The Whomping Willow (Kiandra_Black & Greeneyed23)

Cleo bit her lower lip to keep from laughing. She knew Brandon, knew retaliation would happen, and she looked forward to the time when he would make her pay.

As the class laughed, Cleo put her hand on her hips and scolded her plant, who looked quite abashed. After a couple minutes, class was back to normal, and her plant kept her entertained, telling her of her love who lived a couple of pots down.
"Aw. That's so sweet. How long have you two loved each other?"
"Oh! No, he doesn't know I exist."
"Why not?"
"Because I am a hybrid. He is a Blue Ribbon from the Queen's own garden."
"I'll do you a favor, when we are about to leave I'll leave your two pots together. You can get to know one another. And between you and me, pedigree means nothing."
"Thank you Cleo." The small, baby pink rose blushed a darker pink around the edges and Lily smiled at it gently. The two girls and the two roses, one undeniably female, the other male, but gay, began talking about dresses.

At the end of class, Cleo kept her promise, and indeed put the two roses together. The male stood up proudly, his gorgeous midnight blue petals darkening a bit as he thanked Cleo as well for placing this, as he put it, "enchanting blossom" next to him. Cleo hid a smirk before bidding them adieu.

Potions came and went like always, with only one blow up of laughing gas around the crew. As it was, lunch was a merry time for all of them as they headed back to the Great Hall. Cleo stuck close to Brandon, her fave and sides hurting from laughing so much.
"It could have been worse!" Lily said between giggles as Cleo batted her away.
Brandon had not gotten laughing gas. He had been with Sev and the two had been doing so well with their potion they had been masked from that particular effect and instead had very stuffed up noses and runny eyes.

He sat at the growling as he and Sev tried to come up with a treatment for their predicament. "Sev why doz ztuff like diz alwayz happen to uz?"

Sev could not answer as he was wiping his eyes and sneezing but shook his head.

Madame Pomfrey arrived suddenly. "Oh dear... overdosed on a brew boys?"

They both nodded and she just sigh waving her wand at them and they were suddenly fine. She smiled. "Next time remember to take a breather when you have to let it stew." They both nodded, thanked her, and Brandon groaned laying his head on Cleo's shoulder. Sev just lay his head on his arms. Pomfrey studied them. "Whats wrong now?"

"Aw sweetie." Cleo tried to be supportive, but her giggles broke through. Madame Pomfrey smiled and passed her and Lily a calming drought. They took a sip and felt the giggles subside. Cleo took a soothing breath before placing a light kiss on Brandon's forehead before leading him out to lunch. She led them to a quiet corner and sat them down, Severus on one side and Brandon on the other, and literally growled at approaching students. The only student she allowed to approach them was Melly, who asked her if Brandon was okay.
"He'll be fine in a little bit. He just has a slight headache. No need to worry darling."
"Thank you Cleo. Bye bye."

Melly headed back over to the rest of the quad and explained the situation to them. A slight Oh of understanding was voiced and Cleo simply smiled. She rubbed Severus' head as he laid it down on the table and began purring comfortingly to them both. She ate between purrs, a hearty stew with a thick slice of french bread along for the ride.

She finished her meal fifteen minutes before the next class and hummed to the guys as they stayed in a kind of bubble in the corner. She bent the light around them, allowing it to appear dimmer.

Cleo had Arithmancy next with Remus, and she sighed loudly, not wanting to go, but knowing she had to.
Sev went off on his own, while Brandon went to the teacher's lounge and began to discuss things with his counselor. He had achieved such high marks in his courses that he was not only well on his way to being an Auror but they were also supplying him with study materials for his training period.

His counselor at the moment was none other than Alastor Moody himself, the still young and handsome though well seasoned Auror. Both of his eyes held a firm resolve and he greeted Brandon warmly. "Hello my boy. What is it storytime already?" Moody had known Brandon and his family for years, as Alexander Krissin was currently the Deputy Chief Auror.

"No sir. I came to get some work done on my training prep. What is it to be today?"

Alastor grinned. "Disguises. You are to change yourself and greet at least twenty people who know you well, including your family and this Cleo girl I keep hearing about, and only if they don't recognize you do you pass."

