The Whomping Willow (Kiandra_Black & Greeneyed23)

He leaned down and kiss her neck hungrily. "Darling you always get me off." As she touched him his body tensed and thrilled to her touch and then with a twist his left hand slipped fully into her as then with a pop her ass was suddenly clasped around his wrist.

he growled nibbling now."It seems you insist on having all of me you can get my love."
She shuddered within his grasp, her body clamped down around both of his wrists. Her head tilted as she gasped for air. Her pussy shivered and she held him tighter as a climax filled her from head to toe. She whispered his name as she came, and slowly her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she passed out in his arms at the sensations coursing through her.
When she woke she was freshly cleaned and dressed in a white silk nightie and tucked into their bed. Brandon was beside her also freshly washed, his hair having fallen into his eyes as he lay wrapped around her protectively his left arm over her flat tummy his right under her neck, his body between her and the door. He was shirtless and the soft candlelight made his powerful torso glow.

Skyfall and Merlin were asleep at the foot of the bed, Skyfall wrapped around her feet while Merlin was on a bedpost his head tucked under his left wing. He was a strange owl. He refused to sleep in the owlery with the others and though owls were noted for their loyalty, his devotion to Brandon was something more.

Cleo and Brandon's wands were side by side on the nightstand, his dark and hard but with an aura of the power and restraint that he was so known for. Her larger wand belied the sweet goodness that he adored her for. At that moment he murmured her name in his sleep and snuggled closer to her his lips pressing her shoulder and golden sparks shot from his wand. Merlin gave a low hoot at the sound but did not move.
Cleo opened her eyes, and looked up at the ceiling, trying to figure out what had happened. The last thing she remembered was Brandon pushing his other hand completely into her ass. She shifted her hips experimentally, and winced at the soreness, but it was a good soreness.

She glanced to the side, to study Brandon, who was asleep. A smile graced her lips as she lifted one of her hands and pushed the fringe of his hair out of his face and behind his ear. She snuggled closer as Skyfall shifted at her feet. She looked down and smiled at their two pets, and simply let sleep take over again.

The next morning dawned early, and Cleo shifted in her sleep, snuggling closer to Brandon and placing a kiss against his chest, turning onto her side facing him and slipping a shapely leg between his.
The door slammed open and Professor McGonagall swept in. "Krissin!!"

Brandon was up his wand in hand between the professor and Cleo before either woman could react. McGonagall flinched at his speed then flushed as she noticed he was naked. She waved her wand putting him in pants then looked at Cleo. "May i assume that Mr. Krissin has been with you for the last few days?"

Brandon arched an eyebrow. "Of course I have Professor...why?"

McGonagall ignored him waiting for Cleo to answer. As she waited Professor Flitwick rushed in. "Krissin the Great Hall was invaded by a pair of dragons! Did you- oh." he saw the glowering McGonagall then followed her gaze to Cleo now utterly confused knowing that she would never do such a thing.
Cleo awoke when the door slammed open. She pulled the sheets up around her, even though she had her nightgown on. When she looked up, Brandon was in front, between her and Professor McGonagall, wand out. She didn't move, simply waited for Brandon to calm. She answered Professor McGonagall simply with a nod as Brandon answered as well.

When Professor Flitwick rushed in she turned her amethyst gaze towards him. As he spoke, her eyes widened at his news. "Dragons? How did that happen?" She quickly got up, and placed her hand on Brandon's wand arm, which was still outstretched towards their teacher. "Brandon has been here with me, taking care of me. He couldn't have done this."

She quickly grabbed a silk robe and wrapped it around herself before grabbing her wand. "Do you need our help?"
"No fortunately but several students were hurt and there indications it was done by someone talented but no one left any of the four dormitories. And we were assured it was not you. So we had to be sure it was not Mr. Krissin." Flitwick explained patiently but McGonagall expression did not falter and Brandon did not relax. There was something more going on.

Brandon cocked his head to the side. "You hoped it was me or some other student. Something foolish but not malicious. But it wasn't. Was it?"

She bit her lip and shook her head.

Brandon winced. "Cleo...she never thought it was me. She just hoped it was so it wouldn't be...him." Even at the vague allusion to the Dark Lord both professors flinched. Brandon shook his head. "I doubt this would be in line. Not his style." Even as he said this he resumed his protective stance around Cleo, unaware he was even doing it, while Skyfall mewed from between his mistress' feet and Merlin hooted as he landed lightly on his shoulder.

