The Whomping Willow (Kiandra_Black & Greeneyed23)

Cleo swallowed his cum, gently licking him before looking up at him wickedly.

"That was the idea love. Just think, you'll be studying in class, and suddenly have a flashback of me on my knees sucking you off. Won't that throw you through a loop?"

She stood up slowly within the spray and began washing, soaping up her irritated skin with a gentle oil based cleanser. She slicked her skin and then began trying to slick her back. Of course she couldn't stretch far enough. She looked back at Brandon, a pleading look in her eyes.
Brandon smirked and moved to help her wash herself down, gently rubbing the thick suds into her skin and hair. "Then how about this?" He kissed her neck softly his hands running lightly over her flesh.

"I want you to think of something else. I want you to think of me kissing you. Just like this." His lips began to slide over her neck and ears gently tugging them, working to trigger her every pleasure spot.
"Mmmmm. Sound amazing." Her voice was quiet as she enjoyed the soft touches of her boyfriend. She leaned back into him, the silence and calm of the castle surrounding them. Finally she turned in his arms and stood up on her tippy toes to lay a kiss on his lips.

Even though she was enjoying the quiet moment they were having, her clit burned for stimulation. The run had caused her pussy to swell with arousal as she stood in his arms now. Small drops of her honey, dripped down her thigh to mix with the water from the shower.
He nodded as he continued to nibble and tug lightly at her skin then suddenly stepped away leaning against the wall smirking at her. "now tell me. is there something I can do for you milady?" He crossed his arms, unwittingly making his arms swell powerfully while his chest tightened and his chiseled abs tensed even more making him look entirely relaxed yet ready to spring like a panther.

All of this was belied by his very hard and throbbing erection that jutted out toward her proudly and enticingly. His smirk deepened as he studied her form. "Milady has but to ask and her servant shall do anything to please her. Give thy command." His voice was soft but powerful reminding her that while they were equals in magic and skill in their relationship he followed her lead as he viewed her as his queen and would always do so treating her as the royalty he saw her to be. The Queen of his heart.
Her eyes widened in shock and she stared at him hungrily. His body was a work of art, and she was sure that if the statue of David was made like him, it would have to be kept locked away. Her eyes roamed his powerful chest and arms and she felt a flutter of pure female appreciation within her own chest. Her heart beat erratically at his words and she struggled to find the right words to say.
"I... you... oh... please..."
Her mind babbled at her as she tried to speak her desire for his touch, his tongue, and his cock deep within her. In a second though, a calmness overtook her and she took a breath and smiled quite confidently. Now then, how was he going to take her request? Only one way to find out...

"I want you to touch me... deep inside, with your whole hand. I want to be filled completely, from both sides... with your hands." As she quietly spoke her request, her eyes ran over his hands, studying them, like a predator does its prey.
He arched an eyebrow. "Filled? you wish my hands..."

He said no more waiting for her to make her meaning clear, giving her no indication whether he would agree or disagree, making her divulge her desires.
She nodded hesitantly, her eyes watching him carefully for any rejection. However, her pussy was gushing with wetness, her legs trembling so badly that she had to lean back against the wall for some stabilization.

Her legs couldn't hold her much longer, she was so aroused, that she started slowly sliding down the wall, trying desperately to stay upright as she looked up at her boyfriend.
He shrugged and gently pushed her back up and slid his left forefinger into her pussy then after wriggling it about quite a bit pulled it free to be replaced with his right which he used to lightly probe for her gspot as he reached up and began to lightly circle her anus with his left finger watching her closely. "Are you certain my love?"
She nodded vigorously as she looked up at him. Her honey dripped from her, making it quite easy to lubricate his hands as she felt him first in her pussy then circling her anus. She shivered in his arms and spoke, so quietly it sounded like a whisper, "I only trust you to do this Brandon... just you."
He slipped his right middle finger into her pussy, gently rotating his arm, making his fingers drag along her walls, pressing against her gspot, while slowly he pressed against her anus, probing it and teasing lightly making her relax as he gently pressed at her there, making her slowly, ever so slowly stretch.
She slowly relaxed into his arms, a low moan coming from her mouth as she looked down at him with love and trust shining in her eyes. Her mind went blank with pleasure as she smiled at him, her pussy throbbing around his fingers. She pulled him up, realizing, that she didn't want him down there, she wanted him where she could kiss him, look into his eyes, and make love. "I Don't want that... I want you, like this, against the wall."

Her voice was breathless, and she placed a kiss on the tip of his nose before pulling away to look at him, her arms surrounding his shoulders.
He kissed her hungrily tugging her lips. "As you wish my love."