Brandon grinned. "Alright. Magic or no?"

"Oh use your bloody wand. But no looking like me. Or your dad." Brandon grinned and looked at the mirror. Then as he slowly spiraled his wand about he began to shrink, both in height and size. His skin began to shift color as did his eyes. Soon he was a foot and half shorter, with mocha skin, much smaller brown eyes, tighter lips and his chin was all but gone. His posture was horrible as he had a slight hunch to his back but also was heavily bowlegged. his teeth were now all but gone and he looked a good fifty years older, his hair sickly gray and thick in his face, matching the scraggly beard.

He spoke in a weaselly nasally voice now. "Shall I go?"

Moody nodded, trying to mask how impressed her was. "Off with you."

An hour later no one had recognized him. his siblings had been frightened off him, the professors had all asked who he was and when he had explained he was from the ministry collecting data with Dumbledore's permission they let him be. The Marauders had started to taunt him but when he had drawn his now stubby squiggly wand they had scurried off. Finally he went into the Arithmancy class and after explaining began circulating the room asking questions. When he reached Cleo he sniffed unmpressed by her, barely looking at her. "Miss who do you think is the best teacher here? And the worst?"
Cleo leaned her head against her hand while class was going on. Remus looked over at the man, and nudged Cleo, to get her to notice the man. Her amethyst eyes ran over the man, something familiar about him, but she couldn't quite tell who it was. Her head tilted to one side as she studied him silently. The professor approached and said, "Miss Gale, answer the ministry official. He hasn't the time to deal with your strangeness today."
"Yes madam." Cleo answered her before turning back to the man.

Within her heart, she strummed the tight line, the soul bond between Brandon and herself, and smirked at the man as the line vibrated from her into the man's chest. Had she not touched the bond at all, she never would have known him. With a twinkle in her eyes, she answered him calmly, "Professor McGonagall is, in my opinion, the best. She helps us with assignments, and is always there for us. Professor Werneny, on the other hand, is the worst. HE has his moments of clarity, but is mostly a sham. Please pass on my dearest greetings to Auror Moody."

The class ended and Cleo and Remus exited the room, heading to the last class of the day, which for Cleo, was a free period. Instead if heading to the library, she decided to take a quick trip down to their pegasi. She sat just inside the paddock, while the young horses stood at the other end and studied her. She simply opened a book as she leaned back against the fence. A smile curved her lips as she bit into a juicy apple, the crunch of the apple causing the two equines to perk up and come closer, step by step.
About an hour later, the filly lay next to her, asleep with her head in Cleo's lap. The colt ate at a close distance, grazing near the two.
Brandon crouched behind his lover kissing her neck. "You know Moody almost did give me a pass because of you." He nibbled her skin lightly as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "But fortunately when I explained what you did he let it go." He bit her ear now tugging it lightly.

"Missed you. How was class? And what are we doing tonight?"

He stroked her sides lightly as he watched the pegasi, the filly still asleep in her lap ignoring him and his ministrations. The colt was watching them both silently but calmly, though his tail was swishing back and forth.
Cleo smirked while leaning her head back against him. "Good. It was a great disguise. Who knew you could be such a creep..." she teased as she closed her book and placed a hand on the filly's neck.

"Class was fine, but a bit boring. I missed you too babe. How were your classes?" She asked as she shifted against him to lean back against him fully. The colt snorted at them, and spread his wings high above his head before settling back down.

"After dinner, we are going to the Gryfindor tower, remember? I'm hanging out with Lily and trying on dresses for the ball, and you sir, I think, have practice. Or a fun game. I'm not quite sure what you agreed upon with the boys."
She kissed his cheek and turned back to the Filly, who was beginning to awaken. Her nostrils flared at his scent so close and she scampered to her feet, before she began to sniff his leg thoroughly.
"I'm still not sure what to name them. Hagrid told me that the next Care of Magical Creatures, he would show them off. They should have names by then Brandon."
"Oh hush." He kissed her neck again shifting to let her lean harder against him his grip about her growing tighter.

"Yes that is all true. But I wanted to be sure I did not have duties to my angel before doing anything else." He nibbled her neck lightly. "Practice will be anything but fun my darling." He squeezed her tightly. "Kettleburn is alright with that? Not going to disrupt class?"