Something in this caught the two professor's attention. all three, even the room itself seemed to instantly shift to protect Cleo. She was far from helpless but something in her called out to the three and the room itself. There was no active thought to it but it was simply there. The large young man still brandishing his wand, the cat glaring around suspiciously, the owl guarding her with it's own body, the room adjusting the windows and doors so they gave line of fire at Cleo. McGonagall promised herself to speak to Albus about this. This was very odd. Even for Hogwarts.
Cleo looked at Professor McGonagall as Brandon explained what had happened. She felt the shift as it happened, more aware of Hogwarts as it surrounded and changed shape around them. Skyfall meowed at her from between her legs and she knelt to pick him up, her other hand calling her wand to it using wandless magic.

"Brandon is right. Lord Voldemort wouldn't play a practical joke, even one such as this. There's something else going on. Are there any clues?"

Her voice was quiet as she asked Professor McGonagall what exactly they had found. She seemed helpless, but her eyes gave it away. She was a powerful witch, a true counterpart to Brandon's magic. She wasn't going to go down without a fight.

Hogwarts suddenly completely removed the window to their room. Cleo looked around, before looking up at Brandon, a slightly confused look on her face. What the bloody hell was going on?
Brandon shrugged as FLitwick and McGonagall flinched at Cleo's use of the name. He still kept his protective bearing. "I would hazard a guess that Voldermort is up to something and this wonderful castle is doing what it does best. Protecting her students."

The castle was clearly touched by his words as suddenly he was in his clothes and his hair was brushed and put into a ponytail and he blinked. "It fed me too." He smiled. "I love Hogwarts."

Merlin hooted as the castle seemed to hum around them. Brandon shook himself and looked at the Professors. "So What do you want us to do?"

Flitwick blinked finally coming to terms with hearing two students calmly saying the NAME, and answered. "We really aren't sure. We've done a search and there is no sign of him or his followers." McGonagall nodded. "Hagrid is tearing through the Forbidden Forest with the centaurs help, Professor Dumbeldore is speaking with the MerQueen, the other professors are activating their various protections and we are alerting the Head Boy and Girl, all the Prefects and Quidditch Captains....and you two. We need you in class today. Keep an eye out. And when you can try to calm the younger students. Many of them are rather upset about the dragons, and of course when it's clear it wasn't some dumb prank they will assume, likely correctly, it was....HIM."

Brandon flourished his wand then pushed it into it's hidden slip on his belt. "Of course professor." he looked at his lover and smiled taking her hand. 'Shall we go favor the masses with our presence?" Merlin hooted and clouted him with a wing and Skyfall hissed from his mother's arms. Brandon grinned. "I was only kidding." Merlin hooted indignantly and clouted him again.

"Alright alright. I'll behave. Merlin's pants but you hit hard." Merlin looked very pleased with this pronouncement and the invocation of his namesake and fluttered to his master's shoulder gazing down at them all with a rather imperious gesture that Skyfall shared from his favorite perch. Brandon smirked stroking the owl's wings, making the bird nuzzle him and nodded. "Alright you're coming to. I have an idea I may need you." He turned to Cleo again and gave her his biggest puppy face. 'Can Skyfall come too?"

The two professors were rather taken aback by Brandon's playful manner both having never seen him like this and not thinking it entirely appropriate response to the situation. Brandon let Cleo see what was going on, sure she would understand. Humor and silliness were his shield. He preferred to laugh at danger and piss it off. And he was ready to fight. That was beyond clear. he simply bristled with martial energy but he restrained it well, only let his lover truly see it.
With a flick of her wand, Cleo was dressed, hair pulled up into a high ponytail, and ready to go. She smiled at Merlin, and scratched under his beak down to his belly before turning to Brandon's question. "Skyfall can certainly join us, if he wants to." Her voice brooked no arguments as she placed Skyfall on the ground between them. The cat sat up imperiously and led the way out the door, nodding to both Professors as he passed.
"Don't worry, we'll be on the watch." Cleo told them as she took Brandon's hand into her own. Sparks flew from their entwined fingers and Hogwarts hummed again.

Professor Flitwick stared at them in utter shock, but at McGonagall's glance, kept his mouth shut.

Cleo could feel Brandon ready to fight and protect her, and she hoped that when it came time to fight, he would allow her some fun. She smiled at him and pulled him along, following their professors and Skyfall out the door of their shared rooms.
Brandon was whistling a happy little tune as he let Cleo lead the way. He trusted her instincts to lead them as needed. Merlin hopped back onto her shoulder nuzzling her head and hooting softly as he spied something in the shadows before them.