He moved his arms around as needed and gently resumed his careful probing and stretching of her anus, and the pleasuring of her pussy. "We might break something though." his eyes flashed proudly.
A smirk alights on her face. "You think?" She relaxes in his arms, kissing him gently before licking a path to his ear to nibble on his earlobe. She nuzzles the side of his throat and hums against the skin, her honey dripping from her onto him.
He growled into her neck nipping it lightly as he continued to gently push his hands into her body. "Professor Dumbledore likely won't be happy if we break the room he gave us." He continued to growl as he slipped a third finger into her pussy and the full length of his forefinger into her ass.
"Especially if he knows what we were... ahhhh... doing when we broke it.." Cleo's voice was breathless as she spoke to Brandon. As he pressed his full finger into her ass, she gasped and head fell back at the sensation. Her pussy gushed around the three within her, facilitating his entry there.
"Please Brandon... Ohhhh ..."
He nibbled her neck then her ear, gently tugging the lobe. "Yes my love?"

As he spoke he curled his single finger in her ass just as he curled his fingers in her pussy making them touch through her body, hisknuckles bunching up against her gspot.
"Oh!" Her eyes opened wide at the curl of his fingers, her own fingers curling into his back as she fought against cumming so soon. Her body hummed in anticipation and finally she took a breath and relaxed. "Please Brandon, I want more... I'm not going to break babe... "
Her voice whispered into his ear, seductively as she lifted one of her legs to make it easier for him, letting it rest on his hip bone.
He grinned grinding his teeth gently. "Anything for you my love."

He continued to grind his teeth rather lightly on her ear while he managed to get his pinky into her pussy then another finger into her ass still gently running his fingers along her most sensitive places drawing her ever closer and closer to her orgasm. He lightly kissed her neck. "Absolutely anything my queen."
Cleo's pussy clenched around his fingers before she managed to calm herself. She reached up and brought his head down to kiss him, her tongue coming out to run along the seam of his lips before hugging him close. She knew he was close to getting his hand into her pussy, and the anticipation was causing her muscles to spasm against Brandon.

"Oh... yes... that feels... oh god..."
Brandon smirked at his lover and sucked her lip lightly as he gently wriggled his fingers in her body, grinding them together. "That is the point darling."

He ran his tongue lightly over her's and smiled at the taste as he bvegan to spiral his left hand and let her ass suck in both remaining fingers while his thumb slipped into her and with a rather rapid stretch he was now into her pussy up to his wrist. He opened and closed his fingers slowly while his thumb stroked her gspot. he grinned even more at having achieved the goal of the process. 'How's that?
As he finally pushed his whole hand into her pussy, she froze, her eyes opening wide in shock. Her body spasmed against his as she drew him closer for a desperate kiss. She couldn't speak, her mind on a totally different plane right now, and pleasure rushed through her in a long flow as she nearly lost her footing and fell.

She looked up at him with wide eyes, seemingly confused at his question and tried to answer as best as she could, although the only thing that came from her mouth was a long drawn out whine which ended in a purr.
He kissed her back growling against her as he kept gently opening and closing his hand within her as he gently spun his other hand around with her ass. He hissed into her ear. "I think you can let go my love. If you keep holding back you are guna hurt yourself."

He grinned gently tugging her ear. "I am glad you are enjoying."
"Ohhhhhhhhh" she let go as he told her to, her body shutting down as she came hard around his hand. Her honey dripped down his arm, soaking him and her at the amount of honey pouring out of her. She pushed down against his other hand at her ass, wanting him in deep as well there.

"Brandon!" A slight gasp escaped her as his hand opened and closed within her. A shock ran through her as she came again.
He smiled and pulled his left hand back some then using her honey slipped all four fingers into her ass, using her utter relaxation from her orgasm to facilitate the move but stopping there to let her adjust to his placement, resuming his gentle stretching of her body.

he smiled wickedly as he worked one entering her more fully. "Yes my love?" His erection was literally turning purple from his massive arousal now and as she flinched with another orgasm he moaned and began to orgasm as well unable to control or direct because of their position thus he covered her stomach and chest with his seed, mixing the hot sticky with the hot water and rapidly with her own honey. he groaned but by force of will stayed standing despite the rapid shuddering that came with the moment of weakness after orgasm.
Cleo felt him cum against her stomach and looked down, amazed that he had cum with absolutely no stimulation. She gasped his name, and relaxed fully around his left hand as she laid her head on his shoulder. Her hands began to caress his body, slowly making their way down his sides and around to his ass, to hold him up as best as she could.

"Well, seems like I'm not the only one getting off on this..." her voice was low, husky from the amount of sensation bursting through her. Her mind was amazingly clear for once, though that was quickly disappearing again.
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