He nudged the filly. "Sure we can't just name them Boy and Girl?"

He chuckled nibbling again. "You hungry yet? Cause I am starving."
Cleo grumbled at him and nudged his side at his suggestion of naming them that. "Boy and Girl are not suitable names. What about Artemis and Luna?"
The colt looked up at the sound of Artemis and she grinned. "Seems he agrees. The female doesn't... Any ideas love?" Cleo stood and brushed the back of her skirt as her stomach grumbled to answer his question. "Yes. I'm starving."

As the two made their way back into the large castle, Cleo spoke, saying, "Professor Kettleburn agreed wholeheartedly. She can't wait to greet them. She has a whole lesson planned around them."
"You are naming the colt after the goddess of the hunt? And he is ok with that?" He looked at the colt. "Mama's boy. Almost as bad as Skyfall."

He took her arm letting her lead the way. "I don't know my love. The right name will present itself."

Upon reaching the Great Hall he found them a place at the Slytherin table this time, ignoring the glares. The Gryffindor table was packed with people, and Brandon wanted some privacy for a meal for once. He snuggled with Cleo and set to his meal, keeping an eye on his watch as he would have to be sure he had finished with enough time between then and practice.

Fortunately after eating he had plenty of time. He looked at Cleo. "Ready?"
"Yes. Lily is waiting for me already. I shall meet you up there. Kay?" She asked, standing on her tip toes to place a kiss on his lips. Sure enough Lily was standing, bobbing from one foot to the other while she waited for Cleo.
"I'd better hurry before she gets any worse. See you up in the Gryffindor common room."

Cleo and Lily headed up, and Lily got to experience first hand how the castle moved for her. "This is amazing! No wonder you're never late to class!" Cleo nodded as she laughed. The two made good time, and reached the portrait of the Fat Lady. She nodded to the two of them, but kept her eyes on the young Slytherin in front of her. Lily and Cleo exchanged glances before walking in as she swung open. Lily led the way up to the room where the two began going over dress choices.
It was quite fun and relaxing, and the two females chatted about life, love and spells. Two hours passed quickly for them, and they had chosen gowns for the party. Cleo shrunk the dress and hid it in her pocket, before telling Lily, "I can kick Brandon out of our room, and we can get ready there on Saturday. That way the boys can meet us at the staircase in front of the Great Hall, and we can make an entrance!"
"Sounds wonderful! You don't think he'll mind, do you?"
Cleo thought for a moment, then shook her head, "No. He'll understand completely." Lily smiled and they both headed down to the common room. Cleo glanced around from the top of the stairs, trying to find Brandon's mop of hair, which would give away his location.
One of the other Gryffindor girls smiled at Lily and even at Cleo. "They are still at the pitch. Apparently Brandon hasn't even let them get on their brooms yet..."

She lead them over to a window which someone had cast the Magnifying Charm on and they could now all watch the pitch from the comfort of the common room as it had begun to rain. Brandon had them all running, with him at the back but his knees pumping high. Someone grumbled. "What is he saying?"

Lilly grinned and cast another Charm that altered the Magnifier, and instantly the voices of the team filled the room. "Brandon we fly in the air why do we need to run?"

Brandon actually trotted up beside the whiner. "Because you are too sloppy up there. We are going to strip you all done for the best possible reaction times." James was gasping as he shouted. "What for!!! I can catch any Snitch anywhere anytime!!"

Brandon grinned at those words and pulled a Snitch out of his pocket. "Then catch this one now." He then tossed the Beater's their bats and used his wand to release the Bludgers, while also magicking the Quaffle to move away from himself and his three Chasers forcing them all to grip it much harder to hold onto it. Soon they were all doing what he wanted and with a swish of his wand the brooms arrived. They all leapt on and resumed the drill whilst flying higher and higher, James now having to contend with five Snitches, the beaters with eight Bludgers and the Chasers three Quaffles while Brandon had to guard his goal posts from all three Chasers an three more independent Quaffles.