Brandon shook his head. "It's the quartet. Off on one of their adventures. Pretend not to see them. Best not let them know we know. Especially with the teachers around....what do you think Voldemort is up to?"

He gently took her hand kissing it. "I'm sure to sound a total misogynist but I will kill that bastard before he lays a hand on you. I swear it."
Cleo slipped a hand through the feathers on Merlin's chest before turning to Brandon. "Those four get into the most trouble. If I had been a part of that group, we would have always gotten away. I do hope they know hat if they stand between me and that rat, they'll suffer the consequences." That last sentence was uttered loud enough for the quartet to hear it, but not the teachers. Her voice held a deadly silence afterwards, and every single one felt the chill within their bones.

She smiled at Brandon's gentleman gesture and giggled at his statement. She knew he was trying to make light of it, but she was afraid. Afraid he would fail, or changing sides. Darkness resided within her, yet she didn't let it win. The Gale family had dark spells tied to their ancestry, and she worried that those spells would eventually rear their heads within her, or that Voldemort would use them against her, or even worse... Against Brandon.
He sensed this somehow and as they rounded a corner he spun on his heel and pulled her to him, into a deep hungry kiss. 'I know I can trust you Cleo. Your life, your heart, you, are all mine. That cannot be lost no matter what. There is nothing to be afraid of."

He kissed her again then shrugged. "Not sure where that came from. But ain't nothing or no one guna pull us apart...cept maybe Skyfall." The cat gave a loud plaintive cry and Brandon bent scooping him up to pout the cat n his shoulders then walked on in silence, still holding his lover's hand.
Cleo smiled at his assurances and kissed him gently on the cheek before they began moving again. She spoke, mostly to herself as the professors followed them to the Great Hall, "Wonder if they placed the dragons somewhere else or just killed them. They would have been so beautiful..."

The four rounded the corner and entered the Great Hall and were immediately surrounded. Four faces looked up at them and Cleo recognized Brandon's little siblings as she took another look around. "Hush little ones. It'll be just fine. Or don't you trust your professors?"
The ten and eleven year olds simply nodded and a couple returned to their own house tables. Brandon's siblings, however, stayed close.
He knelt among them giving hugs and kisses. "It's alright small ones. I'm here." A nearby sixth year scowled and another beside him gave a sour face but Brandon did not see, and the kids truly did relax around their brother, so only Cleo could see the skeptics.

Brandon wrapped his arms around the four and lifted them up. "How are you doing brats?" They cried out but hugged their brother gratefully, smiling at Cleo. They adored her as it was since she made their brother so happy. Brandon whispered and one of the girls reached out and snagged Cleo's hand and he then lead them all to a clear table near the head of the room. It was a Hufflepuff but they didn't mind sharing, as they also provided the fewest issues of the four tables.

Brandon got them all eating. including Cleo, and spooned up servings for Skyfall who tucked himself into a crevice between a pitcher and a bowl of fruit eating from his plate, while Merlin found a spot between the boys and nipped at their food in addition to the plate prepared for him. Brandon smiled and quickly but gently caught and squeezed Cleo's hand. "Are you alright my love?" The question clearly had subtext but he couldn't say more around the youngins.

Being young boys they also focused on the same question Cleo had. "Brandon what happened to the dragon?!"

Brandon shrugged. "Not sure....Hey Hagrid!!"

The huge man turned as he shuffled by. "Yes?"

"What happened to the dragon?"

Hagrid sighed. "They sent him to the north. Poor lil fella. I coulda raised him....."

Brandon grinned as the quads started peppering Hagrid with questions about dragon which he was only too happy to answer. He pulled his huge chair around and sat at the end of the table chatting with the youngins while Brandon grinned and resumed his own meal. "Nothing like Hagrid and dragons to settle them down."

Soon every first year in the Hall was gathered around listening to Hagrid talk about dragons and the various other beasties he cared for, including Cleo's, and soon the whole school, even the snottiest of the lot, were listening raptly as Hagrid explained in his rather odd but knowledgeable way about his favorite subject.
Cleo laughed and took her hand and they walked over to the table. She ignored the looks, but for a slight narrowing of her eyes as she filed the information away for later. Cleo sat down and rolled her eyes as Brandon placed a plate before her. A smile lit her face up as she recognized all her favorites. She ate slowly, her eyes watching over the first years as they all ate their food as well. A hand of hers twirled Skyfall's tail in her usual way and he ignored her, simply twitching it in her grasp while he ate. When he finished he found his way into his mistress' lap and curled up, cleaning his face.

