were you. You're on the loosing team. It's simply a matter of time before we annihilate him, and purge our world of that sickness. Because that is what he is. A disease, that grows and feeds on its host until it dies. That is the outcome if he wins. Our magical world will die. Think about that while you're writhing on the ground from his Cruciatous Curse."

Cleo stood back, leaning against the wall to wait for Brandon to finish. She wanted him, taking her up against the wall in a quickie as soon as possible.
When Cleo stepped away Brandon slashed his wand at the girl. While apparating was impossible within the school it was possible to use something like the Flue Network to banish people to other rooms if the castle was willing, and with Maria it was much more than willing.

Maria suddenly found herself in a bed in the hospital the pain of her burns and the marks returned. Brandon did not have that much mercy.

He moved to Cleo having sensed and smelled her arousal and of course noticing how she was watching him. he gripped her face and kissed her roughly while his hands hungrily stripped off her clothes, tossing them aside into a pile along with his own.

While he kissed her he lifted her up along the wall and without warning pushed into her, needing her just as much. He began to thrust into her powerfully and with need. he growled as he had to break the kiss to take a breath. He pressed their foreheads together. "I love you you know that?"
Cleo felt the rough stones against her back and whimpered from the force of his thrusts. It was exactly what she needed, and so she gave back as much as she could, her nails digging into his shoulders, her legs wrapped around his waist. She moved her hips in sync with him and felt her head fall forward against his, her eyes on his as he told her he loved her.

A slight smile crossed her lips and she laid a gentle kiss on his lips, in complete odds with how rough the sex was between them and answered quietly, panting, "I love... ohhhh yessssss... love you... Right there! Oh God, baby... Love you... so much..."

She was quickly spiraling down into pleasure, her mind blanking as she felt the first waves of pleasure overpower her. Her eyes rolled back and her head fell against the wall, a scream exiting her throat as her climax caused her to tighten around his cock. Her pussy was so swollen, she felt like a hot tight glove around him,and it simply stimulated her into a second orgasm, right after the first.
He roared in wild abandon as her orgasms triggered his own, his arousal and need, along with their abstinence over the last few days making his orgasm much more powerful and lengthy than usual.

When it completed itself, flooding her until it was dripping out of her body onto his balls and legs, he groaned. "My darling Cleo..."

He remained hard as stone and continued rocking into her, though now he was slow and gentle as he kissed her neck and shoulder tenderly.

"So tell me something darling. What do we do next? i already put wards on the quads and our friends."
Cleo knew he had cum, and yet he was still as hard as a rock within her. She smiled as she returned his kiss, before he broke their interlude with the serious conversation.

"Now we wait. Voldemort will get your message, and respond. My family is as safe as they can be, my ancestral home has wards Voldemort can only dream of. You might need to protect your family, I'm not sure what wards your father has up, though I won't be surprised if they are as good as ours."

She trailed off, looking at him as he flexed deep inside her, triggering a long drawn out orgasm. She kept her eyes on his, as her pussy spasmed and fluttered around his hard cock. Her hips undulated against his in pleasure as she prseed him towards another release.

"You have no idea how good you feel, so deep and hard within my tight pussy. I feel like your touching my heart, and when you cum, it feels like your bathing me from the inside out... I love you. I can't wait until my stomach is swollen with your child, when everyone will see the proof of your virility... Our children will be powerful, so powerful..."
At first, she had simply been whispering to him, but after telling him she loved him, her voice changed, aged and followed by a number of others. Her eyes glazed with white stared into his in a trance before they cleared again, Cleo not remembering a word of what she said after the love part.
He cupped her face smiling. "My father and others have protections on my family and home that would make even your family jealous. Auror and good friend of Dumbledore's remember."

He had been about to kiss her when she had started speaking again, then her eyes had glazed over. He watched them his eyebrow arched, his mouth agape but his body refused to stop still thrusting into her.

When her eyes cleared he simply kissed her. He could not stop and what could he possibly say to that anyway? He wanted to have children with her, and wed her of course but he was not sure just what would happen if they did so while still at school....they did have their own room already.

he shook his mind free of those thoughts kissing her more hungrily, beginning to build up speed and force as he rocked his erection into her, their mixed honey making the movement easy while the throbbing veins along the shaft making each thrust more effective within her.
Cleo moaned his name as her nails dug into his back. One of the veins on his cock was pressing and throbbing and rubbing insistently against her g-spot, causing her sensitized walls to pulse in time to his thrusts. She bit her bottom lip and looked up at him with wide eyes, her body shivering over the cusp of climax, her pussy strangling his cock within her.


She yelled, short and sweet as her orgasm crashed down around them. She was suddenly very thankful that Brandon had her up against the wall, as she would have toppled over on her own accord.
Brandon snarled her name into her shoulder ass her orgasm gripped them both and with a twitching lunge plunged fully into her exploding with his second orgasm. She simply drove him wild and always seemed to draw the most out of him, both sexually and physically.

Now as he trembled against and within her he made sure to brace them both against the wall so they would not fall. "You know if I ever do die it will be doing this with you." he kissed her neck. "Couldn't ask for more."
"What a way to go right?" Cleo asked weakly as she felt him tremble against her. Her arms surrounded him, lending him silent strength as she fought to get her bearings.

"You have no idea how hot you got me. All I could think about was you demanding me like that." She admitted, as she let her legs fall from his waist. She smiled up at him, her eyes twinkling and knew it they would have to reenact this moment later on.

Once clean, dressed and sated, for the moment, Cleo felt the castle open the corridor they were in. Amazingly, only about ten minutes had passed, 'it really was a quickie' she mused as the two headed up the hallway to class again. They would have been late had Hogwarts not accommodated them.
He smiled squeezing her hand as he kissed it. "Darling you now have a little bit of an idea just how amazingly sexy I find you at all times."

He opened the door to the classroom for her then pulled her chair out for her helping her sit then sitting beside her. He got his parchment out prepared to take notes but his body was open to her while his eyes were locked on her.

He smiled. "By the way. i love you."
Cleo smirked at him from her seat before leaning in to place a kiss on his lips, "I love you too my darling." Then she leaned back and started going over the lesson plans for the day. It was going to be a fairly easy class, so she set up a QuikNotes quill and turned her attention to an assignment she still hadn't finished for their next class.

An ear on the teacher and her eyes on the parchment, she looked like she was actually paying attention, which couldn't e further from the truth. The assignment was giving her trouble, Arithmancy was never her strong point, and she silently cursed her father for making her take it.
Brandon on the other hand loved Arithmancy and was the top of the class. He took immaculate and expansive notes, and was working on his own magical mathematical theories.

He was also idly stroking his lover's hand and wrist as he worked, happy in his own world. He watched the Arithmancy professor explaining the powers on the numbers three, six, and nine. Brandon kept smiling as he worked, but as he wrote he as began to trace blue lines of temporary magic on her wrist creating designs on her flesh, usually of hearts or their name.
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