Sirius had been watching in awe and now murmured. "Krissin is gunna get us that Quidditch cup again or die" Everyone nodded. The team was looking magnificent. None of the other teams even thought about training this hard. Even the team had stopped grumbling as they had seen the results rapidly. James was already able to catch three Snitches almost at once, the Beaters began to feel where the Bludgers were going and were also learning how to fake them into striking each other, or the ghostly apparations of other teams that Brandon had conned the school ghosts into playing, lead by Nicholas Demimsy himself.

Lilly nudged Cleo. "Looks like poor Slytherin is going to be bottom drawer this year." Everyone knew that Slytherin refused to practice like this, and while Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff would try they did not have the raw talent Brandon had found in his team. Finally after another two hours when blisters were starting to form, Brandon called the practice. "Alright Lads, and ladies, incredible job. but we will have to do better. We are going to do this every practice for the rest of the year."

They all groaned and he snarled. "Oi! We are getting that damn cup again. Am I understood? If you have a problem with that I can and will replace you."

No one spoke until James stood up. "Why?"

Brandon's smile grew cold. "Because I'm sick of the trash Voldemort," he ignored the flinches of most of the team though was pleased that James just scowled at the name, "And his cronies are spreading. According to them none of us, even me and Potter there, should be able to do anything because we mingle with the wrong sort. I'm sure he especially is pissed at me for dating a Slytherin. Well i have news for him and you. i happen to love that Slytherin because she is an amazing woman and witch. I don't care about her house. But I am going to beat the stuffing out of every opponent on that pitch because I want Voldemort to know that it doesn't matter what your blood is, or who you are. It only matters that you do your best. And can you imagine how pissed he'll be when finds out that five Muggleborns and two blood traitors whip the piss out of his precious purebloods?"

James grinned. "I'm in." The team stood agreeing and Brandon grinned. "Gyffindor." They all smiled back. "Gryffindor!!"

The common room exploded with. "GRYFFINDOR!!" Lilly nudged Cleo again. "I say. Your boyfriend is quite the devious fellow."
Cleo smirked proudly at her man's statement as tears threatened to spill down her cheeks. His words pierced her heart and blossomed into a gorgeous rose within her as she leaned against the window and blew him a kiss. She finally turned to Lily, wiping a hand across her cheeks and answered her, "Indeed he is."

She would say no more on the matter, as the girls wound their way to the comfortable couches in front of the fire and settled into them. Cleo sat down in the large loveseat, curling up into it as Lily passed her a fluffy blanket. The girls began gossiping, although, Cleo mostly just listened to them, adding her two cents every now and again. They didn't notice when Peter snuck up behind them to try and scare them, although Cleo really wasn't paying attention, her eyes focused on the warm flames dancing in the grate.

Squeals shocked her out of her trance, and she looked down at the flames, realizing they had darkened to a blackish green, which no one else had noticed. She looked around, rolling her eyes at Peter's antics before looking back at the flames, to find them back to normal. She shook her head while Lily lambasted Peter.

This was what the Quiditch team walked into, a screaming Lily and a cowering Peter while Cleo looked on in amusement. So were the rest of the Gryffindors in the common room.
Brandon had made his team take long hot showers in the changing rooms after so much work in the rain then had cast a spell that covered them all as they went up to the castle, stopping by the kitchens to get everyone some more to eat. So when they entered the common room, each of them was busily munching on something, Brandon feeding himself, Merlin, and Skyfall, the two animals on his shoulders.

He arched an eyebrow at the scene before him then shrugged and moved to the loveseat kissing Cleo then sitting on the arm. he whispered. "Why is Pettigrew getting bawled out this time? And why does Lilly look like she is going to murder him?"

James was with Remus and Sirius asking much the same, while the other five had found seats and in three cases had already fallen asleep.
Cleo answered quietly, "It seems he thought it would be a good idea to scare them." She smiled as Merlin nibbled her ear in greeting. Cleo looked Brandon over before a yawn broke her lips, as she snuggled into the armrest and Brandon's side. She looked over at James, who had now taken over for Lily in berating Peter and grinned. Sirius was scowling at Peter.
Finally Peter spoke up, defending himself, "It was a Joke! Come on guys, I didn't really mean it!!!"