"Merlin, don't eat too much. You'll feel sick after wards." The owl hooted at her and she turned her attention to what Brandon was saying about the dragon. Cleo smiled as Hagrid sat down and smirked as he was soon surrounded.

A peculiar thing happened, while everyone sat eating. The Great Hall became... homey. As if it was suddenly the safest place on earth. Cleo took a breath and let it out, silently thanking the castle as Dumbledore nodded to her and smiled, the familiar twinkle in his eyes.

Remus, James and Sirius sat down across from them and Cleo nodded in greeting to the three of them. They started up a lively discussion on Quiditch and Cleo sat and listened.

A large black eagle, bearing the crest of the Gale house, dived down near them and gently tapped her shoulder. It passed her the letter it carried, before flying off, too proud to eat anything offered, as usual. She smirked as she tapped the letter and it opened, first turning into a water lily before unfurling completely. She read her father's letter quietly to herself, and snorted at the way he threatened Brandon for spoiling his baby girl. However he was happy she was happy and he was inviting Brandon over for Christmas break, along with an invitation for his family to their annual New Year's Formal. Cleo was tickled pink over her parents' acceptance of her relationship with Brandon. So happy in fact that she did something that was usually kept under wraps...

She squealed. Like a female. In front of everyone. As if that wasn't enough for the usually quiet female, she turned to Brandon, grabbed his face with both hands and proceeded to kiss his brains out before letting him go and passing him the letter her father had sent her, bouncing in her seat impatiently, while waiting for him to regain himself to read it completely.
Brandon had not even been looking at Cleo when she finished the letter, his sisters having been asking him about a magical subject when suddenly Cleo gripped his face and kissed him. He kissed back but all thought was entirely blown away by her passion.

He stared at her in pleased shock for a full minute then slowly blinked, did so a few more times then smiled and looked down at the letter.

It took him a long while to remember how to read after that kiss but then he managed to pick it back up and read through the letter. Twice.

He grinned and nodded. "Of course we'll come. That's wonderful. Thank you father for us.... And thank you for the kiss."

He reached out taking her hand. "I shall have to return the favor at some point." His eyes flashed playfully though he also let her know he meant.
Cleo smirked at him, nodding before taking the letter and folding it up. Lily sat down across from them, and smiled, "Good news I presume?"
"Yes. My family wants to meet Brandon. This is great!"

Lily laughed at her exuberance and asked, "Did you forget about the Halloween ball this weekend?" Cleo looked up at Lily with wide eyes, which answered her question clearly. Lily smirked and stood, nodding to herself. "Come on up to the Gryffindor common rooms tonight. We can have girl talk and let the boys go out to play Quidditch. I have a dress which is perfect for you."
"Aw! Thanks Lily. You are the best!!!" Cleo smiled widely at her and the two rolled their eyes when James strolled by, saying out loud, "Of course she's the best!"
Remus snickered at him as Sirius made a funny face behind James' back before hurrying behind his friend.

Cleo turned to Brandon, "Does that sound acceptable to you Mr Krissin?" A smile on her face lit up her eyes, and she looked radiant.
Brandon had ignored the two girls as Lily had been busy gushing over a dress and his sisters had been begging for homework help which his brothers pretended not to need but were carefully listening to as well.

He was in the middle of demonstrating a rather complicated little twist of the wand while explaining what it did to the spell used and how the spell affected the target when the girls turned on him but instead of answering them he finished explaining first smiling as four little hands scrambled with their quills to capture it. The girls wrote what he said then expounded on it, while the boys tended to just write what he said and then point out how cool it would be to use the spell, which was a simple mending charm. Finally they finished and he turned to look at his lover his eyes not really even seeing Lily.

"But of course my love."

Lily jumped in with a wicked smile. "Are you prepared Brandon?"

He smirked. "Evans I will have you know that my dress robes have been well pressed, hung up, and ready since I received my new accommodations." Her eyes narrowed. "Trying to show Cleo up?"

Brandon reached across and took Cleo's hand. "Never in life. But when a man is with such a beautiful woman and a social event is coming up it is wise of him to be prepared. i also have her corsage ready...sort of. Hagrid is helping me grow it." Lily blinked as he smiled at Cleo his eyes bright and glowing.