Cleo rolled her eyes and Remus ignored him, his inner wolf prowling the cages. He slowly and tensely made his way over to Cleo's side, sliding down to sit on the floor in front of her. Since she had her legs pulled up, he leaned his head back against her shins.
Cleo placed a hand on his head and he visibly relaxed.

A couple of minutes passed quietly, as Peter walked up to bed. Remus sat, talking quietly to Sirius and James as Lily spoke to Cleo. Cleo had her eyes trained on the fireplace, wondering if what she had seen before had simply been a trick of the light.
"You okay Cleo?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah Lily. I'm fine. Just tired I guess..."
"Brandon, you had better get her to bed before she falls asleep in the chair here!" James said, a grin on his face. Cleo stuck her tongue out at him, but struggled to keep her eyes open.
Brandon scooped her up and carried her out of the dormitory without a word, just nodding to his housemates. He waited until the Fat Lady had shut behind them before turning to a passage. The castle once again gave its aid to Cleo.

He opened their room, Skyfall running to his bed, Merlin fluttering over to his perch as Brandon lay Cleo on their bed and flopped down beside her, flicking his wand at their feet, their shoes and socks popping off.

He gave a pleased sigh then a groan. "That practice was murder. Still we look great. Did you have fun with Lilly?"

He took her hand kissing it lightly as he watched her face.
"Yes. We found the perfect dresses for the ball on Saturday." Cleo snuggled into his side, pressing one hand down the length of her body and changing her clothes into a pair of booty shorts and a tank top to sleep in. "I was wondering, would you mind giving up our room on Saturday so Lily and I can get ready for the ball? We'll meet you guys down at the front entrance."

Cleo sleepily looked up at him, caught in a yawn as she waited for his answer.

The next morning, Cleo woke early, startled to find Brandon still asleep next to her. For once she was up before him. She gave a Slytherin smirk and snuck a hand under the covers, laying it gently on his stomach. She quickly found his arms and slowly straddled his waist, her legs clamping down on his arms so that she could find his tickle spot and tickle him away, which she did with great accuracy.
He nodded. "Of course. I need to go get your corsage ready anyway." He drifted off about the same time she did.

When she began tickling him he flinched. "Woman!! Get off me!" He rolled them over grabbing her arms and pushing them up over her head as he began to kiss her.

"No tickling." He bit her lip sucking it lightly his eyes flashing at her dangerously.
"Or what?" She challenged as she wriggled under him. Her smile lit up her face as she grinned at him.

Skyfall yawned and stretched from his spot on the end of the bed before jumping down and making his way into the living room. Merlin hooted softly, and fell back asleep, tucking his head under his wing.

"Good morning Brandon." Cleo said as she looked at him from underneath him. She didn't move under him, staying relaxed as she yawned. The castle provided a window, through which the warm morning sun shone.
Brandon smirked kissing her deeply running a hand through her hair stroking her scalp and neck tenderly. "Or I shall have to kiss you until you beg me to stop."

He immediately kissed her hard and deep, pressing tighter against her, wrapping about her as he lightly lapped at her lips and tongue, sucking them as well. He broke the kiss to press his forehead against hers. "Have I mentioned that i love you recently? And that you are the most beautiful and best tasting woman ever?"

He chuckled as he resumed kissing her, drawing her in close, his need for her almost a hunger.
"Not this morning..." Cleo smiled before she kissed him back, enjoying the morning glow around them. She pulled away, checking the time and yawning before slipping out of bed and heading to the shower. "I'll be out in five." She said as she grabbed a change of underwear, emerald green silk, for the day.

The shower was quick, and cold, waking her up fully. She dressed quickly, drying her hair with a spell and walking out. Her body shivered from the cold air. She put on her uniform for the day and turned to look at Merlin as he hooted. She walked over to him and extended her arm, letting the owl climb on to her forearm as she walked out to the living room. She packed her bag and was soon ready to go.

"Brandon! Are you re... Oh." Cleo spoke as she turned around, only to find him behind her. She smirked an stuck her tongue out at him.
He leaned in and kissed her tongue growling as he did so. Having scrubbed forever after practice he was willing to go without a shower this morning and her tickling then kissing had fully awakened him.

He patted her bottom shooing her out of their room. "Come on you. We have classes to attend. And i have to go get shouted at."