What none of the three noticed was the Marauders quickly writing that down. Even they weren't dumb enough to forget such an obvious lesson in the area of love. Of course James' eyes lingered on Evans but he got caught by one of Brandon's sisters. "Ooooh! He's blushing!!" James started to snap but then considered who she was and turned away,to the merriment of his fellows.

Brandon's eyes turned to Lily. "You taking Severus?"

The topic of discussion had just arrived in the hall and was seated at his own table but he looked bored and as always slightly out of place. His 'friends' were delighting in reading some idiotic article in the Prophet. On a whim Brandon gestured for him to come over. Severus tried to wave off but ultimately gave in, on to be genuinely delighted at seeing his two friends sitting together and surprised when the Krissin's made room for him to sit by Brandon.

Once sitting down he looked even more out of place but somehow pleased. Brandon patted him on the shoulder. "So Sev, you going to the Halloween Ball?"
Cleo grinned at him and rolled her eyes as the rest of the boys wrote down what he said. She and Lily shared a smirk before she noticed Brandon motion Severus over to their table. She smiled at his thoughtfulness and waved to her dearest friend. He smiled back sweetly, before turning to speak with Brandon. "Eh, I'm not sure to be completely honest. I don't have a date and all..." He glanced surreptitiously up at Lily, who was oblivious as she studied Cleo while the two spoke about different dress designs.

The two girls broke out into a small argument before Lily turned to Brandon and asked him, quite loudly, "Brandon, what's your favorite color?"
She stared at him, waiting for his answer while Cleo smacked her forehead in exasperation. Skyfall crawled into her lap, purring, and she offered him a loving stroke down his back while Merlin hooted for attention as well. Cleo giggled and scratched his chin, after which, he nibbled on her fingers in thanks.

Regulus entered the Great Hall, and quietly made his way over to the group. He smacked his older brother upside the head before sitting down on Cleo's other side, knowing she would protect him from Sirius. "Was that really necessary Black?"
"Nope. But it was fun!" He answered her question with a cheeky grin as Sirius scowled at him. James simply grinned as Remus snickered behind his hand.

Cleo checked the time, and realized that classes would soon begin. "All right, everyone, classes start soon. Up and at it. Lily and her stood together as they gave the boys around them THAT look. The one that brooked no arguments. Sirius and James both stuck their tongues out at them, but stood. Regulus and Severus both looked at them and exchanged looks with Remus, the three laughing at the way the two troublemakers had nearly immediately stood to avoid problems. Cleo turned to look at Brandon, her amethyst eyes shining brightly.
Brandon smirked. "For the longest time it was black. But I am beginning to really enjoy amethyst." He let that hang on the air when one of his sisters blurted. "Like Cleo's eyes?!" The other three smacked their faces in embarrassment and she called out. "What?!"

Brandon smiled and kissed the girl atop the head. "Yes wee one. Exactly like Cleo's eyes." Now the girls both cooed as he stood gathering his things. Then he barked. "OI GRYFFINDOR QUIDDITCH!! BE AT THE PITCH AT 4 PM EXACTLY!! Means you too Potter!!"

He ignored James' scowl as he moved around the table and kissed Cleo. "Need to speak to McGonagall and the other teachers about some Quidditch business then I'll see you in class love." He kissed her again then went up to the High Table, just as Dumbledore appeared, the Headmaster waved him over and they began discussing something.

The quads looked at their brother then at the all the people leaving then gathered around Cleo's legs. Caleb, William, Janice, and Mellwyn (poor girl had been named after their grandmother to appease the old cow, She went by Melly) all looked up at her nervously. "Will you help us get to class?" Remus was there instantly. "Has someone been picking on you?"

They shook their heads, drawing even closer to Cleo. "But someone said their was monsters in the halls..." Melly turned to Cleo. "Please Cleo? If we can't have Brandon we want you."

Severus arched an eyebrow. "It would seem you have been adopted Cleo."

Brandon saw none of this because he was now answering questions from nearly every teacher in the school while trying to fend Slughorn off. The many was always trying to collect him.
Cleo smiled down at the four and nodded before looking up at Severus. "I don't mind at all. Come along." She led the way to their first class, all the while speaking to Remus and Severus quietly. Regulus walked a bit with them, before breaking away to head to his class.

Once Cleo made sure the quad was settled in class, the three headed to Defense against the Dark Arts. Cleo sat near the back, Severus between her and the wall. The other seat next to her was left open for Brandon. Remus and Lily sat in front of them, an empty seat next to them. James and Sirius sat across the walkway from Lily, with Peter slinking in late to sit on their other side.

Class started and Cleo began taking notes and listening, just in case Brandon missed the class, she could help him catch up.
Brandon burst into class only a minute into the class panting. The teacher whirled on him and he grinned sheepishly. "Sorry Professor..."

"And just what is your excuse for tardiness Mr. Krissin?"

Brandon winced. "Professor Dumbledore needed me to clean up the remains of a practical joke in the teacher's lounge. Seems my Quidditch team did it. I have a note." He handed it over and the teacher read it, sniffed, then nodded. Krissin went to his place by Cleo but he glared at James who actually shrank in his chair. Brandon hissed. "Everyone gets extra drills tonight Potter."

James winced as most of the team was in the room and all of them glared at him in rage. Brandon's drills were very in depth and quite helpful, but also long, painful, and exhausting. James flushed even more as Sirius leaned over. "Bad luck Prongs.... I'll tell your folks."

Brandon flopped into his feet sighing while the teacher began shushing the grumbling and resumed class mistakenly restarting the class. Brandon sighed and spoke from the corner of his mouth. "The idiots enchanted the tea set to vomit up whatever they put in it as a number of different substances of various colors. including blood, urine, and what Slughorn claims was eyejuice extract." Severus made a disgusted expression and Brandon nodded. "You got it in one Sev." He glared at the teacher for another moment then sighed and sat up and leaned over kissing Cleo's cheek and wrote over her notes. "Thanks for copying babe. Owe ya one."

He sat back and began taking his own notes.
Cleo smirked as he explained what had happened. She shook her head and whispered, "Amateurs." Sirius glared back at her playfully as Remus snorted in laughter. James simply ignored her, staring forward resolutely. She went back to taking notes, when a note, folded up to look like a swan flew to her desk. She smiled up at Lily who mouthed, "Open it!"
Cleo did, and read it quickly. She grinned and nodded to Lily, destroying the note before Brandon could take a look.

Class quickly passed, between paying attention, note-taking, and ignoring the troublemakers, and Cleo placed her books into her side bag. She stood, placing her hand into Brandon's. The group made their way to the next class, Herbology, and pretty much goofed off. They had the boring task of repotting the Snooty Victorian Tea Roses. They were more like the roses found in Wonderland, and they acted like royalty. Cleo waited until Brandon wasn't paying attention to her before launching a clod of dirt to the back of his head.

Remus snickered as Brandon was hit square in the back of his head. Cleo stared at him with wide eyes and completely innocent facial expressions before turning to point at Sirius, who was whistling away and for once actually doing what he was supposed to. Which of course made him look quite guilty as sin. Cleo couldn't hide the grin at him, he was the perfect victim.
Brandon's eyes narrowed as he started to hex Sirius when Cleo's Tea Rose spoke up. "it wasn't him. it was her!!" It and then it's fellows pointed at Cleo.

Brandon looked at Remus who flinched and tried to cover but it was too late. Brandon looked at Cleo and his eyes blazed. The roses again chimed in chorus. "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh You're guna get it....."

Brandon just smiled. "Thank you my love."

He turned back to his work letting everyone wonder what he was going to do as he seemed so focused and oddly calm. he was even bloody whistling!

Remus shifted closer to Cleo. "What is he guna do?"

James was carefully staying out of it for once, and Sev had even stepped away from Lilly suspecting she was involved. Sirius had also backed away as the Roses suddenly began to sing in a rather good yet irritating choir that Cleo and Remus had pelted Brandon with dirt. Brandon actually told them to knock it off and when they wouldn't he cast a silencing spell on the lot but it was too late.

Professor Sprout whirled toward the pair. "Oh too busy showing off to work eh? And you a Prefect Mr. Lupin. Five points from both houses. Mr. Krissin what have you done?"

She had to ask because the entire table of Roses were shaking tiny angry fists at him making incredibly rude gestures. He shrugged. "Their singing sucks Professor."

The whole class laughed and Brandon moved to his lover's side as the Professor handled the Roses as best she could. He whispered. "next time don't do it in front of tattly plants my love." He kissed her cheek, pinched her ass then moved back as Sprout began shouting for his help, namely to apologize to the roses.
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