Before she could ask he walked over to a group of seventh years, all of whom he had refused to put on the Quidditch Team. For some reason they were very angry at him because of last night and told him so. Brandon simply stood letting them abuse him until finally they fell silent. One snapped. "Well?! Aren't you going to tell us why we couldn't play on your damn team?"

They had noticed McGongall behind them but Brandon had, though he didn't need her. He smiled coldly. "Yes. Because you were all bollocks." he then turned away took Cleo's arm and lead her to the Great hall for breakfast, leaving the stunned seventh years to the mercy of McGongall, who was furious that her Quidditch captain had been abused, in public, by her seventh years, and the punishments she came up with were quite effective and imaginative.
"I think you might have a Slytherin streak Brandon." Cleo said as the two walked away from the group. They entered the Great Hall as Regulus and Severus rushed over. "Have you seen the papers Cleo!?" Cleo looked at them strangely and shook her head. As Severus grabbed one from a passing student, Cleopatra noticed that most of the other students were quiet and looking at her. "What happened?"

Severus passed the paper to her. The headline said, 'The Gale Manor Attacked'
Cleo stared at the paper as it showed the house she had grown up in on fire. The house, although burning, seemed to show no damage. She took a breath, before she started to read the article to herself, a tear sliding from her eye, ignored as it created a path down her cheek.
"Last night He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and his followers attacked Gale Manor. The family survived, and the home was not damaged. However, a message was left behind, for the young mistress. We do not have any more information at this time, and the family has refused to comment."
Cleo was so enraged that her hands were smoking from where she gripped the newspaper. Severus took a step back from her as he studied her. Her father's owl flew up and landed on Brandon's shoulder, not willing to get any closer to her. In it's claws, it carried a missive from her father, and the message from Voldemort.
He laughed. "I'm a big brother my love. Tricking and out-thinkling people is part of what I do." He was just about to help her sit when severus spoke.

He read the story over her shoulder his own eyes blazing, though he was relieved to see that her family was unharmed. When the owl landed on his shoulder he pulled the letter and message off and wrote a small note back to her father.

"Take care sir. We have Dumbledore and Howarts itself to protect us. I look forward to meeting all of you safe and happy.

He gave the note to the owl who hooted at Cleo wanting to see if she had a response. The letter from her father and message from Voldemort lay in front of Cleo unopened.

Brandon gently pulled the paper away from her. "Open the messages my love. Make sure no one and nothing was hurt. Then lets go for a walk."
Cleo swallowed and nodded silently. She gently released the paper, which was singed where her fingers had touched, and turned her attention to the letter from her father.
'My dear little rosebud,
As you have probably read by now, we were attacked by Voldemort. We are all safe, as are Curly, Demie, and Krick. I'm sorry to say we lost a hatchling nest of owlets who couldn't be rescued. The house itself is fine, and simply singed. I wish you the best, and know that you are as safe as can be.
I love you, and your mother sends her love as well.
Your father,
Lord Blackson Gale.'

Cleo took a cleansing breath before closing her eyes and relaxing a bit. When they opened, Severus immediately took a step back. Her usually bright amethyst eyes were a deep dark purple. So dark, in fact they were void of life. Of that spark of happiness. Instead, a cold flame burned within. The tips of her hair twisted and curled of their own accord as she tried to rein in her magic.
She quickly wrote a response, assuring her father and mother of her safety and the joy of knowing they were safe and sound, before sending Mars away. She then turned her attention to the unassuming folded piece of paper. She pointed her wand at it, checking it for curses, before placing a bubble of power around it and opening it without touching it. From the sheet a ghostly skull with a rose between its teeth floated up. It's message was clear, as it spoke, loud enough for only those surrounding it to hear it. "I bid you a hello my black rose. In time you will join me, and you will be the dark queen. Do not fight your destiny, for you are bound to become MINE!"
The skull and parchment exploded, covering the insides of the bubble with a noxious greenish black liquid, althought the side facing her remained clear.

Cleo stared at the bubble floating above her, seemingly in a catatonic trance. Inside though, she writhed with rage, 'How dare he threaten my family!? He'll die for this! I'll kill him, even if I have to die myself to do it! He tried to kill MY SOULBOND!!!!'
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